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Part 1:

Pinyin: nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn

You ask me how deep my love for you is

wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn

How much I really love you

wǒ de ài yě zhēn

My love is real

yuè liang dài biǎo wǒ de xīn

The moon represents my heart

nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn

You ask me how deep my love for you is

wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn

How much I really love you

wǒ de qíng bù yí

My affection will not waver

wǒ de ài bú biàn

My love will not change

yuè liang dài biǎo wǒ de xīn

The moon represents my heart 

qīng qīng de yí ge wěn

One soft kiss

yǐ jīng dǎ dòng wǒ de xīn

Has already moved my heart

shēn shēn de yí duàn qíng

Our time of deep affection

jiào wǒ sī niàn dào rú jīn

Has made me miss you ever since then

nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn

You ask me how deep my love for you is

wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn

How much I really love you

nǐ qù xiǎng yi xiǎng

Think about it

nǐ qù kàn yi kàn

Take a look

yuè liang dài biǎo wǒ de xīn

The moon represents my heart

qīng qīng de yí ge wěn

One soft kiss

yǐ jīng dǎ dòng wǒ de xīn

Has already moved my heart

shēn shēn de yí duàn qíng

Our time of deep affection
jiào wǒ sī niàn dào rú jīn

Has made me miss you ever since then

nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn

You ask me how deep my love for you is

wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn

How much I really love you

nǐ qù xiǎng yi xiǎng

Think about it

nǐ qù kàn yi kàn

Take a look

yuè liang dài biǎo wǒ de xīn

The moon represents my heart

nǐ qù xiǎng yi xiǎng

Think about it

nǐ qù kàn yi kàn

Take a look

yuè liang dài biǎo wǒ de xīn

The moon represents my heart

Part 2:
1. My 2022

My 2022 was a turbulent year. I started with my second year in February and I again met new people
and made new friends but, I struggled with managing my workload. Balancing my modules out
during the first semester was hard but things began to improve when I entered the second semester.
I now knew how to work around my timetable and improved a lot and I also managed to make time
for myself.

1. 我的 2022 (Èr'èrshí'èr)

我的 2022 年是动荡的一年。 我从二月份的第二年开始,我再次认识了新的人,交了新的朋友,

但是,我努力管理我的工作量。 在第一学期平衡我的模块很难,但是当我进入第二学期时,
事情开始好转。 我现在知道如何解决我的时间表和改进了很多,我也设法为自己腾出时间。
Wǒ de 2022

wǒ de 2022 (Èr'èrshí'èr) nián shì dòngdàng de yī nián. Wǒ cóng èr yuèfèn de dì èr nián kāishǐ, wǒ
zàicì rènshíle xīn de rén, jiāole xīn de péngyǒu, dànshì, wǒ nǔlì guǎnlǐ wǒ de gōngzuò liàng. Zài dì yī
xuéqí pínghéng wǒ de mókuài hěn nán, dànshì dāng wǒ jìnrù dì èr xuéqí shí, shìqíng kāishǐ hǎozhuǎn.
Wǒ xiànzài zhīdào rúhé jiějué wǒ de shíjiān biǎo hé gǎijìnle hěnduō, wǒ yě shèfǎ wèi zìjǐ téng chū

2. My holiday life

This holiday is very warm, full of love and fun. The first activity I did was skating. This is my first
attempt. Although I have fallen many times, I like it very much. The second thing I did was to go to
the cinema to watch the movie "Avatar", which was a healthy experience. Finally, I spent a lot of
time having lunch with my family on Christmas and New Year's Eve. My aunt and I prepared food
and drinks, and we made various types of traditional food.

这个假期很温馨,充满爱和乐趣。 我做的第一个活动是滑冰。 这是我第一次尝试。 虽然我
摔倒了很多次,但我非常喜欢它。 我做的第二件事是去电影院看电影"阿凡达",这是一次健
康的体验。 最后,我花了很多时间和家人在圣诞节和除夕吃午饭。 我和阿姨准备了食物和饮
Wǒ de jiàqī shēnghuó

zhège jiàqī hěn wēnxīn, chōngmǎn ài hé lèqù. Wǒ zuò de dì yī gè huódòng shì huábīng. Zhè shì wǒ dì
yīcì chángshì. Suīrán wǒ shuāi dǎo le hěnduō cì, dàn wǒ fēicháng xǐhuān tā. Wǒ zuò de dì èr jiàn shì
shì qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn diànyǐng"Avatar", zhè shì yī cì jiànkāng de tǐyàn. Zuìhòu, wǒ huāle hěnduō
shíjiān hé jiārén zài shèngdàn jié hé chúxì chī wǔfàn. Wǒ hé āyí zhǔnbèile shíwù hé yǐnliào, wǒmen
zuòle gè zhǒng lèixíng de chuántǒng shíwù.

