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Proof reading is when you mark any errors in the essay, sentence correcting them.

I when you completely change the sentence, and reword it differently to state what you truly
meant to say.
Example from essay:
Secondly, the sources used by Watson et al, are not random selections, or chosen without
being a purpose.
Fixed sentence:
Secondly, Watson et. al also argues how trauma and bipolar disorder go hand in hand by
involving the rhetorical appeal of logos with research that was not considered through random
selections, or chosen without having a purpose.
First paragraph in my essay:
“According to Watson, et al, there is few research being done in regards to how early
trauma contributes to bipolar disorder. Watson, et al, aimed to have a comparison of rates
between individuals who do not suffer from bipolar disorder and those who have the illness. The
focus is to research more on whether there is a significant link between childhood trauma leading
to a bipolar disorder diagnosis (564, Introduction). Methods used in this research where
assessments that were given to the participants called “Child trauma questionnaire” (CTQ);
according to Watson, et al, this questionnaire is a method in finding an answer to their question
on whether the “Childhood trauma” plays a role in bipolar disorder diagnosis (564, Abstract).
Watson’s, et al, article is effective in supporting its argument because the rhetorical appeals of
logos is seen in the article through the research that has credibility, having used proper approach
in gathering evidence to obtain a profound collection of data on the desired goal.”
Verbs in the paragraph:
Aimed – Past tense
Leading – Present Tense
Finding – Present Tense
Supporting – Present Tense
I need to change the word aimed because it does not match with the other words since
they are present tense not past.
The grammar mistakes I do constantly after 3 essays is incomplete sentences that leave
the reader wondering part of what’s happening within the essay.
The way I can make sure to prevent these errors is to create the sentence, and ask myself
questions to see if my sentence is answering the various responses I need.

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