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Tran Phan Nhat Khue – IELSIU19033 We have duties to ourselves – not to commit Alternative version of utilitarianism that says

ive version of utilitarianism that says we “What motivates people?“ Conflicts of interest largely centers on their Privacy Right: The right to pursue outside activities person in possession of the information in a unique – Attitude-loyalty, by contrast, has as much to do
suicide, which bring an end to a valuable life; should maximize the good through following rules →“Ego and the money to buy things that they and potential to distort good judgment in faithfully can be thought of as a right to personal privacy in position to leverage this power however they with attitudes, emotions, and a sense of personal
CHAP 4: PHILOSOPHICAL ETHICS – to develop our talents, as part of unfolding our that maximize good consequences, rather than their families want.“ serving an employer or client. the sense that it means the right to have a private choose. identity as it does with actions. It implies seeking to
Rights rational natures; through isolated actions → rule-utilitarianism right However, Professionalism involves much more Conflicts of interest typically arise when two life off the job. While having information power can be a one-time meet one’s moral duties to a group or organization
Rights are moral entitlements and valid moral – to avoid harmful drugs that undermine our ability actions are those required by rules that produce the including conditions are met: Right to Equal Opportunity: occurrence, you can become a person who is known to willingly, with personal attachment and affirmation,
claims that impose duties on other people. to exercise our rationality … most good for the most people. – both a sense of fun and excitement, (1) The professional is in a relationship or role that 1. Preventing Sexual Harassment. have key information on the industry, products or and with a reasonable degree of trust.
All ethical theories leave some room for rights, Duties are universal: They apply equally to all Rules interact with each other, we need to consider a – personal commitments that have moral dimensions, requires exercising good judgment on behalf of the 2. Nondiscrimination: one’s sex, race, skin color, age, or market. By developing a curiosity for important news “Collegiality is a kind of connectedness grounded in
but the ethical theory called rights ethics is persons. set of rules and teamwork. interests of an employer or client, political or religious outlook. and innovations in your field, you may become a respect for professional expertise and in a
distinctive in that it makes human rights the Moral duties are “categorical imperatives.“ Character is the pattern of Engineers in turn should see top performance at a and (2) the professional has some additional or side 3. Affirmative Action: giving a preference or valued resource to your colleagues. commitment to the goals and values of the
ultimate appeal. – As imperatives, they are injunctions or commands – virtues (morally desirable features) professional level as their main interest that could threaten good judgment in advantage to a member of a group that in the past 7. Reward profession, and . . . as such, collegiality includes a
Human rights constitute a moral authority to make that we impose on ourselves as well as other – vices (morally undesirable features) in persons. – responsibility, serving the interests of the employer or client. was denied equal treatment, in particular, women and Gifts can give someone a strong influence on the disposition to support and cooperate with one’s
legitimate moral demands on others to respect our rational beings. Virtues are desirable habits or tendencies in action, – maintaining confidentiality and “Conflict of interest“ ≠ “conflicting interests“ . minorities. behavior of others. Reward power exists when a colleagues.“ (Craig Ihara).
choices, recognizing that others can make similar – As categorical, they require us to do what is right commitment, motive, attitude, emotion, ways of – avoiding conflicts of interest. →“conflicting interests“: means a person has two or Leadership in engineering manager has the power to offer incentives to Central elements of collegiality are:
claims on us because it is right, unconditionally and without reasoning, and ways of relating to others: competence, → Engineers also need the opportunity to perform more desires that cannot all be satisfied given the Definition employees who perform well. 1. Respect for colleagues, valuing their professional
Rights ethics emphasizes respecting the inherent special incentives attached. honesty, courage, fairness, loyalty, and humility responsibly, and this means that their professional circumstances. Lao Tzu said: “A leader For example, offering a raise to employees with the expertise and their devotion to the social goods
dignity and worth of individuals as they exercise Kant’s ideas of Vices are morally undesirable habits or tendencies: and employee rights must be respected. → “professional conflicts of interest“ it is often - is best when people barely know he exists, highest sales numbers signifies reward power. promoted by the profession;
their liberty. – respect for autonomy, incompetence, dishonesty, cowardice, unfairness, Confidentiality physically or economically possible to pursue all of - not so good when people obey and acclaim him, As a workplace leader, reward power works best 2. Commitment, in the sense of sharing a devotion to
Rights ethics is the most familiar ethical theory, – duties to ourselves, disloyalty, and arrogance. Definition: The duty of confidentiality is the duty to the conflicting interests but doing so would be - worse when they despise him. when the reward is something relevant to the the moral ideals inherent in one’s profession,
for it provides the moral foundation of the political – universal duties, and Aristotle (384–322 BC) suggested that the moral keep secret all information deemed desirable to keep morally problematic. But of a good leader, employees. Having something they desire can 3. and connectedness, or awareness of participating in
and legal system of the United States – categorical imperatives have been highly virtues are habits of reaching a proper balance secret. Interests in other companies - who talks little, when his task is done, his aim encourage boosts in productivity. The incentives must cooperative projects based on shared commitments
Human rights have been appealed to in all the major influential. between extremes, whether in conduct, emotion, or It is any information that the employer or client One blatant example is actually working for fulfilled, also be attainable to keep morale high. and mutual support.
