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Experiment 10: Design and development of Predective Parser

Learning Objective: Student should be able to apply Predictive parsing technique and
implement it.

Tools: Jdk1.8, Turbo C/C++, Notepad++, Python


Predictive Parser:
The Predictive Parser is also called as LL(1) Parser. The first ‘L’ in LL(1) stands
for scanning the input from left to right, the second ‘L’ stands for producing a leftmost
derivation, and the ‘1’ for using one input symbol of lookahead at each step to make parsing
action decisions. LL(1) grammar follows Top-down parsing method. For a class of grammars
called LL(1) we can construct grammars predictive parser. That works on the concept of
recursive-descent parser not requiring backtracking.

Steps to check LL(1) grammar or not:

Elimination of Left Recursion

A grammar is left recursive if it has a nonterminal A such that there is a derivation
A → A α | β. Top-down parsing methods cannot handle left-recursive grammars, so a
transformation is needed to eliminate left recursion. Left recursion can be eliminated by
modifying the rule as follows: (A’ is new non-terminal and ε is representing epsilon).

A → β A’
A’ → α A’ | ε

Left Factoring
It is a grammar transformation that is useful for producing grammar suitable for
predictive or top-down parsing. When the choice between two alternative productions is not
clear, we rewrite the productions to defer the decision to make the right choice.

For example, if we have grammar rule A → α β1 | α β2

A → α A’
A’ → β1 | β2

Concept of First and Follow

The construction of a top-down parser is aided by FIRST and FOLLOW functions,
that are associated with a grammar G. During top-down parsing, FIRST and FOLLOW allow
us to choose which production to apply, based on the next input symbol.

Rules for First computation:

1) If x is terminal, then FIRST(x)={x}

2) If X→ ε is production, then add ε to FIRST(X)
3) If X is a non-terminal and X → PQR then FIRST(X)=FIRST(P)
   If FIRST(P) contains ε, then  
        FIRST(X) = (FIRST(P) – {ε}) U FIRST(QR)

Rules for Follow computation:

1) For Start symbol, place $ in FOLLOW(S)

2) If A→ α B, then FOLLOW(B) = FOLLOW(A)
3) If A→ α B β, then
  If ε not in FIRST(β),
       FOLLOW(B) = FIRST(β)
  else do,
       FOLLOW(B) = (FIRST(β)-{ε}) U FOLLOW(A)

Parsing table
After the construction of the parsing table, if for any non-terminal symbol in the
table we have more than one production rule for any terminal symbol in the table column the
grammar is not LL(1). Otherwise, then grammar is considered as LL(1).  

Rules for construction of parsing table:

Step 1: For each production A → α , of the given grammar

perform Step 2 and Step 3.  
Step 2: For each terminal symbol ‘a’ in FIRST(α), ADD A → α in
table T[A,a], where ‘A’ determines row & ‘a’ determines
Step 3:  If ε is present in FIRST(α) then find FOLLOW(A), ADD
A → ε, at all columns ‘b’, where ‘b’ is FOLLOW(A).  (T[A,b])
Step 4: If ε is in FIRST(α) and $ is the FOLLOW(A), ADD A → α
to T[A,$].

Approach for String Validation

 After the parsing table is generated, we must validate the input string for the given
grammar. We make use of the stack and buffer for this purpose. If grammar is not
LL(1) String validation cannot be performed. Enter the follow of START SYMBOL,
‘$’ in both stack and buffer. Firstly, enter the input string in reverse order into the
buffer. Then add the START SYMBOL to the top of the stack.
 Then we iteratively traverse over the current state of stack and buffer and match the
entries of Table[x][y], where ‘x’ is a symbol at top of the stack and ‘y’ is a symbol at
the rear of the buffer. We take the corresponding rule from the table and expand Non-
terminal at TOS in the following iteration.
 If x and y both symbols are the same terminals, then we pop them from both stack and
buffer and continue computation. If the stack and buffer remain with only ‘$’ symbol,
this shows that all input string symbols have been matched and the string belongs to
the given grammar. If Rule is not present in the parsing table or x and y are unequal
terminal symbols, then string does not belong to the given grammar.

# LL(1) parser code in python

def removeLeftRecursion(rulesDiction):
store = {}
for lhs in rulesDiction:
alphaRules = []
betaRules = []
allrhs = rulesDiction[lhs]
for subrhs in allrhs:
if subrhs[0] == lhs:
if len(alphaRules) != 0:
lhs_ = lhs + "'"
while (lhs_ in rulesDiction.keys()) \
or (lhs_ in store.keys()):
lhs_ += "'"
for b in range(0, len(betaRules)):
rulesDiction[lhs] = betaRules
for a in range(0, len(alphaRules)):
store[lhs_] = alphaRules
for left in store:
rulesDiction[left] = store[left]
return rulesDiction

