Principles of Communication Systems QB

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Module 1 Question Bank

1. Why carrier waves are of higher frequency compared to modulating signal?

(i) High-frequency carrier wave, effectively reduces the size of antenna which
increases transmission range.
(ii) Converts wideband signal into a narrowband signal which can easily be
recovered at the receiving end.
2. Why we need modulation? Give the advantages of Modulation.

1. to transmit the low-frequency signal to longer distance.

2. to reduce the length of the antenna.
3. power radiated by the antenna will be high for high frequency (small
4. avoid the overlapping of modulating signals.

Need of Modulation
Baseband signals or Message signals don't seem to be compatible for transmission
mechanism. To make this signal compatible and to travel longer distance, the
strength of the signal should be raised by modulation with high frequency carrier
signal, without affecting the parameters of baseband/modulating signal.
Advantages of Modulation :
Avoid mixing of signals
Increases range of communication
Multiplexing of signals is feasible
Improves quality of reception
Reduces Height of Antenna

3. Define VSB transmission.Mention its application

One of he sideband is partially Suppressed and portion of the other sideband is
transmied. This portion compensates the suppression of the sideband. It is called
vestigial sideband transmission.

VSB is mainly used in TV transmission

4.Give the advantages of DSB-SC and SSB-SC

I. Suppression of carrier results in economy of power.
2. It is commonly used in carrier current telephony system, in which one sideband is
filtered out to reduce the width of the channel required for transmission.
3. It offers secrecy.
4. It increases the efficiency because the carrier is suppressed.
1. Bandwidth of SSB is half that of DSB-SC AM. Thus twice the number of channels
can be accommodated at a given frequency spectrum.
2. No carrier is transmitted, hence possibility of interference with other channels are
3. It eliminates the possibility of fading. Fading occurs due to multipath propagation
of electro magnetic waves.

5.Explain the basic block diagram of communication system.


The elements of basic communication system are as follows

• Information or signal
• Input Transducer
• Transmitter
• Communication channel or medium
• Noise
• Receiver
• Output Transducer
1. Information or signal
• The communication systems are developed for transferring and receiving
helpful information from one place to different.
• The information may be within the style of sound signal like speech or music
or it may be within the style of photos.
2. Input Transducer
• The information within the style of sound, image or signals cannot the
transmitted as it is.
• First the information or signals has to be converted into an appropriate
electrical signal.
• The input transducers unremarkably utilized in the communication systems
are microphones, TV etc.
3. Transmitter
• The operate of the transmitter block is to convert the electrical equivalent of
the data to an appropriate form.
• It will increase the power of the signal, so that it can cover the large range.
Amplifiers, mixer, oscillator, and power amplifier are the electronic circuits which are
used as transmitter.
4. channel or medium
• The channel is that the medium used for the transmission of electronic signals
from one place to the another.
• The communication medium may be conducting wires, cables, optical fibres
or free space. 2 forms of the communication system can exist depending upon type
of medium
a. Wire communication or line communication
b. Wireless communication or radio communication
5. Noise
• When suitable form electrical Signal travels from transmitter to receiver, an
unwanted signal gets added into it known as noise signal.
• Due to noise, the standard of the transmitted info can degrade. One
supplementary the noise can't be separated out from the data
• Hence noise is a massive downside or problem within the communication
6. Receiver
• The exactly opposite process of transmission is reception . The received
signal is amplified and demodulated and converted into an appropriate form.
• Mixer, oscillator, detector and amplifier are the electronic circuits used as
7. Output electrical device
• It consists of the electrical signal at the output of the receiver back to the initial
kind of signal i.e. sound or photos.
• The typical example of the output transducers are loud speakers, pic tubes
6.Define Amplitude modulation and give mathematical equation with
The amplitude of the carrier signal varies in accordance with the instantaneous
amplitude of the modulating signal.” Which means, the amplitude of the carrier signal
which are empty varies as per the amplitude of the signal containing information, at
each instant. This is explained in the following wave forms.

