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Classroom Management Plan

John Yonker

Social Studies: Secondary Ed. Level

Philosophy of Education
- My personal philosophy of education is to provide an environment where students can learn

how to become a better student, individual, and member of society.

- I value hard work, respect, honesty, and discipline within the walls of my classroom.

- I believe that every student is able to achieve their goals and dreams, and if they are in my

classroom they will be given every chance that other students are offered.

- The inclusion of parents, family, and community in the classroom is a vital key to each

student’s success.
Philosophy of Education Cont.
- From a professional standpoint, I will make it a priority to continually grow in my field of

expertise and to hone my own skills to better educate the students I teach.

- It is very important that students develop a strong sense of social-development,

problem-solving, and organizational skills within the classroom.

- The student hears the information, stores it in their memory, recalls that stored content, and

then demonstrates that knowledge when needed.

Classroom Environment
- My ideal classroom would consist of a social studies based curriculum, secondary

education level class.

- The physical features I would want in my classroom would consist of posters, flags,

maps, and technology.

- Eight rows of four desks in each row to allow easy access for group work when


- Students who have hearing or visual disabilities would be seated in the front rows of the

room to assist when needed.

Classroom Management
- The key to having a strong relationship with your students is to make a set of classroom
rules that they help create.
- Four steps for creating a quality classroom with mutual standards: be courteous,
respect property, be on task, raise your hand to be recognized.
- Combat poor behavior with a rearrangement of a seating chart, moving students away
from one another or closer to me.
- Accommodate for diversity by not placing students into sections of cliques or similar
- Allows students of other ethnic, gender diverse, and cultural backgrounds to intermingle
with other students.
Classroom Management Cont.
- For time management, the most important key is that students are staying on task.

- Implementing a consistent schedule that students can follow will prevent loss of focus.

- Daily warm up, an interactive question that gets students thinking about the course

content and prepares them for class.

- Lecture will follow warm up, with homework, assignments, or group work. Ending with

an exit ticket every day.

Principles and Goals

❖ Principle #1: Preparing Students for Learning

- I will make it my personal goal to equip each student with the knowledge required by
the school and the state to pass the class and utilize that knowledge obtained to
function as a member in society.
❖ Principle #2: Preparing to Teach Effectively

- I will make it a personal goal to be prepared for every class with a proper lesson plan
and strategic form of instruction.
Grade Level Expectations
- Relate coursework to grade level expectations by setting achievable yet firm goals for

students to obtain while in the classroom.

- Another grade level expectation for secondary level students would be to involve the

community within the classroom.

- a canned food drive, or a fundraiser for the local homeless shelter, involving the

community will help students understand the importance of giving back.

- In my classroom, actions or word phrases of disrespect directed towards a student who

is of a diverse ethnic, cultural, or gender specific background will not be tolerated.

- I believe that every student is able to achieve their goals and dreams, and they deserve

to be given every opportunity that other students are offered.

- This thought process is also applied towards students with special needs or learning


- Every student is valuable and will be treated as such.

- The main goal of my classroom management plan is to provide an atmosphere for

students where they feel ready to learn, welcomed, accepted, and cared for, while

interacting directly with the members in their community. Including family members,

fellow students, other teachers, and citizens of their community.

- With the focus on these characteristics, I will teach these students the information they

need to know to become better students, better people, and better members of society.

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