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Oxford University and its 30 undergraduate colleges, including St Annes, have just launched the Oxford Bursaries Scheme - the most comprehensive to be offered by any British university.


Why do students need your help?

Each year, from an intake of 135, St Annes admits, on average, 15 students who qualify for these new bursaries because their parents have a joint income below 20,000 a year.

Since 1998, students have been charged tuition fees of over 1,000 a year. The maintenance grant has been abolished.
The British government no longer makes any contribution to students living expenses. The basic cost of living for studying in Oxford is 4,000, even for the most frugal undergraduate. So, without generous parental support, a careful student can expect to leave St Annes with a debt of at least 12,000.

How will the bursaries work?

The new bursaries are worth 1,000 in the students first year, and 500 in each subsequent year of their course.
To fund all the 50 bursaries that will be needed once the scheme is fully up-and-running will cost the College 35,000 each year: this requires an additional 875,000 of endowment funds at todays interest rates. For the first six years the University has promised to match our funds pound for pound.

I am delighted to support the new bursaries and St Annes. It is absolutely vital that all students can continue to benefit from the education the college provides, no matter what their financial circumstances.

Diana Good (Hope, 1975 Jurisprudence) Partner, Linklaters

Why do these bursaries matter to St Annes?

St Annes was founded to champion equality in education at the end of the nineteenth century, and we remain committed to this aim in the twenty-first.
The College wants to attract the brightest and best students, wherever they live and whatever their background. We want to do all we can to remove the financial barriers which might deter bright students from applying for a place here.

How you can help

We want you to join with us in helping to fund the Oxford Bursaries Scheme, to ensure that our students today can enjoy their time at St Annes free of financial worries. We would like you to consider making a standing order donation of 20 a month to St Annes. If you are a UK taxpayer you can make this donation under Gift Aid, and increase its value at no additional cost to yourself. Heres how it adds up:

Your monthly donation 20 30 50

* after our tax-reclaim

Annual gift to St Annes* 308 462 769

Total value over 5 years 1,540 2,310 3,845

As you can see every gift really does make a difference. If 100 people set up a Standing Order for 20 a month under Gift Aid, the College will raise 154,000 for our Bursary Fund in five years.

We need only 570 of our 6,000 Senior Members to decide to give 20 a month, and we will achieve our target of 875,000 - enough to endow the costs to the College of the Oxford Bursaries Scheme.
If you are a higher-rate taxpayer, you can increase your donation still further, again at no extra cost to yourself, by making a personal reclaim on your self-assessment tax form. To find out what a difference this can make please contact the development director, Stephen Tall (details below). There are other ways of giving which may suit you better:

We are happy to lend our full support to the Oxford Bursaries Scheme, which will make such a difference to the lives of those students most in need.

Frances Cairncross (1962 History) & Jane Darnton (Baker, 1962 Animal Physiology)

One-off gifts: Enable you to make a donation by cheque or credit/debit card to St Annes for any amount, without committing yourself to future donations. Gifts of appreciated shares:
Enable you to receive income tax relief at 100% of the market value of the shares you donate, and ensure you attract no capital gains tax liability. If you have any queries at all, please contact:

CAF cheques: Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) reclaims all the tax owed on money you pay into your account, enabling you to give more to St Annes at no extra cost to yourself.

Stephen Tall, Development Director, FREEPOST SCE5035, St Annes College, Oxford, OX2 6YY. Tel: 01865 284672 E-mail:

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