3. Make up a story by yourself

Greed will always lead to downfall.

Once there lived a greedy man in a small town. He was very rich, and he loved gold and all things
fancy. But he loved his daughter more than anything. One day, he chanced upon a fairy. The fairy’s
hair was caught in a few tree branches. He helped her out, but as his greediness took over, he
realised that he had an opportunity to become richer by asking for a wish in return (by helping her
out). The fairy granted him a wish. He said, “All that I touch should turn to gold.” And his wish was
granted by the grateful fairy.

The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his wish, all the while touching
stones and pebbles and watching them convert into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to
greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He
was devastated and started crying and trying to bring his daughter back to life. He realised his folly
and spent the rest of his days searching for the fairy to take away his wish.

曾经有一个贪婪的人住在一个小镇。 他非常富有,他喜欢黄金和所有花哨的东西。 但他爱他
的女儿胜过一切。 有一天,他偶然发现了一个仙女。 仙女的头发被夹在几根树枝上. 他帮助
富有。 仙女给了他一个愿望. 他说:"我所接触的都应该变成金子。"而他的愿望是由感恩的仙
黄金。 一旦他回到家,他的女儿就冲过来迎接他。 他刚弯腰把她抱在怀里,她就变成了一尊
金像。 他被摧毁,开始哭泣,并试图让他的女儿起死回生。 他意识到自己的愚蠢,并花了他
Tānlán zǒng shì huì dǎozhì kuǎtái.

Céngjīng yǒu yīgè tānlán de rén zhù zài yīgè xiǎo zhèn. Tā fēicháng fùyǒu, tā xǐhuān huángjīn hé
suǒyǒu huāshào de dōngxī. Dàn tā ài tā de nǚ'ér shèngguò yīqiè. Yǒu yītiān, tā ǒurán fāxiànle yīgè
xiānnǚ. Xiānnǚ de tóufǎ bèi jiā zài jǐ gēn shùzhī shàng. Tā bāngzhùle tā, dàn suízhe tā de tānlán
jiēguǎn, tā yìshí dào tā yǒu jīhuì tōngguò yāoqiú huíbào (tōngguò bāngzhù tā) de yuànwàng ér biàn
dé gèng fùyǒu. Xiānnǚ gěile tā yīgè yuànwàng. Tā shuō:"Wǒ suǒ jiēchù de dōu yīnggāi biàn chéng
jīnzi."Ér tā de yuànwàng shì yóu gǎn'ēn de xiānnǚ suǒ shíxiàn de.

Tānlán de nánrén gǎn huí jiā gàosù tā de qīzi hé nǚ'ér guānyú tā de yuànwàng, tóngshí chùmō shítou
hé éluǎnshí, kànzhe tāmen biàn chéng huángjīn. Yīdàn tā huí dàojiā, tā de nǚ'ér jiù chōng guòlái
yíngjiē tā. Tā gāng wān yāo bǎ tā bào zài huái lǐ, tā jiù biàn chéngle yīzūn jīn xiàng. Tā bèi cuīhuǐ,
kāishǐ kūqì, bìng shìtú ràng tā de nǚ'ér qǐsǐhuíshēng. Tā yìshí dào zìjǐ de yúchǔn, bìng huāle tā de
yúshēng xúnzhǎo xiānnǚ dài zǒu tā de yuànwàng.

4. Introduce a movie or TV series

There is a proverb that says: "Don't judge a book by its cover", and the movie "Legal Blonde" shows
us this. "Legally Blonde" is a movie about a blond girl named Elle Woods who likes to take care of
herself, especially her appearance. She is the kind of girl who is passionate about designing clothes.
She went to school and passed in particular, but fell in love with a man who liked her appearance
and had no other man. At the beginning of the movie, the boyfriend broke up with her because he
had been admitted to Harvard University. He said he couldn't be with a girl who didn't study,
especially a girl who didn't study law. Elle was heartbroken, she decided to get him back by trying to
enter the same school he was in. She studied very hard, took the bar exam, and then was admitted
to Harvard University. When she got there, she became the best student of all, and later learned
that she didn't want him to come back. A few years later, she officially became a lawyer and had a
new boyfriend who accepted her.

