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Second Semester, SY 2022 – 2023 Excerpt from Filipino Grievances Against

Governor Wood by the Commission on
RIPH111 (Readings in Philippine History) Independence

Jones Law - The passage of this law in 1916

Alfred McCoy and Alfredo Roces on (Philippine Autonomy Law) changed the
Political Caricatures of the American Era political landscape in the Philippines.
(Editorial Cartoons)
Wood-Forbes Mission - The mission sent to
During the 19th century, Where the Mosquito the Philippines to observe if ever the Filipinos
is King, Spanish public health procedures have already complied with the conditions of
were grossly inadequate to the imperatives the Jones law.
of Manila's site, and the Americans found the
city of cesspool of ill health when they Ray Conley - The chief of the vice squad of
occupied it in 1898. Where Philippines Free the Manila police force who was accused of
Press editorial commented "What ho! Manila, receiving money from gambling lords.
the Pearl of the Orient, the best governed city
in the Far East, The new found Garden of Warren Harding - The President who sent the
Eden …What’s happened to this city Wood-Forbes Mission to the Philippines.
anyway? Aforetime a mosquito was almost
as rare as the dodo … Jones Law - This law created a bicameral
Congress that gave opportunities to
As Manila’s population began to pilot upward politicians based in the provinces to
during World War I, housing became scarce participate in policy making.
and rents escalated. Rising rent combined
with high food prices to reduce the Manila The Free Press description of this annual
working class in sudden poverty. New Bird of ritual in 1929 captures something of its flavor:
Prey - In 1908 the nationalist weekly El “These are the days of the returning student
Renacimiento published an editorial titled -- the days when he comes into his own.
Aves de Rapina which attacked the Behold him as he struts along Main Street of
Philippines commission's secretary of the his little town or barrio, the cynosure of all
interior, Dean C. Worcester, for abusing his eyes, the observed of all observers, a king In
office to exploit the country. Worcester sued his own right, a sort of collegiate Caesar. The
for libel and, two years later, won a judgment Returning Student is it any wonder that,
of P60,000 against El Renacimiento, a under the incense of such flattery, he feels
colossal sum that forced closure of the paper himself a superior being, a conquering hero?
and sale of its assets. Nor let us blame him…

New Bird of Prey The cartoonist, Fernando As social conflict and socialist ideology
Amorsolo, gives the illustration his usual spread in Central Luzon during the 1930s the
racist edge. While the corrupt Filipino Free Press was forced to deal with social
policeman is shown with normal features, the substance instead of bucolic trivia in its
Chinese are caricatured as emaciated, provincial reportage, Brother Under Skin
leering creatures more rodent than human. urges Filipinos, in the name of Rizal whose
birthday was following day, to end social
While the Priest Lives Alone in the Big House conflict and deal with each other fairly.
urged the government to confiscate the large
priests’ residence attached to Santa Cruz
parish church. President Corazon Aquino's Speech
before the US Congress of 1986
Published on 14 April 1917, The Loyalty of
the Filipinos, only ten days after the U.S September 18, 1986 The date when
Congress declared war on Germany and President Corazon Aquino delivered her
America entered the conflict. speech before the US Congress.

Liberty, Equality and Fraternity "It matters not September 21, 1972 - The official date of the
that of late the director of Constabulary has declaration of Martial Law under President
been urging greater and greater restrictions Ferdinand Marcos Sr.
of the license to carry arms… All that
matters…is that the official have a chance to Benigno Aquino Jr. - He asserted his
show that he is somebody and must be willingness to suffer the consequences
respected." declaring, “The Pilipino is worth dying for”.

The Latest - Through ruthless reprisals President Corazon Aquino issued

against opponents, Quezon gradually broke Proclamation NO. 3 on March 25, 1986,
the opposition. As in this caricature, the promulgating the Provisional Constitution of
Philippine Legislature, now under his control, the Republic of the Philippines, other known
voted to reject the H-H-C Bill in October as Freedom Constitution
1933. It could have been a fatal victory.
President Corazon Aquino promised to build Philippines and how thousands of heroic
a new home for Democracy. young Filipinos braved the odds and
struggled to defend and protect the freedom
of their people and motherland.
Raiders of the Sulu Sea
Fernando Amorsolo was a portraitist and
Raiders of the Sulu Sea is documentary film painter of rural Philippine landscape and the
focusing on Zamboanga City depicting how first -ever to be recognized as a National
the Spaniards defended the city with the Fort Artist of the Philippines.
Pilar as Spain’s last stronghold and bastion
of defense and economic expansion in the
South of the Philippines. Antonio Pigafetta. First Voyage Around
the World,. Emma Helen Blair and James
Kris is a type of single-edged sword, Alexander Robertson (1906). The
traditionally used by various ethnic groups in Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Vol. XXXIII
the Philippine archipelago. 1519- 1522. (pp. 103-137)

