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Travel Exercise #3:

Writing Tool #16: Odd and Interesting Things

Plaza España sits right in the center of Madrid, the optimal spot to hangout outside on a sunny
day. As the city warms up, it’s sunny and nearly 70 degrees, people flock to Plaza España. It’s
certainly full of people, locals, and tourists alike, but it doesn’t quite feel crowded given the
vastness of the space.

A monument of Miguel de Cervantes stands tall in the middle of the plaza and around it. At
least six people sit at the base, soaking in the sun and reading their books, others are taking
photos in front of it. A middle-aged American couple turns their back to the monument to snap
a selfie. They’re two of many selfie-takers at the plaza.

Another couple, two millennials, initiates their own photoshoot nearby, the man taking on the
role of photographer. He crouches down as she poses in front of the monument. After a few
shots, she checks the photos on the iPhone then continues to pose, switching it up.

On the other side of the monument, a camera crew prepares for a video shoot. Three men
sport black polo shirts labeled “Soho Broadcasting.” The fourth one wears a white button down
and holds a large microphone. Their business attracts several onlookers, curious about what
they may be shooting.

Past the monument, there are patches of green grass, unobstructed by trees. A group of girls
capitalize on the sunny spot and sunbathe, one of them even wearing a bikini atop her linen
shorts. They chat over the respectfully quiet music playing from their portable speaker.

A man walks by with a shaggy grey dog, that catches the girls’ attention. One of them even
discreetly snaps a picture with her phone. The man, clearly not as excited by the warm weather,
is dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

Suddenly a group of adolescent French students infiltrate the plaza, all lead by two teachers
holding their arms up high. It’s a diverse group of kids, but they all wear identical red t-shirts.
Their excitement is obvious, and they all beam with energy, but the teachers are patient and
composed as they herd the group through the plaza.

The backend of the plaza is the least peaceful and quiet given the playground stretches across
it. Children giggle and scream, running around and playing as their parents watch from the
surrounding benches. One of the women lights her cigarette, keeping her eyes fixed on her
toddler gliding down the metal slide.

Behind the park is a straight pathway that leads to Parque del Oeste. A young woman on her
midday run, dressed in all black exercise clothing, weaves through the walkers. Her blond
ponytail whips from side to side as she zooms by young men enjoying beers and massive
Four American girls approach the Plaza from the park. One of them navigates the rest, looking
up and down from her phone map. “Let’s go to Zara, there’s a huge one right there” she said.
The rest of the girls happily comply. “I actually need something green for Dublin this weekend”
one of the other chimes in.

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