def LeftFactoring(rulesDiction):
newDict = {}
for lhs in rulesDiction:
allrhs = rulesDiction[lhs]
temp = dict()
for subrhs in allrhs:
if subrhs[0] not in list(temp.keys()):
temp[subrhs[0]] = [subrhs]
new_rule = []
tempo_dict = {}
for term_key in temp:
allStartingWithTermKey = temp[term_key]
if len(allStartingWithTermKey) > 1:
lhs_ = lhs + "'"
while (lhs_ in rulesDiction.keys()) \
or (lhs_ in tempo_dict.keys()):
lhs_ += "'"
new_rule.append([term_key, lhs_])
ex_rules = []
for g in temp[term_key]:
tempo_dict[lhs_] = ex_rules
newDict[lhs] = new_rule
for key in tempo_dict:
newDict[key] = tempo_dict[key]
return newDict
def first(rule):
global rules, nonterm_userdef, \
term_userdef, diction, firsts
if len(rule) != 0 and (rule is not None):
if rule[0] in term_userdef:
return rule[0]
elif rule[0] == '#':
return '#'
if len(rule) != 0:
if rule[0] in list(diction.keys()):
# fres temporary list of result
fres = []
rhs_rules = diction[rule[0]]
# call first on each rule of RHS
# fetched (& take union)
for itr in rhs_rules:
indivRes = first(itr)
if type(indivRes) is list:
for i in indivRes:
if '#' not in fres:
return fres
# apply epsilon
# rule => f(ABC)=f(A)-{e} U f(BC)
newList = []
if len(rule) > 1:
ansNew = first(rule[1:])
if ansNew != None:
if type(ansNew) is list:
newList = fres + ansNew
newList = fres + [ansNew]
newList = fres
return newList
return fres
def follow(nt):
global start_symbol, rules, nonterm_userdef, \
term_userdef, diction, firsts, follows
solset = set()
if nt == start_symbol:
return '$'
for curNT in diction:
rhs = diction[curNT]
for subrule in rhs:
if nt in subrule:
while nt in subrule:
index_nt = subrule.index(nt)
subrule = subrule[index_nt + 1:]
if len(subrule) != 0:
res = first(subrule)
if '#' in res:
newList = []
ansNew = follow(curNT)
if ansNew != None:
if type(ansNew) is list:
newList = res + ansNew
newList = res + [ansNew]
newList = res
res = newList
if nt != curNT:
res = follow(curNT)
if res is not None:
if type(res) is list:
for g in res:
return list(solset)
def computeAllFirsts():
global rules, nonterm_userdef, \
term_userdef, diction, firsts
for rule in rules:
k = rule.split("->")
k[0] = k[0].strip()
k[1] = k[1].strip()
rhs = k[1]
multirhs = rhs.split('|')
for i in range(len(multirhs)):
multirhs[i] = multirhs[i].strip()
multirhs[i] = multirhs[i].split()
diction[k[0]] = multirhs
print(f"\nRules: \n")
for y in diction:
print(f"\nAfter elimination of left recursion:\n")
diction = removeLeftRecursion(diction)
for y in diction:
print("\nAfter left factoring:\n")
diction = LeftFactoring(diction)
for y in diction:
for y in list(diction.keys()):
t = set()
for sub in diction.get(y):
res = first(sub)
if res != None:
if type(res) is list:
for u in res:
firsts[y] = t
print("\nCalculated firsts: ")
key_list = list(firsts.keys())
index = 0
for gg in firsts:
print(f"first({key_list[index]}) "
f"=> {firsts.get(gg)}")
index += 1
def computeAllFollows():
global start_symbol, rules, nonterm_userdef,\
term_userdef, diction, firsts, follows
for NT in diction:
solset = set()
sol = follow(NT)
if sol is not None:
for g in sol:
follows[NT] = solset
print("\nCalculated follows: ")
key_list = list(follows.keys())
index = 0
for gg in follows:
f" => {follows[gg]}")
index += 1
def createParseTable():
import copy
global diction, firsts, follows, term_userdef
print("\nFirsts and Follow Result table\n")
mx_len_first = 0
mx_len_fol = 0
for u in diction:
k1 = len(str(firsts[u]))
k2 = len(str(follows[u]))
if k1 > mx_len_first:
mx_len_first = k1
if k2 > mx_len_fol:
mx_len_fol = k2
print(f"{{:<{10}}} "
f"{{:<{mx_len_first + 5}}} "
f"{{:<{mx_len_fol + 5}}}"
.format("Non-T", "FIRST", "FOLLOW"))
for u in diction:
print(f"{{:<{10}}} "
f"{{:<{mx_len_first + 5}}} "
f"{{:<{mx_len_fol + 5}}}"
.format(u, str(firsts[u]), str(follows[u])))
ntlist = list(diction.keys())
terminals = copy.deepcopy(term_userdef)
mat = []
for x in diction:
row = []
for y in terminals:
grammar_is_LL = True
for lhs in diction:
rhs = diction[lhs]
for y in rhs:
res = first(y)
if '#' in res:
if type(res) == str:
firstFollow = []
fol_op = follows[lhs]
if fol_op is str:
for u in fol_op:
res = firstFollow
res = list(res) +\
ttemp = []
if type(res) is str:
res = copy.deepcopy(ttemp)
for c in res:
xnt = ntlist.index(lhs)
yt = terminals.index(c)
if mat[xnt][yt] == '':
mat[xnt][yt] = mat[xnt][yt] \
+ f"{lhs}->{' '.join(y)}"
if f"{lhs}->{y}" in mat[xnt][yt]:
grammar_is_LL = False
mat[xnt][yt] = mat[xnt][yt] \
+ f",{lhs}->{' '.join(y)}"
print("\nGenerated parsing table:\n")
frmt = "{:>12}" * len(terminals)

