Unit Test

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Name _______________________________

Unit test TOTAL ___/ 70

1 Replace the underlined words in the sentences with a synonym.
1 There is research that shows eating breakfast can help you improve your marks. ____________
2 It is necessary to pass a driving test to get your driver’s license in the U.S. ____________
3 I think schools should stop the sale of sugary drinks at lunchtime. ____________
4 I work on my art project on weekends. ____________
5 We have written and oral tests once a month. ____________
6 There is a helpline you can call if someone is being mean to you. ____________

___/ 6

2 Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.

1 Are you worried for / with / about your online privacy?
2 I’m not very good on / at / in doing math problems in my head.
3 He was covered in / for / at mud after playing the soccer match in the rain.
4 She’s upset about / for / with the things you said.
5 He won’t enter the competition because he’s scared to / of / in losing.
6 My teacher was impressed to / about / with my accent.

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3 Complete the dialogue with the words below. There are two extra words.
experiment figure out get together memorize prioritize tip video tutorial
Angelo Do you want to 1 __________________________ to study for the history test?
Joe Sorry, but I need to 2 __________________________ math right now. I can’t
__________________________ how to calculate the distance.
Angelo There’s a good 4 __________________________ that shows you how to do it. I’ll send you the link.
Joe Great! Thanks for the 5 __________________________!

___/ 5

4 Choose the correct option to complete the questions. Then answer them so they are true for you. Write full
1 What kind of work experience / experiment are you interested in doing or have you done?
2 Can you concentrate / memorize on your homework while music is playing? If you can, what kind of music
do you listen to? If you can’t, how do you work best?
3 What is something that you have learned by trial and mistake / error? Describe an example.

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Unit test

1 Match the sentence halves.
1 At the end of the school day, we have a have to take her passport because she had other ID.
2 Students can’t b save your work every ten minutes.
3 We won’t be c allowed to wear our own clothes on the school trip.
4 She didn’t d to turn off the computers.
5 You should e walk to school because it had snowed.
6 Last week, we couldn’t f use their phones in class – it’s banned.

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2 Find one error in each sentence. Write the correct words.

1 I must to return my library books tomorrow. __________________________
2 What subjects do your teachers think you may study next year? __________________________
3 Pool rules: All swimmers can shower before entering the pool. __________________________
4 We can’t travel first class yesterday because we didn’t have the correct tickets. __________________________
5 Passengers aren’t allowed taking big bags on the plane. __________________________

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3 Complete the rules for joining a class social media page with the words below.
be allowed to have to should must not must

Welcome to Class 12B’s social media page!

Please read the rules and advice before posting. 😊

• You 1 __________________________ use your real name but you don’t 2 __________________________
upload a photo of yourself.

• Please respect the opinions of others! You 3 __________________________ post rude comments. If you do,
you won’t 4 __________________________ remain in the group and we’ll block you!

• If you see any online bullying or are the victim of bullying you 5 __________________________ report it to
the Admin. Click on the button at the top of the page.

___/ 5

4 Answer the questions so they are true for you. Write full sentences.
1 Write two things that you aren’t allowed to do at home.
2 What do you have to do on weekends?
3 What couldn’t you do when you were younger because your parents didn’t allow you? At what age do you
think you’ll be allowed to travel abroad on your own?
4 What should teachers do when students break school rules?
Unit test

___/ 4

1 3.06 Listen to a webinar about how to participate in a MOOC (massive open online course). Check () the
topics that the speaker discusses.
1 names of tutors ☐
2 educational activities ☐
3 how the course is assessed ☐
4 recommended reading ☐
5 length and timings of the course ☐
6 cost of course ☐

___/ 4

2 3.06 Listen again. Complete the notes that a participant has taken.