The Kampilan is a heavy single-edged sword At dawn on Saturday, March sixteen, 1521,
adorned with hair to make it look even more we came upon a high land at a distance of
intimidating. three hundred leguas from the islands of
Latroni—an island named Zamal.
A Barong is single-edged leaf-shaped blade
made of thick tempered steel which one of At noon on Friday, March 22, those men
the Tausug warriors used to cut Spanish came as they had promised us in two boats
firearms down to size. with cocoanuts, sweet oranges, a jar of palm-
wine, and a cock, in order to show us that
Kalis is a type of double-edged Filipino there were fowls in that district.
sword, often with a "wavy" section and has a
double-edged blade, which is commonly On the afternoon of holy Monday, the day of
straight from the tip. our Lady, March twenty-five, while we were
on the point of weighing anchor, I went to the
Salipan are long and narrow war canoes, side of the ship to fish and putting my feet
mainly used for piracy and for raids on upon a yard leading down into the storeroom,
coastal areas. they slipped, for it was rainy, and
consequently I fell into the sea, so that no
The Tausug tribe is known without maritime one saw me.
experience but known for its fierce warriors
and widespread political power. On Thursday morning, March twenty-eight,
as we had seen a fire on an island the night
The Balangingi occupied the chain of islands before, we anchored near it. We saw a small
between Basilan and Sulu Island. boat which the natives call boloto with eight
men in it, approaching the flagship. A slave
IIIanun is one which was very important in
belonging to the captain-general, who was a
piracy history. native of Zamatra, which was formerly called
Garay is ancient maritime vessel built from Traprobana, spoke to them.
bamboo, wood, and the nipa palm and could
carry more than 100 sailors. At noon on Sunday, April seven, we entered
the port of Zubu passing by many villages,
where we saw many houses built upon logs
Works of Juan Luna and Fernando
Amorsolo Thereupon, the Moro merchant said to the
king Cata raia chitathat is to say, “Look well,
Juan Luna is a great Filipino painter who sire.” “These men are the same who have
won the gold medal in the 1884. He was a conquered Calicut, Malaca, and all India
prominent propagandist who pushed for Magiore.
political reforms along with Jose Rizal.
We remained there seven days, after which
Juan Luna is referred to as the "Grand Old we laid our course toward the northwest,
Man of Philippine Art". Influenced with an passing among five islands, namely, Ceylon,
encounter with postwar impressionism and Bohol, Canighan, Baybai, and Gatighan. In
cubism. the last-named island of Gatigan, there are
bats as large as eagles.
Parisian Life is also known as Interior d'un
Cafi (also spelled Interior is an oil on canvas
impressionist painting. significant Filipino Version of the Cavite Mutiny of
masterpieces are “Parisian Life” (1892) and 1872 By Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera
“Blood Compact” (1886).
The arrival of General Izquerdo (1871-1873)
A Legacy of Heroes, The Story of Bataan and was the signal for a complete change in the
Corregidor discusses World War 2 in the aspect of affairs.
he gave told of the “Cry of Balintawak” as the
The workmen in the Cavite arsenal were all first staging point of the Philippine
natives in that town and of the neighboring Revolution.
town of San Roque.
The first place of refuge of Andres Bonifacio,
On the night of January 20, 1872, there was Emilio Jacinto, Procopio Bonifacio, Teodoro
an uprising among the soldiers in the San Plata, Aguedo del Rosario, and myself was
Felipe fort, in Cavite, and the commanding Balintawak, the first five arriving there on
officer and other Spanish officers in charge August 19, and I on August 20, 1896. The
of the fort were assassinated. first place where some 500 members of the
Katipunan met on August 22, 1896, was the
The mutiny in Cavite gave the conservative house and yard of Apolonio Samson at
element — that is, those who favoured a Kangkong.
continuation of the colonial modus Vivendi —
an opportunity to represent to the Spanish The historic first rally of the Philippine
Government that a vast was afoot and Revolution of 1896 occurred at the rustic
organized throughout the archipelago with barrio of Balintawak, a few kilometers north
the object of destroying the Spanish of the city of Manila, on August 26, 1896.
sovereignty. This date and site were officially adopted by
the government during the early years of the
Many of the best-known Filipinos were American regime, after having consulted the
denounced to the Military authorities, and surviving Katipuneros and prestigious
they, the son of Spaniards born in the islands historians at the time.
and men of mixed blood (Spanish and
Chinese), as well as the Indians of pure Taking advantage of Governor General
blood, as the Philippine Malays were called, Ramon Blanco’s proclamation of amnesty to
were persecuted and punished without the revolutionists, Valenzuela returned to
distinction by the military authorities. Manila on September 3, 1896, and
surrendered to Blanco. He was imprisoned to
One of the results of the so called revolution Fort Santiago, where, upon investigation, he
of Cavite was to strengthen the power of the told Fransisco Olive, the Spanish
friars in the Philippine Islands in such manner investigator, that the “Cry” was staged at
that the Madrid Government, which up to that “Balintawak on Wednesday, August 26,
