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RUCKA * FERNANDEZ THE OLD GUARD PUA an Ae aN This is a fairy tale of blood and bullets. Tt is the story of two women and three men who cannot die. Mostly. Their names are Andy, Nicky, Joe, Booker, and Nile. Andy is the eldest, Nile is the youngest, One of them believes that time heals all wounds. The other knows that’s totally bullshic. THE OLD GUARD “Love ie like war; caay to begin but very hard to stop,” ~ILL. Meneken written by GREG RUCKA art and covers by LEANDRO FERNANDEZ colors by DANIELA MIWA letters by JODI WYNNE publication design by ERIC TRAUTMANN edited by ALEJANDRO ARBONA SSE SEES on ethene of al cher be dec of id Ni Lee a ey al r= Ss 5) =e Wee a ¥ ia - a= s ie Tir B AW te a i Hate < “ po ei . \ / x UR Maree ‘moving ve 2 child. Teat man iz stare in my ‘that man Beyond measure and Le dis kiss 7” theilig me, even a miffennium Eagted hin ris body, 20 aE | 4 E xi THE OLD GUARD PART FOUR NT Cae Ce aaa Curae art em antag begins to crack. Joe and Nicky visit Dubai (mot by choice), and a line on Copley...much to Copley’s chagrin. image! Diamond ID: MAR170766 “VV hy does 4e get to die... ---and not 772e?P” SON OF ULTRON "TIS ANN

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