social movements of the twentieth century, including Kant conflated three ideas: desire. would like to have kept secret to compete thecompetitor or subcontractor as an employee or - they will all says, we did it ourselves.“ 8. Moral → As such, collegiality is a virtue defining the
– the women’s movement, 1. universality—moral rules apply to all rational → Virtues are tendencies to find the reasonable mean effectively against business rivals. consultant. → Taoism: Leaders need to act such that others A leader with moral power inspires action based on teamwork essential for pursuing shared goods
– the civil rights movement, agents; between the extremes of too much (excess) and too “Keep secret“ is a relational expression. Another example is partial ownership or substantial come to believe that their success is due to their their beliefs and behavior. Moral leaders live by a CHAPTER 7: TRUTH IN ACTION AND WORDS
– the farm workers’ movement, 2. categorical imperatives—moral rules command little (deficiency) with regard to particular aspects →“Secret with respect to whom?“ stockholdings in the competitor’s business. own efforts and not that of the leaders. principle that others can see and decide to follow. Whistle-Blowing
– the gay rights movement, what is right because it is right; and of our lives. Privileged information literally means “available The general prohibition on moonlighting (working in → “Leadership is an interaction between two or more Employees are inspired by these leaders because the Definition
– and the patients’ rights movement (in health care). 3. absolutism—moral rules have no justified Ex: revealing all information -truthfulness→ only on the basis of special privilege,“ such as the one’s spare time for another company)?? members of a group that often involves a leader builds trust through their ethics. They Whistle-blowing occurs when an employee or former
The notions of human rights and legal rights are exceptions. confidentiality privilege accorded an employee working on a special when moonlighting leaves one exhausted and thereby structuring or restructuring of the situation and the become a role model for setting personal standards. employee conveys information about a significant
distinct. Moral reasons are many and varied, including those foolhardiness -courage→ cowardice. assignment. harms job performance. perceptions and expectations of the members (Bass, To use moral power in your career, establish a moral problem to someone in a position to take
– Legal rights are simply those the law of a given expressed by principles of duty. Given the complexity The most comprehensive virtue of engineers is Proprietary information is information that a Conflicts of interest arise in academic settings as 1990). personal mission statement and philosophy to live by. action on the problem, and does so outside approved
society says one has, of human life, they invariably come into conflict responsible professionalism → 04 categories of company owns or is the proprietor of, and hence is a well: a professor of electrical engineering at the Leader – follower relationship When you make this statement known to others and organizational channels
– whereas human rights are those we have as with each other → moral dilemmas. virtures: term carefully defined by property law. “proprietary West Coast university. Leadership is a relationship that exists between the consistently live by your principles, they come to 1. Disclosure: Information is intentionally conveyed
humans, whether the law recognizes them or not. Contemporary duty ethicists recognize that many – Public well-being/ Public-spirited virtues information“ = “trade secret“ (legal protection in Insider information leader and follower trust your example. outside approved workplace channels/ the person
Rights ethics provides a powerful foundation for the moral dilemmas are resolvable only by recognizing – Professional competence/ Proficiency virtues common law). An especially sensitive conflict of interest consists in →leadership is a power relationship → follower 9. Connection conveying it is under pressure not to do so.
special ethical requirements in engineering and other some valid exceptions to simple principles of duty. – Cooperative practices/ Teamwork virtues Patents legally protect specific products from being using “inside“ information to gain an advantage or set surrender their power to define reality for Leaders have connection power when their alliance 2. Topic: The information concerns what the person
professions. Thus, engineers have a duty to maintain – and personal integrity/ self-governance virtues. manufactured and sold by competitors without the up a business opportunity for oneself, one’s family, or themselves to someone else who now assumes the with influential people is admired and desired by believes is a significant moral problem for the
Most engineering codes of ethics enjoin holding confidentiality about information owned by their The above ethical theories → considerable room for express permission of the patent holder one’s friends. responsibility of providing meaning and direction to others. The connection gives people the sense that organization.
paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the corporations, but that duty can be overridden by the self-interest, that is, for pursuing what is good for Changing jobs – impending announcement of a revolutionary the situation → accomplish a goal. the leader possesses or has access to the same 3. Agent: The person disclosing the information is an
public paramount duty to protect the safety, health, and oneself. The obligation to protect confidential information invention 10 types of power in leadership power that the influential person has. This is employee or former employee, or someone else closely
The welfare of the public includes: welfare of the public. → Utilitarianism: self-interest should enter into our does not cease when employees change jobs. – corporation’s plans for a merger → greatly A leader is one who inspires others to act. Good beneficial in cases where the leader has connections associated with the organization.
– the public’s rights to life, Utilitarianism calculations of the overall good; Unless the employer gives consent, former employees improve the worth of another company’s stock. leaders possess a type of power that encourages to possible business investors. 4. Recipient: The information is conveyed to a person
– rights not to be injured by dangerous products, Utilitarianism says the sole standard of right action → Rights ethics: we have rights to pursue our are barred indefinitely from revealing trade secrets. Moral status of conflicts of interest selfimprovement and team building and promotes a Building relationships establish a framework for or organization that is in a position to act on the
– rights to privacy, is good consequences. legitimate interests; Management policies Employee conflicts of interest occur when employees positive work culture. The types of power are how connection power. Take advantage of networking problem.
– rights to receive benefits through fair and honest There is only one general moral requirement: Produce → Duty ethics: we have duties to ourselves; Using employment contracts that place special have interests that if pursued could keep them from people are influenced. opportunities to make lasting friendships throughout External whistleblowing: when the information is
exchanges in a free marketplace, the most good for the most people, giving equal →and virtue ethics links our personal good with restrictions on future employment: meeting their obligations to serve the interests of 1. Legitimate your career passed outside the organization
– right to give informed consent to the risks consideration to everyone affected. participating in communities and social practices. – the geographical location of future employers, the employer or client for whom they work. Legitimate power is the power someone holds as the 10. Founder Internal whistle-blowing: when the information is
accompanying technological products “Utility“ is sometimes used to refer to good Self-realization ethics → gives greater prominence to – the length of time after leaving the present Such conflicts of interest should be avoided because result of a hierarchy in an organization. Founder power exists when a leader is the founder of conveyed to someone within the organization
In addition to human rights, there are special moral consequences and other times to the balance of good self interest and to personal commitments that employer before one can engage in certain kinds of they threaten to prevent one from fully meeting They can influence employees because their position an organization, ideal or movement. Others defer to Open whistle-blowing: in which individuals openly
rights— rights held by particular individuals over bad consequences. individuals develop in pursuing self-fulfillment. work, those obligations. dictates it. this person's power because there is a perception of reveal their identity as they convey the information,
rather than by every human being. The utilitarian standard seems simple and plausible. → Two versions – and the type of work it is permissible to do for Why conflicts of interest are generally prohibited: This is similar to military rankings. All lower- having a deeper knowledge than the others through Anonymous whistle-blowing: which involves
Contracts and other types of promises create special Surely morality involves producing good → In a community-oriented version, the self to be future employers (1) The professional obligation to employers is very ranking members must abide by the direction of their experience. concealing one’s identity.
