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A Dialogue with the Data: The Bayesian

Foundations of Iterative Research in
Qualitative Social Science
Tasha Fairfield and Andrew Charman

We advance efforts to explicate and improve inference in qualitative research that iterates between theory development, data
collection, and data analysis, rather than proceeding linearly from hypothesizing to testing. We draw on the school of Bayesian
“probability as extended logic,” where probabilities represent rational degrees of belief in propositions given limited information, to
provide a solid foundation for iterative research that has been lacking in the qualitative methods literature. We argue that
mechanisms for distinguishing exploratory from confirmatory stages of analysis that have been suggested in the context of APSA’s
DA-RT transparency initiative are unnecessary for qualitative research that is guided by logical Bayesianism, because new evidence
has no special status relative to old evidence for testing hypotheses within this inferential framework. Bayesian probability not only
fits naturally with how we intuitively move back and forth between theory and data, but also provides a framework for rational
reasoning that mitigates confirmation bias and ad-hoc hypothesizing—two common problems associated with iterative research.
Moreover, logical Bayesianism facilitates scrutiny of findings by the academic community for signs of sloppy or motivated
reasoning. We illustrate these points with an application to recent research on state building.

n the context of the replication crisis, APSA’s trans- eses and data gathering strategies, evidence inspires new or
parency initiative, and surrounding debates, scholars refined hypotheses along the way, and there is continual
have sought to revalue, explicate, and improve inference feedback between theory and data. This iterative style of
in qualitative research that proceeds in an inherently research, which is common in process tracing and com-
iterative manner, where prior knowledge informs hypoth- parative historical analysis, diverges from norms that

A list of permanent links to Supplemental Materials provided by the authors precedes the References section.

Tasha Fairfield is Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and 2017–2018 Mellon Foundation Fellow at
Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences ( Her article with Andrew Charman,
“Explicit Bayesian Analysis for Process Tracing” (Political Analysis, 2017), won APSA’s Sage Paper Award for Qualitative and
Multi-Method Research. She is the author of Private Wealth and Public Revenue in Latin America: Business Power and Tax
Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2015, Donna Lee Van Cott Award, Latin American Studies Association).

Andrew Charman lectures in the Department of Physics at University of California–Berkeley (

Trained in theoretical plasma physics, he is also an expert in both Bayesian and frequentist statistics. Recent publications include “An
Improved Limit on the Charge of Antihydrogen from Stochastic Acceleration” (Nature, 2016) with the CERN ALPHA
Collaboration. In addition to assessing statistical methodologies for fundamental measurements of antimatter, his current research
interests include optimal apportionment for the U.S. House of Representatives and statistical mechanical models of gerrymandering.

They thank Andy Bennett, Ruth B. Collier, David Collier, Justin Grimmer, Macartan Humphreys, Alan Jacobs, Jack Levy,
James Mahoney, Jason Sharman, Hillel Soifer, and Elisabeth Wood for detailed comments and intellectual engagement. They
are also grateful to journal editor Michael Bernhard, Devin Caughey, Christopher Darnton, Steven Goodman, Jacob Hacker,
Antoine Maillet, James Mahon, Richard Nielsen, Craig Parsons, Jessica Rich, and Ken Shadlen, as well as seminar
participants at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, the Syracuse Institute for Qualitative and Multi-
Method Research, Rutgers, Princeton, Yale, University of Texas–Austin, University of California–Berkeley, and the University
of Oregon.
154 Perspectives on Politics © American Political Science Association 2019 Published online by Cambridge University Press

mandate differentiating and sequencing exploratory Accordingly, we aim to make two central contribu-
(theory-building, inductive) and confirmatory (theory- tions. First, we advance efforts to revalue iterative research
testing, deductive) stages of research. Theory-testing by elucidating its Bayesian foundations and thereby
purportedly requires new data that did not contribute to providing a solid methodological basis that has been
inspiring hypotheses, and any deviations from a specified lacking in the qualitative methods literature. Second, we
research design should be reported.1 Furthermore, theory explicate the safeguards Bayesianism provides against
testing is generally granted higher status.2 confirmation bias and ad-hoc hypothesizing, which make
Advocates of iterative qualitative research have sug- firewalls between theory building and theory testing
gested the key to enhancing its status and improving unnecessary. We therefore argue that time-stamping
inference lies in finding ways to conform to norms of and pre-registration (binding or non-binding) are not
differentiating exploration from confirmation and testing useful tools in qualitative research, regardless of the
theory with new evidence. Scholars have called for greater practical (in)feasibility of these approaches in particular
transparency about analytical sequencing3 and advocate research programs (e.g., analysis of existing historical data
various mechanisms for keeping track of when a hypothesis versus generation of original data through expert inter-
was devised relative to specific stages of data collection, views). We hope our analysis will help inform discussion
including pre-registration,4 online logging,5 or time- among multi-method and qualitative scholars on the
stamping data as “used” versus “unused” throughout the nature of inference in case-study research, as well as the
research process.6 Meanwhile, a recent APSA joint- relative costs and analytical benefits of measures that have
committee proposal for a political science registry asserts been suggested for improving research transparency,
that “the basic analytical difference between induction beyond advocating transparency for transparency’s sake.
and testing is as relevant to qualitative analysis as to We begin by overviewing the trajectory of methodo-
quantitative. . . . The clearest evaluation of explanatory logical thinking on iterative research and situating our
or theoretical propositions derives from a new set of contribution within recent work on Bayesian process
observations.”7 tracing. In the second section, we then introduce the
We present a different view of iterative research that is “logical” approach to Bayesian probability. We clarify how
grounded in Bayesian “probability as extended logic” from this framework differs from the frequentist paradigm, and
the physical sciences,8 where probabilities represent ratio- we elucidate fundamental tenets of logical Bayesianism
nal degrees of belief in propositions given the inevitably that mitigate the need for distinctions between exploratory
limited information we possess. From a logical Bayesian and confirmatory research. The key lies in recognizing that
perspective, prescriptions for separating exploratory from the terms “prior” and “posterior,” as applied to our degree
confirmatory research build on false dichotomies between of belief (or confidence) in whether a proposition is true or
old versus new evidence and inductive versus deductive false, are not temporal notions. Instead, they are purely
reasoning. Theory testing—understood in Bayesian terms logical concepts that refer to whether we have incorporated
as inference to best explanation using probabilistic a given body of evidence into our analysis via Bayes’ rule.
reasoning—takes all evidence into account, regardless of The third section illustrates these points with an applica-
whether it was known to the investigator at the time tion to qualitative research on state building.
hypotheses were devised; new evidence has no special The final section considers potential concerns regard-
status relative to old evidence. Scientific inference in- ing our arguments that within logical Bayesianism, there
variably entails a “dialogue with the data,” where we go is no need to keep track of what the investigator knew
back and forth between theory development, data collec- when and that “old” evidence is just as good as “new”
tion, and data analysis, rather than a linear sequence from evidence for assessing rival hypotheses. Our response
hypothesizing to testing. emphasizes that Bayesian probability in and of itself
Our perspective highlights and aims to resolve an provides a framework for rational reasoning in the face
underlying tension in efforts to understand and improve of uncertainty that simultaneously helps inoculate against
qualitative research. On the one hand, much of the best cognitive biases and opens analysis to scrutiny by other
such research implicitly and intuitively, albeit not con- scholars for signs of such pitfalls. While there are no magic
sciously, approximates the logic of Bayesian reasoning. bullets for ensuring and signaling honest and unbiased
On the other hand, proposals advocating crisp delinea- assessments of evidence in practice, drawing on Bayesian
tions between exploratory and confirmatory research are reasoning more consciously in qualitative research, discus-
grounded in the frequentist inferential framework that sing rival explanations more explicitly, and openly address-
still underpins most large-N analysis—a framework that is ing observations that run counter to overall conclusions
inapplicable to small-N case-study analysis. Whereas can help further those goals. While scholars need famil-
separating theory-building from theory-testing is impera- iarity with the basics of Bayesian probability to implement
tive within frequentism, it is unnecessary for Bayesian these suggestions, sophisticated technical training is not
inference. necessary to begin improving intuition and inference.

