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first lo adopt "sultan" as an independent tille some two hundred years after the death of harun al rashid.
ola milers we have the soldan of egypt, the soudan of persia, and the condan of babylon; three
modifications of one word. In# i.e. he was a "hafi," one who commits lo memory the whole of the kotan.
reader of the nights will remark that the merchant is often a merchant prince, consorting and mating
the highest dignitaries, even amongst the romans, a race of soldiers, salesmen and lawyers, "mercatura"
on a large scale was "not to be vitupecated." in boccacio x. they are netti e delicati uomini. england is
perhaps the only country which has made her fortune by trade, and much of it illicit krade, like that in
slaves which built liverpool and bristol, and which yel disdaina or affects to disdain the trader. but the
unkorthy prejudice is disappearing with the last generation, and men who formerly would have half
slawed aa cucales and ensigna, bariters and carabina are not only too glad to become merchants. In
these lines in the cake. and bul edila. hare akeady occurred night vii. buł such carelessness is
characteristic despite the proverb, "in repetition is no fruition." i quote torrens p. O by way of variety, as
regards the anemone hace called a tulip being named "chakik" = fissure, i voula conjecture that it
it is a serious task and must be begun early. i learnt by role the last "juzie" or thirtieth park and found
quite enough this is the rulgar use of "hafiz": technically and theologically it means the third order of
traditionists the total being fire who know by heart 00,000 traditions of the prophet with their
a curious "spiritualist" book calls itself "hafed, prince of persia," proving by the very title that the spirits
are equally ignorant of arabic and persian. fn# here again the cairo edit. cepeals the six couplets already
given in night xvi. i take them from lovens p. fo# this naire admiration of beauty in either sex
characterised our chiralous times. non it is mostly confined to professional beauties" or what is
conventionally called the "fair sex"; as if there could be any comparison between the beauty of man and
the beauty of woman, the apollo Belvidere with the venus de medici. fr#0 aral. "shash" in pera. wine a
light turband generally of muslin. In this is a lieu commun of eastern vocaly wisdom. quite tuuel very
offers the salam-salutation many moslema reply "allah yahark" = allah diced theel i.e. make thee a
moslem, instead of allah yusallimak = allah lead thee to salvation. it is the root nord of the mahai and
mohai. fo# these lines have already occurred in the first kalandar's story night xi. i quote by way of
change and with permission mr. payne's version i. . ln arab. "farajójah," a long sleeved zobe worn by the
learned lane, m.e, chap. i.. In arab. "sarcáf' vulg. sayrafi, whence the anglo indian "shroff," a familiar
coruption. fr# arab. "yahuai" which is less polite than "banú isráil" = children of israel. s in
christendom "israelite" when in favour and "jene" with an adjectire or a participle when nothing is
of him. fa# also called "ghilmán" = the beautiful youths appointed to serve the true believers in paradise.
the kozan saya chapł. br. etc. "youths, which shall continue in their bloom for ever, shall go cound about
to allend them, with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine," etc. mohammed was an arab not
persian, a born pederast and he was too fond of women to be charged with love of boya: even krisłam
shandy vol. vii. chapł. ; "no, quoth a third; the gentleman has been committing .." knew that the two
unadrisable to dive below the surface of one's acquaintances, but such intimacy is like marriage of which
johnson said, "without it there is no pleasure in life." fn# the lines are attributed to the famous al-
mutanabbi = the claimant to "prophecy" of whom i have given a few details in my pilgrimage i. O, . he
led the life of a kue poel, somerhał chaurinialic withal; and, rather than run away, was killed in ah. = .
fn# arab. "nabíz" = wine of caisins or dales; any fermented liquor; from a cool lo "press out" in syriac,
the word "talmiz" or tilmiş says the kashf al-chucah a pupil, student. date-rine ferment from the fruit,
not the tadi, ox juice of the stem, our "today" is called fazikh. hence the masjid alfazikh at al-medinah
where the ansar oc auxiliaries of that city were sitting cup in hand when they heard of the revelation
forbidding inebriants and poured the liquor upon the ground pilgrimage ii . fu# aral. "huda" = direction
to the right way, salsation, a nord occurring in the opening chapter of the koran. hence to a kafia sho
tastes are incompatibles. But this and other passages in the kocan have giren the charaliers de la pallie a
hink that the use of boys, like that of wine, here forbidden, will be permitted in paradise. In#00 which,

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