Trends: Definition

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 A look that has an appeal of newness because it has been missing or scarce in the
marketplace (Brannon).
 A pattern of group behavior that lasts for a long period of time. It can affect your life and
shape your future.
 It is the prevailing style or preference (Arts, Fashion & Music).
 It is the general movement registering statistical changes for a long period of time.
 The tendency, drift or bend toward a certain stance, thought, or policy (Politics).
 The collective behavior or mass involvement is acceptable to society and shows a line of
historical continuity as it can download today but can resurface sometime in the future.
 A new item or a practice that stabilizes and transforms into a habit, a lifestyle or an
enduring product.
 It seeks to innovate lifestyles and find practical ways to solve social issues and improve
people’s well-being. Humankind’s profound desire for a higher quality of life enabled the
rise of these trends.
 It is evidence of societal change
 It can also refer to movements, ideologies, concepts, beliefs, etc.
 An inclination to which a group of people tends to move
 It involves a tendency to move upward or downward towards a certain course that may
imply a progression or regression in the condition or status of a certain subject which
can happen in a shorter or longer span of time.
 A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general
tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented
by a line or curve on a graph.

Factors that shape trends:

1. Human needs
 Humankind will instinctively tend to its needs. The desire to build a better world and
improve the quality of life compels us to discover, invent and explore new technologies,
products, services, forms of knowledge and skills.
2. Historical forces
 History bears the changes, upheavals, conflicts, issues and solutions carried on by
3. Globalization
 The trends and innovations carried on a global scale ensure the resilience of the brand
and product
 The global exchange of goods and services including human capital and the erasure of
time and space as barriers to connectivity have increased the interaction between states
and societies
4. Digital connectivity and social media
 Social media creates a multi-use environment

Elements/Components of a trend:
1. Number of participants
 There is a large number of people who become part of the trend
2. Pattern of behavior
 A trend is formed from the repetitive actions of people
 Selfie phenomenon (narcissism/superficiality vs. act of self-exploration & gauge of
acceptance) – these enabled individuals to construct themselves visually and present it
to the public by putting their pictures on social media
3. Long period of time
 A trend has a long-time frame and runs for decades
 The basic example is the use of telephone
4. Cause
 an agent that brings about a result or consequence
 A trend has a starting point which can be an idea, technology, event or person
 An example is the portable music player. From Walkman to your new gadgets.
5. Consequence
 It is always traceable to a cause which can be a person, thing, principle, motive, act or
 A trend makes a considerable influence or impact
 An example is social networking which is the consequence of a person’s need to
communicate with others.

Hierarchy of trends:
(1) Microtrends
 These are “little things that happen all around us all the time, the tiny things that occur in
 May be synonymous with fads
 They offer a glimpse into the future through clues they possess
(2) Macrotrends
 These are “aggregated microtrends or more sweeping changes that are affecting
 Are perceptible at the societal level for a longer period
 More stable than microtrends
(3) Megatrends
 These are “macro trends that have grown up and moved out. They are big, bold, and
affect the lives of great swathes of the human race”
 They have become the prevailing condition that has become too normal
(4) Gigatrends
 These are “trends that are so general that they affect most areas of human life or at least
more than one aspect of life or more than one industry
 Are usually identified to define an era

General Types of trends:

1.Those in the form of patterns of sustained and increasing numbers for a long period of time.
 Examples are population growth, increased number of HIV/AIDS victims

2.Those which are considered product-use/product consumption or those products which have
continuous appeal and use to the consumers because of their effectiveness, popularity, high
market demand, and influence over a sustained period.
 Examples are smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets

Types of trends (categorized based on longevity and pattern of movement)

 The trend is longer because it suffices people’s needs
 The pattern follows a certain change because of its popularity

1. Trend systematic
 A persistent upward or downward pattern of movement that happens for a longer period
 This may include the developments in technology, wealth, and population count
2. Seasonal systematic
 A regular and periodic fluctuation within a one-year period which may include weather
conditions in certain geographical locations, changes in social practices and religious
3. Cyclical systematic
 A consistently repeating upward and downward movement entering its highest level or
peak which is a period of prosperity, period of recession, or level of depression towards
the level of expansion or recovery
4.Irregular unsystematic
 The erratic fluctuations that exist are brought about by unforeseen events such as
natural calamities, major economic or political turmoil, or events

Stages/Process of identifying a trend (How an idea or look becomes a trend?)

