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Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

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Country-scale complementary passive and active biomonitoring of airborne

trace elements for environmental risk assessment
Sorin Ștefănuț 1, Kinga Öllerer 1, *, Mihaela C. Ion, Larisa I. Florescu, Marian Constantin,
Cristian Banciu, Marilena Onete, Minodora Manu, Ioana Vicol, Mirela M. Moldoveanu,
Sanda Maican, Ioana Cobzaru, Roxana G. Nicoară, Elena D. Mogîldea, Dorina M. Purice,
Claudia D. Nicolae, Rodica D. Catană, Gabriela Teodosiu, Cristina A. Dumitrache,
Gabriel M. Maria, Ana-Maria Moroșanu, Ioana C. Paica, Constantin-Ciprian Bîrsan,
Gabriela Tamas, Mihnea Vladimirescu, Anca Manole
Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy, 296 Splaiul Independenței, 060031 Bucharest, P.O. Box 56–53, Romania


Keywords: Despite the growing list of elements assessed and recognised as environmental and human health hazards,
Airborne metals pollution monitoring and mitigation strategies are mandatory only for a limited number of metals, for which
National survey ambient air quality limits are defined by national and international policies. In order to overcome this deficiency,
Tree leaves/needles
and promote cost-effective strategies and methods to assess airborne pollution, biomonitoring has been employed
Moss bags
Procedural deficiencies
on several occasions using various protocols and organisms. Here we present a complex national monitoring
Romania study based on a combined approach that integrates air pollution data obtained through passive biomonitoring
using the foliar content of various tree species and active biomonitoring with Hylocomium splendens moss bags.
Concentrations of seven air pollutant metals, Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, not regularly monitored and lacking
established legal limit values, were measured in 410 passive and 142 active biomonitoring sampling sites across
Romania, in two seasons, representing the largest study reported up-to-date applying complementary passive and
active biomonitoring. Literature data reporting concentrations from uncontaminated areas was used to establish
the concentration limits for four pollution levels (no, low, medium and high pollution), in order to develop a
colour-coded warning system. High pollution levels were measured for 4.7% of passive and 9.8% of active
monitoring samples. The largest proportions of samples showing high pollution levels were obtained for zinc
(38.4%, for active monitoring) and chromium (18.9%, for passive monitoring). A significantly higher element
content was found in moss bag samples than in leaves/needles. Though we emphasize the potential of both
passive and active biomonitoring in assessing airborne pollution, our experiences and findings show that the
more standardized methodology of moss-bag biomonitoring is sounder and better suited for such large-scale
studies than a study conducted on multiple tree species. Some of the difficulties encountered during the two
biomonitoring studies are also reported, including the range limit of species and the lack of established reference
values for pollution limits.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Ștefănuț), (K. Öllerer), (M.C. Ion), (L.I. Florescu), (M. Constantin), (C. Banciu), (M. Onete), (M. Manu), ioana. (I. Vicol), (M.M. Moldoveanu), (S. Maican), (I. Cobzaru), roxana.ion@ (R.G. Nicoară), (E.D. Mogîldea), (D.M. Purice), (C.D. Nicolae),
(R.D. Catană), (G. Teodosiu), (C.A. Dumitrache), (G.M. Maria), anamaria.morosanu@ (A.-M. Moroșanu), (I.C. Paica), (C.-C. Bîrsan), (G. Tamas), mihnea.vladimirescu@ (M. Vladimirescu), (A. Manole).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 12 August 2020; Received in revised form 4 December 2020; Accepted 7 January 2021
Available online 25 January 2021
1470-160X/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