Learning English Culture MOOC

Course = 1 ____________ weeks, 2 ____________–four hours of study per week

Each week = short 3 ____________ tutorial, article, discussion thread – must 4 _______________ to join
discussion forum

Assignment every 5 ______________ / test at end

Certificate = 6 $____________

___/ 6
Unit test

1 Read the article about a new trend in U.K. schools. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 Schools give the children breakfast because it is the cheapest meal to provide. T / F
2 Children usually behave better when they eat well. T / F
3 Breakfast is only important for the learning of very young children. T / F

___/ 3

Food For Thought

The number of children going to school hungry has been increasing in recent years. There is evidence that this
has a negative impact on their learning. Children who are hungry have a short attention span, so they find it
hard to focus on anything for more than a few minutes. They get bored quickly and then can often disrupt the
classroom with bad behavior.

Many experts are also concerned with the bigger problem of food insecurity. This is the long-term, psychological
experience of not knowing whether you will have enough to eat. This is different from being hungry, which is the
physical experience of needing food, which may only be temporary. Children who suffer from food insecurity don’t
have regular access to healthy food. In primary school, these children develop their math and reading skills more
slowly than their well-fed classmates. As they progress through school, they often have lower grades, poor
attendance, and behavior problems including fighting and bullying.

One way to tackle the problem of food insecurity is the introduction of school breakfast clubs. Breakfast clubs
are becoming more and more popular in primary and secondary schools across the U.K. Why breakfast? It’s
the most important meal of the day, but many children from low-income families do not eat before they come
to school.

Research has shown the benefits of eating a good breakfast at school for poorer children. It contributes to the
social and physical development of schoolchildren. It also improves their learning, behavior, and attendance at
school. Children who used to regularly turn up late for school, arrive on time for breakfast and no longer miss the
start of the school day.

In primary schools, the teachers encourage the children to take an active part in the club and to help clean up.
Breakfast clubs teach children social skills by providing a time to learn how to sit around a table, chat, and share
things. They also give students a chance to play before school starts. They are then more prepared for learning.
Breakfast gives them more energy, so they are not thinking only about food in class and can concentrate better.

Most teachers and families agree that breakfast clubs now have an important part to play in helping U.K.
schoolchildren, and schools across the U.S. and Europe are now setting up their own clubs. Breakfast prepares
children for the school day ahead of them, and teachers report that children who start school after a healthy meal
have better self-control and a better attitude toward their learning. This leads to better behavior, less disruption
in class, and higher grades for the children – and their classmates.
Unit test

2 Read the article again. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 Children with a short attention span … .
a find it easy to pay attention to teachers
b can’t concentrate on one thing for a long time
c can focus on different things at the same time
d can only concentrate on one subject at a time
2 When students disrupt classrooms, … .
a the other students can’t concentrate on their work
b they don’t help clean up after classes
c they sit quietly instead of working
d they only stop their own learning
3 Children who have food insecurity … .
a already have lower grades when they move up to secondary school
b start to fall behind in secondary school
c make progress when they start secondary school
d learn more quickly as they get older
4 If you tackle a problem … .
a you fail to deal with it
b you research it and write a report
c you find a solution to it
d you ban the thing that causes the problem
5 Children who come from low-income families … .
a have rich parents
b don’t have many family members
c don’t have much money
d have houses in low areas
6 Breakfast clubs provide extra time … .
a for children to learn math and reading skills
b to introduce children to educational games
c to teach children skills for learning
d to develop children’s social skills
7 Children with good self-control … .
a are excellent at sports
b can control how they behave
c understand what they need to learn
d can control the people around them

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Unit test

TASK Write a response to the discussion board question: Do you think we should have stricter rules to deal
with bad behavior in the classroom?

1 Read the question at the beginning of the discussion. Think about your answer and take notes. Include
facts and examples to support your opinions.

Marie September 16 10:34

Do you think we should have stricter rules to deal with bad behavior in the classroom?


Harry September 16 10:49

Yes! The behavior is really bad in my science class.

Some people talked all the way through the quiz yesterday.

Lucas September 16 12:03

No! There are already too many rules!

And the good students will get punished when they haven’t done anything wrong … .

2 Now read the posts below the question and the opinions they express. Decide which comment you want to
refer to in your response.

3 Plan each paragraph. Then, use your notes to write your first draft. Write 100–120 words.

4 Read through your first draft and revise it if necessary. Then write your final draft.

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