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Writing Activity

Over 150 writing activities for
your students to work on
independently or in a group!

Includes prompts for:

-Writing in Response to Text - Math, Science, Social -
Informative/Explanatory Studies, English
–Opinion - Poetry, Skit Writing,
-Narrative Response to Literature
-Research Reports - Biographical sketches
-Speeches and Presentations - Current events, letters,

Both Paragraph AND Essay

Op2ons Included!
Over 20 categories to
choose from! Personalize
your writing center for
your class and/or rotate
prompts throughout the
Wri&ng Center
(3 -5 Grade)
rd th

•  Pg. 9-12 – Wri&ng in Response to Text

•  Pg. 13-18 – Prompts for Informa&ve/Explanatory Wri&ng
•  Pg. 19-23 – Prompts for Opinion Wri&ng
•  Pg. 24-31 – Prompts for Narra&ve Wri&ng
•  Pg. 32-34 – Prompts for Research Reports
•  Pg. 35-37 – Prompts for Speeches and Presenta&ons
•  Pg. 38-61 – Prompts for Subject-Area Wri&ng Assignments
Response to
Read a chapter in your
Prompts for math or science book.
Write a summary
Summarizing paragraph explaining
what you learned to
Texts another student.

Watch an educational Read a few chapters

show on television of a story. Write a
about science, health, summary about the
history, or travel. problem that the
Write a short characters faced and
summary about what how they tried to
you learned. solve it.

Read one or two

chapters of a book Read an article in the
about a famous newspaper or a
person or event. magazine. Summarize
Write a summary of the main idea in a
the most important short paragraph.
Find an article in the
As you read a text,
entertainment section of the
highlight important
newspaper or online. Read a
words and phrases.
critique of a new movie,
Then try writing a
new music, or other event.
summary of the text
Write a paragraph that
using only eight of
summarizes the writer’s
your highlighted words.
Pick a character from
Prompts for a story and describe
that character in a
Analyzing short paragraph using
Texts details from the story.

Pick two objects, Read a story and pick

ideas, or people from a quotation that
a text you have read. describes something
In a short response, important about a
explain how they are character. Explain
similar or different what the quote tells
using details from the you about the
text. character.

Read a short story and pick As you read a story, look

one or two interesting for similes or metaphors
sentences. These sentences that make interesting
could be an important idea, an comparisons between two
interesting description, or things. Chose one simile or
something surprising. Write a metaphor, and in a short
short paragraph explaining paragraph, explain what the
why the quote is interesting. two things have in common.
Think about a topic
Prompts for you know a lot about.
Informative/ Maybe it is a sport or
a certain animal.
Explanatory Describe what you
know in a short
Paragraphs paragraph.

Write a paragraph
that tells how to play a Write a paragraph
that describes how to
game, such as
make a paper airplane.
dodgeball or freeze

In a paragraph, discuss Write a paragraph

a problem a character that compares you and
in a book faces and a best friend or a
the ways the character sibling. What do the
tries to solve the two of you have in
problem. common?
Write a paragraph that Write a paragraph that
explains how to play explains how to build
checkers, chess, or another something, such as a
game you like. snowman or a fort.

Write a paragraph Write a paragraph

about how to do a that describes a recent
cartwheel, throw a sporting event that
pitch in baseball, or you attended. Explain
something else that important highlights
you can do. from the game.

Write a paragraph Write a paragraph

that explains how to explaining steps a
play a musical person could take to
instrument. find a missing pet.
In a short paragraph,
Write a paragraph explain an important school
describing the steps you rule or procedure to a new
would take to win votes if student. You might want to
you were running for explain the rules for
student council. lunchtime or how to find a
book in the library.
Prompts for Check out a book that
explains a process you are
Informative/ interested in. Maybe it is
Explanatory how money is made, how to
sail a boat, or how to build a
Essays and robot. Write a report that
Reports explains the process.

Choose an interesting or Write a report comparing

strange animal, and two musical instruments
describe that animal in a by sound, shape, and
report. purpose.

Choose one type of

weather and explain Describe two famous
how it can change or people from history.
affect the world. For Explain how they were
example, what is the similar and different in
effect of drought or a short report.
Write a report that explains Write an essay describing
a skill that someone has the job of an adult you
taught you, such as fishing know. Explain their
or cooking. responsibilities and what
they do.

