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Lab Title: Designing Controller for first order and second order System
Student Name: Muhammad Awais Badar Reg. No: 190469
Objective: Familiarizing with the practical use of Controllers.


Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Attributes (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Ability to Conduct
Ability to assimilate the
Effective use of lab
equipment and follows
the lab safety rules

Total Marks: Obtained



Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Data presentation

Experimental results


Total Marks: Obtained


Date: Signature:


Sr List Status Remarks of Instructor


1 Lab # ✓

2 Lab title ✓

3 Objectives ✓

4 Minimum Software required ✓

5 Tasks statement and given ✓


6 Code heading and code ✓

7 Output heading and pasted ✓


8 A brief discussion of every ✓

task (within two or three

9 Conclusion ✓

LAB: 12
Designing Controller for First Order and Second Order systems


• To get familiar with the practical use of controllers.

• To design PID controller for first order and second order system.

Equipment Required:

• Digital Oscilloscope
• Controller Module
• Probes and wires


The designing of PID controller for first order and second order systems in practical terms was
explored and discussed in this lab experiment. To get to the actual procedure and steps that were
followed for designing the PID, first it is important to discuss what are first and second order
systems are and what are different compensators and controllers and their uses

First Order systems:

A first order system is a type of control system whose input and output relationship or the transfer
function is a first order differential equation. A first-order differential equation contains a first-
order derivative, but no derivative higher than the first order. It is the fact that in first order
systems there does not exist an overshoot in their time response as opposed to the second order
systems in which the overshoot exists.

Second Order systems:

A second order system is a type of control system whose input and output relationship or the
transfer function is a second order differential equation. A second order differential equation
contains a second order derivative. In second order systems, the overshoot is observed when the
time response is looked at as compared to the first order systems that do not have overshoot in
their time response.

PI Controller:

A lag compensator or a PI controller is used to improve the steady state response of a control
system. A PI compensator compensates by first placing a pole closer to the origin and then
placing a zero to the left of that pole such that |pole|<|zero|. The lag compensator lowers the
high frequency magnitude. Real life example of a lag compensator is a PI Controller that is used
with different systems for compensation purposes. The lag compensator also lowers the phase
asymptote by 90°. Lag compensators are mainly used to raise the lower-frequency gain.

PD Controller:

A PD or a lead compensator compensates for the transient response of a control system and
improves the transient response. Real life example of a lead compensator is a PD Controller
that is used with different systems for compensation purposes. A lead compensator compensates

by placing a zero closer to the origin on the real axis such that |zero|<|pole|. It first places the
zero to make the system fast and to manipulate its root locus and then it places a pole on the left
of that earlier placed zero. The lead compensator raises the high-frequency magnitude. Between
the pole and the zero, the lead compensator raises the phase asymptote by 90°. Phase-lead
compensators can often be used to improve the stability of feedback control systems with a
small gain margin or with time delays, because they raise the phase between their zero and their

PID Controller:

The lead-lag compensator or PID controller works by using a lead and a lag compensator both
when the system is complex and its response is to deviated from the required response. When
both responses i.e. transient response and steady state response are not up to the required
specification then for the compensation of both of these responses, a lead-lag compensator is
designed. A lead-lag compensator adds a pole and a zero to the loop. Lead-lag compensators
have a constant magnitude for very high and very low frequencies. In designing process of a
lag-lead compensator, first the lead compensator is designed and its values are set so that the
transient response is improved and then the lag compensator is designed for the compensation
of the steady state response of the system. For practical example of lead-lag compensator, we
have a PID controller that is connected to different control systems for the purpose of the
compensation of the response.

Tasks Discussion:
The tasks were performed in groups and were first demonstrated by the lab instructor before the
actual performance of the tasks b the students. The instructor first brought the attention of the
students to the manual with the steps to follow to perform the experiment and the tasks briefing
was done beforehand. The tasks were to design controller for the first order system using the
given module and plot the response of the system on the oscilloscope and the second task was
to again design the controller for a second order system and plot the time response on the
The blocks ACS-13016, ACS-13010, ACS-13001 and ACS-13006 were used from the module
to perform the tasks. Following steps were followed for both the tasks on module:
• First the connections were made using the manual given.
• After making the connection of the module, the oscilloscope’s channel one and channel
two was connected the input and output of the system.

• The knobs were used to set the values for given parameters such that the required
compensation is achieved and the system response becomes same as that of specified.
• The settings for volts per division and second per division were considered and were
brought about the specified values and then the calculations were made.
• After all this process, the output was observed on the oscilloscope and knobs were then
again manipulated until the required results were observed.
These above steps were first followed to plot the response for first order systems and then for
designing the controller. After this, the same steps were followed for the second order systems
to perform the second task of the experiment.
Circuit Diagram:

Patched Circuit:


The amplitude and the time period of the signal was manipulated using the given knobs to get
the idea of how the signal changes when the given knobs for different parameters are rotated or
changed from their one initial position.
The primary purpose of this lab was to learn how to patch first and second-order systems circuits
in control systems and plot their real-time step responses on an oscilloscope. Using the supplied
module, the controllers were then designed for both first and second-order systems. The handbook
was read to learn how to patch a circuit on a specific module, and then the circuits for both systems
were patched and observed. In this lab experiment, the practical implementation and uses of
controllers, as well as practical examples of first and second-order systems, were discussed and
discussed. As a result, controllers for both first and second-order systems were designed and
observed utilizing the given module.

10 | P a g e

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