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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Photos From Day 1 Sessions

Owner/Creator Meredith Tongue
Site Found Emailed from Meredith
Description of Item Content These are a few photos from my sessions on Day
1. I held two sessions on each of two days. There
were some teachers who attended the morning
session, while other attended the afternoon
session. There are photos from both Day 1
sessions included here.
Relation to Goals/Significance These photos relate to Goal 1 in that I am in the
act of trying to increase awareness and
knowledge of the characteristics of gifted
learners. They are also proof of successful
attainment of Goal 2, creating a multi-session
professional learning experience for teachers at
Woodstock High. Attendance was voluntary, but
there were some teachers at each session.
Acquisition Challenge Level Actual attainment of the photos was not difficult.
1=Easy; 5=Difficult Meredith took these with her phone and emailed
them to me. However, the job of actually
creating and delivering PL for veteran and novice
teachers was rather daunting. I am including that
aspect in my rating.

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