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Various substances are taken into the human body. Through excretion, this process causes the removal of not useful or
needed molecules or compounds in the body.

Bile causes the emulsification of fats. In digestion, the liver produces the bile and the secretion is stored in the
gallbladder for the degradation of lipid molecules.

The male hormone is testosterone while the female sex hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone
promotes secondary male characteristics, while estrogen for females regulates menstruation and progesterone aids
during pregnancy. Hence, hormones control the cells' biochemical components and reactions.

There are 3 common phases of matter in the environment namely: solid, liquid, and gas. The matter may exist as a pure
substance or as a mixture. A pure substance has a fixed composition such as an element or compound. Mixtures have a
variable composition and can be homogenous mixture or heterogeneous mixture.

A calorie from the chemical compounds is measured in the amount of heat needed to increase 1 gram of water to 1
degree centigrade. This energy utilized is generated from the chemical bonds of biochemical materials.

In the human body, there are 4 major macromolecules particularly, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Each macromolecule has its distinct basic unit and connecting bond respectively: for carbohydrates monosaccharides
and glycosidic bonds; for proteins, amino acids, and peptide bonds; for lipids, fatty acids, and ester bonds: and nucleic
acids, nucleotides with types of bonds- hydrogen and covalent bonds.

Tropism is the response to certain stimuli and may promote growth. Stimuli can be light, water, touch, and gravity. Here
are the tropisms for its respective stimuli: phototropism, response to light; hydrotropism, response to water;
thigmotropism, response to touch: and geotropism, response to gravity.

The nucleic acid in a living organism may exist in two forms namely: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid
(RNA). For these organic molecules, the basic functional unit is the nucleotide and it is composed of nitrogenous bases,
phosphate groups, and sugar groups.

Oxygen, fuel, and heat are needed to produce fire. Oxygen maintains the carbon combustion, fuel serves as the
combustible material, and the heat starts the ignition process by increasing the temperature. Fire extinguisher targets
the removal of any of these requirements to stop the fire.

Based on carpel, stamen, corolla, and calyx, flowering plants can be classified as complete, incomplete, perfect, and/or
imperfect. Complete flower if it has carpel, stamen, corolla, and calyx; incomplete flower if it lacks at least one among
those four; perfect flower if it has carpel and stamen: and imperfect flower if it has carpel or stamen.

Reproduction can be sexual or asexual. Sexual reproduction may only exist if gametes unites or with fertilization, if not,
it is deemed to be asexual reproduction because same copy with the parent' s genes will be expressed and observable to
its offspring. Moreover, asexual fertilization causes low genetic variability because there is no fertilization and no
crossing over of genes from different gametes.

Organisms can be classified based on their source of carbon and source of energy, if it gets its carbon to carbon dioxide,
if is autotroph. If it gets its carbon to other preformed or formed organic compounds, it is heterotroph. If it obtains
energy from light, it is phototroph. And if it obtains energy from chemical compounds, if is chemotroph.

Xylem and phloem have different roles in conducting the needed materials for the plants’ survival. Xylem transports
water and minerals from roots to its other parts. On the other hand, phloem transports through translocation. The food
nutrients move from sources such as chloroplast where the molecules are generated going to the sinks where it is
needed such as the stem, roots, or the leaves.

If an organism joins other organisms with the same species, it is called population. If an organism joins other organisms
with different species, it is called community. Therefore, the community is composed of all living things. But, when the
living things are distinguished from the environment, it is called an ecosystem.
According to the 3 statements of cell theory, 1) all organisms are made up of cells, 2) cells are the basic functional unit of
life, and 3) cells came from pre-existing cells. Based on the second statement, it supports the idea that the cell is the
smallest living material that can perform essential life processes for survival.

Issues in the human body are categorized into epithelial issue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue.
Since tissue is made up of several diverse cells. Hence, given the liquid structure of blood, it is a tissue because it is
composed of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes. Blood is classified as liquid connective tissue in humans.

In the ecological pyramid, the organisms that are at the bottom of it are the autotrophs because they can produce their
own food. Then, on the next level are herbivores as the primary consumers because they are obligate consumers of
plants. Then, at the peak of the ecological pyramid are the carnivores because they are obligate eaters of animal meat.

Cellular osmosis is the ability of its cell membrane to pass water across concentration gradient based from the solution's
tonicity. According to

Solution tonicity, there are 3 types of solutions namely, isotonic solution, hypertonic solution, and hypotonic solution. In
isotonic solution, there is an equal amount of solute and solvent on the solution in relation to the cells. In hypertonic
solution, there is a higher amount of solute on the solution in relation to the cells. In a hypotonic solution, there is lower
amount of solute in the solution in relation to the cells.

Metabolism is a biochemical process where there is catabolism (breakdown of molecules) and anabolism (build-up of
molecules). An example of a catabolic process is cellular respiration in which glucose is broken down to produce
energy. While the example of an anabolic process is photosynthesis which uses raw materials such as light energy,
water, and carbon dioxide to generate glucose as stored energy.

In the environment, decomposers act as natural chemical recyclers changing complex matter into simpler mineral
nutrients e.g. other types of bacteria, Protists, and Fungi that utilize various compounds of remains of dead organisms.
The complex chemical compounds they recycled may sustain the life of other organisms such as the plants that absorb
and use those simpler mineral elements or compounds to survive.

Prokaryotic cells have nucleolus because they don't have a nucleus enveloping their chromosomes. Thus, their genetic
materials are floating in the cytoplasm freely. Eukaryotic cells can be unicellular organisms like protists, and of course,
can be multicellular organisms like plants and animals. However, eukaryotic cells have a nucleus enclosing their

There are 4 divisions of plants: bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Bryophytes like liverworts,
hornworts, and mosses - do not have vascular tissues (xylem and phloem). Pteridophytes like ferns, horsetails, and
whisk ferns- do have vascular tissues (xylem and phloem). Gymnosperms like cycads and conifers - have vascular tissues
and cones but do not have flowers. And angiosperms like magnoliids, pineapples, and tomatoes - have vascular tissues,
flowers, and fruits. These 4 divisions show the evolution and diversification of Kingdom Plantae.