March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 155 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

Perspectives on Iterative Research that scholars should be forthright when conducting

Iterative research has a long tradition in social science. iterative research, we will argue that there are few
Classic methodological discussions include Glaser and analytical benefits to reporting temporal details about
Strauss’s work, which emphasizes jointly collecting how the research process unfolded.
and analyzing data while developing and refining theory In reevaluating the relationship between theory build-
and concepts. Yet these authors largely describe their goal ing and theory testing, we take inspiration not only from
as theory building—not theory testing, which entails the physical sciences but also from early work on the
“more rigorous approaches” that “come later in the Bayesian underpinnings of case-study research.
scientific enterprise.”9 McKeown instigated a pioneering agenda by observing
Differentiating between theory building and testing that KKV’s statistical world-view clashes with a logic of
remains prevalent even in literature that questions King, “folk Bayesianism:”
Keohane, and Verba’s (hereafter KKV) application of Researchers . . . are “interactive processors.”’ They move back
standards from large-N statistical inference to case studies. and forth between theory and data, rather than taking a single
Ragin expressly criticizes KKV’s assertion that “we should pass through the data . . . one can hardly make sense of such
not make it [our theory] more restrictive without collect- activity within the confines of a classical theory of statistics. A
[Bayesian] theory of probability that treats it as a process
ing new data to test the new version of the theory,”10 but involving the revision of prior beliefs is much more consistent
his response stops short of providing a methodological with actual practice.20
rationale; Ragin simply notes the practical infeasibility of
KKV’s prescription when “the number of relevant cases is Subsequent scholarship makes important strides to-
limited by the historical record to a mere handful.”11 wards applying Bayesian reasoning in process tracing.21
But implications of McKeown’s observation about “in-
Brady and Collier’s groundbreaking volume stresses the
teractive processing” have not yet been explored. Formal
contribution of inductive research to theory innovation.12
treatments of Bayesian process tracing have been cast in
But in emphasizing tradeoffs between different objectives,
a deductive, theory-testing framing that emphasizes
the volume leaves the dichotomy between theory building
prospective anticipations about evidence we might
and theory testing largely intact.
encounter, without elucidating the importance of in-
Similarly, contemporary process-tracing literature
ferential feedback and the role played by induction in
retains language that discriminates between induction
conjunction with retrospective analysis of data actually
and deduction. Authors refer to inductive versus de-
ductive process tracing,13 theory-building versus theory- We build on McKeown’s insights by arguing that
testing process tracing,14 and similar variants.15 Even logical Bayesianism provides a firm methodological foun-
when acknowledging that process tracing in practice dation for iterative research. In the apt phrase of astro-
involves a complex combination of theory construction physicist Stephen Gull, Bayesian analysis involves
and evaluation, these modes are still treated as analytically a “dialogue with the data.”22 We draw new insights
distinct,16 and ideally sequential, where “inductive dis- through a continual, iterative process of analyzing data
covery is followed by deductive process tracing” using differently or more deeply, revising and refining theory,
“evidence independent of that which gave rise to the revisiting evidence, asking new questions, and deciding
theory,” (quoting Bennett and Checkel).17 what kinds of additional data to collect. Inference is always
The relationship between theory building and theory provisional, in that theories are rarely definitively refuted
testing is receiving renewed attention in the context of or confirmed—they are constantly amended in light of
debates over transparency. Yom seeks to elevate the new ideas and new data. In these inferential cycles we
status of disciplined “inductive iteration” while high- never “use up” or “throw away” previous information—
lighting “truly destructive” practices like “data mining, Bayesianism mandates learning from accumulated
selective reporting, and ignoring conflicting results.”18 knowledge via conditional probabilities that take into
Yet Yom’s emphasis on “transparency in practice,” which account all relevant known information. Confidence in
calls for scholars to report when they “had to reconceptu- one proposition depends on what else we know and
alize a causal mechanism as new information comes to generally changes when we make new observations.
light, . . . tighten a theoretical argument . . . or rewrite There is no need within logical Bayesianism to tempo-
a process-tracing narrative,”19 essentially falls back on the rally sequence inductive and deductive stages of reason-
linear research template he critiques, in that the only ing. Bayes’ rule allows us to move back and forth fluidly
rationale for requiring such information about the between reasoning about empirical implications of hy-
temporal trajectory of the intellectual process lies in potheses and drawing inferences about possible causes
standard prescriptions to test inductively-inspired theory from observed effects, and Bayesian probability allows us
with new evidence—otherwise we are promoting trans- to assess the weight of evidence whether collected before
parency purely for transparency’s sake. While we agree or after formulating hypotheses.