time had contemplated reducing the power of 1896.
the religious orders in these islands, was
obliged not only to abandon its intention, but There were about 1000 Katipuneros. The
to place a yet greater measure of official “Supremo” decided to hold a meeting inside
influences at the service of the friars, and the big barn. Under his leadership, the
from that time they were considered as an meeting began at 10 o’clock in the morning.
important factor in the preservation of the It was 12 o’clock noon when the meeting
Spanish sovereignty in the colony. adjourned amidst loud cries of “Long live the
Sons of the Country” (Mabuhay ang mga
The Filipino people had never blamed the Anak ng Bayan)!
Spanish nation for the backward condition
which the islands existed, nor for the It is interesting to note that Captain Olegario
injustices committed in the islands by the Diaz, Spanish commander of the Guardia
Spanish officials; but on the contrary it was Civil Veterana of Manila, who investigated
custom to lay all the blame for these things the discovery of the Katipunan, also included
on the individual officers guilty of in his official report findings on the site and
maladministration, and no attempt had been date of the first rally of the Revolution.
made to investigate whether or not the evils According to his report, the first “Cry”
under which the islands suffered were due to occurred at Balintawak on August 25, 1896.
fundamental causes.
On August 26, a big meeting was held in
No attempt was made to allay the ill-feeling Balintawak, at the house of Apolonio
which existed between the Filipinos and the Samson, then the cabeza of that barrio of
Spaniards, especially the friars, caused by Caloocan. Among those who attended, were
the mutiny in Cavite and the cruel manner in Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo del
which the punishment was meted out Rosario, Tomas Remigio, Briccio Pantes,
Teodoro Plata, Pio Valenzuela, Enrique
Pacheco and Francisco Carreon.They were
The Views on the Date and Site of “The all leaders of the Katipunan and composed
First Cry of the Revolution” the board of directors of the organization.
Delegates from Bulacan, Cabanatuan,
The controversial “Cry of Pugad Lawin,” Cavite, and Morong (now Rizal), were also
which has been confirmed by no other present.
eyewitness of the event than Dr. Pio
Valenzuela, is the second and later version It was at Pugad Lawin, in the house, store-
of the first rally of the Katipunan by Dr. house, and yard of Juan Ramos, son of
Valenzuela himself. The first version which Melchora Aquino, where over 1000 members
of the Katipunan met and carried out GREGORIA DE JESUS, Katipunan leader
considerable debate and discussion on and wife of Supremo Andres Bonifacio.
August 23, 1896. The discussion was on
whether or not the revolution against the JOSE MONTERO Y VIDAL, a reputable
Spanish government should be started on Spanish historian and a government official
August 29, 1896. and was residing in Manila when the Cavite
Mutiny occurred.
The meeting began with a discussion of what
course should be taken in the face of the new RAFAEL DE IZQUIERDO succeeded
situation and in the view if the arrests that Governor General Carlos Ma. De la Torre to
were being made. There were some who the disappointment of many Filipino liberals.
were disposed to go back and surrender to
the Spanish authorities. Bonifacio was ALFREDO ROCES, Artist-writer who
strongly opposed to such a course. designed the book “Political Caricatures of
the American Era”, contributed an essay on
One of the participants in the drama of the Philippine graphic satire of the period.
Philippine Revolution of 1896 was Gregoria
de Jesus, the wife of Supremo Andres CORAZON AQUINO A Philippine President
Bonifacio, and the “Lakambini of the who delivered a speech before the US
Katipunan”. She was the custodian of the Congress in 1986. The first President of the
secret documents, seal, and some weapons Fifth Republic and the first lady President of
of the Katipunan, and constantly risked her the Philippines.
life in safeguarding them.
BENIGNO AQUINO, JR, the husband of
Corazon Aquino who was known as the
General Information greatest opposition of Ferdinand Marcos
OLEGARIO DIAZ, Commander of the
Guardia Civil Veterana of Manila, who
investigated the discovery of the Katipunan,
also included in his official report findings on
the site and date of the first rally of the


recipient of the National Artist of the
Philippines in a field of painting and is also
referred to as the "Grand Old Man of
Philippine Art".

JUAN LUNA is known for having victory of

the gold medal in the 1884 Madrid Exposition
of Fine Arts for his “Spolarium” created a
celebration that would be a highlight in the
memoirs of members of the Propaganda

LEONARD WOOD, a retired from the U.S.

Army in 1921 and appointed as Governor
General in the Philippines.

FERDINAND MARCOS The first President of

the Fourth Republic.

ALFRED MCCOY, has written about and

testified before Congress on, Philippine
political history, opium trafficking in the
Golden Triangle, underworld crime
syndicates, and international political

FELIX HIDALGOA Filipino painter awarded

as second prize in the 1884 Madrid

RAY CONLEY, chief of the vice squad of the

Manila Police Force who was accused of “May you perform well in the exam and get
receiving money from the gambling lords. closer to your success in life. God bless you!”

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