rights because people have human rights to liberty consequences— especially in engineering → cost- realized is understood in terms of caring → however, these threaten the right of individuals important in that it overrides in the vast majority commanding officer and other high-ranking officials. Becoming an entrepreneur of a successful business Moral guidelines
that are violated when the understandings and benefit relationships and communities. to pursue their careers freely of cases any appeal to self-interest on the job, →This structure helps to organize large businesses gives you founder power even after you have stepped 1. The actual or potential harm reported is serious.
commitments specified in contracts and promises are Analyses → Choose proposal which maximizes the → In an ethical egoism version, the self is conceived A different type of contract issue/ agreement is (2) the professional obligation to employers is easily and ensure everyone is following the same goals. down from running day-to-day activities. 2. The harm has been adequately documented.
violated overall good. in a highly individualistic manner. perhaps not so threatening to employee rights threatened by self interest (given human nature) in a 2. Coercive Qualities of an effective leader 3. The concerns have been reported to immediate
Which kinds of rights exist: liberty rights or Utilitarianism also seems a straightforward way to The community-oriented version of self-realization → offering positive benefits: way that warrants especially strong safeguards to Coercive power is the power someone holds through - Honesty superiors.
welfare rights? interpret the central principle in most engineering ethics says that each individual ought to pursue – Offering a pension plan for an agreement not to ensure that it is fulfilled by employees. threat or force. In an organization, a higher-ranking - Integrity 4. After not getting satisfaction from immediate
– Liberty rights are rights to exercise our liberty, codes: “Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, selfrealization, but it emphasizes work for a competitor on certain kinds of projects Professional rights manager can force a lower-ranking employee to act in - Confidence superiors, regular channels within the organization
and they place duties on other people not to interfere health and welfare of the public in the performance – The importance of caring relationships and for a certain number of years after leaving the Three professional rights have special importance a way they don't want to with a threat of - Empathy have been used to reach up to the highest levels of
with our freedom → negative rights. of their professional duties.“ communities in understanding self-realization. company. 1. the basic right of professional conscience, termination or other disciplinary action. This type of - Enthusiasm and inspiration management.
– Welfare rights are rights to benefits needed for a After all, welfare is a rough synonym for overall – We are social beings whose identities and meaning – Or offering a special postemployment annual 2. the right of conscientious refusal, power can be used in cases of insubordinate employees - Accountability 5. There is reasonable hope that whistle-blowing can
decent human life, when we cannot earn those good (utility), and safety and health might be are linked to the communities in which we consulting fee for several years on the condition 3. the right of professional recognition but when relied upon as a common tool, it can breed Seven Keys to Successful Teamwork help preventor remedy the harm.
benefits, perhaps because we are viewed as especially important aspects of that good. participate that he or she not work for a direct competitor The basic right of professional conscience: resentment. Clear common purpose, goals and identity. Protecting whistle-blowers
severely handicapped, and when the community has What exactly is the good to be maximized? The motives of professionals consists of three during that period. The right of professional conscience is the moral Coercion can occur between colleagues or even from Respect and tolerance for the differences in every Most whistle-blowers have suffered unhappy fates
them available - positive rights. And should we maximize the good with respect to categories: Justification right to exercise professional judgment in pursuing an employee to a manager. In this case, the team member → public awareness of a need to protect them
Duty each situation, or instead with regard to general – Proficiency motives, The primary justification is to respect the autonomy professional responsibilities (both technical judgment leveraging factor is the threat of exposing unwanted Balanced communications among all team members against retaliation by employers.
Our right to life places → duties on others not to rules (policies, laws, principles in codes of ethics)? – Compensation motives, and (freedom, self-determination) of individuals and and reasoned moral convictions). information or something similar. Build trust with everyone on the team Government employees have won important
kill us, Depending on how these questions are answered, – Moral motives. corporations and to recognize their legitimate 02 general ways to justify the basic right: 3. Referent Don't let little things become big things protections:
Our right to liberty places→duties on others not to utilitarianism takes different forms. → Which Ethical Theory Is Best? control over some private information concerning One is to proceed piecemeal by reiterating the Referent power is the power that role models hold. Live with imperfection and the unknown – Various federal laws related to environmental
interfere with our freedom. What is the standard for measuring good Sound ethical theories succeed in meeting these aims: themselves. justifications given for the specific professional It occurs when a leader has strong interpersonal Effective leaders throughout the team, not just the protection and safety and the Civil Service Reform
Right ethics ↔ duty ethics (Kantian theory). consequences? Specifically, what is intrinsic good— First, sound ethical theories are clear and coherent. All the major ethical theories recognize the duties. → requires the exercise of moral reflection skills and others follow them because of a deep ones heading the team Act of 1978 protect them against reprisals for
Duty ethics give priority to the duties. that is, good considered just by itself? → sufficiently clear concepts (ideas) and consistent importance of autonomy, whether it is understood in and conscience, not rote application of simplistic admiration. Building the Ethical corporate climate lawful disclosures of information.
Duty ethics says that right actions are those 1/ John Stuart Mill believed that happiness was the various claims and principles. terms of rights to autonomy, duties to respect rules. For example, an employee tries to solve a conflict 1. Ethical values in their full complexity are widely In the private sector, employees are covered by
required by duties to respect the liberty or autonomy only intrinsic good → utilitarianism as the Second, sound ethical theories organize basic moral autonomy, the utility (as in utilitarian ethics) of The other is to justify the right of professional and refers to what his mentor would do and follows acknowledged and appreciated by managers and all statutes forbidding firing or harassing of
(selfdetermination) of individuals. requirement to values in a systematic and comprehensive way protecting autonomy, or the virtue of respect for conscience directly, which involves grounding it more that model to resolve the issue. other stakeholders in the corporation). whistleblowers who report to government regulatory
1. Do not kill. produce the greatest amount of happiness.→What is →highlight important values and apply to all others. directly in the ethical theories. This power is not one leader can bestow on 2. The use of ethical language is honestly applied agencies the violations of some 20 federal laws:
2. Do not cause pain. happiness? Sometimes, Mill confused it with pleasures circumstances not merely to a limited range of Additional justifications include trustworthiness: The right of conscientious refusal themselves. The admiring party gives the leader the and recognized as a legitimate part of corporate – coal mine safety, control of water and air
3. Do not disable. and enjoyments (short-term, feel-good states of examples. Once practices of maintaining confidentiality are The right of conscientious refusal is the right to designation of role model. dialogue → a corporate code of ethics, job pollution, disposal of toxic substances, and
4. Do not deprive (take away) of freedom. consciousness) Third, and most important, sound ethical theories established socially, trust and trustworthiness can refuse to engage in unethical behavior and to refuse 4. Charisma descriptions of all layers of management. occupational safety and health.
