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Reading practice – Level 2

1 Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F ).
1 The writer says that the airplane is the most important innovation of the 20th century. T/F
2 An understanding of bicycles helped the Wright brothers to build a working airplane. T/F
3 The Wright brothers never became rich as a result of their invention. T/F
4 We see the world differently as a result of the invention of the airplane. T/F

2 Choose the correct answers.

1 Modern planes are different from the Wright brothers’ plane because …
a parts of their wings can be moved when the plane is taking off.
b their moving parts are controlled by more advanced technology.
c there is greater control over how to move the wings.
2 Before inventing the plane, the Wright brothers …
a had invented many other things.
b had spent their careers in the aeronautics industry.
c had worked mainly in the printing industry.
3 The engine of the Wright brothers’ plane …
a was mostly Charlie Taylor’s idea.
b was similar to existing engines.
c didn’t weigh very much.
4 After inventing the plane, the Wright brothers …
a quickly became famous.
b were largely ignored at first.
c found it difficult to develop the plane.
5 The writer’s opinion is that the airplane …
a has improved the world economy.
b has brought nations closer together.
c has created artificial barriers between nations.

3 Read two reasons why the airplane is one of the most significant inventions of the
20th century. Add three more reasons. You can use your own ideas or information from
the article.
1 Planes have made it possible for people to go on vacation to distant countries.
2 Warfare has been transformed by planes.

2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

Reading practice – Level 2

The Wright Brothers

The achievement of the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, in building and
flying the first airplane in 1903 was remarkable. It is unquestionably one of
the most significant inventions of the 20th century, and it changed the way we
see the world in many ways. Technologically, the Wright brothers’ plane was
innovative and revolutionary. As their plane was being developed, the brothers
realized that it needed controls to move the wings. If you look out of the
window of a modern plane, you will see parts of the wing moving during take-off
and landing. These movements may all be controlled by computers these days,
but essentially parts of the wings are being moved in the same way that the
Wright brothers moved the wings of their plane over a hundred years ago.
The Wright brothers had a background in machinery and engineering, and
this helped them make the breakthroughs needed to invent a working plane.
They had started out working as printers, and this was their main source of
income. However, they also designed bicycles, so when inventors across the
world started trying to build a flying machine, they were the first to realize
that, like a bicycle, any successful plane needed to have controls so that the
flyer could balance and move the machine in the air. They built a wind tunnel,
which allowed them to test and perfect the ideal wing shape for a plane, and
with the help of a mechanic named Charlie Taylor, they were able to build an
engine that was light enough and powerful enough to move a plane through
the air.
For a number of years after their first flight, the Wright brothers found
it difficult to persuade governments to invest in their new technology.
Governments simply didn’t understand how important this amazing new
invention would be. However, they were eventually able to sell their designs,
and money and celebrity soon followed.
Flight had been just a dream for centuries, but now it is a daily reality, and
it has changed the way we view the world. Before planes were invented, we
traveled across land and sea, but now we fly over them, and the world seems
smaller as a result. In the past, other countries were far away and seemed
very different from our own, but now, thanks to air travel, they seem very close
and very similar. Our views about the way nations should work together, about
the global economy, and about the environment have all been influenced by the
invention of planes.

2 © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE

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