1) Fringe stage
 There is an innovative idea
 There is the participation of entrepreneurs or business firms in the development and
innovation of ideas
 The use of cell phones instead of the telephone for communicating. This is an example
of innovation.
2) Trendy
 Growth of consumer and public awareness
 There is the conduct of test market research
 The market supported the idea and the product
3) Mainstream
 Conservative consumers join the trend, there is increased acceptance of the product and
companies exploit the growing demand for the idea.
 There are now many companies that are manufacturing and selling cell phones. It is also
been accepted by many people because of its practical uses

What may happen to a trend?

1. Fad – the trend fades away
2. Classic – the trend persists or stays for a long period of time
3. Fragmented – there is a recent development of the trend or reinvention which will lead to the
fringe stage

Characteristics of a trend
(1.) Duration of Time
 Longer staying power and a longer period of popularity
(2.) Acceptability
 Popularly accepted by many industries and receives popular support
(3.) Cultural basis
 Rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs, and values; it has a form of connection
to the people
(4.) Transitory increase or decrease
 All trends have the potential to eventually slow down and decline; the idea, event, or
phenomenon may increase or decrease

What is a Fad?
 It is a short-lived idea or temporary event that is usually called a “flash in the pan”, i.e.,
its popularity and reception fade away easily and its appeal to consumers is relatively
small. Thus, it has a shorter staying power in the market.
 The seemingly drastic swings in mass behavior without obvious external stimuli

Finite variability
 This happens when the products’ manufacturers can no longer manipulate or
introduce new features, thus, wearing out the interest and loyalty of its initial
 It happens to some fads since there is no more product innovation.

Theories that explain fad:

1.) Theory of Network Externalities
 In economics, it is described as the circumstance where the value of a product or service
changes as the number of users increases or decreases. This means that the value of
fads increases if the demand is high and decreases if it is no longer profitable or not
supported by consumers. Take into consideration gadgets that are in demand if new and
are pricey but can be bought at a low price after a period of time when it is no longer in
 The increasing utility that a user derives from the consumption of a product as the
number of other users who consume the same product increases or the utility of a
product increases when more people use it. Again, this is an indication that products in
the market are considered fads if people would support it because others are buying
them. There is an influence on the buying behavior of an individual. An example is the
buying behavior of people when a product is introduced in the market. There is a quick
increase as regards the sale of the product but quickly fades away. An example is the
famous footwear that was introduced in the market such as Havaianas and crocs.
2.) Cascade theory
 It explains the viral quality of fads
 It explains the observable human behavior of imitation wherein humans tend to follow
the actions of others they have observed even if it means disregarding their own
intuition. The information cascade happens when a potential consumer or user
abandons his/her information and defers to the decision made by other individuals. If
there is a product that is considered to be in demand and a buyer is influenced into
buying that product since it is the norm.
 This theory explains why we are supportive of things even if we really have no personal
knowledge about them. We are swayed by information from other people. A classic
example is the use of glutathione soaps or any whitening products. Most people will buy
it when told that it is effective when sometimes it is not.

Characteristics of a fad
a) It is confined to particular segments of society
b) It is trivial because of its short life expectancy
c) It is not created but is revived from a style that existed all along in the lives of some

Basis/parameters for comparing/distinguishing between a fad and a trend

a. Duration of time
 A fad has unexpected popularity but disappears quickly while a trend product lasts for
b. Number of industries affected
 A fad is often supported by a single industry and rarely crosses over into others while a
trend is supported by many industries
c. Industry acceptance
 Industries are aware of the risk of investing in fads, so they tend to determine first if a
certain product will become a trend
d. Consumer adoption and perception of overall quality
 Trends are far more effective since they address the needs of the people
e. Reason for the rise
 Trends have identifiable and explainable increases caused by consumers’ needs and in
consonance with other consumer lifestyle trends while fads are determined by an
emotional need to purchase based on publicly and fervent product opinions aside from
the fact that no benefits are assured
f. Incubation period and life span
 Trends develop slowly while fads increase, decrease, and eventually die quickly
g. Scope
 A trend is applicable to diverse consumer segments which generate a commitment to
different customers, thus, will be able to expand. On the other, a fad includes a single
brand or product with a weak level of commitment from the consumers
h. Cultural roots
 Trends do not cross, cultural borders easily