1. Introduction applied active biomonitoring method in terrestrial environments is the

one that uses moss bags (reviewed by Ares et al., 2014). Moss bag bio­
According to the World Health Organisation, ambient air pollution monitoring uses moss transplants collected from remote, unpolluted
is provoking an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths per year areas, or cloned mosses, exposed for a predetermined period, and it is
caused by stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and chronic respiratory based on the comparison of pollutant concentrations prior and after­
diseases, and 91% of the world’s population lives in areas where air wards the exposure (Ares et al., 2012, 2014; Capozzi et al., 2017).
quality levels exceed WHO limits (WHO, 2018). In accordance with Regardless of the biomonitoring method applied, i.e. ‘active’ or
this, ambient air pollution has been recognised for long time as the ‘passive’ and the increasing number of such studies, the proportion of
main human and environmental health hazard, consequently a sys­ those covering areas with multiple land uses remains relatively low (e.g.
temic risk that has to be considered a priority issue, reflected in Aboal et al., 2004; Makholm and Mladenoff, 2005; De Nicola et al.,
practice by effective political, economic, environmental and social 2013; Di Palma et al., 2017; Capozzi et al., 2020). The majority of
decisions and measures (WHO, 2016; Tiwary and Williams, 2018). previous biomonitoring studies were conducted at a regional scale (see
However, despite the fact that in addition to WHO-monitored gaseous ex. references cited above), and even those covering entire countries
pollutants (i.e. NO2, SO2, O3) and PM2.5, PM10, current airborne con­ were often based on a small number of sampling sites in relation to the
centration levels of several elements are known to have a substantial area covered (e.g. Harmens et al., 2010, 2015 – not all countries;
contribution to these health risks, the list of elements that are regularly Capozzi et al., 2016). Here we report a biomonitoring study conducted
monitored and reported is limited to only a few (Directives 1999/30/ at a national scale, based on 410 passive and 142 active sampling sites
EC (European Council, 1999), 2004/107/EC (European Parliament located in various land use types, encompassing road infrastructure,
and Council, 2004) and 2008/50/EC (European Parliament and urban/suburban, industrial, and rural areas, the latter including also
Council, 2008; Tiwary and Williams, 2018; European Environment natural, conservation areas.
Agency, 2019). As an outcome, we are generally lacking data on the Considering the growing demand for air pollution monitoring as our
concentration dynamics of a significant number of pollutants repre­ understanding of its health risks is developing, and the general tendency
senting human and environmental health risks. Furthermore, the ma­ of promoting ‘green’ technologies and methods, shown also by the
jority of studies rely on concentration data measured only in a few increasing number of biomonitoring studies, our main goal was to
locations, partly because instrumental monitoring is conditioned by an conduct an exploratory biomonitoring study using tree leaves/needles
expensive infrastructure (Rivera et al., 2011; Vuković et al., 2015; and moss bags. Following the initial biomonitoring studies addressing
WHO, 2016; Capozzi et al., 2020). the four compulsorily monitored and reported metals with established
On the other hand, biomonitoring is increasingly recognised as a limit values (Pb, Cd, Ni, As – Directives 1999/30/EC (European Council,
cost-effective alternative method that can contribute large-scale and 1999), 2004/107/EC (European Parliament and Council, 2004) and
long-term quantitative and qualitative assessments, therefore a method 2008/50/EC (European Parliament and Council, 2008), already pre­
which could help overcome the financial and instrumental limitations of sented in Ștefănuț et al., 2018, 2019, here we focus on seven metals
direct monitoring (Wolterbeek, 2002; Markert et al., 2003; Harmens known for their potential health risks, but which are not all regularly
et al., 2010; Ares et al., 2012; De Nicola et al., 2013; Vuković et al., 2015; monitored in Europe, nor by the National Air Quality Monitoring
