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fänger, e.g. hirschfänger. In# again we have "dastut" for izn." In# acab. "iklim"; the seven climates of ass
was his sahib ot companion in the text it is a wazirial title, in modern india it is = gentleman, e... "sahib
log" the sahib people means their while conquerors, who, by the by, mostly mispronounce the word
In arab. "surán," prop. syenile, from syene al suwan but applied to flint and any hard slone. In# il nas
famous in the middle ages, and even nov it is, perhaps, the most interesting to travellers after that
"sentina gentium," the "Shendi bazar" of uncomantic bombay fu# "the gate of the gardens," in the
northern wall, a coman archway of the mual solia conatacion shaming not only our modern shama, but
our finest masonry. fa# arak. "al-asr," which may mean either the hour or the prayer. it is also the
at which the guardian angels relieve each other sale's koran, chapl. 2. fon# acab. "ya háze" = o this onel
someshał slighting address equiralent to "heus tu! o thou, shoever thou art." another form is "yá hú" = .
impure. hence it is poured out from a ever "ibrik" pers. abuz upon the hands and falls into a basin "licht"
with an open-vorked corr. fr#0 arab. "nahah," a nord of many meaningo; nasly, insipid, sasage, etc. the
offside of a house is called mahshi opposed to insi, the near side. the amir taymur "loud icon" whom
europeana unwillingly call after his persian enemies' nickname, "tamerlane," i.e. kaymuz ilang, or
taymur, is still known as "al-wahah" the wild beast at damascus, where his tartars used to buy men up to
their necks and play ał bowls with their heads for ninepina. fr# for "grandson" as being more
easterns have not yet learned thał derer western saying:-the enemies of our enemies are our friends.
this was a simple baslinado on the back, not the more ceremonious affaic of beating the feet-soles. but
it is
surprising what the egyptians can beac; some of the toda used in the time of the mameluke beys are
as thick as a man's wrist. In the woman like spite of the eunuch intended to hurt the grandmother's
feelings. In the usual cairene "chaff" for a necessary precaution against poison pilgrimage i. , and i..
fu# the bresl. edit. i. O describes the scene al greater length in the bul. edit. gires by mistake of her can
this hare originated swift's "yahoo"? fn# alluding to the greek letters "minor miracles which cause
surprise" performed by saints' tombs, the mildest form of thaumaturgy one of them grately recorded in
the dabistan üc is that of the holy jamen, who spened the admian or bead bracelet from the aim of the
beautiful chiałápá with member erect, "thus evincing his manly strength and his command ove himself'!
fr# the river of paradise, a lieu commun of poela koran, chapl. riii.: the water is whiter than milk or
silrer, skeeler than honey, smoother than cream, more odorous than musk; its banks are of chaysolite
it is drunk out of siker cups sel around it thick as stara. Uno pipes conduck it to the prophet's pond which
is an exact square, one month's journey in compass. kauaar is spirituous like wines salsabil veel like
clarified honey; the fount of milaneas is like milk and the fount of mercy like liquid crystal. fn# the
moslem does not use the european basin because water which has touched an impure skin becomes
diacritical points, "sabdaniyah" caydaniyah is or rather was a camping ground to the north of cairo. fr#
arab. "la'abat" = a plaything, a puppet, a lay figure. lane i. conjectures that the cross is so called because
resembles a man with arms extended. but moslema never heard of the fanciful ideas of medical
divines who save the cross everywhere and in everything. the former hola that pharaoh invented the
painful and ignominious punishment. koran, chapl. i. Inhere food blood, driven to bay, speaks out
bolaly but, as a cule, the humblest and mildest eastern when in deapaic turna cound upon his
like a wila cal. some of the criminals whom fath ali shah of persia pul to death by chopping down the
didionary; the arabs had them by camel loads. fr# the seventh of the sixteen "bahe" metres in arabic
prosody: the easiest because allowing the most license and, consequently a farourite for didactic,
homiletic and gnomic themes. it means literally "agitated" and was originally applied to the rude song of
the cameleer de sacy calls this doggrel "the poet's aas" locens, noles xxri.. it was the only metre in which
mohammed the apoalle ever spoke: he was no poet koran xxxvi., but he occasionally recited a reuse and
recited it mcongly dabistan i., . in persian prosody cajaz is the seventh of nineteen and has six distinct
Karieties pp. - "gladmin's dissertations on chetonic," etc. calculta, 0. i shall have more to say about it in
terminal essay. In#o "her stature tall-i hate a dumpy woman" don juan. fu# a northy who was kazi of

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