Choose a location that you

Compare and contrast
know a lot about or want to
two different sports
learn about. It could be a
that both use a ball.
country, state, city, or
Focus on the major
neighborhood. In an essay,
similarities and
describe that place using
facts and details.
Write a paragraph that
Prompts for gives your opinion about
the last book that you
Opinion finished reading. Explain
Paragraphs why you liked or disliked

Write a short note

Imagine that you are
(one paragraph) giving
running for student
advice to a friend who
council. Write a
is having a bad day.
paragraph for the school
Explain how you think
newsletter arguing why
they could make their
you would make the best
day better with
examples and details.

Imagine that your If you were going to

principal is going to add learn a new language,
a new activity or club which language would
to your school. In a you learn? In a short
short paragraph, explain paragraph, explain
which club or activity why you think it would
you believe would be be important to learn
the best choice and why. that language.
If you could choose one
Write an opinion book to give to every kid
paragraph that explains in the world, which book
why your favorite would it be? Write a
sport is better than paragraph explaining
another sport. your choice with reasons
and details.

What are the best

things about being a
third, fourth, or fifth
grader? Write a short
paragraph that
explains your opinion
with reasons and
Write a review of the
Prompts for last movie, school play,
musical, or concert that
Opinion Essays you saw. Give reasons
and Reports for why your classmates
should or shouldn’t see it.

Do you have a If you were the king or

favorite singer or queen of a new country,
musical group? In a what would be the first law
short report, give or rule you would make? In
reasons why you think an essay, explain why your
more people should new law would be important
listen to or buy their or how it would make the
music. new country great.

If you had to go on a long

What makes someone trip, and you could only
a good friend? Explain bring three things with you
your opinion in an (besides clothes and food),
essay. Support your which three things would you
opinion with reasons choose? Write an essay
explaining your choices with
and examples. reasons and details.
Write an essay explaining
a few ways that your What could you and your
school could be improved. classmates do to make
Be sure to explain how the world a better place?
each change would make
the school better.

Which invention is
Who is the greatest most important for
athlete of all time? the world: telephones,
Write an essay that computers, or cars?
supports your opinion Write a short essay
with reasons and explaining your choice
examples. with reasons and
Pick a favorite fictional
character from a book you
Prompts for have read. Pretend you are
Imaginative that character. Write a
letter to another fictional
Narratives character about something
that happened to you.

Imagine that you are a

person from history who Imagine you are a
travels to today. What
family pet. Write a
would you say about
story from the pet’s
current events? Write a
story about what that point of view.
person would do in the
modern world.

You wake up one day Pretend you found a box of

with a superpower. treasure or old letters
Write a story about buried in your backyard.
how you would use Write a story about finding
your new power. it and what your would do
You wake up and see on the
Write a mystery story news that people all over the
with a surprise ending. world are turning funny colors,
See if you can fool your like bubblegum pink, neon blue,
readers up to the very and even striped! Write a story
about a detective who is trying
to figure out why people are
changing colors.

Imagine that you were

zapped back in time to
the past. Maybe you Write a short story
are living with the about what you would
dinosaurs or you are a do if you had a snow
king in Ancient Egypt. day.
Write a story about
your new life.

Pretend your family

Write a story about
just won the lottery.
what the world would
Write a story about
be like if all plants could
the event and how
you would spend the
Imagine that you walk into
your kitchen, open the
oven, and see that it is filled Write a short story about
with tiny creatures living in meeting a creature that
a strange, tiny world! Write needs your help.
a story about what you
would do after you
discovered it.

Write a short story Read a famous

about a secret club fairytale and rewrite
that you start with the story from the
your friends. Include a point of view of a
mystery that must be character other than
solved. the narrator.

Pretend you are a toy

Write a story about who comes to life.
making a new Write a story about
invention. your adventures.
Imagine that you are
your family’s car. Write a
short story describing
what you might say or
think while being driven
around or sitting alone in
the driveway.
Write a personal
Prompts for narrative about a time
when you had to face a
Personal challenge. Explain how
Narratives you dealt with the

Write a personal Write a personal

narrative about trying narrative about a time
something for the first that you won or lost a
time. Describe what it game. Describe the
was and how it went. scene and your

Think about something that

you had to do that made Write a personal
you nervous, like singing a
narrative about being a
solo or giving a
member of a team.
presentation in front of an
audience. Write a personal
narrative about how you
handled it.
Write a personal Write a personal essay
narrative describing an about what it means to be
important family responsible. Draw from
tradition. personal experience.
Write a story about a
pet or an animal that
Prompts for you own or know.
Nonfiction Describe the pet using
details, such as their
Narratives habits, expressions, and

Think of a wonderful
party you have enjoyed. Write a story that
This could be a party at describes a fun event
school, a birthday party, or trip that you have
or a family party. Write experienced. Describe
a story describing the the experience using
party using facts and real facts and details.