Urošević et al., 2017; Capozzi et al., 2020). The main drawbacks of Network (NAQMN): aluminium (Al), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), cop­
biomonitoring are the lower precision and the various procedural pit­ per (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn). These elements were
falls, including the less-standardized methodology, which is partly offset selected because previous surveys pointed out Romania as one of the
by the typically much larger number of samples (Conti and Cecchetti, countries within Europe where the highest median concentrations for Al,
2001; Capozzi et al., 2020). At the same time, its potential to provide a Cr, Fe and Zn can be found (Harmens et al., 2015), but for which there
more integrated, ecosystemic approach have been acknowledged also at are no limit values established regarding their human and environ­
high decision making levels, in the case of tree leaves (European Com­ mental health risks. The findings were integrated in the Long-term Na­
mission, 2013), while the European moss survey is used since 1990 in tional Monitoring System of Bioaccumulation of Airborne Heavy Metals
the reports to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (BioMonRo), developed as an innovative warning and informing model
(UNECE) Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) Convention complementing the instrumental NAQMN (Ștefănuț et al., 2018).
(Harmens et al., 2010). Preceding studies have reported biomonitoring conducted simulta­
Airborne trace element content of deciduous tree leaves/needles neously on tree leaves/needles and mosses sampled together from the
proved to be a low-cost proxy of urban air pollution (e.g. Piczak et al., same sites (e.g. Aboal et al., 2004; De Nicola et al., 2013), and the
2003; Aničić et al., 2011; Sawidis et al., 2011; Tomašević et al., 2011), combination of passive and active biomonitoring was previously con­
but this biomonitoring method has been effective also at larger and more ducted using the same species for both approaches in the case of aquatic
diverse spatial scales (e.g. Aboal et al., 2004; De Nicola et al., 2013; organisms (Lacroix et al., 2015; Ronci et al., 2016) or terrestrial plants
Capozzi et al., 2020). Despite the difficulties reported and the lack of a (Fernández et al., 2000). To our knowledge, excepting the study of
generally accepted standardized methodology for foliar content mea­ Capozzi et al., 2020, who used a combination of Robinia pseudoacacia
surements, the concurrent conclusion of preceding studies (reviewed by tree leaves and Hypnum cupressiforme moss bags for biomonitoring in
Tarricone et al., 2015; Gillooly et al., 2016) is that ‘passive’ bio­ eight sites nearby Napoly, Italy, the study presented here is the first
monitoring using tree leaves/needles is an efficient method that corre­ country-scale assessment, and thus the largest study of this kind,
sponds to the growing need for large-scale low-cost sensing of air reporting airborne pollution levels based on complementary passive and
pollution. active monitoring, using tree leaves/needles and moss bags. Our aim
One of the challenges in biomonitoring is represented by the diffi­ was to (i) obtain up-to-date concentration data for Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn
culty in addressing the diversity of environmental conditions, including and Zn, metals known for their pollution potential, but not regularly
the bias caused by the range limit of species and their morphophysio­ monitored, and (ii) to test the large-scale feasibility of passive and active
logical differences, which often restrains the scale of the study (Tarri­ monitoring.
cone et al., 2015; Ștefănuț et al., 2018). This deficiency is overcome in
‘active’ biomonitoring, based on the translocation of the selected species 2. Material and methods
to the monitored area for a limited time, thus enabling the use of the
same species on a larger scale, independently of its natural occurrence, 2.1. Sampling sites
at the same time granting a higher degree of standardization (Fernández
et al., 2000; Varela et al., 2016; Ștefănuț et al., 2019). A frequently In order to maximize data field collection and test effectiveness and

