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Now I will talk about the life cycle of the Rhagoletis pomonella y

First of all the North American females lay eggs in the fruits of the hawthorn tree, called
cenellas. Hawthorn is the natural host of the y. However, some females lay their eggs in

Each of these fruits can only contain one egg as the laying female releases a warning
pheromone to deter other females from laying.

The egg hatches 3 to 4 days later and the larva begins to eat the fruit, which falls o the
tree when it is ripe.

The larva goes underground and transforms into chrysalises for the winter. The moult
takes place in summer

The egg measures 0.9 mm, the larvae measure 6.5 mm and the pupae measure 5 mm.
The adult insect is 2 to 4 mm long and lives for 3 to 6 weeks around the host tree. They
eat the juices emitted by the plant or the nectar of the owers.


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