156 Perspectives on Politics Published online by Cambridge University Press

Bayesian Logic of Iterative Research evidence that cannot naturally be conceived as random
We begin by reviewing conceptual distinctions between samples (e.g., information from expert informants, legis-
Bayesianism and frequentism, the dominant approach to lative records, archival sources). Strictly speaking, “fre-
quantitative inference that often informs how qualitative quentist inference is inapplicable to the nonstochastic setting,”
research is evaluated, and introducing the logical school quoting Jackman and Western.23
of Bayesianism, which provides a prescription for rational The school of Bayesianism we advocate as the foun-
reasoning given incomplete information (Bayesian Foun- dation for scientific inference—logical Bayesianism—
dations). We then overview the mathematical framework seeks to represent the rational degree of belief we should
of Bayesian inference (Bayesian Inference). The third sub- hold in propositions given the information we possess,
section resolves false dichotomies of new vs. old evidence independently of hopes, subjective opinion, or personal
and deductive vs. inductive research by focusing on the predilections. In ordinary logic, truth-values of all prop-
logical—not temporal—nature of prior and posterior ositions are known with certainty. But in most real-world
probabilities. The fourth sub-section discusses safeguards contexts, we have limited information, and we are always
built into logical Bayesianism that help curtail confirma- at least somewhat unsure about whether a proposition is
tion bias and ad-hoc hypothesizing—two potential pitfalls true or false. Bayesian probability is an “extension of
often associated with iterative research that underpin logic”24 in that it provides a prescription for how to reason
conventional demands for segregating theory building when we have incomplete knowledge and are thus un-
from theory testing. certain about the truth of propositions. When degrees of
belief assume limiting values of zero (impossibility) or one
Bayesian Foundations (certainty), Bayesian probability automatically reduces to
Frequentism conceptualizes probability as a limiting pro- ordinary logic.
portion in an infinite series of random trials or repeated A central tenet of logical Bayesianism is that probabil-
experiments. For example, the probability that a coin ities should encode knowledge in a unique, consistent
lands “heads” on a given toss is equated with the fraction of manner. Incorporating information in different but logi-
times it turns up heads in an infinite sequence of throws. cally equivalent ways (e.g., learning the same pieces of
In this view, probability reflects a state of nature—e.g., information in different orders) must produce identical
a property of the coin (fair or weighted) and the flipping probabilities, and individuals possessing the same infor-
process (random or rigged). In contrast, Bayesianism mation must assign the same probabilities. Cox, Jaynes,
understands probability as a degree of belief based on and subsequent scholars proved mathematically that if we
a state of knowledge. The probability an individual assigns represent degrees of confidence in the truth of propositions
to the next toss of a coin represents her strength of with real numbers and impose these consistency require-
confidence about the outcome after taking into account ments, we are led directly to the standard sum and product
all relevant information she knows. Two observers watch- rules of probability, which in turn give rise to all other
ing the same coin flip would rationally assign different operations for manipulating and updating probabilities.25
probabilities to the proposition “the next toss will produce The consistency requirements of logical Bayesianism
heads” if they have different information about the coin or are more demanding than requirements imposed in
tossing procedure. For example, an observer who has had approaches that draw on the “psychological” or “sub-
the opportunity to examine the coin in advance and jective” school of Bayesianism common in the philosophy
discerns that it is weighted in favor of heads would of science literature and many Bayesian statistics textbooks
rationally place a higher probability on that outcome than for social science. In this latter personalistic approach,
an observer who is not privy to such information. rationality requires probabilities to be coherent, which
The Bayesian notion of probability offers multiple means that utility-maximizing agents must decline “Dutch
advantages—most centrally: it fits better with how people Book” bets, where loss is certain. Coherence in turn
intuitively reason under uncertainty; it can be applied to implies that probabilities satisfy the sum and product
any proposition, including causal hypotheses, which rules. But as long as probabilities satisfy these rules, they
would be nonsensical from a frequentist perspective; it is can be based on pure opinion or whim—whatever
well suited for explaining unique events or working with happens to motivate an individual to hold some particular
a small number of cases, without need to sample from subjective degree of belief. Accordingly, within psycho-
a larger population; and inferences can be made from logical Bayesianism, individuals possessing the same in-
limited amounts of information, using any relevant formation need not assign identical probabilities.
evidence (e.g., open-ended interviews, historical records), We will show that the consistency requirements are the
above and beyond data generated from stochastic pro- key to understanding the powerful methodological foun-
cesses. These features make Bayesianism especially appro- dation that logical Bayesianism provides for iterative
priate for qualitative research, which evaluates competing research. First, however, we review the mechanics of
explanations for complex sociopolitical phenomena using Bayesian inference.

March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 157 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

Bayesian Inference rule is nothing more than a rearrangement of the product

Intuitively speaking, Bayesian reasoning is simply a pro- rule of probability:
cess of updating our views about which hypothesis best
explains the phenomena or outcomes of interest as we PðABÞ ¼ PðBAÞ ¼ PðAjBÞ  PðBÞ ¼ PðBjAÞ  Pð AÞ;
learn additional information. We begin by identifying 2
two or more alternative hypotheses. The literature we
have read along with our own previous experiences and where we substitute H and E for propositions A and B,
observations give us an initial sense, or prior view, about while also explicitly conditioning all probabilities on our
how plausible each hypothesis is—e.g., before heading background information I.26
into the field or the archives, do we believe the median- Because inference always involves comparing hypoth-
voter theory is a much stronger contender for explaining eses, it is easier to work with the odds-ratio form of Bayes’
levels of redistribution in democracies than approaches rule:
focusing instead on the power of organized actors in-
PðHi jEI Þ PðHi jIÞ PðEjHi I Þ
cluding business associations and social movements? Or ¼   3
are we highly dubious that the median-voter hypothesis P Hj jEI P Hj jI P EjHj I
provides an accurate explanation for the politics of in-
equality? As our research proceeds, we ask whether the where the factor P(E|I) conveniently cancels out. The
evidence we gather fits better with one hypothesis as factor on the left-hand side represents the posterior odds
opposed to another. When we have finished collecting on hypothesis Hi relative to Hj—namely, how much
data, we arrive at a posterior view regarding which more plausible one hypothesis is versus a rival hypothesis
hypothesis is most plausible. Bayes’ rule provides a math- in light of the evidence learned as well as the background
ematical framework for how we should revise our confi- information we initially brought to the problem. The first
dence in a given hypothesis, considering both our previous factor on the right-hand side is the prior odds—the
knowledge and the information we discovered during our plausibility of one hypothesis compared to the other
research. If we remain too uncertain about which hypoth- based only on our background information. For posterior
esis performs best after analyzing the data in hand, we may odds and prior odds, we can think in terms of how willing
continue our research and collect additional evidence. we would be to bet in favor of one hypothesis versus the
Stated more formally, Bayesian inference generally other. The second factor on the right-hand side is the
proceeds by assigning prior probabilities to salient rival likelihood ratio—how plausible the evidence is under one
hypotheses. These prior probabilities represent our ratio- hypothesis relative to the other, or in other words, how
nal degree of belief (or confidence) in the truth of each likely the evidence would be if we assume Hi is true,
hypothesis taking into account all relevant initial knowl- compared to how likely the evidence would be if we
edge, or background information (I), that we possess. instead assume Hj is true. The odds-ratio form of Bayes’
Symbolically, we represent the prior probability for rule states that the posterior odds equal the prior odds
hypothesis H as P(H|I). This follows the conventional multiplied by the likelihood ratio. Bayes’ rule tells us that
notation whereby a conditional probability P(A|B) repre- evidence fits better with a hypothesis Hi than an
sents the rational degree of belief that we should hold in alternative Hj to the extent that Hi makes the evidence
proposition A given proposition B—that is, how likely is A more plausible. How much we end up favoring one
if we take proposition B to be true. We then consider hypothesis over another depends on both our prior views
evidence E obtained during the investigation at hand. The and the extent to which the evidence weighs in favor of
evidence includes all observations (beyond our back- one hypothesis over another.
ground information) that bear on the plausibility of the Assessing likelihood ratios P(E|HiI ) ⁄P(E|HjI ) is there-
hypotheses. Finally, we employ Bayes’ rule to update fore the critical inferential step that tells us whether
our degree of confidence in hypothesis H in light of evidence E should make us more or less confident than
evidence E: we were initially in one hypothesis relative to a rival. The
likelihood ratio can be thought of as the probability of
PðHjEI Þ ¼ PðHjI Þ  PðEjHI Þ=PðEjI Þ: 1 observing E in a hypothetical world where Hi is true,
relative to the probability of observing E in an alternative
On the left-hand side of Bayes’ rule, P(H|EI) is the world where Hj is true. When evaluating likelihoods of the
posterior probability of H given evidence E and back- form P(E|HiI), we must in effect (a) suppress our
ground information I. On the right-hand side, P(H|I) is awareness that E is a known fact, and (b) suppose that
the prior probability discussed earlier, and P(E|HI) is the Hi is correct, even though the actual status of the
likelihood of the evidence—the probability of observing hypothesis is uncertain. Recall that in the notation of
evidence E if the hypothesis is actually true. In the conditional probability, everything that appears to the
denominator, P(E|I) acts as a normalization factor. Bayes’ right of the vertical bar is either known or assumed as