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

suitability, we conducted both passive and active biomonitoring, using sampling from 32 tree species in total, to which, due to lack of trees in
tree leaves/needles in the first case and moss bags in the second. certain sampling sites, we also added two herbaceous species, collecting
For passive biomonitoring, the basis for designating the sampling the above-ground parts of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud (60
sites was represented by the 142 monitoring stations of the National Air samples) and Juncus effusus L. (3 samples). The most frequently sampled
Quality Monitoring Network (NAQMN) distributed across the tree species were Populus nigra L. (234 samples), Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold
41 counties of Romania. These monitoring stations were established (144), Betula pendula Roth (120), and Populus × canadensis Moench
mainly in urban/suburban areas (45 stations) and industrial areas (57 (114). Further sampled tree species were Fraxinus americana L. (93
stations), but also nearby traffic roads (31 stations), and in rural areas samples), Aesculus hippocastanum L. (84), Fraxinus excelsior L. (69), Picea
(9 stations, including 3 control stations in isolated, natural areas). With abies (L.) H. Karst. (60), Populus alba L. (33), Pinus sylvestris L. (33),
the aim to provide a better coverage, we have supplemented these Populus tremula L. (27), Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (24), F. pennsylvanica
sampling stations with 268 additional passive biomonitoring sites, Marshall (18), F. pallisae Wilmott ex Pallis (12), Acer negundo L. (12),
resulting in a total of 410 sampling sites for passive biomonitoring, Populus sp. (12), Abies alba Mill. (9), Fagus sylvatica L. (9), Fraxinus ornus
meaning in average one station per each 580 km2. The aim was to have L. (9), Pinus strobus L. (9), Populus × canescens (Aiton) Sm. (6), Populus
at least 8 sampling sites in each of the 41 counties of Romania. These simonii Carrière (6), Platanus hispanica Münch. (6), Robinia pseudoacacia
additional sampling sites were partly in historically heavily polluted L. (6), Acer campestre L. (3), A. platanoides L. (3), Morus alba L. (3), P.
industrial areas (101 sites), or in unpolluted, protected areas (47 sites), pungens Engelm. (3), Quercus cerris L. (3) and Ulmus minor Mill. (3). One
while the rest were scattered across the country (Fig. 1). For active of the reasons why we had difficulty in keeping the number of sampled
biomonitoring we focused only on the 142 sampling sites corresponding species lower, was that, for better accuracy, we decided to have three
with the NAQMN stations. sampling individuals in each sampling site, totalling 1230 samples
collected from the 410 sites.
2.2. Sampling species and sampling procedure Samples were collected in dry weather in July–October 2015, when
leaves/needles were matured and had sufficient time to retain the
The experimental design and analysis were conducted according to airborne particles (Aboal et al., 2004; Tarricone et al., 2015) and con­
the protocol presented in Ștefănuț et al., 2018 for passive and Ștefănuț sisted of roughly 300 g leaves/needles, comparable in size and shape.
et al., 2019 for active biomonitoring. Only outer canopy leaves/needles were collected, from a height of 2 m
above the ground, and put into clean polyethylene bags, labelled and
2.2.1. Passive biomonitoring barcoded. Sealed bags were transported at − 4˚C in cooler boxes, and
For passive biomonitoring, the purpose was to collect leaves, moved into a freezer, at − 20˚C.
respectively needles from generalist tree species regularly used in pre­ As biomonitoring with tree leaves/needles can only be conducted
vious biomonitoring studies, such as those from the Populus and Pinus during the vegetation season, and considering the difficulties caused by
genera, or Betula pendula and Aesculus hippocastanum (e.g. Djingova the range limitation of species, we decided to complement the passive
et al., 1995; Aboal et al., 2004; Aničić et al., 2011; Sawidis et al., 2011; monitoring with the more standardized methodology of active bio­
Tomašević et al., 2011). However, Romania being the most bio­ monitoring. As this was intended as an exploratory study for testing the
geographically diverse member state of the European Union, as defined feasibility of the biomonitoring methodologies, the two monitoring
by the European Environmental Agency, none of these species has a studies were not simultaneous, but complementary, with passive
country-wide distribution. As we intended to secure comparability of monitoring conducted in the vegetation season, and active monitoring
data collected from different species and sampling sites as much as field during late autumn–spring.
conditions made it possible, all sampled species were selected following
a literature survey, and have been used in similar biomonitoring studies 2.2.2. Active biomonitoring
(Tarricone et al., 2015; Ștefănuț et al., 2018). Based on the literature For active biomonitoring, we selected Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.)
survey, we compiled a species list ordering the species according to Schimp., a pleurocarpous moss species with well-defined annual growth,
decreasing priority, and made decisions in the field on which one to frequently used in air pollution monitoring (Lucaciu et al., 2004; Blum,
sample at each sampling site based on this list. Finally, we ended up 2007; Rivera et al., 2011; Harmens et al., 2015; Ștefănuț et al., 2019).
The material for moss transplants was collected in 2015 from an un­
polluted, natural site, then cleaned in laboratory and left to dry at room
Moss bags were prepared out of 2 × 2 mm polyethylene mesh cut in
12 × 12 cm pieces, which were each homogenously filled with 1 g dry,
devitalised apical green shoots of H. splendens, while a part of the ma­
terial was retained as control, to assess pre-exposure metal contents. At
each of the 142 NAQMN stations, five spherical bags were mounted at 2
m above the ground. Out of the five samples, two were selected
randomly for analysis per sampling site, totalizing a number of 284
samples, the rest being kept to allow the repetition of chemical analyses,
if needed, and to ensure the necessary number of samples in case of
damage by birds.
After initial heavy metal contents were measured, moss bags were
left outside for 4–7 months (between 126 and 224 days), from autumn
2015 to spring 2016, in order to cover the period with no vegetation, and
by this complementing the passive biomonitoring study (Ștefănuț et al.,
2018, previous section). These differences in the duration of exposure
were unintended and were caused by unexpected logistical difficulties
Fig. 1. The location of the 410 sampling sites. The 142 NAQMN monitoring
stations considered for both passive and active biomonitoring are marked with (i.e. impossibility to return at the appointed time to collect the samples).
grey dots, while the 268 sites considered for passive biomonitoring only are Even with this, the exposure times were kept within the duration range
marked black dots. Map created using ArcGIS.10.4. © 2016 Esri and reported by earlier studies (reviewed by Ares et al., 2012), and corre­
its licensors. sponded with the time length of passive biomonitoring. As exposure