5. Do not deprive of pleasure. Some utilitarians understand intrinsic goods as provide helpful guidance that is compatible with our grow. to do so solely because one views it as unethical. Charisma is the nature of attractiveness or charm 3. Top management sets a moral tone in words, in Common sense procedures
6. Do not deceive. those which a reasonable person would pursue, or most carefully considered moral convictions There are public benefits in recognizing There are two situations to be considered: that compels others to follow someone. Charismatic policies, and by personal example. There are 08 rules → before taking this action.
7. Keep your promises. those which satisfy rational desires—those that we (judgments, intuitions) about concrete situations. confidentiality relationships within professional (1) where there is widely shared agreement in the power inspires positivity and joyful feelings in – Official pronouncements asserting the importance 1. Except for extremely rare emergencies, try working
8. Do not cheat. can affirm after fully examining them in light of CHAPTER 6: ENGINEERS AT THE WORKPLACES contexts profession as to whether an act is unethical others. of professional conduct in all areas first through normal organizational channels.
9. Obey the law. relevant information, for example, love, friendship, Data General Corporation (a Fortune 500 company) – Patients must feel completely free to reveal the and (2) where there is room for disagreement among The persuasive nature of this power is reliant on the – Periodic workshops on ethics or formal brochures 2. Be prompt in expressing objections.
10. Do your duty (work, family, and other special appreciation of beauty, in addition to happiness. that was ranked third in overall sales of small most personal information about themselves to reasonable people over whether an act is unethical. engaging quality of the leader's personality. This on social responsibility distributed to all employees. 3. Proceed in a tactful, low-key manner. Be
responsibilities) Most economists adopt a preference theory: → What computers began to fall behind the competition physicians, and that requires trust to physician. The right of professional recognition power does not have to exist with any explicit skills 4. There are procedures for conflict resolution. considerate of the feelings of others involved.
→How do we know that these are our duties? is good is what individuals prefer, as manifested in anddesperately needed a powerful new microcomputer – The economic benefits of competitiveness within a Fair monetary remuneration, and part nonmonetary or refined leadership qualities. People are naturally – To designated executives with whom employees can Always keep focused on the issues themselves,
All such specific duties derive from one fundamental what they choose to purchase in the marketplace. to sustain its share of the market. free market are promoted when companies canfree forms of recognition. The right to recognition, and drawn to the charisma of others. When used as a have confidential discussions about moral concerns. avoiding any personal criticisms.
duty to respect persons. We need to decide whether to focus on individual Tom West, one of Data General’s most trusted maintain some degree of confidentiality about their especially fair remuneration, may seem to be purely a tool in conjunction with well-rounded leadership, it – Equally important is educating managers about 4. As much as possible, keep supervisors informed of
Persons deserve respect because they are moral actions or general rules??? engineers, convinced management that he could build products matter of self-interest rather than morality, but it is can inspire great change. conflict resolution. your actions, both through informal discussion and
agents→to respect for their moral autonomy/ self- Mill believed in act-utilitarianism: A particular the new computer within one year—an unprecedented Conflicts of Interest both. Without a fair remuneration, engineers cannot 5. Expert – Ties of loyalty and collegiality → minimize formal memorandums.
determination/ self-governance. action is right if it is likely to produce the most time for a project of its importance. Definition concentrate their energies where they properly belong Expert power exists in an organization when one conflicts. 5. Be accurate in your observations and claims, and
Immorality occurs when we reduce other people good for the most West assembled a team of fifteen exceptionally Professional conflicts of interest are situations on carrying out the immediate duties of their jobs member possesses a set of skills others don't have. Loyalty and collegiality keep formal records documenting relevant events.
tomere means to our ends and needs. →Ex: murder, people in a given situation, compared with alternative motivated although relatively inexperienced young where professionals have an interest that, if pursued, and on maintaining up-to-date skills through formal This leads others to defer to the expert. Loyalty to an employer can mean two things 6. Consult trusted colleagues for advice—avoid
rape, and torture are obvious ways of treating people options available. engineers, many of whom were just out of school. might keep them from meeting their obligations to and informal continuing education. Their time will be Employees typically assume managers or executives – Agency-loyalty is acting to fulfill one’s isolation.
as mere objects serving our own purposes. Stealing an old computer from an employer. Within six months they designed the central their employers or clients. taken up by money worries, or even by moonlighting possess some skill or knowledge the others don't. contractual duties to an employer. Agency-loyalty is 7. Before going outside the organization, consult the
Immorality occurs when we merely use persons as Firing several disliked engineers after being blamed processing unit, and they delivered the complete – serving in some other professional role, say, as a to maintain a decent standard of living. Anyone in the organization can hold expertise power. entirely a matter of actions, such as doing one’s job ethics committee of your professional society.
means to our goals, rather than as autonomous for mistakes they did not make. computer ahead of schedule. Named the Eclipse consultant for a competitor’s company. Other rights 6. Information and not stealing from one’s employer, regardless of 8. Consult a lawyer concerning potential legal
agents who have their own goals. We need to decide whether to focus on individual MV/8000, the computer immediately became a major – making substantial private investments in a Employee rights are any rights, moral or legal, that Power based on information lasts as long as the the motives for it. liabilities.
actions or general rules??? marketing success. competitor’s company (a more personal interest). involve the status of being an employee. information is not known to others. This puts the
Beyond Whistle-Blowing 3. The belief that professors are unfair (demanding the relative contributions of the authors, with the Accidents caused by Risk-Benefit Analyses (4) violating contracts for computer sales or service; – provide wrist support, degradation had occurred could be charged directly
The obvious way to remove the need for internal too much, or the way they design tests and grades; earlier listing indicating greater contributions. – the misreading of an important gauge, flying when Many large projects, especially public works, are (5) conspiring to use computer networks to engage in – offer good keyboard layouts to prevent carpal for corrective actions.
