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I-Informations générales

Prytanée Militaire de Bembèrèkè Année Scolaire : 2020 -2021

Première série des devoirs surveillés du premier semestre
Classes : 2ndes A, C & D Epreuve : Anglais Durée : 03 h
II- Compétences à évaluer
Compétence disciplinaire n°2 (CD2) : Réagir de façon appropriée à un texte lu
Compétence disciplinaire n°3 (CD3) : Produire de façon appropriée un texte de type

III- Epreuve

A) Réaction à un texte lu.
Contexte :

La nature a donné à l’homme de nombreuses ressources naturelles qui lui permettent
de satisfaire ses besoins vitaux. Cependant, l’évolution de la science et de la technique le
pousse à les détruire progressivement.
Support: (le texte ci-dessous) ge
Text: The importance of forests.
1- Forests provide many benefits. The most notable direct benefits are an estimated
5000 commercial products such as lumber, paper, turpentine and others, worth billions of

year. Forests also provide refuge from hectic urban life; opportunities for many forms of
recreation and traditional medicines. In many poorer nations, forests are a source of wood for

cooking and heating. Forests are also home to many of the world’s species. Forests benefit us
indirectly by protecting watersheds from soil erosion, and keep rivers and reservoirs

relatively free of silt. Forests reduce the severity of floods and facilitate aquifer recharge and
they assist in the recycling of water, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and other nutrients.

2- Despite the great benefits of forests, only 31% of the world’s forestlands are under
any kind of management. Since the advent of agriculture, about 33% of the world’s forests

have been cleared and converted to other uses, mostly farms and human settlements. Diverse
forests have been replaced by the planted rows of the tree plantations, to be harvested rather

than nurtured as a living system. We continue to clear-our forests at dizzying rate. Seemingly
obvious to the economic and environmental reality that soon we will have no remaining
natural ecosystems. Logging on both public and private lands is having a disastrous effect on
many forests dependent species.
3- We believe that the heavy use of forests might not be so bad if investments were
made to replant trees at a commensurate rate with cutting. In developing countries, for every
10 trees cut down only 1 tree is replanted. In Africa the ratio is 29 to 1. Trees offer us a lot
pleasure and they are indispensable in life. They also help to maintain balance in nature.
They should be protected.
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Critères dévaluation :
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en:
 reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
 répondant aux questions sur le texte ;
 identifiant les mots expliqués ;
 formant les adjectifs en – al ou adverbes en – ally ;
 utilisant les prépositions appropriées ;
 reformulant des phrases de façon autonome.

Item 1: Answer by «True » or « False» according to the text.

1- Forests provide direct and indirect benefits
2- All the forestlands are well managed.
3- Cutting down trees has no impact on the environment.

4- Trees help to protect our environment.
5- The text suggests that we should protect trees.
Item 2: Answer these questions on the text
1- Find out in paragraph 1 two uses of the forest.
2- In paragraph 1, which sentence means that forests are the living place for a large
number of creations?
3- 69% of the world’s forestland is not managed at all. True or False? How do you know?

4- Who or what does ‘’they’’ refer to in:

a) ‘’…….they assist in the recycling’’? (Paragraph 1)

b) ‘’They also help to maintain’’? (Paragraph 3)

Item 3: Identify the words which have the following meaning in the text.

1- Living place (Paragraph 1)


2- Inundations (Paragraph 1)
3- Cutting down forest trees for wood (Paragraph 2)

4- Consequence (Paragraph 2)
5- Essential (Paragraph 3)

Item 4: Form the suitable adjective in – al or adverb in – ally from the bracketed word
to complete each sentence. Don’t copy the sentences.
1- We have a lot of (nature) resources but we must use them moderately.
2- There will be an (environment) crisis if we don’t take care of forests.
3- Forests are part of the (nation) heritage.
4- They are (economy) important for the whole nation.
5- I and my friends (occasion)go into forests for recreation.

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Item 5: Fill in the dialogue below by using the suitable prepositions: as, for, from, with, to
NB: Don’t copy the dialogue; write the numbers and prepositions only.

Mr A: Many trees are dying out in this forest. What’s wrong………..(1)…………..them?

Mr B: People have cut down their leaves and branches and used them……..(2)……..many
purposes. For example, those who suffer…………(3)…………malaria, rheumatism or even
indigestion use their leaves and barks to make herbal tea and treat themselves.
Mr A: Do you mean we can use them……..(4)………….treat various diseases?
Mr B: Yes, their roots, barks and leaves are used ……..(5)………medicine.
Item 6: Rephrase the following sentences using the prompts given. Do not change their

1- We mustn’t cut down too many trees.

 It is strictly……………………………………………………………………….
2- Trees help to maintain balance in nature, so they should be protected.
 Trees should……………………..because……………………………………….

3- We could sensitize people to plant new trees.
 What about………………………………………………………………………..
4- We should protect our natural resources.
 Our natural………………………………………………………………………..
B-Production d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :

Les forêts sont utiles aux populations. Elles en tirent beaucoup de profits. Cependant,
certaines personnes se livrent à la destruction de ces forêts, ce qui crée des problèmes

Critères d’évaluation:

Dans une correspondance, tu montreras ta capacité de sensibilisation sur les effets


néfastes de l’exploitation anarchique des forêts en :

 respectant le contexte ;


respectant la logique interne du texte ;

 faisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes et significatives ;


utilisant la ponctuation et le vocabulaire appropriés.

Tâche :
Writing :
Write a charcoal maker a letter telling him the importance of trees and asking him to
stop killing them.

Good Luck
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