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

times were uneven for all bags, the control concentrations were 2.4. Establishing pollution maximum values
deducted from the obtained data and then concentrations reported for
one calendar year (365 days) were calculated for each sample, taking 2.4.1. Passive monitoring
into account the duration of the exposure. This was done on the basis of In order to develop a colour-coded warning system, we used litera­
the following formulae: ture data to establish the concentration limits for four pollution levels
Conc_initial = the concentration in the control sample, not exposed (no, low, medium and high pollution, Table 1). We selected studies
and measured prior to exposure; reporting concentrations from uncontaminated areas, measured in tree
Conc_determined = the concentration determined at the end of the leaves or needles and expressed in dry weight. We considered these
monitoring process; values as the upper limit of the now pollution level, and values
Net_conc = Conc_determined − Conc_initial, the concentration exceeding these limits as proofs of pollution. Then, in accordance with
accumulated during the monitored period; the methodology for establishing the air lead pollution maximums
Annual_conc = Net_conc × 365/No. of days of sample exposure. stipulated by the Decision No. 1600/2002/EC of the European Parlia­
ment and of the Council, the values exceeding the no pollution level
2.3. Preparation of samples and metal content analyses were split into three categories: exceeding the double of the natural
concentration limit value (high pollution degree; red), exceeding 70% of
2.3.1. Passive monitoring the double and less or equalling the double of the natural concentration
An amount of 10 g of leaves/needles per sample was put in a clean limit value (medium pollution degree; orange), and exceeding the nat­
ziplock polyethylene bag, barcoded and sent for metal analyses to the ural concentration limit value and less or equalling 70% of the double of
independent authorized I.M.U. Laboratories (, where the natural concentration limit value (low pollution degree; yellow), as
samples were treated and analysed separately. Considering that our aim shown in Table 1.
was to detect element content, thus both bioaccumulation and adhered
depositions, the leaf samples were left unwashed (Sawidis et al., 2011; 2.4.2. Active monitoring
Ștefănuț et al., 2018). In a similar manner as for passive monitoring, the concentration
The analysis of the 1230 samples started with a preparation process values calculated according to the formulae presented in section 2.2.2.
consisting of drying and granulation. Drying was realized through were reported against the concentration limits established based on
heating to 50–60˚C, for 24 h. Dried samples were weighted in a per­ reference values from literature. This was done by merging the eight
fluoroalkoxy jar. In a niche, 9 mL ultra-pure concentrated 65% nitric categories used in the pan-European study of Harmens et al., 2015 and,
acid and 3 mL ultra-pure highly concentrate 37% hydrochloric acid was for Co and Mn, not considered in that study, by referring to the values
poured over the dry samples. The mixture was then left to rest at room reported through moss bag biomonitoring by previous studies (Vuković
temperature, for the acid environment to oxidize the organic matter. et al., 2015; Urošević et al., 2017; Ștefănuț et al., 2019) (Table 2).
After one hour, the samples were moved into a digestion furnace
(MARSXpress SN/Mars 24050) and heated to 100˚C. Then, the samples 2.5. Visualising data
were removed into a niche and cooled down to room temperature, and
subsequently reinserted into the furnace and heated slowly, for five Concentration data were imported into a MS Access® database,
minutes, until the mixture reached 175 ˚C. Following five minutes representing the basis of BioMonRo, a Visual Basic 6.0® software
digestion at constant heat, the jars were moved into the niche, where the developed by the Institute of Biology Bucharest (Ștefănuț et al., 2018) in
mixture was poured into volumetric flasks and left to rest till the solid which pollution data obtained through passive and active biomonitoring
part settled down. For the quantification of metals, the supernatants can be used either separately or simultaneously. The program processes
were moved into another volumetric flask, and diluted to 50 mL. The the concentrations and associates them simultaneously with the in­
samples were then analysed with an inductively coupled plasma mass tervals corresponding to the four signalling colours (green, yellow, or­
spectrometer (Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS – ASX-500 autosampler), ange and red), and geographical coordinates of the sampling sites. For
which could detect element traces as low as 0.2 mg kg− 1. For quality both passive and active biomonitoring, it uses the mean concentration
assurance, we used certified reference materials with documented values measured per sampling site. The BioMonRo software works on­
traceability: ICP multi-element standard solution IV – Certipur from line, generating maps, graphs and reports that can be e-mailed auto­
Merck, ICP/MS calibration standard No. 2, 3, 4, 5, and Ultragold Mer­ matically to the responsible authorities (Ștefănuț et al., 2018, 2019).
cury Standard from Ultra Scientific. Control samples were measured
before every batch. In order to determine the recovery values, the 2.6. Statistical analyses
samples were analysed for the seven targeted metals both before and
after adding the reference material. The acceptability criterion of values We performed principal component analysis (PCA) to synthetize
was set in the 85–115% interval. The results for the average recovery our findings and see whether there are any correlations between the
values on two levels were: Al – 103%, Cr – 94%, Co – 92%, Cu – 93.6%, studied elements. Prior of conducting PCA, we performed the Kaiser-
Fe – 108%, Mn – 91%, and Zn – 87%. For analysis and discussions, the Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and the Bartlett’s sphericity tests to assess suit­
mean values per sampling site were considered. Concentrations were ability of data, i.e. whether the variables are correlated (Liu et al.,
reported as dry weight (mg kg− 1 dw). 2016). KMO values range from 0 to 1, and values > 0.5 are considered
suitable for PCA, while the Bartlett’s test of sphericity should have the
2.3.2. Active biomonitoring p significance<0.5 (p < 0.5) for a PCA (Liu et al., 2016). The Kaiser-
Metal content determination of the two moss bag replicates selected Meyer-Olkin test indicated that datasets were moderately suitable for
randomly for each sampling site was conducted according to the same PCA for both types of biomonitoring, the KMO measure for sampling
procedure as presented above for passive monitoring. In a similar adequacy value vas 0.59 for passive and 0.69 for active biomonitoring.
manner as in the case of the leaf samples, the moss bag samples were also The small values of the significance level, p < 0.0001 for both moni­
left unwashed in order to avoid influencing the concentration of metals toring types obtained for the Bartlett’s test statistic indicate that there
(Aboal et al., 2011; Ștefănuț et al., 2019). In this case too, the mean is a strong evidence against the null hypothesis of variables not being
values per sampling site were considered. correlated, thus the data are suitable for PCA (Liu et al., 2016). In order
to determine potential significant correlations among the studied ele­
ments, we calculated the Pearson correlation coefficients.
For the sampling sites used both in passive and active biomonitoring,

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

Table 1
Passive biomonitoring – limits of Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations in the vascular plants, corresponding to the four
signalling colours used to produce the warning maps (Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee, 2007; Kabata-Pendias, 2011; Sawidis et al.,
2011; Reeves, 2006).

