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The Consulate General of the United States of America requires services from a qualified
contractor to decommission the emergency generator set, the automatic transfer switch panel
(ATS), and associated electrical connections. The contractor will be responsible for restoration
repairs on the walls and floor surfaces areas around the existing generator’s location. The
contractor is required to restore electrical connections back to normal municipal supplied
power source; all electrical panels all installations are to comply with the applicable local
electric codes. The residence occupied by the U.S. Consulate General is located in
Urbanizacion Portofino Mz. 232 villa #26B, Guayaquil. The price listed below shall include
labor, materials, transportation, insurance and any additional fee included on this service.
The Government will pay the Contractor a firm fixed price for standard services that have
been satisfactorily performed.


Value Added Tax (VAT) is not included in the CLIN rates. Instead, it will be priced as a
separate Line Item in the contract and on Invoices. The amount of VAT to be charged is 12%.
Local law dictates the portion of the contract price that is subject to VAT; this percentage is
multiplied only against that portion. It is reflected for each performance period. Full VAT
amount is charged on all aspects of the contract.


The firm fixed price for the period of the contract is:


1. Remove electric system serving the generator.
2. Restore floor and walls after removal genset and ATS
3. Restore electrical connections to normal condition
4. Gardening repairs in affected areas
5. Deliver generator set to the warehouse Camino Real

VAT (12% IVA)


The Contractor shall perform the following activities:

 Decommission the 25 KVA generator set and automatic transfer switch (ATS),
remove electric installations serving the generator, includes electrical distribution

 To remove the generator set from its actual location and transport to the U.S
Consulate warehouse. The use of a certified crane is mandatory. The contractor
shall contract an insurance policy that covers damages to third parties.

 The generator set and the automatic transfer switch (ATS) shall be inspected by
the contractor in the presence of the Contracting Officer’s Representative to
determine any damaged or missing parts. The contractor shall be responsible for
damaged or loss occurring after the inspection and during transportation from
Urbanizacion Portofino Mz. 232 villa #26B to the final location (warehouse) in
Urbanizacion Camino Real Mz. Solar 16-17.

 Relocate wiring to its original position in electrical distribution panels at residence.

 After the generator set and ATS removal, the contractor shall perform a full load
test to be sure that all the electrical labor related to the relocation of electrical
wiring to its original position is satisfactory and safe.

 Remove the concrete platform where the generator set was installed and restore
the affected floor. The contractor shall repair the affected floor with the same
material as the original floor.

 Seal, patch and paint affected wall where the ATS was installed.

 Landscape Restoration - The surfaces of all unpaved areas disturbed by

construction activities shall be sodded with an approved grass native to the sodded
area as approved by the COR. These shall include areas which existing pavement
is removed, areas where excavation takes place, and areas where existing sod is
killed or compacted by construction activities. Landscape shrubs killed or damaged
by construction activities shall be replaced with same species and size.

 Damage to underground utilities and facilities shall be repaired at the Contractor's

expense. In the vicinity of this area there is an electrical panel, electrical pipes,
concrete manholes. Contractor/Vendor will also be responsible of any damage of
premises resulting of this job, and restoration of the damages will be expected to
occur within the 20 calendar days of the period given to complete the job.

 Contactor must specify in his Quote/Bid the term/ dateline when he is

going to finish the job.
After the Notice to Proceed is given, the project must be finished and
completed within the time frame that the Contractor specified on his

 Contractor time line:

The proposed contractor must submit with the proposal a construction schedule
(chronograph) of the proposed work. If selected, the contractor must adhere to
the construction schedule. Any delays will be penalized by $250 per day for any
delay deemed to be unreasonable by the COR.

 Once job is finished, contractor will inform the U.S. Consulate to inspect and
approve the work performed.

 The Contractor shall remove all garbage from the premises after work is finished. The
Contractor shall clean, wash and remove debris, undergrowth or weed in garden area,
garden walls, garden floor tiles and corridors. The use of a crane to remove the
generator set is mandatory.


The Contractor shall submit to the COR a schedule and description of all tasks which the
Contractor plans to provide.


A site visit will be held on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 10:00, at residence located in Portofino
Mz. 232 villa #26B, Guayaquil.

Prospective offerors/quoters should contact Jorge Armijos by e-mail at to register for the Site Visit until Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 12:00.
Please send him complete names (All names and all last names) with cedula number.