Related concepts to trends and fads

Trend creators - one who created something new

Trendsetter – the person who starts a trend/ the first to adapt the new
Futurist – one who studies and predicts the future especially based on current trends
Trend analysis – it is based on trend spotting but extends this into future scenarios. It is
the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or
trend, in the information.
Cool hunting – a hunt for those things that will become popular before they are popular
Trendspotting – the study of trends and the way they develop and affect society
- getting advanced knowledge of what will happen in the market by studying the
- attempting to see the future in the present (Rehn and Lindkvist, 2013). Being
able to predict a trend is a valued skill for global citizens.
A trend spotter is a person who notices and reports on new fashions, ideas, or activities
that are becoming popular.
Characteristics of a trendspotter:
1.) Adopt a beginner’s mind
 The individual can see new things in a new light which will help him/her to detect even
small changes and shifts that field experts tend to ignore
 It allows one to take in new information that is normally filtered by one’s preferences or
2.) Know why and what you are looking for
 Identify the reason for looking at trends so that you can focus on what kind of trend to
spot. Take note that there are different reasons for different people when looking for a
trend. Their perspectives are likewise different.
 A business person looks for products that will give more profit, while a consumer looks
for comfort and price.
3.) Move and search in many places
 One must look beyond what and where others are looking for and searching. Move away
from your comfort zones.
 Learn to take note of what is happening now to imagine and search for what will be
happening in the future.
 Take note that sometimes what the person is doing is merely cool hunting. This may
mean that the thing may become popular but it is only to be considered a fad and not a
4.) Beware of the obvious
 Things that are less visible affect changes in culture and society
 Do not join the bandwagon of the obvious since this means that others see them as well.
 Seeing the many pigeons rather than the single peacocks.
5.) Never judge something as good or bad
 Set aside your biases and be objective in looking for trends.
 Objectivity is important to see things without biases or to keep one’s biases at a
6.) Be sensitive in looking for signals
 Study how trends gain momentum.
7.) Look for shifts rather than novelties
 An undergoing shift is a good sign of a developing trend
 Take note of what people actually do in contrast with what they say or do
8.) Spot for a combination of things
 The trend is a combination of shifts or individual spots.
9.) Find the reason for something
 One must seek logical explanations and causes for everything. By understanding the
reasons behind things, behaviors, changes, and shifts, one can get a better
understanding of an emerging trend.

Identifying emerging patterns:

 A pattern is a design, shape, form, or configuration that emerges from the repetitious
appearance of lines, curves, and behavior
 There is a repetitive behavior
 The emerging pattern may be a sign of an upcoming trend so its identification is

Activities/tools that can be used by an individual to spot or look for an emerging pattern:
1. Documentation
 Being able to record your observations which you consider related to any trend
 The ability to physically keep information and data wherever and whenever you may be
2. Archive or memory
 Being able to easily retrieve any documentation you have kept
3. Analysis: methods to be applied
a) Brainstorming – decide which data is important and to be discarded
b) Grouping – create headings for observations and data
c) Crafting combinations – imagining/generating new ideas; linking one thing to another
4. Presentation
 Representing your findings for easy understanding as a way of analysis
Ways/Methods of Presentation:
a) Mood board – a collage of images, text, and object samples; used to capture your
intuition and stimulate creative discussions about trends
b) b.Storyboard – presents a narrative of possible scenarios; connect trends to a timeline
and to different contexts, something that can enable you and others to see interesting
new things
c) Slide shows
d) Interviews
e) Focused group discussions

The six different personality profiles / Trend Groups

 These are the hierarchy of people who show that all people are part of the trend process
 These show the different attitudes of people towards the new innovative styles of things
introduced in the market.

