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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Explain how objects gets charge through friction;
b. Show appreciation to the real-life application of charging by friction in daily activities;
c. Perform an activity entitled “Fast-To-Pass” by charging the materials through rubbing.


B. MATERIALS: Visual Aids, Chalk and Eraser, Plastic Straw, Cloth, Paper, and Rod.
Asuncion Alvie J. et. Al, Science 7 Learner Material, pp. 265-267
Ferido, M. B., Guiterrez, J. R. M. Asuncion, A. J. Catalan, M. H. D., & Catris, L. V.
(2017). K to 12 grade 7 learner’smaterial. Department of Education. FEP Printing
D. VALUING: “Don’t sit there and complain. Rub your hands together and figure out what
to do.”

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

a. Daily Routine

Good Morning, Class!

Good Morning, Sir!

Let us pray first…

(One student will lead the prayer)

… Amen!
b. Checking of Attendance

Before you may take your seat, please pick

up the pieces of paper under tour chair and
align your chairs.
(The students will pick up the pieces of trash
under their chair and align their chairs.)
Now let’s check the attendance…

(The secretary of the class will inform the

class of those who are absent.)
c. Short Recap
Before we feed ourselves with new learning,
let’s have first a short recap of our last topic
in our previous lesson. What was again our
topic last meeting?
It’s all about electricity and the law of
charges, Sir!
Very Good! Can you state the law of
The law of charges states that “Opposite
charges attract, and like charges repel.”
Brilliant! Always remember that unlike
charges attract, and like charges repel.
B. Motivation

To formally start our lesson, I want to

introduce to you my friend that live under the
sea. I want you to meet “URSULA” my jelly
fish friend. Say hi to her!

(Jelly fish that was made up of Plastic Straw)

(The students will say hi to Ursula.)

Ursula has a big problem! She forgotten how

to swim! And in that case, she wanted us to
help her remember how to swim again. Let
me ask you, how do jelly fish swim again?
Can someone demonstrate it?
One student will demonstrate how jelly fish
swims by wiggling his/her body.
Very Good! As you can see, her tentacles are
relax and compacted. She can’t move her
tentacles that will make her swim. How can
we help her?
We can help her by massaging her tentacles,
How can we do that?

We need to rub a cloth to her tentacles!

Great! Let’s see if it work!

(The teacher will rub a cotton cloth to the

tentacles of Ursula)
(The tentacles that was made of plastic

What happened to the tentacles of Ursula?

It spread, Sir! The tentacles repelled to each
Very Good! Your suggestion works! Ursula
can now swim back to where she belongs!
Say goodbye to Ursula.
Goodbye Ursula!

Okay class, let me ask you a question. How

are we able to make Ursula’s tentacles
By rubbing a cloth to it, Sir!

C. Presentation

Very Good! Today, we will tackle one of the

charging processes which is “Charging by
Friction”. Before we dive deeper, let me
present to you first the learning competencies
for this session.

At the end of the discussion, the students will

be able to:
a. Explain how objects gets charge through
b. Show appreciation to the real-life
application of charging by friction in daily
activities; and
c. Perform an activity entitled “Fast-To-
Pass” by charging the materials through
D. Lesson Proper

Now, what do you think is the reason why

the plastic tentacles of Ursula repelled when
we rub it with a cotton cloth?
If we recall it in our previous meeting sir,
there is what we called as Triboelectric
Series. In the series, the plastic straw gains
extra electron and became negatively
charged, while the cotton cloth loses electron
and became positively charge because it is
placed higher than the Plastic.
Very Good! In that case, all of the plastic
straws became negatively charged. What law
of charges can be seen in that demonstration?
Like charges repel, Sir!
Exactly! As what you have seen, they
repelled to each other because they are all
negatively charged. Is that clear?
Yes, Sir!

Okay! In that demonstration, how do we

charged the objects? How do the objects get
By rubbing, Sir!

Correct! And the rubbing of two different

materials is what we called “Charging by
Friction.” Kindly repeat it!
The rubbing of two different materials is
what we called “Charging by Friction.”
Yes, that is the first method of charging an
object. To charge an object, we need to rub it
with other materials. And how are we going
to know which object loses or gain an
By the use of Triboelectric Series, Sir!

Very Good! In Charging by Friction, when

the two objects rubbed with each other, one
object will loose its electron and became
positively y charged. How about the object
that gains extra electron? What will happen
to its charge?
It becomes negatively charged.

Great! Always remember that concept, okay?

Yes, Sir!

E. Application

Okay! To check whether you understand the

concept of charging by friction, can you cite
real-life examples of charging by friction
which two materials are rubbed with each
Cleaning the windows with cloth, sir!
Rubbing your feet to the carpet.
Combing your hair, Sir.

(Answer may vary)

Excellent! All of your answers are correct!
F. Generalization

Now that you already understand how the

objects get charged through friction by means
of rubbing two different materials. Let’s try
to put everything into account. I will divide
the group into 4, your row will be your

We will have a short activity to simply put

everything. This activity is entitled “Fast to
Pass.” The goal of this activity is to collect
bits of paper from the source to be transfer to
each group’s basket. You are free to use
every materials inside the classroom to
generate a friction that will attract the papers.
Each pair will only have one chance and you
will do it simultaneously until such the end
player. The group who collects more bits of
paper will receive 10 points.
(The students will perform the activity.)

G. Valuing

Let me end the session with a quote of the

day, “Don’t sit there and complain. Rub your
hands together and figure out what to do.”
Direction: Write “Pangit Ako” if the statement is True, and write “Cute si Sir” if the statement is
1. Charging by friction happens when two objects with different materials are rubbed
with each other.
2. When an object loses an electron, it will become negatively charged.
3. When an object gains electron, it will become positively charged.
4. We can determine which material will lose or gain an electron with the help of
Taboelectric Series.
5. Law of Charges states that “Opposite charges repel, and like charges attract.”

 Follow Up
1. What is Friction?
2. What is Polarization?
 Advance
1. Make a research about the two method of charging processes.
2. Make an advance reading about Charging by Induction.
Prepared by:
Germaine Ethan Epe

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