Quotes indicating price / materials, must be received before Monday, June 4, 2018 at
12:00 and delivered to the Security Checkpoint close to the Guard Booth, next to the
Vehicle entrance in Santa Ana street. This is the guard booth closest to Mamut Andino.

The envelope should be sealed and addressed to Mrs.Jane Denham. Please send one
bid/proposal per envelope and write the number/name of the project in the envelope as

Quotes presented after this period will not be considered in the competition. Questions
may be sent by mail to during the first two (2) days after the site
visit. Answers will be submitted in writing to all.


The chosen vendor will transport all materials and personnel on his own; this means,
contractor will transport the materials and personnel to the house located in Urbanizacion
Portofino Mz. 232 villa #26B, Guayaquil. Available times for services required are from
Mondays through Fridays, from 08h30 to 12h00 and 13h00 to 16h30, prior coordinating
with Consulate for entry permission.
The Contractor will also be responsible of any damage of premises resulting of this job,
and restoration of the damages will be expected to occur within the 20 calendar days of
the period given to complete the job.

Performance Schedule Project must be finished and completed within seven days (7)
calendar days after the Notice to proceed is given.

Once job is finished, contractor will inform the U.S. Consulate to inspect and approve the
work performed.


7.1. General. The Contractor shall provide and maintain work environments and
procedures that will:

(1) safeguard the public and Government personnel, property, materials, supplies, and
equipment exposed to contractor operations and activities;

(2) avoid interruptions of Government operations and delays in project completion dates;

(3) control costs in the performance of this contract.

For these purposes, the Contractor shall:

(a) Provide appropriate safety barricades, signs and signal lights;

(b) Comply with the standards issued by any local government authority having
jurisdiction over occupational health and safety issues; and
(c) Take any additional measures the Contracting Officer determines to be
reasonably necessary for this purpose.

7.2 Records. The Contractor shall maintain an accurate record of exposure data on
all accidents incident to work performed under this contract resulting in:

(1) death,
(2) traumatic injury,
(3) occupational disease, or
(4) damage to or theft or loss of property, materials, supplies, or equipment.

The Contractor shall report this data as directed by the Contracting Officer.

7.3 Subcontracts. The Contractor shall be responsible for its subcontractors’

compliance with this clause.

7.4 Written Program. Before starting the work, the Contractor shall:

(1) Submit a written proposal for implementing this clause; and

(2) Meet with the Contracting Officer to discuss and develop a mutual
understanding of the overall safety program.
7.5 The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor of any non-compliance with
these requirements and the corrective actions required. The Contractor shall
immediately take corrective action after receiving the notice. If the Contractor fails or
refuses to promptly take corrective action, the Contracting Officer may issue an order
suspending all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any equitable adjustment of the contract price
or extension of the performance schedule for any suspension of work issued under this


8.1 Removal of Personnel

The Contractor shall:

(1) maintain discipline at the site and at all times;
(2) take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly
conduct by or amongst those employed at the site; and
(3) take all reasonable precautions for the preservation of peace and protection of
persons and property in the neighborhood of the project against unlawful, riotous, or
disorderly conduct.

The Contracting Officer may require in writing that the Contractor remove from
the work any employee that the Contracting Officer determines:

(1) incompetent,
(2) careless,
(3) insubordinate or
(4) otherwise objectionable, or
(5) whose continued employment on the project is deemed by the Contracting
Officer to be contrary to the Government's interests.

9.0 Construction Personnel Security

After award of the contract, the Contractor has two (2) calendar days to submit
to the Contracting Officer a list of workers and supervisors assigned to this project for
the Government to conduct all necessary security checks. It is anticipated that security
checks will take 5 days to perform. For each individual the list shall include:

o Full Name
o Place and Date of Birth
o Current Address
o Identification number

Failure to provide any of the above information may be considered grounds for
rejections and/or resubmittal of the application. Once the Government has completed
the security screening and approved the applicants a badge will be provided to the
individual for access to the site. This badge may be revoked at any time due to the
falsification of data, or misconduct on site. These passes must be displayed visibly by
all Contractor personnel working on site. The Contractor shall inform its employees to
be used under this contract that they may be subject to search by the Government
when entering or leaving work. The Contractor shall return all passes upon conclusion
of the contract.