158 Perspectives on Politics Published online by Cambridge University Press

a matter of conjecture when reasoning about the proba- Intuitively, E1 strongly favors the resource-curse hypoth-
bility of the proposition to the left of the bar. In qualitative esis. Applying Bayesian reasoning, we must evaluate the
research, to use Hunter’s phrase, we need to “mentally likelihood ratio P(E1|HRI) ⁄P(E1|HWI). Imagining a world
inhabit the world” of each hypothesis and ask how where HR is the correct hypothesis, mineral dependence in
surprising (low probability) or expected (high probability) conjunction with weak state capacity is exactly what we
the evidence E would be in each respective world.27 If E would expect, and external threats are not surprising given
seems less surprising in the “Hi world” relative to the “Hj that a weak state with mineral resources could be an easy
world,” then that evidence increases our odds on Hi vs. and attractive target for invasion. In the alternative world
Hj.28 Again, we gain confidence in a given hypothesis to of HW, E1 would be quite surprising; something very
the extent that it makes the evidence we observe more unusual, and hence improbable, must have happened for
plausible compared to rivals. Peru to end up with a weak state if the warfare hypothesis is
Assessing likelihoods entails thinking about how con- nevertheless correct, because weak state capacity despite
sistent the evidence is with the world of the hypothesis in military threats contradicts the expectations of the theory.
question. Would the events, decisions, and statements Because E1 is much more probable under HR relative to
that E represents follow plausibly and naturally in the HW —that is, P(E1|HRI) is much greater than P(E1|HWI)
world of a particular hypothesis? Or would they seem —the likelihood ratio is large, and it significantly boosts
unusual and unexpected, perhaps requiring additional our confidence in the resource-curse hypothesis.
flukes, coincidences, or complex chains of intervening
events to occur? Here it may be helpful to consider Prior versus Posterior Probabilities and Old versus
Coleridge’s notion of “willing suspension of disbelief.” New Evidence
When reading a story involving supernatural forces or time While testing hypotheses with new evidence is pervasively
travel, for example, the conjured world might strike us as espoused, distinctions between old and new evidence,
highly implausible—meaning that P(H|I) is very low. But and hence exploratory and confirmatory research, are far
if we nevertheless provisionally accept this hypothesized less consequential within logical Bayesianism compared
world, the story should feel compelling and self-consistent, to frequentism or psychological/subjective Bayesianism.
obeying the internal logic of the imagined world— To be clear, “new evidence” refers to information un-
meaning that P(E|HI) for the events that unfold should known to the scholar before devising the hypothesis—
not be too low compared to other scenarios we can regardless of the historical timing of when that information
envision. was generated. For example, in figure 1, E1 is old evidence
Elsewhere, we elaborate guidelines for explicit Bayesian relative to H, whereas E2 is new evidence, even though E2
analysis in qualitative research, which entails quantifying existed before E1.
all probabilities.29 To illustrate how Bayesian logic can be The key to unraveling the false dichotomies lies in
applied heuristically—i.e., without specifying numerical understanding that prior and posterior are not temporal
values for probabilities—consider an example drawing on notions—they are logical notions. In astro-statistician
Kurtz’s state-building research.30 We wish to ascertain Tom Loredo’s words:
whether the resource-curse hypothesis, or the warfare
There is nothing about the passage of time built into probability
hypothesis (assumed mutually exclusive), better explains theory. . . . . “prior probability,” and “posterior probability” do
institutional development in Peru: not refer to times before or after data is available. They refer to
logical connections, not temporal ones. Thus, to be precise,
HR 5 Mineral resource dependence is the central factor a prior probability is the probability assigned before consideration
hindering institutional development. Mineral wealth makes of the data.31
collecting taxes irrelevant and creates incentives for subsidies
and patronage, instead of building administrative capacity. In other words, prior and posterior refer to degrees of belief
before and after a piece of evidence is incorporated into our
HW 5 Absence of warfare is the central factor hindering analysis—not to the timing of when we happened to learn
institutional development. Without external threats, leaders lack
incentives to collect taxes and build administrative capacity for
military defense.
Figure 1
For simplicity, suppose we have no relevant background “New” versus “old” evidence
knowledge about state-building in Peru. Since both
hypotheses find substantial support in literature on other
countries, we might reasonably assign even prior odds.
We now learn the following:
E1 5 Peru faced persistent military threats following indepen-
dence, its economy was long dominated by mineral exports, and
it never developed an effective state.

March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 159 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

