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When it comes to tourism France has always been one the most visited countries in the world.
The tourism industry is an economic pillar for the country because it contributes around 10% to
their GDP.
Manufacturing and technology
According to the data published by World Bank France was the 8th largest manufacturer in terms
of value added and it contributed around 9.18% to the gdp. Also France is a considered as the
4th largest automobile manufacturer in the world and is home to some of the largest automobile
manufacturers in the world.
Another industry that hugely contributes to the French economy is energy. France is the 10th
largest producer of electricity.
And their leading electricity company, is the largest utility company in the world. France is also
considered a world leader in nuclear technology as majority of their exports include fuel products
and reactors.

France has always been a global Agricultural power house. It is an important sector for the
country because around 3.8 million of the population is involved in agricultural activities
contributing 1.7% to their gdp. It is also the world's 6th largest exporter for agricultural products.

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