whistleblowing → to allow greater freedom and 4. The desire to help a friend; – Researchers have a responsibility to report the weather should have dictated otherwise, or justified on the basis of a risk-benefit analysis. widespread fraud. tunnel syndrome, Communities: Preventing Natural Disasters
openness of communication within the organization. 5. The belief that because other students are misconduct by other researchers when the failure to follow regulations and procedures. We are willing to take on certain levels of risk as The potential for computer crime → significantly – and offer good lighting and flicker control. Communities have special responsibility to conserve
By making those channels more flexible and cheating it is all right for me to do the same; misconduct is serious and when they are in a position – failure to adequately examine drawings before long as the project (activity, product, or system) into the thinking of engineers who design computers. CHAPTER 11: ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS natural resources and beauty for future generations
convenient, the need to violate them would be 6. The belief that plagiarism is not a big deal (no to document it. Yet typically there are strong signing off on them, promises sufficient benefit or gain. In fact, protection against criminal abuse has become Engineering, ecology, and economics → special responsibility for preventing natural events
removed. one really gets hurt) pressures—from supervisors, colleagues, and others— – failure to follow design rules, or failure to design If risk and benefit can both be readily expressed in a a major constraint for the effective andsuccessful The Invisible Hand and the Commons from becoming disasters.
The crucial factor that must be involved in any Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. not to report misconduct, and hence most instances according to accepted engineering practice. common set of units (say, lives or dollars), it is design of many computer systems and programs. Adam Smith conceived of an invisible hand Measure 1: restrictions or requirements imposed on
structural change → is the creation of an 1. It violates fair procedures. fall into the category of whistle-blowing. Procedural accidents are fairly well understood and relatively easy to carry out a risk-benefit analysis For some time, secret computer passwords have been governing the marketplace in a seemingly paradoxical human habitat: homes should not be built in
atmosphere of positive affirmation of engineers’ 2. It harms other students who do not cheat by CHAPTER 9: COMMITMENT TO SAFETY are amenable to solution through increased training, and to determine whether we can expect to come out used as a security feature. manner: floodplains, tornado shelters, hillsides → prevent
efforts to assert and defend their professional creating an undeserved advantage in earning grades. Safety and risk more supervision, new laws or regulations, or closer on the benefit side. More recently introduced, and still of limited – Businesspersons think only of their own landslides, …
judgments in matters involving ethical 3. It is untruthful and deceives instructors and other We demand safe products and services, but we also scrutiny by regulators A closer examination of risk-benefit analyses reveals effectiveness, is data encryption selfinterest, Measure 2: strengthening the lifelines for essential
considerations. members of an academic community. realize that we may have to pay for this safety. Engineered accidents are caused by flaws in the some conceptual difficulties. Both risks and benefits Property – But they offer/ provide the goods based on the utilities such as water and electricity.
What about external whistle-blowing? Much of it can 4. It violates trust—the trust of professors, other To complicate matters, what may be safe enough for design These are failures of materials, devices that lie in the future. Troublesome issues about property and computers customers’ demand. Measure 3: encompasses special-purpose defensive
also be Truthfulness avoided by the same sorts of students, and the public who expect universities to one person may not be for someone else—either don’t perform as expected, or devices that don’t As there is some uncertainty associated with them, The first is the use of computers in embezzlement In doing so, businesspersons claim a commitment to structures that would include dams, dikes, break
intra-organizational modifications. maintain integrity. because of different perceptions about what is safe perform well under all circumstances encountered. we should address their expected values → we and other forms of stealing money or financial hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of waters, avalanche barriers, and means to keep
There will always remain troublesome cases where 5. It undermines one’s own integrity. or because of different predispositions to harm. Accidents caused by should multiply the magnitude of the potential loss assets (mentioned above). the public. floodwaters from damaging low-lying sewage plants
top management and engineers differ in their 6. It renders dishonest and hollow any achievement – A power saw in the hands of a child will never be – microcracks sometimes develop in turbine blades in by the probability of its occurrence, and similarly The second set of issues concerns the theft of By pursuing self-interest, the businessperson, as placed where gravity will take a community’s
assessments of a situation even though both sides or recognition based on the cheating. as safe as it can be in the hands of an adult. aircraft engines → become severe enough, the blade with the gain. software and information. entrepreneur, creates new companies that provide effluents.
may be equally → management has the final say in Research Integrity – A sick adult is more prone to suffer ill effects can fail and break apart. It should be noted that risk-benefit analysis, like Data, in this context, refers to information stored in goods and services for consumers. Measure 4: assure safe exits in the form of roads and
any such dispute → engineers have a right to have Truthfulness takes on heightened importance in from air pollution than is a healthy adult. Engineered accidents can be understood and cost benefit analysis, is concerned with the a computer, whether the information expresses facts Moreover, competition pressures corporations to passages designed as escape routes, structures
their views heard, including confidential discussions research because research aims at discovering, The concept of safety alleviated as more knowledge is gained through advisability of undertaking a project. When we judge or falsehoods. continually improve the quality of their products designated as emergency shelters, adequate clinical
with the ethics committees of their professional expressing, and promulgating truth. William W. Lowrance: “A thing is safe if its risks testing and actual experience in the field. the relative merits of different designs, however, we Software refers to programs that direct an and to lower prices, again benefiting consumers. facilities, and agreements with neighboring
societies. Research ethics has many facets: are judged to be acceptable.“ → need to be modified: Systemic accidents are harder to understand and move away from this concern. electronic machine (hardware) to perform certain In addition, new jobs are created for employees and communities for sharing resources in emergencies.
