Module 8 - Email Marketing (1)

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Module 8:
Email Marketing
Email Marketing
Content is at the core of all marketing activity. In this course you learn how to plan your content marketing, how
to develop content that works well for your target audience, and how to measure its impact.
Lesson Topic Description
1 Email List Generation In this lesson, you will learn how to build a subscriber list with contact forms and explore the
double opt-in process.
2 Create an Effective Email In this lesson, you will learn how to write subject lines, pre-headers, calls to action, and effective
Campaigns email copy.
3 Create an Email Plan In this lesson, you will learn how to create an email calender and plan different types of email
campaigns, like transactional and drip campaigns. An email plan necessary for developing a
successful email marketing strategy.
4 Measure Results In this lesson, you will learn how to analyze the results of your email campaign, how to use A/B
testing to improve your content, and how to use segmentation to better target specific subscribers.
Email marketing Is never done.
5 Jobs in Email Marketing In this lesson will describe what it’s like to be a Email Marketer and what skills recruiters look for in
the hiring process.
Email marketing is a
way to promote
products or services
through email. Email
marketing is a top
digital media channel,
and it is important for
customers’ acquisition
and retention.
34% of people worldwide use e-mails
such as e-mail. The exact number is
around 2.5 billion people. The
number of email users is expected to
increase to 2.8 billion users in the
next 2 years.

Around 196 billion emails every day.

Of the total 196 billion emails, 109
billion are business emails.
1. Email List Generation
 Email list is a collection of emails that you have
received through your blog or website. It’s a
collection of email addresses used by an
individual or an organization to send marketing
material to multiple recipients.

 What is an email list generator? From the word

itself 'list generator', it is a software or computer
tool used to generate email addresses in bulk.
Meaning to say that if you have this generator,
you do not have to undergo the long process of
acquiring email addresses manually.
How to Build Email Subscriber List
Ask customers to
Offer sign-up forms Offer an exclusive Deliver value-add
sign-up when they Offer free stuff Let them share
on your website opportunity or deal content
make a purchase
• While your • During the • Encourage people • Offer a sale for • Give customers the • Links to articles
customers are checkout process, to sign up by subscribers only. It ability to forward from third parties
browsing your offer a button that offering free can be 10% off or a your emails to or sharing your
website, make gives you content such as first look at a new their friends. Make own expertise is a
sure to give them permission to send white papers, product or even sure to put this great way to build
the opportunity to them email checklists or the ability to option in large credibility and
sign up for your communications. guides. Just make purchase a product print at the top of goodwill at the
newsletters Place this in an sure whatever you before regular the screen to same time. Our
without making a easy to see area so provide, it’s top customers. encourage this advice to
purchase. they can take quality. behavior. The customers is to
advantage of this more your emails remember the
opportunity. Also, are forwarded, the ratio 4:1. For
make sure to let faster your list will every 4 value add
them know you’ll grow and the emails sent, you’ve
never spam them better your “earned the right”
with unwanted chances of to send a
emails. increasing sales. promotional-
focused email.
Double Opt-in Process

A double opt-in is adds an additional step to the email

subscription opt-in process, requiring a user to verify their
email address and confirm interest. Double opt-ins signify
a higher level of user interest, though its effectiveness has
been both lauded and disputed by marketers.

“Marketers generally see about 20-30 percent faster list

growth when they use single opt-in.” – Getreponse.
Advantage & Disadvantage Double Opt-in
Advantage: Disadvantage:
More engaged list Longer sign up process for
Less report email as spam subscriber
Keep your email list clean Some subscriber will forget to
More accurate subscriber click the confirmation link
data Lose out on a lot of potential
A list that built on quality revenue
rather than quantity You can annoy subscribers by
emailing them too often
2. Create an Effective Email Campaigns
An email marketing campaign is a series of emails a business
uses to communicate with current and potentials customers.
They are used to persuade customers to engage with the
company. Email campaigns are an important part of
inbound marketing.
How to Write Subject Lines
The best way to write email subject lines for higher opens (instead
of being marked as spam) are short, descriptive, and give the
reader a reason to explore your message further.
 Did you know that 47% of
email recipients open an
email based on the subject
line alone? At the same
time, 69% of email
recipients report email as
spam based solely on the
subject line.
How to Write Pre-Headers
A preheader (otherwise known as a “Johnson Box'”) is the short
summary text that follows the subject line when viewing an email
from the inbox. Many mobile, desktop and web email clients provide
email preheaders to tip you off on what the message contains before
you open it.
How to Write Subject Lines & Pre
Keep it no more than 45 characters long;
Using figures can increase your open rate by +15%;
Keep it lower caps e.g. “This will change the way you
look” instead of “This Will Change The Way You
Personalizing the email with [[firstname]] increase
open rate +38%.
How to Write Calls to Action