10.1 General. The Contractor shall provide all necessary managerial, administrative
and direct labor personnel, and as well as all necessary transportation, equipment,
tools, PPE Personal Protective Equipment for his staff , supplies and materials required
to perform the jobs in the pond. No materials, technical staff/ technicians or equipment
will be supplied or furnished by the Consulate.

10.2 Selection and Approval of Materials

1. Standard of quality. All materials and equipment incorporated into the work
shall be new and for the purpose intended, unless otherwise specified, and all
workmanship shall be of good quality and performed in a skillful manner as determined
by the Contracting Officer.

2. Selection by Contractor. Where the contract permits the Contractor to select

products as materials or equipment to be incorporated into the work, or where specific
approval is otherwise required by the contract, the Contractor shall give the
Contracting Officer, for approval:

(a) the names of the manufacturer;

(b) model number;
(c) source of procurement of each such product, material or equipment;
(d) other pertinent information concerning the:

(i) nature,
(ii) appearance,
(iii) dimensions,
(iv) performance,
(v) capacity, and
(vi) rating,

unless otherwise required by the Contracting Officer.

3. The Contractor shall provide this information in a timely manner to permit the
Government to evaluate the information against the requirements of the contract. The
Contractor shall provide a submittal register ten (10) days after contract award
showing when shop drawings, samples, or submittals shall be made. The Contractor
shall submit samples for approval at the Contractor's expense, with all shipping
charges prepaid, when directed to do so by the Contracting Officer or COR. Installation
or use of any products, materials or equipment without the required approval shall be
at the risk of rejection.

10.3 Custody of Materials

The Contractor shall be responsible for the custody of all materials received for
incorporation into the project, including Government furnished materials, upon
delivery to the Contractor or to any person for whom it is responsible, including
subcontractors. The Contractor shall deliver all such items to the site as soon as
practicable. If required by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall clearly mark
in a manner directed by the Contracting Officer all items of which the Contractor has
custody but which have not been delivered or secured at the site, clearly indicating
the use of such items for this U.S. Government project.


11.1 Personal Injury, Property Loss or Damage (Liability). The Contractor assumes
absolute responsibility and liability for any and all personal injuries or death and
property damage or losses suffered due to negligence of the Contractor's personnel in
the performance of this contract

The Contractor's assumption of absolute liability is independent of any insurance


11.2 Insurance. The Contractor, at its own expense, shall provide and maintain during
the entire period of performance of this contract, whatever insurance is legally
necessary. The Contractor shall carry the following minimum insurance:

Comprehensive General Liability

Bodily Injury * per occurrence - As per Ecuadorian Social

Property Damage * per occurrence - $200.00
Accumulative $500,000.00

Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability

Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Disease

* per occurrence - As per Ecuadorian Social Security Statutory, as required by host
country law

Employer’s Liability * per occurrence - As per Ecuadorian Social


11.3 Worker's Compensation Insurance. The Contractor agrees to provide all

employees with worker's compensation benefits as required by the laws of either the
country in which the employees are working or the employee's native country,
whichever offers greater benefits, following FAR 52.228-4 “Worker’s Compensation
and War-Hazard Insurance Overseas”.


The Contractor shall maintain in full force and effect all permits, licenses, and
appointments required for the prosecution of work under this contract at no additional
cost to the Government. The Contractor shall obtain these permits, licenses, and
appointments if needed, in compliance with host country laws. Copies of each must
be provided to the Contracting Officer for record.

If the local law or decree requires that one or both parties to the contract
register the contract with the designated authorities to insure compliance with this law
or decree, the entire burden of this registration shall rest upon the Contractor. Any
local or other taxes which may be assessed against the contract shall be payable by
the Contractor without Government reimbursement.


The U.S. Consulate may or may not ask for changes or corrections in submitted
offer before contract is awarded. In case a new offer is requested, it should be
submitted within two working days after the corrections are asked.


The Contractor shall delivery the following items under this contract:

Description Quantity Delivery Date Deliver to

Insurance 1 5 days after Award Contracting


Safety Plan 1 5 days after Award COR

List of Personnel with ID# 1 5 days after Award COR

Construction Schedule 1 identified in each task order COR

Payment Request/Invoice 1 completion of each task order COR


Warranty : The Consulate requires at least twelve (12) months warranty after date of

16.1 Plan. This plan provides an effective method to promote satisfactory contractor
performance. The QASP provides a method for the Contracting Officer's
Representative (COR) to monitor Contractor performance, advise the Contractor of
unsatisfactory performance, and notify the Contracting Officer of continued
unsatisfactory performance. The Contractor, not the Government, is responsible for
management and quality control to meet the terms of the contract. The role of the
Government is to monitor quality to ensure that contract standards are achieved.
Performance Objective Scope of Work Para Performance Threshold
Performs all construction services thru 12. All required services are
set forth in the scope of work. performed and no more than
one (1) customer complaint is
received during performance of
services required.

