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Ramon Teves-Pastor Memorial

Dumaguete Science High School

ENGLISH – Grade 9 SY: 2022-2023
Prepared by: Gwyneth Sarming

Name: ________________________Grade/Section: _____________Date: _________Score: ________

Instructions: Read carefully each test item, each given selection, and/or any specific instruction given and choose
the letter of the correct answer.

I. Determine whether the given scenario shows bias or prejudice. Encircle A for bias and B for prejudice.

1. A teacher separating male from female students.

2. Bullying and discriminating someone with disability
3. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender
4. Thinking women as weak and men as strong
5. Assuming someone is gay because of the way he acts
6. Dormitories accepting lady borders only
7. Gatherings that won’t allow women wearing pants to get inside
8. The idea that men working in a beauty parlor are gays.
9. Boys were given heavy tasks than girls in school because boys are stronger.
10. Women should only wear dress.
11. In our class, everybody is given the chance to express his\her ideas freely.
12. Churches welcome anyone who comes to fellowship.
13. I find girls wearing makeup sophisticated than girls who don’t.
14. I knew Catriona Gray will become Miss Universe because she’s intelligent.

II. Verify which statement is true or not. Encircle A if the statement is true and B if the statement is false.
15. If someone lies about something when asked, then his or her statement is false.
16. Truth is based on facts, rather than merely personal views and beliefs.
17. Biased evidence from a video supports the truthfulness of an issue.
18. Correctness of the ideas from a material to be read conforms to the truthfulness or to a standard having
the quality of being true; however, it still accepts, at least slight erroneous statement.
20. Opinion can be a fact when it is precise, factual, and confirmable with evidence or validation.
21. Demonstrating the relevance of the idea presented in any material means it fits into the current and
future situation of the people involved.
22. To be honest in giving ideas means to provide a false statement or information.
23. An idea provided from an information is mature, free from lies and hypocrisy exhibits truthfulness.

III. Look for the synonyms of the following underlined words in phrases.
24. the same solemn oath
A. enemy B. promise C. benefactor D. successor

25. abolish all forms of human poverty

A. trial B. ordeal C. oppression D. end

26. science engulf all humanity

A. overwhelm B. benefactor C. promise D. ancestors

27. rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation

A. trial B. oppression C. ordeal D. enemy
28. against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself
A. trial B. ordeal C. oppression D. end

29. make themselves our adversary

A. enemy B. promise C. benefactor D. successor

30. our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe
A. overwhelm B. benefactor C. promise D. ancestors

31. These are thoughts, opinions, or feelings toward a person or a group especially if they are negative.
A. bias B. prejudice C. preconception D. discrimination

32. This is a tendency of a person to favour one person, group, thing or point of view over another, often in
unfair way.
A. chauvinism B. discrimination C. bias D. prejudice

33. It is the action that is actually happened to one group or a person because of the way that you feel about
A. chauvinism B. discrimination C. bias D. prejudice

34. It is considered as the reason why you have unfair treatment toward a person or towards something.
A. chauvinism B. discrimination C. bias D. prejudice

35. A person avoids those who do not belong to his religion. This person exhibits .
A. chauvinism B. discrimination C. bias D. prejudice

36. This provides false connection or incorrect information and misleading content.
A. disinformation B. misinformation C. false connection D. mal-information

37. A category of information disorder that refers to false context or false deliberately and often covertly
spread in order to influence public opinion.
A. disinformation B. misinformation C. false connection D. mal-information

38. The person’s attempt to obscure truth, exploit content, and fabricate information.
A. disinformation B. misinformation C. false connection D. mal-information

39. This information contains leaks, harassment, and hate speech.

A. disinformation B. misinformation C. false connection D. mal-information

40. The material shows headlines, visuals, and captions that don’t support the content.
A. disinformation B. misinformation C. false connection D. mal-information

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