An email marketing call to

action is a button or hyperlinked
line of text that directs a user to a
website of a brand's choosing. The
point of a CTA is to drive
consumers to action. Beside is an
example of a very direct call to
action. The button is visible, eye-
catching, and hard to ignore.
How to Write Calls to Action
Pepper the link at the top,
middle and bottom part of
the email body;
No more than 3 URLS
Examples of high converting
call to actions.
“For more information – click
“Get all the details here”
Effective Email Copy
Email copywriting is the actual
copy — the words — in
your email subject lines and
body content. It's how you
express an idea to convince
prospective customers to
convert. In theory, it's no
different from any other form
of copywriting.
Tips for Email Marketing Copy
 To develop the perfect email marketing copy, here are some significant
tips you should go through before start writing a copy!
Imagine your target • Provide your audience with a bit of background; imagine how they expend their day, what is
audience significant to them, their age., etc. This makes your email copy significant and targeted.

• You can provide your subscribers with a clear perspective about your offers and services. Write a
Start with an objective good copy about your products or services in the manner you would share it with a friend.

Keep a balance between • Making an email subject line that is persuasive, if you undertake a content offer that is not present in the
Subject line & copy body, your email click-through rates will fall, and the custimers will be less probable to go through your
email in the future.
Massage with effective • Good email design makes it simple for readers to connect with the email
design marketing content fast and instinctively.
• Enlist all the methods in which your offer advantages to the readers and make sure
Explain the advantages
these advantages emerge out in your copy.

Analayze & proofread • Those typos and imprecision in your copy can damage your thrustworthiness with
your copy subscribers. That’s why you should always proofread your email copy.
Tips to Improve Email Open rates
Tips to Improve Email Open rates
Avoid Spam Filters
 Make sure you have permission from the owner of the designated
email account.
 Send your e-mail campaign from a good IP address (not used by others
who have sent spam in the past).
 Send your e-mail campaign from a verified domain.
 Keep your email template code clean.
 Avoid using spam words such as "buy", "clearance", "discount" or
 Don't convey sentences that are "bait-and-switch" or deceive readers.
 Tell your location.
 Make a clear CTA.
3.Create an Email Plan
An email marketing calendar is a schedule of what you’ll send to your
subscribers and when. It’s a framework for telling your brand story,
connecting with your customers, and pushing sales. It maps your big ideas
and turns them into actionable steps.

There are two benefits to doing so:

 With all your events marked in a Google Calendar, you’ll be able to easily
visualize your campaigns. Adding and changing schedules of the
events/emails is also very handy in a Google Calendar.
 You’ll be able to collaborate better with your content or product
development team over your email marketing campaigns as a Google
Calendar has great collaboration features.
Create an Email Calender
Step 1: Categorize Your Broadcast Emails
Gathering as much information as you can about upcoming events and
promotions that you’ll want to share with customers.

Step 2: Fill in Your Calendar with Broadcast Emails

Insert these emails into your calendar template. Start by placing your regular
newsletter on the day it always goes out, and then filling in any date-specific emails
that you already know when you’ll be sending.