"Legally Blonde"是一部关于一个名叫 Elle Woods 的金发女孩的电影,她喜欢照顾自己,特别是
她的外表。 她是那种对设计服装充满热情的女孩,她去学校上学并特别通过,但却爱上了一
个喜欢她的外表而没有别的男人。 在电影的开头,男朋友和她分手了,因为他已经被哈佛大
学录取了,他说他不能和一个不学习的女孩在一起,特别是一个不学习法律的女孩。Elle 伤心
欲绝,她决定通过尝试进入他所在的同一所学校来让他回来。 她学习非常努力,参加了律师
考试,然后被哈佛大学录取。 当她到达那里时,她成为了所有人中最好的学生,后来才知道
她不想让他回来。 几年后,她正式成为一名律师,并有了一个接受她的新男友。
Yǒu jù yànyǔ shuō:"Bùyào tōngguò fēngmiàn lái pànduàn yī běn shū", diànyǐng"héfǎ de jīnfǎ
nǚláng"xiàng wǒmen zhǎnshìle zhè yīdiǎn. "Legally Blonde"shì yī bù guānyú yīgè míng jiào Elle
Woods de jīnfǎ nǚhái de diànyǐng, tā xǐhuān zhàogù zìjǐ, tèbié shì tā de wàibiǎo. Tā shì nà zhǒng duì
shèjì fúzhuāng chōngmǎn rèqíng de nǚhái, tā qù xuéxiào shàngxué bìng tèbié tōngguò, dàn què ài
shàngle yīgè xǐhuān tā de wàibiǎo ér méiyǒu bié de nánrén. Zài diànyǐng de kāitóu, nán péngyǒu hé
tā fēnshǒule, yīnwèi tā yǐjīng bèi hāfó dàxué lùqǔle, tā shuō tā bùnéng hé yīgè bù xuéxí de nǚhái zài
yīqǐ, tèbié shì yīgè bù xuéxí fǎlǜ de nǚhái.Elle shāngxīn yù jué, tā juédìng tōngguò chángshì jìnrù tā
suǒzài de tóngyī suǒ xuéxiào lái ràng tā huílái. Tā xuéxí fēicháng nǔlì, cānjiāle lǜshī kǎoshì, ránhòu bèi
hāfó dàxué lùqǔ. Dāng tā dàodá nàlǐ shí, tā chéngwéile suǒyǒu rén zhōng zuì hǎo de xuéshēng, hòulái
cái zhīdào tā bùxiǎng ràng tā huílái. Jǐ nián hòu, tā zhèngshì chéngwéi yī míng lǜshī, bìng yǒule yīgè
jiēshòu tā de xīn nányǒu.

5. Study plan and goals for 2023

In terms of study plans for 2023 I want to be more persistent in following my study timetable. I also
want to write down a strategy I will strictly follow as to how I will be balancing my modules out,
giving each module the same effort and time. The life plans I have for myself for this new year would
be setting new goals most importantly being content with where I am. I’m definitely looking forward
to implementing my study and life plans for 2023.

2023 年学习计划和目标

在 2023 年的学习计划方面,我想更坚持地遵循我的学习时间表。 我还想写下一个策略,我将

严格遵循如何平衡我的模块,给每个模块相同的努力和时间。 我为自己制定的新的一年的生
活计划将设定新的目标,最重要的是满足于我所处的位置。 我非常期待实施 2023 年的学习和
2023 Nián xuéxí jìhuà hé mùbiāo

zài 2023(èrshí'èrshísān) nián de xuéxí jìhuà fāngmiàn, wǒ xiǎng gèng jiānchí de zūnxún wǒ de xuéxí
shíjiān biǎo. Wǒ hái xiǎng xiě xià yīgè cèlüè, wǒ jiāng yángé zūnxún rúhé pínghéng wǒ de mókuài, gěi
měi gè mókuài xiāngtóng de nǔlì hé shíjiān. Wǒ wèi zìjǐ zhìdìng de xīn de yī nián de shēnghuó jìhuà
jiāng shè dìng xīn de mùbiāo, zuì zhòngyào de shì mǎnzú yú wǒ suǒ chǔ de wèizhì. Wǒ fēicháng qídài
shíshī 2023 nián de xuéxí hé shēnghuó jìhuà

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