PL Matrix 6

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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Day 1 Activity Sheet

Owner/Creator Author/Meredith Tongue
Site Found Microsoft Forms and Author Created
Description of Item Content This sheet was given to participants to open the
PL session on Day 1. The QR Code on the sheet
linked to the pre assessment survey so that that
data could be easily attained from the
participants. Then participants were instructed
to talk with a neighbor regarding their existing
knowledge of the characteristics of gifted
learners and any instances they had witnessed of
their students having difficulties due to these
characteristics. This was somewhat of a “warm-
up” activity to get conversation and learning
going from the outset.
Relation to Goals/Significance The significance of the data was described above.
The discussion was meant to spur engagement
and to get my participants thinking about the
content related to my goal of increasing
knowledge of characteristics of gifted learners. I
also hoped that some of the veteran teachers
could contribute to the learning by sharing
episodes they had witnessed involving their
gifted students. These relate directly to my first
Acquisition Challenge Level Meredith helped with the QR Code, and I knew
1=Easy; 5=Difficult what I wanted to get people talking about. This
one was not hard.

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