or obtain that evidence. Prior/posterior describe idealized time. Jeffrey’s “probability kinematics” is a prominent
states of knowledge without/with specific pieces of evi- example;33 his approach introduces non-standard rules for
dence included. Hypotheses can contain temporal struc- updating that violate the laws of probability and imply that
turing, and evidence can contain temporal information. the order in which evidence is analyzed can matter.34
However, probabilities themselves carry no intrinsic time In sum, probability theory requires keeping track of
stamps. what information has been incorporated into our analysis,
These points merit expounding. Recall that within not when that information was acquired.35 Time-stamps
logical Bayesianism, only the data at hand and the indicating when hypotheses were composed or when
background knowledge are relevant for assessing the evidence was observed or incorporated are not relevant
degree of belief that a hypothesis merits. Nothing else to scientific inference.36
about our state of mind should influence our probabil-
ities. The relative timing of when we stated the hypoth- Curtailing Confirmation Bias and Ad-Hoc Theorizing
esis, worked out its implications, and gathered data falls Careful application of Bayesian logic helps guard against
into this later category of logical irrelevance. confirmation bias and ad-hoc hypothesizing in iterative
To further stress the logical irrelevance of keeping track research. We consider these dual pitfalls in turn.
of what we knew when, the rules of conditional probability Two common variants of confirmation bias entail
mandate that we can incorporate evidence into our analysis overfocusing on data that fit a particular hypothesis or
in any order without affecting the posterior probabilities. overlooking data that undermine it, and focusing on
Using the product rule (2) and commutativity, the joint a single favored hypothesis while forgetting to consider
whether data consistent with that hypothesis might be
likelihood of two pieces of evidence can be written in any
as or more supportive of a rival hypothesis. A common
of the following equivalent ways:
recommendation for precluding such biases entails
PðE1 E2 jHIÞ ¼ PðE2 E1 jHIÞ ¼ identifying observable implications of rivals as well as
the main working hypothesis before gathering data.37
PðE1 jE2 HIÞ  PðE2 jHIÞ ¼ PðE2 jE1 HIÞ  PðE1 jHIÞ: However, this advice can be problematic for two
4 reasons.
First, deducing observable implications beforehand
Evidence learned at time one (E1) may thus be treated as may be infeasible, because any hypothesis may be
logically posterior to evidence learned at time two (E2). If compatible with a huge number of possible evidentiary
in practice conclusions differ depending on the order in findings—just with varying probabilities of occurrence.
which evidence was incorporated, there is an error in our For qualitative research on complex socio-political phe-
reasoning that should be corrected. Otherwise we have nomena, there is essentially no limit to the different kinds
violated the fundamental notion of rationality that lies of evidence we might encounter, and there is no way
at the heart of logical Bayesianism (refer to Bayesian to exhaustively catalogue these infinite possibilities in
Foundations)—information incorporated in equivalent advance.
ways should lead to the same conclusions. Second, anticipating observable implications may fos-
Once we recognize that timing is irrelevant in prob- ter even greater bias. If we have already elaborated
ability theory, it follows that each step below is logically hypotheses to be considered and evidence expected under
distinct: each, we are now better situated to seek out the sorts of
evidence that will support our pet theory, compared to
• drawing on evidence E to inspire hypotheses;32 a situation where we collect evidence without necessarily
• assigning prior probabilities to those hypotheses given anticipating what will support which hypothesis. This
background information I that does not include E; caveat embodies classic advice from Doyle’s Sherlock
• assessing the likelihood of E under alternative hypotheses Holmes: “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one
to derive posterior probabilities. has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit
theories, instead of theories to suit facts” (A Scandal in
Information is neither “exhausted” nor “double-counted” in Bohemia).
this process (online appendix A expounds). All relevant Risks of confirmation bias can be better controlled by
knowledge can be sorted as convenient into background conscientiously endeavoring to follow Bayesian reasoning.
information on which all probabilities are conditioned and Tendencies to seek evidence that supports a favored
into evidence that we use to update probabilities. hypothesis, interpret evidence as overly favorable to that
Psychological/subjective approaches to Bayesianism hypothesis, and underweight evidence that runs against
often diverge from logical Bayesianism on these points, that hypothesis are counteracted by following Bayesian
because the former focus on individuals’ personal degrees prescriptions to condition probabilities on all relevant
of belief and how their psychological states evolve over information available, without presuming anything

160 Perspectives on Politics Published online by Cambridge University Press

beyond what is in fact known, or bringing mere opinions In qualitative social science, the role of Occam factors
or desires into the evaluation. Furthermore, remembering in penalizing overly-complex explanations was first high-
that the critical inferential step in Bayesian inference entails lighted by Western.40 Although many authors identify
assessing likelihood ratios, P(E|HjI)⁄P(E|HkI), precludes the complexity of theories with the number of assumptions or
pitfall of restricting attention to a single hypothesis—we causal factors, there are no universal prescriptions for
must always ask whether a given explanation makes the assessing how ad-hoc a hypothesis is in qualitative research.
evidence more or less likely compared to rivals. Our recommended stratagem entails scrutinizing new
In contrast to confirmation bias, the dual problem of hypotheses to evaluate how much additional complexity
ad-hoc hypothesizing involves over-tailoring an explana- they introduce compared to rivals. If the hypothesis
tion to fit a particular, contingent set of observations. invokes many more causal factors or very specific or
This danger underpins calls for distinguishing exploration elaborate conjunctions of causal factors, good practice
from confirmation and testing hypotheses with new data. would entail penalizing its prior relative to the rivals,
Within logical Bayesianism, however, an ad-hoc hypoth- although it can be difficult to judge precisely the tradeoff
esis that is too closely tailored to fit arbitrary details of the between simplicity and explanatory power—a point West-
data incurs a low prior probability, which protects us ern also stresses.41
from favoring it over a simpler hypothesis that adequately In sum, within logical Bayesianism, likelihood ratios
explains the data. If an explanation is ad-hoc, careful help guard against confirmation bias, while priors help
consideration should reveal that it is just one member of guard against ad-hoc hypothesizing. These safeguards are
a large family of more or less equally ad-hoc hypotheses, absent within frequentism, where hypothesis testing
characterized by multiple parameters or arbitrary choices usually focuses on the probability of the data only under
that must be fine-tuned to the data. Each of these related the null hypothesis, rather than relative likelihoods under
hypotheses might explain a different set of contingent rival hypotheses, and where the concept of probability
facts, yet none of them would seem any more credible applies only to data obtained through a stochastic sam-
than the others in the absence of the particular body of pling procedure, not to hypotheses. Frequentist inference
observations obtained. Even if the overall prior probabil- therefore requires pre-specifying sampling and analysis
ity of the family of hypotheses {H1 or H2 or . . . HN} is procedures in detail to avoid confirmation bias, and
appreciable, this prior probability must be spread over all strictly separating data used in theory-building from data
of the constituent possibilities, such that the prior for any used for theory-testing to prevent ad-hoc hypothesizing,
particular Hi will be small. whereas such strictures are unnecessary for Bayesian
Consider an example adapted from astrophysicist Bill inference.
Jefferys.38 A stranger at a party shuffles a deck of cards,
and you draw the six of spades. We might reasonably Iteration in Practice
hypothesize that this card was arbitrarily selected from We have argued that within logical Bayesianism, there is
a randomly-shuffled deck (HR). A rival hypothesis pro- no need for firewalls between theory-building and theory-
poses that the stranger is a professional magician relying on testing, and no need to rely exclusively on “new evidence”
a trick deck that forces you to draw the six of spades (H6♠). when testing hypotheses. All we must do is carefully assign
While the likelihood of selecting this particular card is prior odds in light of our background information, and
1/52 under HR, it is far larger under H6♠. However, H6♠ carefully assess likelihood ratios for all relevant evidence
must be penalized by a factor of 1/52 relative to HR, under our rival hypotheses. This section illustrates how
because without observing your draw, there would be no these points apply to qualitative research by extending the
reason to predict the six of spades as the magician’s forced state-building example introduced in the earlier Bayesian
card. H6♠ should be treated as one of 52 equally plausible Inference sub-section. We make no claims about how
related hypotheses whereby the magician forces some other Kurtz’s research process unfolded. Instead, we draw on
card. Accordingly, our single draw provides insufficient hypotheses and evidence from his published work to show
evidence to boost the credibility of H6♠ above HR. how an iterative dialog with the data can give rise to
Logical Bayesianism thus penalizes complex hypothe- inferences that are as valid as in a purely deductive
ses if they do not provide enough additional explanatory approach, where all hypotheses were devised prior to data
power relative to simpler rivals, in line with Occam’s collection.
razor and Einstein’s dictum that things should be as simple After comparing the resource-curse and warfare hy-
as possible, but no simpler. In quantitative analysis, this potheses in light of E1 (military threats, mineral wealth,
task is accomplished via Occam factors that are automat- and weak state), suppose we learn the following:
ically built into Bayesian probability.39 Online appendix C
E2 5 Throughout the 1880s, Peruvian agriculture relied on an
discusses Occam factors in more detail and illustrates how enormous semi-servile labor force. When Chile invaded, Peru-
the penalty of 1/52 in our card-draw example emerges vian elites were far more concerned that peasants remain under
when we formally apply Bayesian analysis. control than they were with contributing to national defense.