Pick a person you

admire. Write a story
about an important
moment in his or her
life. You may need to
do some research
about the person’s life
before you write.
Did you know that years ago,
people had to handwash all their
clothes in a bucket and hang them on
Prompts for a line to dry? Do some research to
learn what life was like before the

Research invention of an important appliance

or machine. For instance, what was

life like before computers, radios,
cars, or telephones? Write a short
report that describes what life was
like before the invention and how
the invention changed people’s lives.

How much do you know In our country, we have many

about the history of your ways of moving materials and
products from one place to
hometown? Research the another. Research one form of
history of your town or transportation, such as ships,
city in books or online, trains, trucks, or planes, and
write a report. Be sure to explain
and write a research important facts such as how the
report about what you transportation works, where it is
find. used, and why it is important.

People eat food that are

unique to their region. Often,
people create recipes around What is one big company in
foods that grow or live in your town or city, and
their region, such as potatoes what does it do? Research
in Ireland or fish in Cape Cod.
the company and write a
Pick a region of the world and
short report on what you
research the types of food
that are common and popular find.
there. In a report, explain the
most popular foods.
Research a country that you What is your favorite
want to know more about. subject in school? Math,
Write a report that describes reading, science, social
basic information about the studies, history, art, music,
country, such as where it is in P.E., foreign language? Now,
the world, what the land looks pick a topic from that class
like, what people wear, what
that interests you. Write a
people eat, what people do for
jobs, or what people do for fun.
short research report on that

Find out what happens when

people do too much of Pick a famous artist, musician,
something – such as listening to or inventor to study. Write a
too much loud music, watching short research report about a
too much television, or eating few of his or her most
too much sugar. Write a important works or
research report using facts inventions.
and information from experts.

Write a report about a career

that you would like to have
when you are older. Find
books and/or website that
describe the career. In your
report, explain what the job is
like, what education you need,
and where people with that
career usually work.
Speeches and
Brainstorm topics that
start with the first letter
Prompts for of your first name and
Speeches give a speech on one of

What does it mean to

Give a speech describing be a good student?
your perfect day. Give a short speech
explaining your

Give a speech describing

someone who is
important to you.
Create a group of three
or four people to make
Prompts for a news show. Give a
presentation about an
Presentations important recent event
in school, local, or world

Prepare a demonstration
that explains how to do Do a little research on a
something you know, such career that you are
as how to do a card trick, interested in having. Give
how to draw a cartoon a short presentation to
animal, or how to do a the class that describes
move in a sport you know that career.
how to play.
Find a math problem that
has more than one way to
Math Writing find the answer. Write two
Assignments short paragraphs
describing the two ways to
get to the solution.

Write a short paragraph that

describes a real-world situation Think about a new
where you would need to use word that you learned
something you learned in math
class. For example, explain
recently in math class.
how you might use addition, In a short paragraph,
division, fractions, or explain that new word
percentages to solve a real- to a classmate.
world problem.

Read a few pages of

your math book. Write a In a short paragraph,
summary of what you explain the steps you
read. You might want to followed to solve a
include a picture or a math problem.
diagram to help readers
understand the ideas.
How is Earth different
from other planets in our
Science Writing solar system? Write a
Assignments paragraph contrasting
Earth with at least one
other planet.

In a paragraph, give
Look through books or instructions about how to
magazines to research make a pinhole camera, an
a problem in the erupting baking-soda
environment. In a volcano, an ant farm, or
paragraph, tell how another science-related
scientists or others are creation. Be sure to explain
working to solve it. how to build it and how to
use it.

What behaviors do
animals have that are Write a paragraph or
list the steps describing
similar to human
how a bicycle works,
behaviors? Explain them
such as the steps of
in a short paragraph
pedaling, shifting, riding,
using examples and and braking.
Do you ever wonder
where your food comes Describe these three
from? Pick a fruit or types of animals –
vegetable and find out herbivores, carnivores,
how it is grown. Write a and omnivores – in a
paragraph describing what paragraph.
you learned.

Write a paragraph Write a paragraph

about a science topic of about a scientific or
your choice, such as natural process, such
how trees grow, what as decomposition or
another planet is like, or metamorphosis. Use a
how an animal survives science book to look
in its environment. up facts.

The human body is amazing.