Step 3: Add Automated Emails to Your Calendar

One of the best things about laying out all of your emails is that you start to see
when your subscribers might be getting overwhelmed. If your email marketing
calendar is starting to look jam-packed, it might be time to consider which emails
you could automate instead.
Email Drip Campaign
An email drip campaign is a triggered sequence of automated emails sent on
a predefined schedule to targeted email subscribers to achieve a specific
How To Create Drip Email Campaign
Step 1: Distinguish your target group
Drip email campaigns are about delivering the right message to the
right audience.
For that, the first step is to determine who are you targeting with
your drip campaign. Your target group can be:
• Blog subscribers • App downloaders
• First-purchase customers • Trial users, etc
• Lead magnet downloaders
How To Create Drip Email Campaign
Step 2: Decide on your campaign’s objective
Having a clear objective is an essential step to any marketing
strategy. Drip email campaigns are no exception.
You drip campaign objective can be:
• Customer upsell or cross-sell • Improve customer experience
• User onboarding • Build a sales pitch
• Lead nurturing • Increase free to paid
How To Create Drip Email Campaign
Step 3: Set up your trigger
Set up your drip campaign trigger by selecting one of these options
in Automizy.
You can create personalized and automated email drip campaigns
that can get triggered when a contact:
• Gets a tag • Clicks a link in an email
• Gets added to a list • Visits a specific website page
• Submits a form on your website • Etc
How To Create Drip Email Campaign
Step 4: Create your emails
You have to craft your emails’ content and set up your workflow. You
can add your drip emails into Automizy real quick with a couple of
clicks. Make sure that your emails are coherent and consistent so
you reach your drips’ full potential.
You can create your drip email campaign workflow visually in
Automizy’visual automation campaign builder email. When creating
your drip campaign workflow use contact tagging so you can
segment your contacts.
How To Create Drip Email Campaign
Step 5: Monitor your drip campaigns performance and optimize it
It’s true that your automated email drip campaign is on autopilot but that
never means that you set it once and you completely forget about it.
Having a clear overview of the performance of each email of your drip
campaign enables you to optimize the campaign. Tweak your email content or
AB test some different subject lines.
Transactional Email Campaign
Transactional email is a type of email sent to
facilitate an agreed-upon transaction between the
sender and the recipient. Transactional emails
typically contain information a recipient wants or
needs and consequently have very high open

Common transactional email use cases include,

account creation emails, password resets,
purchase receipts, account notifications, and social
media updates like friend and follower
How To Create Transactional Email Campaign
Account Creation • Use account creation emails as an opportunity to
connect with your subscribers and begin a reliable
Emails communication with them.

• Password reset emails allow users to recover passwords

Password Reset Emails or set new ones in an effort to gain access to your app.

• Delays in email sends, or emails being delivered to the

Purchase Receipt Emails spam folder can lead to a poor user experience with your
brand and potentially impact revenue.

Account Notification • These transactional emails can cover a wide range of

notification use cases, but also serve to maintain the
Emails relationship with your brand.
4. Measure Results
A/B test your email campaigns. A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a way
of working out which of two campaign options is the most effective in terms of
encouraging opens or clicks. In an A/B test you set up two variations
of the one campaign and send them to a small percentage of your total
How to Use A/B testing
Analyze the Results
Once you’ve run your email campaign with the two different email versions, it’s time to
take a look at the results. There are a few different categories of results you’ll want to look
 The open rate
 The click-through rate
 The conversion rate once they’re on your website
Segmentation is the division of email subscribers into smaller segments based
on set criteria. Typically, segmentation is used as a personalization tactic to
deliver more relevant email marketing to subscribers based on their
geographic location, interest, purchase history, and much more.
How to Use Segmentation
Before you segment your email
subscriber list, first you have to
understand how segmentation
works. It’s more than splitting
customers based on gender or
general preferences.

These factors are important —

especially if you have a small list
and limited customer data — but
deeper segmentation has a direct
impact on customer satisfaction
and retention.
How to Use Segmentation
 Demographic (Income): Some of your subscribers might be more price-sensitive than
others, so it’s beneficial to make them aware of price changes. When you have a sale, be
sure to send this group an email letting them know that products they’ve viewed in the
past are available for less.
 Geographics (City): Depending on where your subscribers are located, it doesn’t make
sense to send location-specific emails to everyone. For example, if there’s a special event
at one of your brick-and-mortar locations, only notify subscribers who are nearby.
 Behavioral (Special occasion): A great way to personalize emails is to acknowledge
special occasions. This can be a birthday, customer anniversary, or a milestone. Send an
email with a special offer to show customers that you value their business and want to
celebrate with them.
 Psychographic (Interested): Send shopping event reminders based on the interests
subscribers have shared.
Jobs in Email Marketer
An email marketing specialist is an employee in marketing who
has a fairly specific role, utilizing email as a media for reaching
existing and potential customers. This person works to
create emails that are interesting enough for recipients to open
and potentially act upon.

Email Marketer should be responsible for creating email

marketing campaigns to promote a product or service.
Determines target audience, devises campaign, and launches
email campaign to create buzz or generate leads for the business
Who Need Email Marketer?

Affiliate Marketer
Online Shop
Marketing Consultant
C-Level Officer
Other Proffesional

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