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is the force that moves people to initiate, direct and sustain behaviors and action

to achieve personal and organizational goals. There are different schools of thought who have
presented a number of theories to motivate people. It is imperative for the students
of management to have a good understanding and application skills of these theories.
Which theory of motivation can be applied to motivate following persons. Also find out
the specific part or technique, within identified theory, to motivate these individuals; and explain
properly how this motivation technique or theory works.

1. A good performer
2. An entrepreneur
3. A lazybones
4. A worker feeling working conditions are unsafe
5. A generous and charitable person

Individual to be Motivated Motivation Theory Applied Specific Part/ Technique How Theory/ Technique


A lazybones McGregor Theory X And Employee dislikes work This employee needs to be

Theory -Y regularly counseling from

his boss and his boss really

have to work very hard to get

him motivated, and if he

doesn’t get motivated and

give the desired results,

change that individual

because the attitude of the

employee is not in line with

the company’s objective.

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