1. Trendsetters - the most open and curious individuals with regard to style and taste.
2. Trend followers - they are those who have to see other people use the innovative new styles
before they themselves will use them.
3. Early Mainstreamers - they accept new styles just before the majority. They have to see the
first two groups use the new style before they do.
4. Mainstreamers - they are average in their acceptance of new, innovative styles. They buy or
use the new style because everybody seems to be doing so.
5. Late Mainstreamers - they are hesitant about and in some cases dismissive of changes in
style and taste.
6. Conservatives - they prefer styles that have existed for years or even decades. They are the
most skeptical of new styles.
By using the Diamond Shaped Trend Model, we could determine the entire population of people
in relation to trends

The picture shows that the Trend Creator

Trend Setter trend creators and anti-
innovators have the least Trend Follower
Early Mainstreamers
number and the
mainstreamers having the most number.
Late Mainstreamer

Celebrities are generally not trend creators nor trend setters; they are considered as
great influencers. As such, they can be classified as follows depending on how they are
able to influence others. The status of a celebrity is very important in determining that
celebrity’s potential trendsetting influence.
In general, the higher a celebrity is in the hierarchy, the more the celebrity can affect

Celebrity Hierarchy/Level of status

1.) Icons - worshipped for decades and known by many (example: Madonna)
2.) Megastars - Jennifer Lopez
3.) Superstars - Lebron James, Kobe Bryant
4.) Stars - Fashion models
5.) Minor Celebrities - Talent Show contestants
6.) Wannabes - they are often popular for a short period of time (15mins of Fame); reality
TV show contestants
Further discussion on trends and fads.
The study of trends and fads is very important to all of us. We are living in a society
wherein our behavior is affected by different things. We often times disregard things that will
have an impact to our lives later on. Most of us have been affected by the principle of
consumerism, that is, we buy things that are not needed. However, this buying behavior of
people is actually one of the patterns that may tell us that there is a certain product which may
become a trend or a fad.

Different phenomenon may be considered as trend since it has also been part of our
daily activities such as riding the public utility vehicles or the use of bicycles when going to and
from our workplaces, or the wearing of school uniforms and other phenomenon that has an
impact to our lives. These phenomena are already integrated to our culture and as such we tend
to maintain the same.

Some of our ideas when properly conveyed may become a trend. We communicate our
ideas and sometimes emotions through the use of social media. Social media is the tool that we
make use of when we want to convey/communicate our ideas and emotions. For example,
vlogging or video blogging starts with our ideas and we share them through the use of social
media. In this case, your idea becomes a trend if it will affect your supporters or subscribers.
Some of the ideas that are now considered trends are new food recipes, inventions, or anything
which are useful to humans provided that the elements of a trend is present. Thus, Social
media, vlogging and the idea that you conveyed/communicated are to be considered as trends.

Our increased level of awareness regarding different products can be attributed to

globalization (to be discussed later in module 3) has made us realize that some products may
have been popular in a specific place and the manufacturers of these products would now have
to expand its market. Two scenarios can happen because of the expansion. First, the product
will gain support from the new market and will become part of their daily activities. Second, the
product will still be supported in the new market but will eventually fade away. These two
scenarios actually give us a better understanding why a product will be a trend or a fad. The use
of cellphones was introduced to us by developed countries and we have been supportive of this
as shown by our daily use of it. it became a need for us. However, the cellphones that are
introduced should evolve so that it will address our concerns. In short, it must improve and
change as our need for it changes. If the product will no be improved, that cellphone fades
away. This is now what we call as finite variability.

The different trends that we have are actually composed of different parts. This means
that it was created because of the combination of different parts. Thus, a trend cannot happen if
it is not composed of interrelated parts. Let us look into this situation. The use of internet is a
trend. However, internet is just the product of different things. So, we could say that the it was
the product of the combination of the need to communicate, the use of gadgets, the desire to be
connected to others, the right to be informed, the need for entertainment and others which you
think is connected to having an internet. Therefore, knowing that an idea, event, phenomenon or
a product is a trend is one thing but knowing its parts is another.
We have to remember that every aspect of our existence is and will always be affected by
trends and fads. I have here a tabulated summary of how a trend and a fad has been integrated
to the aforementioned aspects.
Aspects Trend Fad
1. Political – this is related The spread of democracy Political memes of different
to governmental processes and the adherence to it by political candidates
or activities different states
2. Economic - this is based The use of atm/debit/credit Buying of certain products
on the production, cards or cashless which are not really useful
consumption and transactions or it satisfies the buyers for
distribution of goods and a limited period of time
3. Social – this includes Joining different social The use of gay lingo or
any form of relationship networks or professional popular online games
that we have created with organizations except hose that becomes
others part of mainstream society.
4. Cultural – this deal with The observance of The different style in the
the customs, practices, religious holidays and the fashion industry (Clothing,
behavior of individuals celebration of the day of haircut, body piercing)
different saints
(Community based fiestas)
Additional readings:
The articles will supplement your knowledge of trends and fads. Read and reflect on the
ideas presented by these articles.