Finally, conscientious engineers sometimes find the – defining research integrity and misconduct, 1. a case where we seriously underestimate the risks harder to control. They are characteristic of very Instead, we are dealing with something similar to tasks, typically tasks involving problem solving. suppliers, and the wealth generated benefits the Social Activists
best solution to be to resign and engage in protest – conducting and reporting experiments, of something. complex technologies and the complex organizations costeffectiveness analysis, which asks what design Programs have several aspects: wider community through consumerism, taxes, and Social activism occurs at many levels, the micro as
Truthfulness – protecting research subjects, 2. the case where we grossly overestimate the risks that are required to operate them. has the greater merit, given that the project is – (1) an algorithm, which explicitly states the steps philanthropy well as macro, individual or organization
The standard of truthfulness in engineering is very – giving and claiming credit, of something. Ex: Modern aircraft are very complicated systems. → actually to be carried out. in solving a problem; Adam Smith could not have foreseen the cumulative Environmental moral frameworks
high, much higher than in everyday life. – and reporting misconduct. 3. there is the situation in which a group makes no the work of many individuals (baggage handlers, Personal Risk versus Public Risk – (2) a source code, which expresses the algorithm impact of: Human-Centered Ethics
It imposes what many consider an absolute The National Science Foundation (NSF) defines judgment at all about whether the risks of a thing mechanics, flight attendants, pilots, government Given sufficient information, an individual can decide in a general computer language (such as Pascal, – expanding populations, Human-centered, or anthropocentric, environmental
prohibition on deception, and in addition it misconduct in science and engineering as: are acceptable or not—they simply do not think regulators and inspectors, and air-traffic controllers. whether to participate in (or consent to exposure to) C, Fortran, Matlab, R, or Python); – unregulated capitalism, ethics focuses exclusively on the benefits of the
establishes a high ideal of seeking and speaking the – “fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other about it. At many stages in the operation of an airline, there a risky activity (an experiment). – and (3) an object code, which translates a source – and economic impacts natural environment to humans and the threats to
truth → Principle of veracity (Bok). serious deviation from accepted practices in Modified version of Lowrance’ definition: “A thing is are chances for mistakes to occur, some with serious Individuals are more ready to assume voluntary code into the specific machine language of ones Regarding the environment: human beings presented by the destruction of nature.
It also generates an array of issues concerning proposing, carrying out, or reporting results from safe if, were its risks fully known, those risks would consequences. Often, a single, minor mistake isn’t risks than they are involuntary risks, or activities and zeros. – pollution, Sentient-Centered Ethics
truthfulness in research and academia. activities funded by NSF; or retaliation of any kind be judged acceptable by reasonable persons in light significant, but a series of minor mistakes can add up over which they have no control. →Which of these aspects of computers are property, – destruction of natural habitats One version of nature-centered ethics recognizes all
Such standard in everyday life can not apply to the against a person who reported or provided of their settled value principles.“ to a disaster. Risks and benefits to the public at large are more which can be privately owned, and which can be – depletion of shared resources, sentient animals as having inherent worth. Sentient
honesty in engineering human safety, health, and information about suspected or alleged misconduct Safety is often thought of in terms of degrees and As designers, engineers are also partially responsible easily determined because individual differences tend protected? – and other unintended and often unappreciated animals are those that feel pain and pleasure and
well-being. and who has not acted in bad faith.“ comparisons → “fairly safe“ or “relatively safe“. for generating owner’s manuals and procedures for to even out as larger numbers of people are Computer hardware is protected by patent laws. damage to “common“ resources. have desires.
→ Engineers are required and expected to seek and to Bias and Self-Deception Risks the use of the devices they design. considered. Also, assessment studies relating to Software can be protected by trade secret laws or by William Foster Lloyd “the tragedy of the commons“: Peter Singer developed a revised act-utilitarian
speak the truth conscientiously and to avoid all Their failing lies somewhere between deliberate A risk is the potential that something unwanted and Although an engineer has no way of ensuring that technological safety can be conducted more readily copyrights → copyright laws offer the best We tend to be thoughtless about things perspective in insisting that moral judgments must
acts of deception. deception (fraud) and unintentional error (simple harmful may occur. the procedures will be followed, it is important that in the detached manner of a macroscopic view as protection. – we do not own individually. take into account the effects of our actions on
To be sure, confidentiality requirements limit what sloppiness), in the domain of self-deception. Risk, like harm, is a broad concept covering many he be thorough and careful in establishing these statistical parameters take on greater significance. Laws stipulate that copyrighted material must be – which seem to be in unlimited supply. sentient animals.
can be divulged (disclosed), but there is a stronger One form of self-deception is motivated irrationality different types of unwanted occurrences. procedures Safe Exits “intelligible,“ → The things in private places may be kept better Singer’s view, animals deserve equal consideration, in
presumption against lying than even Bok’s principle of i.e., unreasonable belief that is motivated by allowing In regard to technology, it includes Assessing and reducing risk It is almost impossible to build a completely safe →Generally, algorithms cannot be copyrighted than in common pasture. that their interests should be weighed fairly, but
veracity → Codes of ethics. one’s judgment to be biased by wishes, hopes, self- – dangers of bodily harm, Any improvement in safety (an engineered product) is product or one that will never fail. The best one can regarded as mathematical formulas that can be → What happen with all natural resources held in that does not mean equal treatment with humans (as
Truth-worthiness esteem, and fears. – of economic loss, often accompanied by an increase in the cost of that do is to assure that when a product fails, discovered but not owned. common: air, land, forests, lakes, oceans, endangered their interests are different from human interests).
Honesty has two primary meanings: Another form of self-deception is more purposeful – or of environmental degradation. product. Conversely, products that are not safe incur 1. it will fail safely, Source codes, however, are regarded as intelligible species, and indeed the entire biosphere. Thus, in building a dam that will cause flooding to
1. Truthfulness, which centers on meeting evasion. Ex., researchers suspect an unpleasant reality, → caused by delayed job completion, secondary costs to the manufacturer beyond the 2. the product can be abandoned safely, and can be copyrighted. Engineers: Sustainable Development grasslands, engineers should take into account the
responsibilities about truth, perhaps sensing that the data are going against → faulty products or systems, or economically or primary (production) costs that must also be taken 3. or—at least— the user can safely escape the Privacy Individual engineers, like individuals in all impact on animals living there.
