Age Frequency Percentage/ Rank

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“Impact of Working Students in the Academic Performance at the Rizal

Memorial Colleges Palayan City Branch”

Chapter 4



This chapter determines the analysis and interpretation of data which

are the gathered answers from the distributed questionnaires that aims
to understand the Impacts of Working Students in Academic Performance
on the selected students. The data is presented in tabular form/Tables
in order to illustrate the gathered data on the statement below.

Profile of the respondents

Table 1.1 Age of Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage/ Rank

16-17 6 43% 2

18-19 7 50% 1

20-21 1 7% 3

Total 14 100%

According to Table 1, 50% of the respondents are the age of 18-19-

year-old students, 43% are the age of 16-17-year old, and 7% are the
age of 20-21. Therefore, most of the respondents that answered the
questionnaire are the ages of 18-19-year old.
Table 1.2 Sex of the respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Female 2 14% 2

Male 12 86% 1

Total 100%

In this table, it displays that 14% of the respondents are females

while 86% are males. Therefore, the majority of the gender of the
respondents are male.

Hours Frequency Percentage Rank

2-4 5 43% 1

5-7 6 36% 2

8-10 3 21% 3

Total 14

Based on the table, working students’ who work 2-4 hours are at 43%,
those who work 5-7 hours are at 36%, while respondents who work 8-10
are at 3%. Therefore, most of the hours that working student spend on
their job is at 2-4 hours, for it is at 43%.

Table 1.3 Grade level of the respondents

Grade Frequency Percentage Rank

11 3 21% 2

12 11 79% 1

Total 14 100%

As shown on the table, grade 11 respondents are at 21% while grade 12

students are at 11, therefore the majority of the level of respondents
are at grade 12, for it is at 79%.

Table 2.1 Reasons of Working Students

Q1 Q2 Q3

Percentage Percentage Percentage

(STRONGLY 2 14% 4 29% 5 36%
(AGREE) 3 21% 3 21% 3 21%

(NEITHER) 7 50% 5 36% 3 21%

(DISAGREE) 1 7% 0 0% 4 29%

(STRONGLY 1 7% 2 14% 0 0%

Total 14 100%
According to this table based by the respondents given data, in
Question 1(Q1), 14% Strongly agree (SA), 21% Agree(A), 50% Neither(N)
1% Disagree(D), and 7% Strongly Disagree. Therefore, majority of the
student answered neither(N), which is at 50%. Next is the second
question (Q2). The result came as 29% in SA, 21% in A, 36% in N, 0% in
D, and 14% in SD. As a result, the majority of the given data shown is
the Neither(N), and that is at 36%. Lastly in question 3(Q3),
respondents answered 36% in SA, 21% in A, another 21% in N, 29% in D,
and 0% in SD. In conclusion, the majority of according to what is
shown is that most strongly agreed on question 3.

Table 2.2 Mental and Physical Well-being of Students

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Percen- Percen- Percen- Percen-
tage tage tage tage

Agree 5 36% 3 21% 5 36% 3 21%
(A) 5 36% 4 29% 3 21% 4 29%

(N) 3 21% 1 7% 6 43% 6 43%

(D) 1 7$ 6 43% 0 0% 1 7%

Disagree 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

14 100%

As shown on the table, starting from question 1(Q1). Respondents

informed that they Strongly agree (SA)36%, same percentage as
Agree(A), next to Neither(N) which is at 21%, to 7% on Disagree(D),
and lastly 0% on Strongly Disagree, so the majority is at 36% which is
the Strongly Agree (SA). Next is question 2 (Q2), SA is at 21%, A is
29%, next is 7% on N, D is at 43%, and lastly SD’s percent is at 0%.
Therefore, the highest checked by respondents is 43%, which is
Disagree(D). Question 3, SA is at 36%, A at 21%, next to N which is
43%, and both D and SD are at 0%. Furthermore, the majority that
respondents answered is Strongly Agree (SA). Last Question (Q4), SA is
at 21%, A is 29%, N is 7%, D is 7%, and SD is at 0%. The majority is
Agree(A) which is at 29%.

Table 2.3 Impact of Working to the academic performance

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Percen- Percen- Percen- Percen- Percen-
tage tage tage tage tage

Agree 1 7% 2 14% 3 21% 3 21% 14%
(SA) 2

(A) 4 29% 1 7% 3 21% 4 29% 14%

(N) 5 36% 5 36% 6 43% 3 21% 7%

(D) 3 21% 6 43% 0 0% 3 21% 21%

(SD) 1 7% 0 0% 2 14% 1 7% 43%

14 100%
According to the table. Question 1 (Q1), The respondents answer’s
percentage towards the following question is first the Strongly Agreed
(SA) is at 7%, Agreed (A) is at 29%, Neither(N) is 36%, Disagree(D) is
21%, and Strongly Disagree (SD) is at 7%. So, the highest among all
answer is Neither (N) which is at 36%. Question 2(Q2), The SA is at
14%, A at 7%, N at 36%, D at 43%, and SD at 0%. Majority for Q2 is
Disagree(D). Next is Question 3 (Q3), SA is at 14% same as A which is
also 14%, 43% for N, 0% for D, and 14% for SD. Therefore, the highest
is at 43% which is the Neither (N). Question 4, SA is at 21%, A at
29%, N at 21% same as D which is also 21% and SD at 14%. Therefore,
A(Agree) is highest which is at 29%. Lastly, Question 5(Q5) The data
states that SA is at 14% the same as A, N is 7%, D is 21%, and SD at
43%. Furthermore, the majority answer in Q5 is 43%, which is the
Strongly Disagree (SD).

Table 3. Working Student Distraction

Yes Yes No Yes

(Frequency) (Percentage) (Frequency) (Percentage)

Q1 14 100% 0 0%

Q2 9 64% 5 36%

Q3 13 93% 1 7%

Q4 6 43% 8 57%

Q5 6 43% 8 57%

According to the table below, in Question 1 (Q1), All respondents

answered Yes so it is at 100%. In Question 2 (Q2), Yes is at 64% and
No at 36%. So, the majority is at 64%. Question 4(Q4), Yes is at 43%
and No at 57%. Therefore, the majority is No since it is at 57%.
Lastly, the question 5 (Q5), Yes is at 43%, and No at 57%. So the
Majority is No because it is at 57%.

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