Article # 1
Question to think about?
Is dancing a trend or a fad? What about the different kinds of dances? Is it a trend or a

The rise of viral dance challenges (and why you should try them on TikTok)
By: BrandRoom 08:36 PM March 31, 2020

MANILA, Philippines – At this point, your social media feed might have already played a number of
viral dance challenges. Considering the large volume of Filipinos who are currently under the
enhanced community quarantine, many took the time to create and post their own TikTok videos on
a daily basis.

These users immediately become a part of a huge global activity that so many others are in on, too.
Beyond completing the hashtag challenges, there is also a strong sense of community that is forged
here. Of course, users who enjoy watching videos of these online challenges also play a huge part in
them going viral. As more people watch and engage, popularity, and eventually notoriety grows, too.
For as long as video creators continue to post, and viewers continue to watch, more and more online
challenges will continue to emerge. Such is the case of the recent viral dance challenge trend.

There are many possible reasons why these dance challenges catch on so quickly. It could be
because people love to dance. Dancing is also a social activity, and online dance challenges allow
people to dance together, albeit apart. Here, a dancer’s level of confidence matters about as much
as his or her skill level, and the fact that anyone can join in plays on that sense of belonging that
many want to take part in. Plus, viral dance videos are simply fun to watch.

Here in the Philippines, some of the popular dance challenges we have seen online. Who would
forget about the “Tala” dance challenge? This has become such a huge phenomenon that practically
everyone is doing it – Young and old, male and female, from grandmothers to small children,
individually and in groups. Tala wasn’t the first viral dance challenge, and it certainly wasn’t the last.
“Ay, Barbie! Sabi ko na!,” became a song so familiar that almost everybody danced to it at some
point. It’s an edited music from another viral video of a young boy expressing his glee while opening
his present – a Barbie doll. Play the song in public, and inevitably, someone will start dancing.
Even the daughter of singers Dingdong Avanzado and Jessa Zaragoza, Jayda is not exempted from
TikTok’s dance craze. She bonded with her parents in a synchronized dance to Shakira’s hit
number, Hips Don’t Lie. The video is March’s most watched in the Philippines garnering 9.5 million
views as of writing.

If you’ve never joined in before, why not jump on the bandwagon and post your own video right
now? The best, and easiest way to do this is through TikTok. Here are five things that make TikTok
so great for dance videos.
1. The app has an impressive music library, which makes searching for songs to dance along to an
absolute breeze.
2. With its easy interface, you are ready to shoot anytime, and anywhere with TikTok.
3. Browsing for similar content is as easy as clicking on a hashtag, so you can easily see what
others are posting before you share your own video,
4. You can count on massive engagement on TikTok, with its constantly growing number of users.
5. And finally, TikTok is a great way to showcase the versatility and natural talent of people around
the world, especially Pinoys, whether it’s through dancing, singing, comedy, or any other form of
Are you ready to join the viral dance party on TikTok? Download the app on your iOS and Android
devices to record and share your own dance challenge video today.

Article # 2
Question to reflect upon? What made each generation support a certain trend or a fad?

OK, boomer—but let’s talk, millennials

By: Hyacinth Tagupa - @inquirerdotnet

Philippine Daily Inquirer / 04:20 AM November 22, 2019

Surprise, surprise: Millennials and Gen Z-ers are fed up with Baby Boomers. Though various
generations have been arguing forever as to who’s better and who’s ruining everything, this may be
the first time that the younger set have an unofficial war cry: “OK, boomer.”

It’s a phrase used to shut down outdated views on anything, from gender issues to environmental
conservation to K-pop. Can’t accept that humans are responsible for global warming? OK, boomer.
Ranting about Instagram models? OK, boomer. Most famously, New Zealand lawmaker Chlöe
Swarbrick dropped a well-placed “OK, boomer” on her older colleague who was heckling her while
she was talking about climate change.
As a retort (or in millennial-speak, a clapback), this phrase is perfect. It’s crisp, it’s easy, and it’s
effortlessly succinct. But as a tool in conversation, “OK, boomer” is useless. More than useless, it’s
damaging, because it cuts off what might otherwise be honest, illuminating discussions, and feeds
the general resentment that each age group feels for the other.