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Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

The mayor of Lima openly hoped for a prompt Chilean contrast, E1 strongly favors HLRA over HW: whereas this
occupation for fear that subalterns might rebel. The agrarian evidence is unsurprising under HLRA, it is highly unlikely
upper class not only refused to support General Cáceres’ efforts to
fight back, but actively collaborated with Chilean occupiers
under HW (refer to the Bayesian Inference sub-section).
because of Cáceres’ reliance on armed peasant guerillas.42 E2 very strongly favors HLRA over each alternative.
Neither HW nor HR speaks to the nature of agricultural
This evidence might inspire a new hypothesis: relations, whereas in the world of HLRA, semi-servile labor
HLRA 5 Labor-repressive agriculture is the central factor hinder- is highly expected given that Peru has a weak state (E1).46
ing institutional development. Elites resist taxation and central- Furthermore, under either HW or HR, the behavior of
ized control over coercive institutions, because they fear greater
vulnerability to local rebellions.43
Peruvian elites described in E2 would be extremely
surprising—we would instead expect them to resist the
To assess which hypothesis better explains the evidence Chilean incursion (however ineffectively, given state
acquired thus far, we must return to our background weakness) in an effort to retain control over their territory
information and reassign priors across the new hypothesis and mineral resources. In contrast, their behavior fits quite
set: HR, HW, and the inductively-inspired HLRA. We then well with HLRA in showing that elites’ concern over
assess likelihood ratios for the aggregate evidence E1E2. maintaining subjugation of the labor force undermined
For priors, strictly speaking we should assess the the most basic function of the state—national defense. Of
plausibility of each hypothesis taking into account all course, we know E2 fits well with HLRA since the former
information accumulated in previous state-building liter- inspired the latter; however, the critical inferential point is
ature. However, systematically incorporating all of our that E2 is much more plausible under HLRA relative to the
background information is infeasible in social science. alternatives. Accordingly, this evidence very strongly
Given practical limitations, one reasonable approach increases the odds in favor of HLRA.
keeps equal odds on HR versus HW but gives HLRA Overall, the likelihood ratio (5) strongly favors HLRA
a moderate penalty relative to each rival, thereby acknowl- over both alternatives. E2 overwhelms the moderate
edging the novelty of this hypothesis with respect to support that E1 provides for HR. And all of the evidence
existing state-building research and anticipating skepti- weighs strongly against HW. Accordingly, HLRA emerges as
cism among readers. Another reasonable option places the best explanation given the evidence acquired thus far.
equal odds on all three hypotheses, considering that HLRA If we begin with a moderate penalty on HLRA, the posterior
is grounded in a longstanding research tradition originated still favors that hypothesis, although the higher the prior
by Barrington Moore.44 While HLRA is not discussed in penalty, the more decisive the overall evidence needed to
state-building literature, labor-repressive agriculture has boost the plausibility of HLRA above its competitors.
been identified as a crucial factor affecting other macro- In essence, we have now “tested” an inductively-
political outcomes including regime type, so a priori we inspired hypothesis with “old evidence.” What matters is
might expect this factor to be salient for state-building as not when HLRA came to mind or which evidence was
well. Furthermore, although HLRA was introduced post-hoc known before versus after that moment of inspiration, but
(in light of E2), it is no more or less ad-hoc compared to the simply which hypothesis is most plausible given our
rivals—upon inspection, none of the three hypotheses background information and all the evidence. Imagine
seems appreciably more complex than the others. Each that a colleague is familiar with all three hypotheses from
identifies a single structural cause that operates by shaping the outset and shares essentially the same background
actors’ incentives.45 knowledge, but has not seen E1E2. She would follow
Turning to the evidence, the easiest way to proceed a logically identical inferential process in evaluating which
entails assessing likelihood ratios for HLRA vs. HR and hypothesis best explains the Peruvian case: assessing the
HLRA vs. HW. Since the overall likelihood ratio factorizes: likelihood of E1E2 under these rival hypotheses. It would
be irrational for two scholars with the same knowledge to
PðE1 E2 jHi I Þ PðE1 jHi I Þ PðE2 jE1 Hi I Þ reach different conclusions merely because of when they
¼   5
P E1 E2 jHj I P E1 jHj I P E2 jE1 Hj I learned the evidence.
To further emphasize the irrelevance of relative timing,
we first consider E1 and then E2. we do not know from reading Kurtz’s article whether he
E1 moderately favors HR over HLRA. As explained in the invented HLRA before or after finding E2, but that
Bayesian Inference sub-section, E1 fits quite well with the chronological information would not make E2 any more
resource-curse hypothesis. However, E1 is not surprising or less cogent. Our goal is not to reproduce the order in
under HLRA; a weak state with mineral resources would which the neurons fired inside the author’s brain; it is to
still be an easy and attractive target for invasion if labor- independently assess which hypothesis is most plausible in
repressive agriculture were the true cause of state weakness. light of the evidence and arguments presented.
Nevertheless, resource dependence in conjunction with Of course “new evidence” is often valuable for improv-
state weakness makes E1 more expected under HR. In ing inferences by providing additional weight of evidence.