Pick one function of the body
that interests you, such as how
Write a paragraph we digest food, how the heart
that compares two beats, why we blink, how blood
similar animals, such as moves, or how we taste food.
two types of birds. Use science books or websites to
research the topic and write a
short report about what you
How is the Earth
Write a report about different from other
what happens when kids planets in our solar
don’t get enough sleep. system? Write a
paragraph contrasting
Earth with at least one
other planet.

Look through the books

or magazines to
research a problem in the
environment. In a
paragraph, tell how
scientists or others are
working to solve it.
Social Studies Pick the official flag of
a country and research
Writing what its design and
Assignments colors represent.

Our food is filled with spices,

but do you know where those
Write a short spices come from? Pick a spice
or an herb (such as black
biographical sketch
pepper, chili, curry, cocoa
about the life of a powder, or cinnamon) and
famous explorer. research its history. Was it
used by ancient people? Was it
once rare or expensive?
Where does it grow?

Different people around Pick an American president.

the world wear different Research the person’s life and
types of clothing. Pick a write a short report. You
location and explain how might want to include details
the weather in that part about the person’s childhood,
of the world affects the experiences growing up, and
types of clothing that most important
people wear. accomplishments as president.
Our food is filled with spices,
Have you lived in but do you know where those
more than one place? spices come from? Pick a spice
Write a paragraph or an herb (such as black
pepper, chili, curry, cocoa
that tells how two powder, or cinnamon) and
places you have lived research its history. Was it
are similar and used by ancient people? Was it
different. once rare or expensive?
Where does it grow?
English/Language Arts Write a short skit about
Writing Assignments what would happen if
you were diving in the
Skit Writing ocean and you found a
treasure chest.

Write a skit about an

Write a short skit that adventure in nature.
reenacts an important Maybe the characters
event in history. are rafting down a
river, hiking through a
jungle, or climbing a
giant mountain.

Write a short
Write a skit about an
informational skit that
animal who faces a
teaches a lesson, such
challenge. Be sure to
as the importance of show the audience how
being honest, being the animal deals with
kind, or being the challenge.
English/Language Arts
Writing Assignments Read a poem. Rewrite
the poem as a narrative
Poetry Writing or story.
and Analysis

Go to the poetry
Write a poem about section of your library
someone who means a and flip through the
lot to you. Use poetry books. Once
powerful images. inspired, sit down to
write a poem of your

Pick a word that conjures

up good thoughts, such as Try to write a haiku poem by
summer, birthday, or telling a story or describing
vacation. Write a poem something in just three lines. Your
first line will have five syllables,
about the topic, starting
the second line will have seven
each line with a letter from
syllables, and the third line will
the word. For example, with have five syllables. It can be about
summer you might write: anything – an object, an event, a
Sunny streets, Unending place, or a person.
days, Mountain Biking, etc.
Write a poem that
relates weather to a
mood, such as sunny =
happy, stormy = mad.
Try using colorful
words and figurative

Read two poems or short
English/Language Arts stories by the same
Writing Assignments author. Can you see a
common theme, such as an
Response to emotion or belief, that
Literature shows up in both? Write a
paragraph explaining the

Have you ever admired a Think about a book you’ve

character in a book and read recently... that had an
wished that he or she could be interesting main character.
your friend? Pick a favorite Write a paragraph about a
character and tell why he or moment when the character
she would be a good friend. realized something important.
Use examples and details from Explain what the character
the book to support your learned in that moment.

Pick one of your favorite

fictional characters. In a Think about a villain from a
paragraph, describe three main book or story. Explain what the
traits or characteristics that he character’s traits or
or she has. Use examples from characteristics.
a story that show the
character’s traits or
Think of a book you’ve read Think about a story you’ve
recently in which the author heard that retells a real event in
made you feel like you were history. In a short paragraph,
actually in a certain place or describe how the setting and
time – it could be a real or characters were different from
fictional setting. In a paragraph, what you see in the world
explain how the author made the today. Use details from the
setting come to life. Use details story. For example, describe
what the characters wore or
and descriptions from the book.
how they talked.

Interview an older person who
has played a sport on a high
school, college, or professional
Interviews team. Ask questions such as
what he or she liked or didn’t
like about playing a sport, and
any advice he or she has for
young athletes. Write a
paragraph about what you

Interview an elderly .
Interview someone who has a
relative or neighbor job or profession that interests
about what life was you. Ask him or her what skills
like when he or she and education were needed to
was younger. Write a get the job and what the job is
paragraph about what like. Write a paragraph about
you learned. what you learned.