I may be overthinking an internet meme here. If it turns out that “OK, boomer” is merely one of those
fads that will soon be buried in the graveyard of the forgotten (right beside “Pen Pineapple Apple
Pen” and “on fleek”), then all is well. But if “OK, boomer” is a sign that younger generations are
unwilling to listen to opinions they don’t agree with, even when those opinions have merit, then we
need to sit down and talk.

Instead of alienating our older folks for not getting on with the times, or for directly contradicting what
we think is right, why don’t we try engaging them in conversation?

I myself have written about how Filipino millennials and Gen Z-ers are diverging from some beliefs
that our parents and grandparents have tried to instill in us. It might be the belief that depression isn’t
real, that contraceptives lead to promiscuity, or that one has to be married by age 30. I’ve cited
generational differences multiple times; it’s often helpful to understand history and society by sorting
them into generations (shared experiences, common struggles, etc).

But every once in a while, I find individuals whose ideas and attitudes are surprisingly refreshing for
their age group. My grandmother keeps asking me “Are you going to get married and have kids
soon?”—which is exactly the kind of question you’d expect from an 88-year-old elder. But then she
always follows it up with “You don’t need to marry. Just adopt a child.”

This to me is interesting, partly because I, a millennial, am agreeable to it, and partly because it’s
unexpected from a Traditionalist—a person born roughly between 1925 and 1945. Traditionalists,
also called the Silent Generation, are characterized as conformists, abiding by rules and aiming for
stability, having grown up in a time of war. Hearing my Traditionalist grandma’s advice to have a
very nontraditional family is like finding a smartphone in a room full of typewriters.

I’ve heard it said that the Silent Generation was seething beneath the surface. They may have
conformed because war and economic turmoil pressured them to, but on the inside, their new
sentiments were bubbling—sentiments that soon became movements such as women’s liberation.

Maybe my Lola isn’t such a rare outlier. Maybe, when it comes down to the meat of things, younger
generations aren’t so different from their grandparents after all.
We may also look at it in terms of cycles. Generational author Amy Lynch explains it like this: “If we
look at history, we find that generations actually cycle. For example, an intensely passionate
generation is always followed by a cynical one, and a cynical gen is always followed by a practical,
fix-it gen, and so forth.” In other words, each generation responds to the shortcomings of its
predecessor. It may seem like an endless clash—like we’re fated to always be arguing against our
parents—but it’s really a continuous balancing.

Traditionalists, boomers, millennials, Gen Z—we all want the world to be a better place, though our
different times have made us perceive it through different lenses. Today, Gen Y and Gen Z are
turning the wheel. We’ve given names to real issues that were previously ignored; we’ve given voice
to parties that were previously unheard. Let’s also have the courtesy to sit down and help our older
folks catch up.

This unit has presented to you the definition, characteristics, stages, types, hierarchy,
elements/components, and the causes and consequences of a trend. Furthermore, it has also
defined and describe fads. It also showed some of the differences between the trends and fads
that will help you understand the subject matter. Other concepts which are related to trends and
fads were also discussed. One of the more important concepts is becoming a trend spotter. This
is important to you as a student so that you will be able to appreciate how trends and fads affect
you as an individual and a member of a larger community. Furthermore, you were also
acquainted with the different personalities that influence your way of thinking towards things that
are considered as trends. These personalities have been influential to you since they either
create the trend or endorse the use of these trends.
The knowledge that you gained from these readings will at least give you a broader perspective
towards your outlook in life. It will give you the opportunity to learn and unlearn things for your
self-improvement. This will eventually make you a better person when it comes to becoming a
creative and critical thinker.

The following are formative assessments which will test your knowledge about the topics
presented in this unit.

Activity # 1:
Every generation have been defined by something that made them unique. Each of the
generations has been a trend creator and trend setter. As part of the so-called generation Z or
the post-millennials, think of a trend that made your generation unique. Being unique here
means that it is your generation who started it or is popular in your generation. Give and
discuss at least three.

Activity # 2
Fill in the box with words or phrases that will complete the distinction between trends and fads
by using the provided standard.
Categories / Point of
distinctions FAD TREND
Notion of Change



Time and nature of growth

Scope and Limitations


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