162 Perspectives on Politics Published online by Cambridge University Press

However, the goal of obtaining new evidence is not to priors that are not influenced by what we already know
supplant existing evidence that inspired the hypothesis, about our data.
but rather to supplement that evidence and hopefully (b) Given vulnerabilities to cognitive biases, we may over-
strengthen our inference. Information is never intention- fit inductively-devised hypotheses to the evidence without
ally disregarded in logical Bayesianism; any subsequent adequately penalizing their priors.
stage of research following the inspiration of a hypothesis Pre-specifying priors is not a sensible solution. We
must take all previously-obtained evidence into account cannot assess a prior before devising the hypothesis,
through the prior probability on that hypothesis. In our and once we formulate the hypothesis, all relevant
example, E2, which inspired HLRA, contributes to the information—both background knowledge and evidence
strong posterior odds in favor of HLRA, which would in Epre acquired thus far—must inform P(H|EpreI), which
turn become the “prior odds” when analyzing additional serves as the “prior” moving forward. Moreover, whether
evidence. we evaluate P(H|I) and then the likelihood for the total
evidence ET 5Epre Epost ultimately collected, P(ET|I), or
Anticipated Concerns whether we update along the way, evaluating P(H|EpreI)
Logical Bayesianism is an aspirational ideal that usually and then P(Epost|EpreHI)P(H|EpreI), the final inference
cannot be fully realized in practice without approxima- should be the same—consistency checks can help ensure
tions. In qualitative social science, some degree of sub- equivalence. The timing of when we assess or record priors
jectivity inevitably enters when assigning probabilities. is irrelevant.
There is no mechanical procedure for objectively trans- To guard against subconsciously-biased priors (concern a),
lating complex, narrative-based, qualitative information best practices should include the following. First, de-
into precise probabilities. Despite conscientious efforts to scribe the most salient background information and
follow Bayesian reasoning, we may still commit analytical explain why it motivates a particular choice of priors. If
errors. priors are obviously biased in favor of an inductively-
Accordingly, this section considers potential concerns derived hypothesis, beyond what is justified by the
with our argument that qualitative research need not background information discussed, readers should no-
demarcate theory-building versus theory-testing. Our tice the discrepancy. For instance, in our state-building
overarching response draws on the premise that research example, readers might balk if our prior odds strongly
is not only a dialogue with the data, but also a dialogue favored HLRA over the well-established resource-curse
with a community of scholars. Knowing the temporal and warfare hypotheses. Likewise, if a well-known study
trajectory of authors’ thought processes should not matter or salient literature is overlooked, readers will request
to how readers scrutinize inferences. If scholars disagree reconsideration of priors in light of that further back-
with an author’s conclusions, logical Bayesianism provides ground information.
a clear framework for pinpointing the loci of contention, Second, consider conducting the analysis with equal
which may lie in different priors and background prior odds, which avoids biasing initial assessments in
information, or different interpretations of evidence. favor of any hypothesis. This approach shifts focus to
Bayesianism itself, whether applied explicitly or heuristi- likelihood ratios, with the aspiration that even if
cally, lays analysis open for all to scrutinize on its own scholars disagree about priors—which will be almost
terms. In contrast, it would be misguided to assume that if inevitable given that everyone has different background
authors time-stamp hypotheses and evidence, their anal- information—we may still concur on the direction in
ysis is sound, whereas if such information is not reported, which our odds on the hypotheses should shift in light of
inferences lack credibility. Regardless of whether temporal the evidence. Third, consider using several different
details about the research process are provided, scholars priors to assess how sensitive conclusions are to these
must evaluate hypotheses and evidence with their own initial choices, along the lines of our analysis in the
independent brainpower. section on Iteration in Practice.
Our discussion includes guidelines for facilitating For qualitative research that follows Bayesian logic
scholarly dialogue and improving inferences within heuristically, the first guideline entails carefully discussing
a Bayesian framework, while highlighting shortcomings the strengths and weaknesses of rival explanations based
of prescriptions for labeling or separating exploratory/ on existing literature, which is common practice. The
inductive versus confirmatory/deductive research. We second guideline entails recognizing that readers may
address anticipated concerns regarding biased priors, initially view a hypothesis with much more skepticism
biased likelihoods, and scholarly integrity. than the author, such that all parties in the scholarly
dialogue should pay close attention to scrutinizing the
Biased Priors evidence and the inferential weight it provides. Authors
Concerns: (a) Given psychological difficulties in “getting should be conservative with their inferential claims until
something out of our mind,” we may be unable to assign the weight of evidence becomes strong.

March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 163 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

Regarding concern b, scholarly dialogue again serves an interest in Keynesian demand management.48 The
as a corrective to sloppy analysis. If an inductive authors delineate evidence E5Records of deliberations
hypothesis manifesting multiple fine-tuned variables among cabinet officials about the tax cut show “prominent
or inordinate complexity is granted too much initial mention of . . . Keynesian stimulus,” and they judge the
credence, readers should notice and demand additional probability of finding such evidence if HK is true to be very
evidence to overcome an unacknowledged or under- high. However, E as stated above is too vague to assign
estimated Occam penalty. Beyond the simple advice to a meaningful likelihood in advance. Here are two different
treat inductively-devised hypotheses with healthy skep- clues we might encounter in the records:
ticism, three suggestions can help curtail ad-hoc hy-
pothesizing: start with reasonably simple theories and E9 5 The Finance Minister invokes Keynesian stimulus when
explaining the tax cuts to other cabinet members.
add complexity incrementally as needed; critically assess
whether all casual factors in the theory actually improve E99 5 One of the cabinet members comments that tax cuts are
explanatory leverage; and ask whether the explanation consistent with Keynesian stimulus, whereafter discussion is
might apply more broadly. interrupted by derisive jokes about Keynesian economics.
In contrast, reporting the temporal sequencing of the Suppose further that the time and attention devoted to
research process in and of itself does not help ascertain these mentions of Keynesiansim are similar for E9 and
how severe an Occam penalty a hypothesis should suffer. E99, such that both qualify as instances of E as articulated
The critical point is that a hypothesis that is post-hoc— above, even though they carry very different import.
devised after the evidence—is not necessarily ad-hoc— Whereas the likelihood of E9 might well be high if HK is
arbitrary or overly complex. These are distinct concepts. As true, the likelihood of E99 certainly is not—E99 would be
argued in the Iteration in Practice section, HLRA is post-hoc extremely surprising in a world where HK is correct.
(relative to E2), but not ad-hoc, because it is no more Bowers et al. recognize this “problem of precision,”
arbitrary or complex than its rivals. noting that E as defined earlier “still leaves some things
Biased Likelihoods open. Just how prominent do mentions of Keynesian logic
have to be . . . ? How many actors have to mention it?
Concern: We may succumb to confirmation bias in What forms of words will count as the use of Keynesian
overstating how strongly evidence favors an inductively- logic?”49 However, they underestimate the problem. The
derived hypothesis. issue is not just how many mentions or how many actors or
Suggestions for pre-registration and time-stamping in what terms we associate with Keynesianism, but an endless
qualitative research47 aim to address these concerns, on the array of other possibilities and nuances that depend on the
premise that differentiating exploratory from confirmatory context and manner in which Keynesianism is discussed.
analysis allows us to more credibly evaluate inductively- However much additional detail we specify before gath-
inspired hypotheses. Importing this prescription into ering data, we can always invent—and the real world may
a Bayesian framework would entail assigning likelihoods well produce—another twist or tweak that matters non-
to clues we might encounter before gathering data. trivially. Despite efforts to anticipate what might surprise
Even in light of human cognitive limitations, we find us ahead of time, science advances most when evidence
this approach unhelpful. Although a scholar’s prospective surprises us in unforeseen ways.
assessment of likelihoods for “new evidence” might be less Jaynes, an outspoken advocate of logical Bayesianism
prone to confirmation bias than retrospective analysis of in the physical sciences, reinforces these key points:
“old evidence,” confirmation bias could just as easily
intrude when gathering additional evidence—by subcon- The orthodox line of thought [holds] that before seeing the data
sciously looking harder for clues that favor the working one will plan in advance for every possible contingency and list
the decision to be made after getting every conceivable data set.
hypothesis or overlooking those that do not (refer to The problem . . . is that the number of such data sets is usually
Curtailing Confirmation Bias and Ad-Hoc Theorizing). astronomical; no worker has the computing facilities needed . . . .
Moreover, we reiterate the impossibility of foreseeing We take exactly the opposite view: it is only by delaying
all potential evidentiary observations in the complex a decision until we know the actual data that it is possible to
world of social science. Anticipating coarse-grained cate- deal with complex problems at all. The defensible inferences are
the post-data inferences.50
gories of observations is not adequate for specifying
likelihoods for any actual, concrete evidence that might What matters is how sound the inferences are in light of
fit within that class, because specific details of evidence the arguments and evidence presented, not in compar-
obtained can matter immensely to likelihoods under ison to every twist and turn of analysis before the author
different hypotheses. Consider the example Bowers arrived at the final conclusions, or what the author
et al. present in their discussion of pre-analysis plans for would have thought had the data turned out differently.
qualitative research: a government has cut taxes, and we Returning to the core concern of mitigating bias when
wish to assess hypothesis HK 5 Tax cuts were motivated by assessing likelihoods, first, recall that inference always