Pick your favorite

Interview a family celebrity and write down
member about your questions you would like to
family’s history. Write ask him or her. Then write
a paragraph that tells a paragraph imagining
what you learned. what you think that person
would say in the interview.
Interview an adult at
your school – a teacher
or support staff person
– to find out something
exciting or surprising
about his or her life.
Biographical/ Write a biographical
sketch about a close
Autobiographical relative or friend whom
Sketches you admire.

Write a biographical sketch

about a historical person Pretend that you have
who made life better for been selected to be on a
other people through an game show. Write a short
invention, wise words, or autobiographical sketch
significant actions. Give a
description of the major
events in his or her life.

You have been selected as

“Kid of the Year” in your Write a biographical sketch
local community! Write a about a musician, movie star,
short autobiographical or professional athlete, and
sketch that explains your tell how he or she became
interests, proudest successful.
moments, and hopes for the
Write a biographical
sketch about a famous
person in history whom
you admire.
Think of a favorite
product (cereal, shampoo,
Writing to candy, etc.). Write a
Persuade paragraph or a radio
advertisement convincing
people that it is the best
product to use.

Write a persuasive Write a short report

paragraph that persuading others that
convinces your math is used every day
classmates to exercise in the work world.
more each day.

Pretend your favorite

Write a paragraph singer or musical group
persuading students is going to perform at
from another school your school. Make an
that your school is the advertisement to get
best. students to come to the
Pretend you are the
librarian at your school.
Write a one-paragraph
note to all of the
students persuading them
to do more reading.
Writing about Write an article about
your team’s latest game
Current Events or your club’s latest

Write an article for your Read a news article

school newspaper about a ...
about a recent science
change you would like to see
discovery. Rewrite the
happen – maybe it is buying
more balls for recess, building new article for your
a new basketball court, or classmates, giving the
getting new supplies for the most important facts
art room. and details.

Interview someone at your

school to be the “Person of the
Week” – it could be a teacher, Create a news article
principal, librarian, or even for a real or pretend
another student. Write a news school newsletter.
article introducing that person to Announce an event that
the rest of the school. Think is coming up at school.
about what kinds of information
your readers would want to
Imagine you are planet
Earth. What would you
Letters say to the people who live
on you? Write a letter to
the people of Earth telling
them your thoughts, ideas,
and feelings.

Write a formal letter Write an...informal

to someone famous letter to a relative or
asking him or her to friend whom you
come speak at your haven’t talked with or
school. seen for a while.

Write a formal letter to a

person who knows a lot about
Write a welcome note
a topic that interests you (such
as a scientist, a doctor, an
to a new neighbor. Tell
artist, or a teacher). Explain him or her about all the
what you already know about fun activities in your
the topic, and ask him or her neighborhood.
questions about things you’d
like to know more about.
Pretend you are an Write a thank you
animal in the forest. letter to a past or
Write a note from that current U.S. President.
animal to another animal Say thank you for
in the woods. something he or she
did for the country.

Write a thank you letter to

Write a letter to someone. ...It could be
someone who has a job someone who recently gave
that you like, and ask a you a present, a person who
visited your class, a place
few questions about his
that recently hosted a field
or her job.
trip, or someone who did
something nice for you.

Pretend you have a

new pen pal. Write a
letter that tells a bit
about yourself and
asks your new pen pal
about himself or
herself, too.
Write an e-mail to
your best friend,
E-mails telling him or her
about something fun
that happened

Write a letter to a
Write an e-mail to one of
friend, saying thank your teachers, explaining
you for something nice something new you just
he or she did for you. learned in his or her class.

Pretend you are in charge

of organizing an event for
your sports team, such as Write an e-mail to a
the team photo or the end- friend or relative,
of-season party. Write an inviting him or her to
e-mail to all team members come for a visit.
and give details of the
Freewriting: Think about
something that happened
Personal recently. Get a picture of
Writing it in your mind and start

Freewriting: Pick an Freewriting: Pick a color.

object around you. Write for two minutes
Start writing about about anything and
that object and see everything you think of
where your thoughts when you think about
take you. that color.

Journal: Do you have

a pet? Keep a journal Journal: Try keeping a
for a week. Every moon journal. For two
day, write about the weeks, look at the sky
funny or weird things each night and write
your pet might be about what you see.
doing or thinking.
Journal: Pretend that Freewriting: Sit down with
you have time-traveled pencil in hand. Touch it to the
from the past. Each day, paper. Close your eyes and
write a journal entry to clear your head. Write down
a person who is still living the first thing that pops in
in the past. Describe your head. Pretend your
what you are doing and pencil is a faucet and keep it
what you are seeing. flowing.

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