Capsules, fimbriae, and slime create the biofilm. Through biofilm, microbial communities may exist. Biofilms are
commonly found attached to surfaces like on the floors of comfort rooms. Also, biofilms are found to be an additional
protection for the microbes for it causes recalcitrant antimicrobial agents.

Not all microorganisms may produce endospores. However, endospore is one of the main causes why 99.9% of kill is
frequently achieved using physical and chemical germicide techniques. Once the environment of the bacteria becomes
unfavorable for their growth, the microbes switch immediately to endo sporulation to produce endospore. Endospore is
immune to extreme heat, dryness, and pH. Once the environment becomes favorable, the endospore transforms into
vegetative cells of the bacteria.

Both predation and grazing involve predator and prey. However, predation is an ecological relationship in which the
predator kills the prey for survival. On the other hand, grazing is an ecological relationship in which the predator only
eats a part of the prey. Hence, grazing doesn't involve the predator killing the prey.

The solid food that we eat is moving down from the esophagus to the stomach through the wavy motion caused by the
smooth muscles along the digestive tract. The wavy motion is called peristalsis. However, if a person is swallowing, the
food pushes the epiglottis (flap-like) to close the glottis (opening of the airway between the pharynx and larynx) to
prevent blockage of food to the airway.
Revolution and rotation are two ways in which the Earth can move. Revolution is when the Earth is moving around the
sun. This causes the changing of seasons on Earth and once the Earth finishes 1 revolution around the sun, it is
equivalent to a year. On the other hand, rotation is when the Earth is moving in itself. This causes the daytime and

The planets of the solar system are divided into two common groups namely, Terrestrial planets and Jovian planets.
Terrestrial planets are made up of molten cores enclosed with rocks such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Jovian
planets are composed of gases, metal, and hydrogen such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Additionally,
between the Terrestrial and Jovian planets, the asteroid belt is found specifically between Mars and Jupiter.

Chemical bonds connect the same or different atoms together to form a compound. This may exist as an ionic bond if it
connects metal and non-metal atoms, or a covalent bond if it connects two non-metal atoms. Furthermore, there are
two types of covalent bonds particularly, polar covalent bonds, if there is an unequal distribution of electrons between
the bonding of two non-metals, and nonpolar covalent bonds, if there is equal distribution of electrons.

The mass number can be calculated by adding proton and neutron, adding electron and neutron, or adding atomic
number and neutron. Since the atomic number has the same numerical value as the electron and proton.

In normal conditions in the Earth's atmosphere, warm air is closest to the Earth's surface. And as the altitude increases,
the temperature of the atmosphere gets lower. However, during temperature inversion of the atmosphere, the warm
air increases its altitude while the cold air is trapped below it.

There is a phenomenon in the places at the North Pole when the sun is still visible at midnight, this is called the midnight
sun phenomenon. This occurs when the North pole is tilted towards the sun during summer and the sun is up even in
the daytime or nighttime.

Sounds are produced through vibrations by moving from one molecule to another molecule. Hence, the sound is fastest
in solids and slowest in a vacuum. In contrast, light travels without depending on molecules. Hence, light is fastest in a
vacuum and slowest in a solid. With this, we hear thunder some seconds after seeing the flash of lightning.

In terms of the time to replenish the energy, renewable energy can be replaced easily. While non-renewable energy is
hard to replenish. Therefore, there is a disadvantage in using fossil fuel, petroleum, and coal because these non-
renewable energy resource may run out in the near future since it needs very long years to replenish usage.

Reproduction is one of the characteristics of living organisms. It ensures the survival of the species because the body
cannot live forever but the genes may be passed from one generation to another generation.

"Fasten your seatbelt” understands the law of inertia. Because without the seatbelt, once the moving vehicle moves,
and immediately stops. There is a chance that the human may be thrown off his/her seat. But if there is a seatbelt worn
by that human, even if the vehicle stops abruptly, the person will not be thrown off because the seatbelt resists the
changes caused by force and stops from being in motion. As a result, the human with a seatbelt will remain at rest.

In Electroencephalogram, there are 4 frequency waves that can be read namely: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. The
alpha waves are dominant when a person is active but calm. The beta waves are dominant when a person is very active
and doing strenuous activities. The gamma waves are dominant when a person is sleeping. And delta waves are present
when a person is not yet asleep but deeply relaxed.

If the chlorofluorocarbon or CFC in the atmosphere is exposed to UV radiation, it is broken down. As a result, the free
chlorine atom reacts with ozone gases (O3) in the atmosphere causing the disruption of ozone gases forming oxygen gas
(O2) and chlorine monoxide molecule (ClO).

Naming the storms is based on where these storms formed. If it formed in the Pacific Ocean, it is called a typhoon. If it
formed in the Indian Ocean, it is called a cyclone. And if it formed in the Atlantic Ocean, it is called a hurricane.

Metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium. These elements are found in between the
metal and non-metal elements on the periodic table. These elements can sometimes conduct electricity or heat and
have both qualities of metal and non-metal elements.

Common phases of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Moreover, these phases of matter can transform from one phase to
another phase through the following: sublimation, a transformation from solid to gas; condensation, a transformation
from gas to liquid; freezing, a transformation from liquid to solid; melting transformation from solid to liquid;
evaporation, a transformation from liquid to gas; and deposition, a transformation from gas to solid. These phase
changes of matter are examples of physical change.

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