2. and trustworthiness which centers on meeting what they want to believe → instead of confronting environmentally injurious solutions to technological into account—costs associated with warranty product. Inappropriate Access professions, differ considerably in their views, Singer allows that sometimes animals’ interests have
responsibilities about trust. the data honestly, they purposefully disregard the problems. expenses, loss of customer goodwill and even loss of Providing for a safe exit is an integral part of the Your private information, records, habits,→ data including their to give way to human interests, but their interests
Engineering, like all professions, is based on exercising evidence or downplay its implications. Acceptability of risk customers because of injuries sustained from the use social experimental procedure—in other words, of bank accessed from the others. broader holistic views about the environment. should always be considered and weighed.
expertise within fiduciary (trust) relationships to Protecting Research Subjects “A risk is acceptable when those affected are of the product, litigation, possible downtime in the sound engineering. Hackers They must work in a market that rewards Biocentric Ethics
provide safe and useful products. Research in engineering sometimes involves generally no longer (or not) apprehensive about it. manufacturing process, and so forth. If safety is threatened, the experiment must be implanting “time bombs“ or “Trojan horses“ sustainable products and processes, and in a policy A life-centered ethics regards all living organisms
Untruthfulness and untrustworthiness undermine experimental subjects and also (nonhuman) animals, Apprehensiveness depends to a large extent on how Uncertainties in Design terminated. The full responsibility cannot fall on the → “choke networks with dead-end tasks, spew out context that encourages, or at least does not as having inherent worth.
expertise by corrupting professional judgments and especially when it overlaps with biomedical research. the risk is perceived. One would think that experience and historical data shoulders of a lone engineer, but one can expect the false information, erase files, and even destroy discourage, environmental protection. Albert Schweitzer argued that our most fundamental
communications. Experiments on humans are permissible only after Apprehensiveness is influenced by such factors as would provide good information about the safety of engineer to issue warnings when a safe exit does not equipment Engineering codes of ethics explicitly refer to feature is not our intellect but instead our will to
They also undermine the trust of the public, obtaining the voluntary consent of human subjects → 1. whether the risk is accepted voluntarily; standard products. exist or the experiment must be terminated. Hackers sometimes employ a more extreme rationale environmental responsibilities under the heading of live, by which he meant both a will to survive and
employers, and others who must rely on engineers’ giving to experimental subjects all information about 2. The effects of knowledge on how the Much has been collected and published For instances: in defending their activities. They contend that all “sustainable development.“ a will to develop according to our innate tendencies.
expertise. Sound engineering is honest; dishonesty is the risks, possible benefits, alternatives, exact probabilities of harm (or benefit) are known or Gaps remain, however, because – Ships need lifeboats with enough spaces for all information ought to be freely available, that no one SUSTAINABILITY All organisms share these instinctive tendencies to
bad engineering. procedures involved, and all other information a perceived; 1. there are some industries where information is not passengers and crew members. should be allowed to own information, especially in a Put negatively, the term “sustainability“ was invented survive and develop, and hence consistency requires
CHAPTER 8: ACADEMIC & RESEARCH ETHICS reasonable person would want to know before 3. if the risks are job-related or other pressures freely shared—for instance, when the cost of failure – Buildings need usable fire escapes. democratic society that respects individual rights to to underscore how current patterns of economic that we affirm the inherent worth of all life.
Academic integrity participating in an experiment. exist that cause people to be aware of or to is less than the cost of fixing the problem, – The operation of nuclear power plants calls for pursue knowledge. activity and growth cannot be sustained as Paul Taylor confirmed four duties:
Honesty as an engineer begins with honesty in In addition, there must be no coercion, threats, or overlook risks; 2. problems and their causes are often not revealed realistic ways to evacuate nearby communities. There are at least three other important values that populations grow, technologies are extended to – (1) nonmaleficence, which is the duty not to kill
studying to become an engineer. undue pressure. 4. whether the effects of a risky activity or after a legal settlement has been reached with a Apart from a safety conscious design and thorough place legitimate limits on access to information: developing countries and the environment is other living things;
Studies of colleges and universities reveal alarming And the individual must have the capacity to make situation are immediately noticeable or are close at condition of nondisclosure, testing of any potentially dangerous product → it is – individual privacy, increasingly harmed. – (2) noninterference, which is the duty not to
statistics about academic integrity → three out of a reasonable decision about whether to participate. hand; 3. and there are always new applications of old necessary that its user have in place procedures for – national security, Put positively, the term implies the crucial need for interfere with the freedom of living organisms;
four students (3/4) admitted to having engaged in When children participate in experiments, an 5. and whether the potential victims are identifiable technology, or substitutions of materials and regular maintenance and safety checks. – and freedom within a capitalist economy to new economic patterns and products that are – (3) fidelity, which is the duty not to violate the
academic dishonesty at least once during their appropriate surrogate decision maker, usually the beforehand components, that render the available information (a) avenues for employees to freely report hazardous protect proprietary information essential in pursuing sustainable, that is, compatible with both ongoing trust of wild animals (as in trapping);
college career parents, must give voluntary informed consent, and Magnitude and proximity less useful conditions regarding the design or the operation of corporate goals. technological development and protection of the – and (4) restitution, which is the duty to make
Several forms of academic dishonesty: usually it is required that the child can reasonably Our reaction to risk is affected by the dread of a Risk is seldom intentionally designed into a product. the product without having to resort to whistle- Legal Responses environment. amends for violating the previous three duties
1. Cheating: intentionally violating the rules of fair be expected to benefit from the procedure. possible mishap, both in terms of It arises because of the many uncertainties faced by blowing, and (b) emergency procedures based on human The 1970 Fair Credit Reporting Act: Information can Corporations: Environmental Leadership Ecocentric Ethics
play in any academic exercise, i.e., by using crib notes Experimentation on institutionalized persons, for – its magnitude and the design engineer, the manufacturing engineer, and factors engineering that takes into account how be obtained only by consumer consent or a court It is good business for a corporation to be perceived The sentient-centered and biocentered ethics → too
or copying from another student during a test. example in prisons or mental institutions, is either – the personal identification or relationship we may even the sales and applications engineer. people react and interact under conditions of stress order, or for a limited range of valid credit checks by the public as environmentally responsible, indeed individualistic, in that they locate inherent worth in
2. Fabrication: intentionally falsifying or inventing forbidden or requires especially high standards. have with the potential victims. Caution is required even with standard materials as occurred during the TMI accident. The Privacy Act of 1974 extended this right of as a leader in finding creative solutions for all sizes individual organisms.