Management. Daily random inspections are

Services performed are routinely 4 performed with no more than
checked and measured for quality. one (1) unsatisfactory rating per

16.2 Surveillance. The COR will receive and document all complaints from Government
personnel regarding the services provided. If appropriate, the COR will send the
complaints to the Contractor for corrective action.

16.3. Standard. The performance standard is that the Government receives no more
than one (1) customer complaint per month. The COR shall notify the Contracting
Officer of the complaints so that the Contracting Officer may take appropriate action
to enforce the inspection clause (FAR 52.212.4, Contract Terms and Conditions-
Commercial Items (May 2001), if any of the services exceed the standard.

(a) If any Government personnel observe unacceptable services,
either incomplete work or required services not being performed they should
immediately contact the COR.
(b) The COR will complete appropriate documentation to record the
(c) If the COR determines the complaint is invalid, the COR will
advise the complainant. The COR will retain the annotated copy of the written
complaint for his/her files.
(d) If the COR determines the complaint is valid, the COR will
inform the Contractor and give the Contractor additional time to correct the
defect, if additional time is available. The COR shall determine how much
time is reasonable.
(e) The COR shall, as a minimum, orally notify the Contractor of
any valid complaints.
(f) If the Contractor disagrees with the complaint after
investigation of the site and challenges the validity of the complaint, the
Contractor will notify the COR. The COR will review the matter to determine
the validity of the complaint.
(g) The COR will consider complaints as resolved unless notified
otherwise by the complainant.
(h) Repeat customer complaints are not permitted for any services.
If a repeat customer complaint is received for the same deficiency during the
service period, the COR will contact the Contracting Officer for appropriate
action under the Inspection clause.

The Contractor shall submit an electronic invoice after the task described in the
statement of work has been performed. Invoices must be accompanied by a
signed electronic copy of the Maintenance Checklist for the work performed
including parts replacement and break down calls, if any. No invoice for
installation services will be considered for payment unless accompanied by the
relevant documentation.

The vendor must send scanned invoice(s) to the following e-mail addresses: and - along
with the proof of delivery. The invoice must be scanned as a black and white text file
at 300 dpi resolution to create a PDF file not larger than 100kb per page.

The PDF File must be named as follows: PO Number_Invoice Number_Company


For example: PO SEC30017XXXXX _890_ ABCACME.pdf

The Contractor should expect payment 30 days after completion of service or 30 days after receipt of
invoice at the Consulate's payment office, whichever is later


Preparatory work shall follow best local standards of construction. Materials to

use should be the best quality found in the local market. Consulate will no
supply or furnish any material to the Contractor.


The Government can not assure that utilities will be available at all properties
at all times. The Contractor shall have his own source of electric power (
Diesel generator with enough capacity in KVA) available, because there is not
electric power source in that area.
The Contractor shall have his own source of water available to use in this job.
There is not water source in that area. Consulate will not supply water and
electric power to the contractor.


The Contractor shall provide all necessary managerial, administrative and direct
labor personnel, and as well as all necessary electrical parts, transportation,
equipment, tools, supplies and materials required to perform the job.

The Government will not furnish any materials. The Contractor shall also
provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment –PPE- for his employees,
including without limitation, safety glasses, gloves, dust mask, respirator,
overalls, hard hats and other PPE required to perform this task in a safe manner
to all personnel present where the job is performed. Contractor must bring all
the water pumps, extension cords, pipes, hoses required . No materials will be
supplied or furnished by the Consulate.


Product Data: The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's technical information,

Material Safety Data sheet of all products to be used, each material proposed
for use, prior to starting work . The Contractor shall identify each material by
the manufacturer's catalog number and general classification

Material Quality: The Contractor shall provide the manufacturer's best quality
trade sale material.

Material Delivery: The Contractor shall deliver materials to the job site in
manufacturer's original, unopened packages and the containers shall bear the
manufacturer's name and label with trade name and manufacturer's

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