for y in mat:
frmt1 = "{:>12}" * len(y)
print(f"{ntlist[j]} {frmt1.format(*y)}")
j += 1
return (mat, grammar_is_LL, terminals)
def validateStringUsingStackBuffer(parsing_table, grammarll1,
table_term_list, input_string,
print(f"\nValidate String => {input_string}\n")
if grammarll1 == False:
return f"\nInput String = " \
f"\"{input_string}\"\n" \
f"Grammar is not LL(1)"

stack = [start_symbol, '$']

buffer = []
input_string = input_string.split()
buffer = ['$'] + input_string
print("{:>20} {:>20} {:>20}".
format("Buffer", "Stack","Action"))
while True:
if stack == ['$'] and buffer == ['$']:
print("{:>20} {:>20} {:>20}"
.format(' '.join(buffer),
' '.join(stack),
return "\nValid String!"
elif stack[0] not in term_userdef:
# take font of buffer (y) and tos (x)
x = list(diction.keys()).index(stack[0])
y = table_term_list.index(buffer[-1])
if parsing_table[x][y] != '':
# format table entry received
entry = parsing_table[x][y]
print("{:>20} {:>20} {:>25}".
format(' '.join(buffer),
' '.join(stack),
f"T[{stack[0]}][{buffer[-1]}] =
lhs_rhs = entry.split("->")
lhs_rhs[1] = lhs_rhs[1].replace('#', '').strip()
entryrhs = lhs_rhs[1].split()
stack = entryrhs + stack[1:]
return f"\nInvalid String! No rule at " \
# stack top is Terminal
if stack[0] == buffer[-1]:
print("{:>20} {:>20} {:>20}"
.format(' '.join(buffer),
' '.join(stack),
buffer = buffer[:-1]
stack = stack[1:]
return "\nInvalid String! " \
"Unmatched terminal symbols"
sample_input_string = None
rules=["S -> A k O",
"A -> A d | a B | a C",
"C -> c",
"B -> b B C | r"]

sample_input_string="a r k O"
diction = {}
firsts = {}
follows = {}
start_symbol = list(diction.keys())[0]
(parsing_table, result, tabTerm) = createParseTable()
# validate string input using stack-buffer concept
if sample_input_string != None:
validity = validateStringUsingStackBuffer(parsing_table, result, tabTerm,
sample_input_string, term_userdef,start_symbol)
print("\nNo input String detected")


S->[['A', 'k', 'O']]

A->[['A', 'd'], ['a', 'B'], ['a', 'C']]
B->[['b', 'B', 'C'], ['r']]

After elimination of left recursion:

S->[['A', 'k', 'O']]

A->[['a', 'B', "A'"], ['a', 'C', "A'"]]
B->[['b', 'B', 'C'], ['r']]
A'->[['d', "A'"], ['#']]

After left factoring:

S->[['A', 'k', 'O']]

A->[['a', "A''"]]
A''->[['B', "A'"], ['C', "A'"]]
B->[['b', 'B', 'C'], ['r']]
A'->[['d', "A'"], ['#']]

Calculated firsts:
first(S) => {'a'}
first(A) => {'a'}
first(A'') => {'c', 'r', 'b'}
first(C) => {'c'}
first(B) => {'r', 'b'}
first(A') => {'d', '#'}

Calculated follows:
follow(S) => {'$'}
follow(A) => {'k'}
follow(A'') => {'k'}
follow(C) => {'d', 'c', 'k'}
follow(B) => {'d', 'c', 'k'}
follow(A') => {'k'}

Firsts and Follow Result table


S {'a'} {'$'}
A {'a'} {'k'}
A'' {'c', 'r', 'b'} {'k'}
C {'c'} {'d', 'c', 'k'}
B {'r', 'b'} {'d', 'c', 'k'}
A' {'d', '#'} {'k'}

Generated parsing table:

k O d a c b
r $
S S->A k O
A A->a A''
A'' A''->C A' A''->B
A' A''->B A'
C C->c
B B->b B C
A' A'-># A'->d A'

Validate String => a r k O

Buffer Stack Action

$ O k r a S $ T[S][a] = S->A k O
$ O k r a A k O $ T[A][a] = A->a A''
$ O k r a a A'' k O $ Matched:a
$ O k r A'' k O $ T[A''][r] = A''->B A'
$ O k r B A' k O $ T[B][r] = B->r
$ O k r r A' k O $ Matched:r
$ O k A' k O $ T[A'][k] = A'->#
$ O k k O $ Matched:k
$ O O $ Matched:O
$ $ Valid

Valid String!

For Faculty Use

Correction Formative Timely completion Attendance /

Parameters Assessment of Practical [ 40%] Learning
[40%] Attitude [20%]

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