information, i.e., by faking the results of an Giving and Claiming Credit A future risk is easily dismissed by various specified for normal use. CHAPTER 10: INTERNET ETHICS, PRIVACY ISSUES inspection and error correction to federal government of corporations. Aldo Leopold urged that we have an obligation to
experiment. Often there are pressures on researchers to varnish rationalizations including: Such drastic variations from the standard quality AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS files. It also prohibited the information contained in Government: Technology Assessment, Incentives, Taxes promote the health of ecosystems. → “A thing is
3. Plagiarism: intentionally or negligently submitting the truth when competing for professional 1. the attitude of “out of sight, out of mind,“ of a given grade of steel are exceptional; more The Internet and Free Speech government files from being used for purposes beyond Government laws and regulations are understandably right when it tends to preserve the integrity,
others’ work as one’s own, i.e., by quoting the words recognition, not only because it brings ego 2. the assumption that predictions for the future typically the variations are small. It is now clear to all that the Internet provides a those. the lightning rod in environmental controversies stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is
of others without using quotation marks and citing gratification but also because it might involve must be discounted by using lower probabilities, Nevertheless the design engineer should realize that wellspring of new ways to be in contact with other Many other laws have been passed and are being →the need for the force of law in setting firm wrong when it tends otherwise.“
the source. winning jobs, promotions, and income. 3. or the belief that a countermeasure will be found the supplier’s data on items such as steel, resistors, people and with sources of information. considered to extend the protection of individual guidelines regarding the degradation of the Aldo Leopold called this as “land ethic,“ which
4. Facilitating academic dishonesty: intentionally Outright fraud of the following types also occurs: in time. insulation, optical glass, and so forth apply to It has also created greater convenience in ordering privacy within private business and industry. “commons“. implied a direct moral imperative to preserve (leave
helping other students to engage in academic – Plagiarism: is intentionally or negligently Engineers face two problems with public conceptions statistical averages only. consumer items, paying bills, and trading stocks and Computer Failures – To establish standards and requirements for energy unchanged), not just conserve (use prudently), the
dishonesty, i.e., by loaning them your work. submitting others’ work as one’s own. In research, it of safety. Individual components can vary considerably from bonds. Failures can occur because of errors in hardware or efficiency in vehicles and new buildings, and to ban environment, and to live with a sense that we are
5. Misrepresentation: intentionally giving false is claiming credit for someone else’s ideas or work – On the one hand, there is the overly optimistic the mean. Like other major “social experiments,“ → raised a software. incandescent light bulbs. part of nature, rather than that nature is a mere
information to an instructor, i.e., by lying about why without acknowledging it, in contexts where one is attitude that things that are familiar, that have Engineers traditionally have coped with such host of new issues. – Hardware errors do not occur often and when they – To tax CO2 emissions sends a clear message resource for satisfying our desires.
one missed a test. morally required to acknowledge it. not hurt us before, and over which we have some uncertainties about materials or components, as well One set of issues centers on free speech, including do they usually do so quite obviously about penalties for pollution. Religious Perspectives
6. Failure to contribute to a collaborative project: – Misrepresenting credentials is a second type of control, present no real risks. as incomplete knowledge about the actual operating control of – Software errors are a different matter. They can – To establish a “cap-and-trade system“ → allows Islam
failing to do one’s fair share on a joint project. deception. Occasionally researchers forge credentials, – On the other hand, there is the dread people feel conditions of their products, → “factor of safety.“ – obscene forms of pornography be very serious indeed, as exemplified by the collapse carbon emission to be bought and sold as a Christians,
7. Sabotage: intentionally preventing others from creating widely publicized scandals. Fabrications when an accident kills or maims in large numbers, or That factor is intended to protect against problems – hate speech, of the computer designed commodity. Jews,
doing their work, i.e., by disrupting their lab about articles and credentials are relatively easy to harms those we know, even though statistically that arise when the stresses caused by anticipated – spam (unwanted commercial speech) Computer Implementation Market Mechanisms: Internalizing Costs Muslims,
experiment. uncover. Misrepresentations of credentials can take speaking such accidents might occur infrequently loads (duty) and the stresses the product as designed – and libel It should not be necessary to say so, but a The cost of many products usually include merely Zen Buddhism (Japan),
8. Theft: stealing library books or other students’ more subtle forms. Accidents s supposed to withstand (strength or capability) Computer problems changeover to a new computer system should never the direct costs of labor, raw materials, and the use Taoism (Chinese),
property. – Misleading listing of authorship, whether of Types of accidents: depart from their expected values. Stresses can be of (1) their speed and geographic coverage, which be attempted without having the old system still of facilities. Hinduism
→ Why do students engage in academic dishonesty? articles or other documents, is another area where – procedural, a mechanical orother nature, i.e., an electric field allows large numbers of people to be victimized, operational. The true cost would have to include many indirect
A variety of motivations, including: subtle deception occurs. Obviously, it is unethical to – engineered, gradient to which an insulator is exposed, or the (2) the difficulty of tracing the underlying Health Conditions. factors: the effects of pollution, the depletion of
1. Performance worries (fear of low grades and omit a coauthor who makes a significant – and systemic traffic density at an intersection. transactions to apprehend the thieves. Engineers who supervise computer personnel or design energy and raw materials, disposal, and social costs.
desires for higher grades); contribution to the research. But the order of Procedural accidents are perhaps the most common A product may be said to be safe if its capability (1) stealing or cheating by employees at work; computer terminals should check that ergonomic If these, or an approximation of them, were
2. Responses to external pressures (heavy workload, authors in many disciplines, including engineering, is and are the result of someone making a bad choice exceeds its duty. But this presupposes exact (2) stealing by nonemployees or former employees; considerations are in effect to – reduce back internalized (added to the price) → environmental
parental pressure, or losing financial aid); also usually understood to convey information about or not following established procedures. knowledge of actual capability and actual duty. (3) stealing from or cheating clients and consumers; problems,

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