164 Perspectives on Politics Published online by Cambridge University Press

requires evaluating likelihood ratios, which forces us to ask plan, but by scrutinizing the article and accompanying
how well the evidence fits with rival explanations. Second, dataset.52
we reiterate our central point regarding scholarly scrutiny: if The only viable strategy in our view involves disci-
despite efforts to follow logical Bayesianism, a scholar plinary norms. First, we need a commitment to truth-
nevertheless over-estimates how much the evidence favors seeking and scientific integrity. As Van Evera observed
an inductively-inspired hypothesis, readers can indepen- long before DA-RT: “Infusing social science professionals
dently weigh that evidence and critically assess the author’s with high standards of honesty is the best solution.”53
judgments. Subsequent debate may encourage the author to Second, adjusting publication norms regarding requisite
bring more background information to light that was levels of confidence in findings would mitigate incentives
previously used implicitly, or acknowledge that the evidence for falsely bolstering results. For qualitative research,
is not as strong as previously maintained. In our state- embracing Bennett and Checkel’s dictum, “conclusive
building example, readers might contest our assessment that process tracing is good, but not all good process tracing is
E1E2 very strongly favors HLRA over HR, perhaps suggesting conclusive,”54 would be a major step toward reducing
that this evidence only moderately favors the inductively- temptations to overstate the case in favor of the author’s
inspired hypothesis. Open discussion would then result in hypothesis. An associated best practice entails explicitly
greater consensus or at least greater clarity on why scholars addressing the pieces of evidence that on their own run
interpret the evidence differently. most counter to the overall inference; transparency of this
type could both encourage critical thinking and signal
Integrity integrity in a more meaningful way. We recognize that
Concern: We need mechanisms to discourage scholars these suggestions are neither panaceas nor quick fixes. But
from choosing procedures after the fact to get the results in the long term, rethinking disciplinary norms and
they want, or manipulating evidence to strengthen practices along these lines and adopting a more Bayesian
results. perspective could help us better acknowledge and com-
The first malpractice—post-hoc choice of analytical municate the uncertainty that surrounds our inferences,
procedures—is a bigger concern for frequentist inference, which is critical for scientific inquiry.
which requires predefined stochastic data-generation
models. Within a Bayesian framework for case-study Notes
research, we must make judgments about which hypoth- 1 Humphreys, de la Sierra, and van der Windt 2013, 1;
eses to consider, how to acquire evidence, and how to Monogan 2015.
interpret that evidence. However, the underlying in- 2 Bowers et al. 2015, 7; Lieberman 2016, 1057; Jacobs
ferential procedure remains the same: apply probabilistic 2019.
reasoning to update beliefs regarding the plausibility of 3 Yom 2015,11; Büthe and Jacobs 2015, 55.
rival hypotheses in light of relevant evidence. Analysis 4 Bowers et al. 2015; Jacobs 2019.
always involves assessing priors, assessing likelihoods, and 5 Yom 2018.
updating probabilities via Bayes’ rule. Unlike frequentist 6 Kapiszewski, MacLean, and Read 2015b.
statistics, there is no need to choose among sampling 7 Bowers et al. 2015, 15.
procedures, stopping rules, estimators, tests statistics, or 8 Cox 1961, Jaynes 2003.
significance levels. 9 Glaser and Straus 1967, 103.
The second malpractice, e.g., deliberately cherry- 10 King, Keohane, and Verba 1994, 22.
picking evidence, can certainly occur in qualitative 11 Ragin 1997, 3.
research. However, time-stamping does little to deter 12 Brady and Collier 2010.
such abuses. Any scholar intent on exaggerating results 13 Bennett and Checkel 2015, 7-8.
or willing to commit fraud can find ways to do so 14 Beach and Pedersen 2013.
regardless. Ansell and Samuels make similar observa- 15 Mahoney 2015; Bowers et al. 2015, 15.
tions regarding the related issue of results-blind review 16 Mahoney 2015, 201-02.
—it is always possible to “sweep dirt an author wants no 17 Bennett and Checkel 2014, 268. Van Evera (1997,
one to see under a different corner of the publishing 45-6) offers a dissenting view.
carpet.”51 As a device for signaling integrity, mecha- 18 Yom 2015, 4.
nisms like pre-registration or time-stamping risk im- 19 Ibid., 11.
posing a substantial burden of time and effort on honest 20 McKeown 1999, 180.
scholars without preventing dishonest scholars 21 Bennett 2015; Humphreys and Jacobs 2015; Fairfield
from sending the same credibility signals. Recall that and Charman 2017.
the retracted LaCour-Green study was pre-registered, 22 Quoted in Sivia 2006.
yet evidence of fraud was uncovered not by 23 Jackman and Western 1994, 413.
comparing the published article to the pre-registration 24 Jaynes 2003.

March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 165 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Reflections | The Bayesian Foundations of Iterative Research in Qualitative Social Science

25 E.g., Cox 1961; Jaynes 2003; Gregory 2005. Supplementary Materials

26 Accordingly, from the right side of equation (2) we Appendix A. Prior Probabilities and Concerns Regarding
have: P(H|EI)P(E|I) 5 P(E|HI)P(H|I). Dividing “Double-Counting”
both sides by P(E|I) yields equation (1). Appendix B. Resolving the “New Problem of Old
27 Hunter 1984. Evidence”
28 Note that the plausibility of the evidence under Appendix C. Ad-Hoc Hypotheses and Occam Factors
a particular hypothesis can be extremely small if To view supplementary material for this article, please
events could reasonably have unfolded in a multitude visit
of different ways. However, because we are working
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March 2019 | Vol. 17/No. 1 167 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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