Mathematical Expressions
The mathematical expression is
Let the modulating/message signal be,
and the carrier signal be,
Am : Amplitude of modulating signal and
Ac: the amplitude of the carrier signal.
fm : frequency of the modulating signal and
fc: frequency of the carrier signal.
According to the definition of AM, We change the amplitude of carrier signal,
s(t)=[Ac+ m(t)] cos(2πfct)
s(t)=[Ac+Amcos(2πfmt)]cos(2πfct) …(1)
7. What is modulation index. Give mathematical expression and explain under
modulation and over modulation.
A Measure of extent of modulation done on carrier signal is called as Modulation
Index. It is the ratio of the amplitude of modulating signal to that of the carrier signal.
From equation (1), taking Ac common, ​
s(t)=Ac[1+mcos(2πfmt)]cos(2πfct) …(2)

Where, Modulation index m is equal to the ratio of Am and Ac . Mathematically, we

can write it as
m= Am/Ac …(3)
Hence, If we know the amplitude of carrier and message signal, we can calculate the
modulation index using above formula.
Now, if the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the modulated wave are known,
let’s derive another formula for modulation index.
Let Amax : maximum amplitude of modulated wave
Amin : minimum amplitude of modulated wave.
When cos(2πfmt) = 1 then we will get the maximum amplitude of the modulated
Amax=Ac+Am …(4)
When cos(2πfmt) = -1 then we will get the minimum amplitude of the modulated
Amin=Ac−Am ---(5)
Let add (4) + (5),
Ac = (Amax+Amin) / 2 ---(6)
Let substract (4) – (5),
Am = (Amax - Amin) / 2 ---(7)
The ratio of (7) and (6)
m= …(8)
Therefore, from (3) and (8) can calculate the Modulation index.
For a perfect modulation, the value of modulation index should be 1, which gives
percentage of modulation should be 100%.
For instance, if this value is less than 1 ie m < 1, then the modulated output is Under-
modulation as shown in fig below. This wave is known as an under-modulated wave.

If the modulation index m > 1, then the wave formed will be an over-modulated wave
as shown in fig below.
This an over-modulated wave causes interference, which is difficult to eliminate that
8.What are the types of Amplitude modulation. Define each type.
Types of Amplitude modulation are
DSBSC (Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier)
If this carrier signal is suppressed and the saved power is utilized by the two
sidebands, then such a process is called as Double Sideband Suppressed
Carrier system i.e. DSBSC. It is as shown in the following figure.
SSBSC(Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier)
The two sidebands of DSBSC modulated signal contains same information. So,
transmission of one sideband is also sufficient to transmit the complete information
from sourse to destination. We can eliminate one sideband.
To eliminate one sideband along with carrier, the suppressing process is used.
Transmission of a single sideband is called as Single Sideband Suppressed
Carrier system or simply SSBSC. It is as shown in the figure below,

VSBSC(Vestigial Side Band Suppressed Carrier)

In SSBSC we have seen that only one sideband frequency can transmit the data.
Theoretically, by using ideal pass filter, we can get one sideband frequency
component. But, practically while getting the entire sideband frequency some
information gets lost.
To avoid this loss, a technique is derived, which is a compromise between DSBSC
and SSBSC. This technique is called as Vestigial Side Band Suppressed Carrier
(VSBSC) technique. In this The word “vestige” means “a part” from which, the name
is derived.
Where a part of the signal i.e. vestige is modulated along with one sideband is
known as VSBSC Modulation. The frequency spectrum of VSBSC wave is given in
Along with one sideband i.e. the upper sideband, a part of the other sideband here
lower sideband is also being transmitted in this technique. Similarly, vice versa can
occur. To avoid the interference, a guard band of very small width is laid on either
side of VSB. The most common application of VSB modulation is in television
9.Explain block diagram of AM transmitter
AM transmitter takes the audio signal as an input and delivers amplitude

modulated wave to the antenna as an output to be transmitted. The diagram of

AM transmitter is shown within the following figure.

The working of AM transmitter are often explained as follows.

