PL Matrix 10

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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of Item Day 2 Email

Owner/Creator Author
Site Found Author/
Description of Item Content This email was sent from me to those who had
participated in my Day 1 session. This was a
reminder/request that the participants bring
their laptops with them so that they could spend
some time perusing the NAGC website.
Relation to Goals/Significance This related to Goals 1 and 3. In order to make
the participants more aware of NAGC standards, I
thought the standards would have more
significance if the participants knew what the
NAGC was all about. Some had not heard of
NAGC before my PL. I wanted to give them an
opportunity to explore the website and learn
about NAGC. I hoped that this would not only
help them appreciate the significance of the
standards and make learning and retaining them
more meaningful, but that this might ignite a
spark that could lead them to advocate more
stringently for gifted learners. Better learning
conditions for gifted learners enhance their
educational experiences and make them more
prepared to face whatever comes after high
school. This was also part of Goal 1.
Acquisition Challenge Level I sent an email and led them to a website.
1=Easy; 5=Difficult Rating=1

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