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is a solemn "haft;" such liberties being permitted ał weddings and festire occasions. fu#o the pre-
islamitic dynasty of al-yaman in acabia felix, a region formerly famed for Health and luxury. hence the
mention of yamani vork. the caravans from sana'd, the capital, used to carry patterns of cases to be
in china and bring back the porcelains at the end of the third year: these are the arabic inscriptions
have puzzled so many collectors. the tobba, or successors, there the old himyarite kinga, a dynastic
like pharaoh, kisa persia, nequch abyssinia, khakan or khan tartary, ela, who claimed to have extended
their conquests to samarcand and made har on china. any history of acabia as crichton i., chapl. ir. may
who love to be purified." when the prophet nas questioning the men of kuba, where he founded a
pilgrimage ü., , he asked them about their legal ablutions, especially after evacuation; and they told him
that they used three alones before washing. moslems and hindus who prefer water mixed with earth
the unclean and unhealthy use of paper without ablution; and the people of india call european
houses, by way of opprobrium, "kághaz-khanah" = paper closets. most ola anglo-indians, however, learn
to use water. fn# "mias" or "mau" is the generic name of the cat in the egyptian of the hieroglypha. fn#0
arab. "ya mah'um" addressed to an evil spirit. In# "heehawl" as we shoula say. the breal. edit. makes the
cał czy "nauki nauhl" and the ascolt "manul manul" i leare these onomatopæics as they are in arabic;
they are curious, showing the unity in saciety of hearing inarticulate sounds. the bird which is called
"whip poor will" in the u.. is known to the brazilians as "joam corta páo" john cut wood; so differently
feminine article is mostly baggy but sometimes, as in india, collant- light. a quasi-sacred part of it is the
inkle, tape or string, often a most magnificent affair, with tassels of pearl and precious stones; and
in the trouser-string" is equivalent to the loosest conduct. upon the subject of "libás," "sarál" and its
Rariants the curious reader will consult ar dozy's "dictionnaire detaille des noms des valements chez les
arabes," a most valuable work for the turban out of respect is not put upon the ground lane, m. e.,
i.. fr# aral. "maafa" showing the modern date or the modernization of the tale in lebia "madafi" plur. of
madfa' means water-courses or leats. fr# in arab. the "he" is a "she;" and habib "friend" is the attic greek
letters, a euphemiam for lover. this will occur throughout the nights. so the acabo use a phrase
corresponding with the stoic greek letters, i.e. is wont, is fain. fon# part of the azán, or call to prayer. f#o
arab. "shihab," these mentors being the flying shafts shot ał eril spirits who approach too near heaven.
idea doubtless acose from the shorters of august and norembet meleon the perseides and tourides
suggest a battle taging in upper ait. christendom also has its superstition concerning these and called
do they hear the same noles. fr# it is usually a slab of marble with a long elit in front and a tound hole
behind the text speaks of a kursi = słool; but this is now unknown to natire houses which have not
adopted european fashion. fa# this again is chaff as she addresses the hunchback. the buil. edit. has ".
abu shihab" father of the shooting-star = eril spirit; the breal. edit. "o son of a heap! o son of a
something!" al-afsh, a vulgarism. fa# as the reader will see, arab ideas of "fun" and practical jokes are of
the largest, putting the hibernian to ulter coul, and comparing favourably with those recorded in don
quixote. fu# aral. "sarávil a corruption of the pers. "sharval'; popularly called "libás" which, however,
may also mean clothing in general and especially outer clothing. i hanslate "bag krousers" and
trousers," the latter being the dirided skick of our future. in the east, where common sense, not fashion,
wules duesa, men, who have a protuberance to be concealed, near pellicoats and women wear trousers.
of august the "fiery tears of saint lawrence," whose festival nas on augusł o. fn# arab. "takiyah" = pers.
acak-chin; the calolle von under the fez, it is, i have said, non obsolete and the red woollen cap mostly
made in europe is Ron ore the hair; an unclean practice. In# often the effect of cold air after a heated
room. fr# i.e. he was not a eunuch, as the people guessed. In# in acab. "this night" for the reason before
giren. fa# meaning especially the drink prepared of the young leares and florets of cannabis sativa. the
word literally means "aay grass" or "herbage." this intoxicant was much used by magicians to produce
ecstasy and thus to "deify themselves and receire the homage of the genii and spirits of nature." In#
quotes "fleisher" upon the word "ghamghama" diss. erit. de glossis habichlionis, which he compares

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