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Activity 1.

Independent activity
Firstly, understanding the structure of an organization can help you identify the roles and
responsibilities of the people involved. This knowledge can help you navigate your interactions
with these individuals more effectively and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise
from miscommunication or unclear expectations.
Secondly, understanding the form of organization can also help you understand the values, goals,
and priorities of the people involved. This knowledge can help you align your own actions and
behaviors with those of your family or community, which can strengthen your relationships and
foster a sense of unity.
Finally, learning about the form of organization can help you develop important skills such as
communication, teamwork, and leadership, which are essential for building strong relationships
with others. By understanding how organizations function and the roles and responsibilities of its
members, you can learn how to effectively communicate with others, work collaboratively
towards common goals, and lead and inspire others to achieve success.
Overall, learning about the form of organization can be a valuable tool for improving your
relationships with the people around you, including your guardians, family members, and
members of your community. By understanding the structure, values, and goals of the
organization, you can build stronger connections with others and develop important skills that
will benefit you in all areas of your life.

Activity 2.
To discuss Answer
Sole proprietorship  A sole proprietorship is a form of
business organization in which a
single individual owns and operates
the business.
 This individual is personally liable for
all aspects of the business, including
its profits and debts.
 Sole proprietorships are easy and
inexpensive to set up and require
minimal legal and regulatory
Partnership  Partnership is a form of business
organization where two or more
individuals share ownership of a
 Partnerships can take various forms,
including general partnerships, limited
partnerships, and limited liability
 In a general partnership, all partners
share in the management and profits
of the business and are personally
liable for the debts and obligations of
the partnership.
Corporation  A corporation is a legal entity that is
separate from its owners, and has its
own rights and liabilities.
 It can issue stock and raise capital
from shareholders, and is subject to
different tax laws and regulations than
other forms of business organization.
 Corporations can be publicly traded,
meaning their shares are listed on a
stock exchange and can be bought and
sold by the public, or privately held,
with shares owned by a smaller group
of investors or individuals.
Cooperative  A cooperative is a business
organization that is owned and
operated by its members, who share in
the profits and have a say in the
decision-making process.
 Cooperatives can take different forms,
such as consumer cooperatives where
members purchase goods and services
from the cooperative, or worker
cooperatives where members are also
employees of the business.
 Producer cooperatives are formed by
independent producers who join
together to market and distribute their

Multiple choice
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. C

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