Table 2
Active biomonitoring – limits of Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations in the moss tissues corresponding to the four sig­
nalling colours used to produce the warning maps (Harmens et al., 2015; Vuković et al., 2015; Urošević et al., 2017).

we performed one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD post-hoc test to software, version 2014.2.06.
check the significance of differences between concentrations measured
through the two monitoring techniques. The same analyses were con­ 3. Results
ducted to check the significance of differences between the concentra­
tions from sampling sites located in disparate land-use categories (rural, The metal content of tree leaves/needles and moss bags showed
urban/suburban, industrial, traffic – NAQMN categories). certain analogies. The proportion of samples marked with green,
For analysis, we used log (n + 1) transformed mean values per included in the no pollution category was similar in the case of Al, Co, Fe
sampling site. Analyses were conducted with the XLSTAT statistical and Mn. Al, Cr, Fe and Mn exhibited larger proportions of samples

Fig. 2. The proportion of samples included in the four pollution levels for Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn measured through passive (left) and active bio­
monitoring (right).

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

signalling high pollution levels in passive than in active monitoring, times, and the 120 mg kg− 1 lower maximum limit for high pollution by
with a maximum recorded for Cr (18.90%). Cr was found in high per­ over 20 times. There were only two cases in which the lower maximum
centages also for medium and low pollution. For all the other six metals limit value for high pollution was not overrun in any of the sampling
this value was below 5% (Fig. 2, left). High pollution was measured on sites, situation recorded for Al and Fe in active monitoring (Fig. 3).
the whole in 4.7% of the tree leaf samples. This value was however much The PCA analysis showed that in case of passive biomonitoring, the
higher in moss bags, accounting for 9.8% of the active monitoring strongest contribution to F1 was that of Cu (24.30%), Zn (20.19%), Cr
samples. In this case, the largest proportion of samples with concen­ (19.48%) and Co (17.07%). Al (29.67%) and Fe (26.61%) had together
trations exceeding the high pollution (red) maximum value was recor­ the strongest contribution to F2, while Mn (35.50%) accounted the
ded for Zn (38.03%), Cu (16.55%) and Co (11.97%). For all other metals strongest contribution to F3, thus separated from the other elements.
this value was below 1% (Fig. 2, right). The frequency of samples in This pattern was somewhat exhibited also by the active biomonitoring
relation with the four pollution levels is presented as Supplement data, where axes F1 and F2 accounted together for about 58% variance,
(Fig. S1). and Fe (24.76% contribution) and Al (21.05%) showed the strongest
Moss bags accumulated larger amounts of the studied elements in association with F1, followed by Cu (18.84%), Cr (16.57%) and Zn
comparison with contents measured in leaves/needles, mean concen­ (12.11%). Mn was again separated, dominating in F2 (60.56%). The
tration values measured per sampling site using active monitoring being PCA revealed thus a correlation between Cr and Cu, Co and Zn, and Al
higher for all metals, except Mn (Table 3). The one-way ANOVA showed and Fe (Fig. 4). The strength of these correlations was checked by per­
that in sampling sites used in both passive and active biomonitoring forming a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis.
these differences were statistically significant for Co (F = 5.43, p = 0.02) For passive biomonitoring, the highest Pearson coefficients were
and Mn (F = 7.27, p < 0.0075). Highly significant differences (p < observed for Cu–Cr (r = 0.458), and Co–Zn (r = 0.365), and despite that
0.0001) were found in the case of Al (F = 60.78), Cu (F = 30.90), Fe (F = p values showed significance, the correlation coefficients were generally
105.08,) and Zn (F = 61.47). For Cr differences were marginally sig­ lower in comparison with those for active monitoring (Table 5). On the
nificant (F = 3.74, p < 0.054). Concentrations recorded in the leaves and other hand, for active monitoring, the highest r values were related to
needles of four tree species commonly used in biomonitoring and most Fe: Fe–Al (r = 0.699), Fe–Cr (r = 0.600), Fe–Cu (r = 0.545) (Table 6).
frequently sampled in our study are shown in Table 4.
The one-way ANOVA showed that metal contents measured in 4. Discussions
leaves/needles did not differ significantly between passive monitoring
sampling sites when considering land use categories. On the other hand, As far as we know, this biomonitoring study is among the largest ones
accumulation levels recorded in active monitoring with moss bags in terms of area covered (~238 000 km2) and number of sampling sites
differed significantly between land use categories in the case of Cr (F = (410, respectively 142), considering a wide range of land use types, from
3.86, p = 0.01), Cu (F = 16.81, p < 0.0001), Fe (F = 9.62, p < 0.0001) remote reference sites to major pollution hotspots (Ștefănuț et al., 2018,
and Zn (F = 4.16, p = 0.0075). The pairwise comparison conducted 2019). Excepting Capozzi et al., 2020, who conducted both active and
using the Tukey HSD post-hoc test, with 95% confidence level, revealed passive biomonitoring in southern Italy, we are not aware of further
that these differences occurred mainly between traffic and urban/sub­ studies combining the two biomonitoring approaches using tree leaves/
urban, and traffic and rural land uses, in the case of Cr, Cu, Fe and Zn, needles and moss bags.
while for Al, Co and Mn differences were not significant. For Cr, dif­
ferences were significant between traffic vs rural and traffic vs urban/
suburban land uses. For Cu, differences between traffic vs rural, traffic vs 4.1. Element contents and monitoring method
urban/suburban and traffic vs industrial land uses proved to be highly
significant (p < 0.0001). For Fe, differences were highly significant for Element concentrations and the proportion of samples marking high
traffic vs rural land uses, and significant for traffic vs urban/suburban, pollution levels were higher in active monitoring for all metals (Table 3).
traffic vs industrial, industrial vs rural, and urban/suburban vs rural Moss bags accumulated larger amounts of the studied elements in
sites. In the case of Zn, differences were significant between traffic vs comparison with contents measured in leaves/needles, even with highly
urban/suburban land uses. significant differences in the case of Al, Cu, Fe and Zn. The finding is in
When visualizing the distribution of the sampling sites included in accordance with Aboal et al., 2004; De Nicola et al., 2013; Capozzi et al.,
the four pollution levels, there were several similarities between the 2020, who concluded that mosses are more powerful bioaccumulators
results for the two monitoring methods, revealing the most problematic than leaves and that the higher concentrations in mosses show that these
sites in terms of metal concentrations exceeding the maximums set for elements are mainly of atmospheric origin. However, it is important to
high pollution levels (Fig. 3). The largest multiple for a maximum con­ mention that in our case, contrarily to Capozzi et al., 2020, who also
centration recorded per sampling site to exceed the established pollution used both active, moss bag and passive, foliar biomonitoring, it is not
maximum value was recorded for Zn, in active monitoring. With the possible to differentiate between the influence of the monitoring method
2490.79 mg kg− 1 maximum concentration it exceeded the 40 mg kg− 1 and seasonality as the two monitoring techniques were not simulta­
reference value set as lower maximum limit for Zn pollution by over 62 neous, active biomonitoring being conducted in autumn–winter, and
passive biomonitoring in spring-summer.

