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Name: Neil Brian Esteban Date: Apr.

25, 2023
Course and Section: Subject: PCBA118


Directions: Analyze and answer the following items in no more than 10 sentences. Use
extra sheets if necessary: (2 items x 10 points)

SCENARIO 1: Holding Charity Auctions in the Office

Angela, the bank employee, approaches Justin, the bank manager and says: “My
daughter is seeking treatment for heart disease and I don’t have a health insurance
policy. My salary is insufficient to meet the medical expenses. Over the years, I’ve
been collecting autographed albums of various artists. I would like to seek for your
permission to hold a charity auction in the office. I will also send fliers to the clients of
our bank. Everyone is welcome to bid for these albums, so I can raise money for the
medical treatment of my child.”

Three (3) other bank employees, Roland, Joven, and Janeth, overheard this
conversation. They empathize to Angela’s situation and they convinced Justin to give
his permission to Angela’s proposal.

Requirement: Based on the given scenario, explain the most appropriate ethical
decision model that can be applied to Angela’s situation.

The ethical decision model that can be applied to Angela’s situation is the most
appropriate ethical choice would be to raise the online auction, based on Angela's
scenario. To help her situation this is an efficient way for everyone interested in bidding
or sharing on all the media platforms to do so. The convenience of an online auction to
both you and the bidders is one of the most important features of a charity auction. If we
were to give each item a photo and description, this would be very helpful and useful.
SCENARIO 2: Misleading for Good Purpose

Vince is the inspector in charge of their local police station. The police station building is
I direct need of repairs, but hasn’t received any grants from the government for years.
One day, a typhoon hits a nearby area that damages most of the houses and shops.
Although Vince’s police station gets partially damaged, most of the structure remains
intact. Due to the incident, the government will send a disaster assessment team to
ascertain the level of damage and will provide relief money for the affected areas. The
Deputy Superintendent Mr. Simon, orders Vince and says: “Hire some laborers and
destroy the remaining structure of the police station building. When the disaster
assessment team comes, tell them that the building collapsed because of the typhoon,
and ask them to give priority in funding the rehabilitation of our police station. After all, it
is one of the most important public offices in town.”

Vince wants to do the right thing and disobey his boss but at the back of his mind, he
also considers that his boss is right and the end result will be beneficial for the police

Requirement: Identify the disparity between belief and behavior in Vince’s situation.

In these circumstances, Vince is of the opinion that it's unnecessary to hire some
workers and demolish a building which could have been time consuming and use up
money left over. Vince behavior would be following the "Deputy Superintendent's" order,
Mr. Simon, which would give more value and benefits gaining an attention from the
government. Therefore, neither of his decisions would solve the problem, as many
people need help, and the funding for the rehabilitation of the police station is not

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