 The audio signal from the output of the microphone is sent to the pre-
amplifier, which boosts the level of the modulating signal.
 The RF oscillator generates the carrier signal.
 Both the modulating and the carrier signal is sent to AM modulator.
 Power amplifier is used to increase the power levels of AM wave. This
wave is finally passed to the antenna to be transmitted.
10.Explain Block diagram of AM receiver.
The AM super superheterodyne receiver takes the amplitude modulated wave as
an input and produces the first audio signal as an output. Selectivity is that the
ability of choosing a specific signal, while rejecting the others. Sensitivity is that
the capacity of detecting RF signal and demodulating it, while at the lowest
power level.
Radio amateurs are the initial radio receivers. However, they have drawbacks
like poor sensitivity and selectivity. To overcome these drawbacks,
superheterodyne receiver was invented. The diagram of AM receiver is shown
within the following figure.

RF Tuner Section
The amplitude modulated wave received by the antenna is first passed to the
tuner circuit through a transformer. The tuner circuit is nothing but a LC circuit,
which is additionally called as resonant or circuit . It selects the frequency,
desired by the AM receiver. It also tunes the oscillator and therefore the RF filter
at a similar time.

RF Mixer
The signal from the tuner output is transferred to the RF-IF converter, which acts as
a mixer. It has a local oscillator, which produces a constant frequency. The mixing
process is completed here, having the received signal as one input and therefore the
oscillator frequency as the other input. The resultant output is a mixture of two
frequencies [(f1+f2), (f1−f2)] produced by the mixer, which is called as the
Intermediate Frequency (IF).
The production of IF helps within the demodulation of any station signal having any
carrier frequency. Hence, all signals are translated to carrier frequency for adequate

IF Filter
Intermediate frequency filter is nothing but band pass filter, which passes the
required frequency. It eliminates all other unwanted frequency components
present in it. This is the advantage of IF filter, which allows Inter Mediate (IF)

AM Demodulator
The received AM wave is now demodulated using AM demodulator. This
demodulator uses the envelope detection process to receive the modulating

Audio Amplifier
This stage is the power amplifier stage, which is used to amplify the detected audio
signal. The processed signal is strengthened to be effective. This signal is passed on
to the loudspeaker to get the original sound signal.

11. Carrier wave of frequency f = 1mHz with pack voltage of 20V used to
modulated a signal of frequency 1kHz with pack voltage of 10v. Find out the
(i)m or μ?
(ii) Frequencies of modulated wave?
(iii) Bandwidth
(i) μ = Am / Ac = 10v / 20v = 1 / 2 = 0.5
(ii) frequencies of modulated wave
f → fc, fc + fm and fc – fm
fc = 1mHz, fm = 1kHz
fc + fm = 1×106 + 1×103 = 1001 ×103 = 1001 kHz
fc – fm = 1×106 – 1×103 = 999 × 103 = 999 kHz
(iii) Band width: (W)
(W) = upper side band frequency – lower side band frequency
= fc + fm – (fc – fm)
= 2fm = 1001 kHz – 999 kHz = 2 kHz
12. If an AM signal is represented by
v=(15+3Sin(2Π*5*103t))*Sin(2Π*0.5*106 t)volts

i) Calculate the values of the frequencies of carrier and modulating signals.

ii)Calculate the value of modulation index.
iii) Calculate the value of bandwidth of this signal.
The amplitude modulated wave equation is
v=(10+2Sin(2Π*8*103 t))*Sin(2Π*1.6*106 t)volts

Instantaneous value of AM signal is represented by the equation

v={Vc +Vm Sin(ωm t)}*Sin(ωc t)
comparing it with the given equation,
Vc =10V
Vm =2V
ωc =2Πfc=2Π*1.6*106
ωm =2Πfm=2Π*8*103

(i) The carrier frequency fc is= 1.6 * 106 = 1.6 MHz. The modulating frequency fm is =
8* 103 = 8 kHz
(ii) The modulation index m = Vm/Vc = 2/10 = 0.2
(iii) The bandwidth BW = 2 fm = 16 kHz

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