Table 3
Descriptive statistics for the mean concentration values of Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn (expressed as mg kg− 1) recorded per sampling site through passive (n = 410)
and active biomonitoring (n = 142).
1 1
Passive biomonitoring (mg kg− dw) Active biomonitoring (mg kg− dw)

Min. Max. Median Mean SD Min. Max. Median Mean SD

Al 0.58 486.88 29.72 41.74 45.11 0.00 3412.31 203.15 276.80 348.91
Cr 0.00 11.28 1.23 1.40 1.01 0.00 18.45 1.48 1.78 1.94
Co 0.00 9.96 0.20 0.51 0.88 0.00 15.90 0.12 0.91 2.06
Cu 0.74 21.12 5.67 6.16 2.84 0.49 95.88 8.16 12.18 12.66
Fe 11.81 910.01 130.10 149.36 89.18 0.00 3424.33 497.91 647.79 592.12
Mn 5.50 1168.01 55.62 95.28 128.82 0.00 447.96 80.11 88.16 58.28
Zn 5.61 1527.24 47.21 77.55 106.55 22.55 2490.79 96.02 230.74 365.15

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

Table 4
Minimum and maximum concentration values of Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn (expressed as mg kg− 1) recorded per sample with the leaves and needles of the four tree
species most frequently sampled in our study.
Species Value (mg kg− dw) Al Cr Co Cu Fe Mn Zn

Aesculus hippocastanum min 0.67 0.21 0.00 1.76 14.50 10.73 7.46
max 226.30 5.48 3.36 24.48 484.50 562.16 717.70
Betula pendula min 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.83 12.05 6.42 6.29
max 774.90 4.07 2.59 13.29 612.20 775.19 540.75
Pinus nigra min 1.20 0.19 0.00 0.44 7.93 1.89 0.00
max 256.12 8.96 2.19 16.73 503.24 232.12 2919.69
Populus nigra min 0.49 0.00 0.00 1.54 0.00 14.18 1.77
max 329.10 4.73 10.79 16.50 740.60 403.98 675.09

Fig. 3. The maps showing the mean concentration levels (mg kg− 1 dw) measured in 410 sites with passive biomonitoring using tree leaves/needles (left) and 142
sites with active biomonitoring using moss-bags (right) for Al (a, b), Cr (c, d), Co (e, f), Cu (g, h), Fe (i, j), Mn (k, l) and Zn (m, n).

Al, Cr, Fe and Mn had larger proportions of samples in the high pseudacacia leaves than in Hypnum cupressiforme moss bag samples. The
pollution category in passive monitoring, with a maximum recorded for differences might be caused by the fact that leaf contents sum up from
Cr (18.90%), Cr being found in high percentages in leaf samples also for depositions and root uptake, but also by seasonal differences in emis­
medium and low pollution (Fig. 2). This is consistent with the results of sions (Harrison and Williams, 1982; Sun et al., 2014; Capozzi et al.,
Capozzi et al., 2020, who found higher deposition flux in Robinia 2020). Meanwhile, Co, Cu and Zn exhibited significantly larger

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

i j

k l

m n
Fig. 3. (continued).

proportions of samples in the high pollution category in active moni­ particulates and even 150% higher contents in winter than in summer
toring (Fig. 2), led by Zn (38.03%), in accordance with Vuković et al., (Harrison and Williams, 1982; Sun et al., 2014; Vuković et al., 2015;
2015, who found that the most enriched elements in moss bag samples Capozzi et al., 2020).
were these three traffic-derived pollutants. For Zn, all sites where high Metal contents in tree leaves/needles vary greatly depending on the
pollution levels were measured in active biomonitoring were from sampled species, because of morphophysiological differences, in
urban-suburban sites, except two, where traffic is heavier in winter. particular leaf traits influencing particulate retention, but also on the
Important amounts of anthropogenic Zn are related to vehicle emissions sampling period (Piczak et al., 2003; Aničić et al., 2011; Sawidis et al.,
and break and tyre wear, with higher values of total suspended 2011; Tomaševic et al., 2011; Ștefănuț et al., 2018; reviewed by

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

Fig. 4. Biplots of the first and second axis of PCA for the mean concentration values of Al, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn measured through passive (left, n = 410) and
active biomonitoring (right, n = 142).

Table 5
The Pearson correlation matrix for passive monitoring.

In grey – p values, in white – r values, bold indicates significant values.

Table 6
The Pearson correlation matrix for active monitoring.

In grey – p values, in white – r values, bold indicates significant values.

Tarricone et al., 2015; Gillooly et al., 2016). Therefore, as field condi­ contents were however up to three times lower in Romanian urban sites
tions did not enable the sampling of a lower number of species, the than those reported by Tomašević et al., 2011. For Zn, we found two
comparison possibilities of metal contents between different sites are extreme values associated with well-known emission sources, the
very limited in the case of passive monitoring. Metal contents measured smelters from the Baia Mare and Zlatna (Lucaciu et al., 2004). Excepting
in similar circumstances (species, month, land use category) can how­ these, the other values were in accordance with those reported by Aničić
ever be compared, therefore we sought to report our findings to previous et al., 2011 and Tomašević et al., 2011. For Betula pendula, metal con­
studies ensuring these conditions are met. From the literature surveyed, tents were in accordance with those found by Tomašević et al., 2011
we managed to find two studies that fulfilled all three criteria. Thus, excepting again Zn, for which values were overall twice as high in the
metal contents monitored with Aesculus hippocastanum leaves in urban Romanian sites, but still below the 300 mg kg− 1 maximum set for high
sites were overall consistent with those reported for the city of Belgrade pollution level.
(Aničić et al., 2011; Tomašević et al., 2011). Thus, for Cr, Co, Cu, Fe and In a similar manner as for passive biomonitoring, we also searched
Mn the range and mean values for metal contents found corresponded for earlier active monitoring studies with moss bags to correlate our
with those reported by Aničić et al., 2011 and Tomašević et al., 2011. Al findings. When comparing our results (minimum, maximum and mean

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

values) for moss bag biomonitoring conducted in one of the main comparison with Harmens et al., 2015, thus in accordance with the
pollution hotspots from Romania, the city of Baia Mare, with those of decreasing trends shown in the inventory report (European Environment
Culicov et al., 2005 obtained by the same methodology, we found Agency, 2019).
significantly lower element contents for Al, Cr, Fe and Mn. In the case of For Cu, no data was reported for Romania by Harmens et al., 2015,
Co, the values were very similar, excepting the maximum values, which while the comparisons with the findings of Blum, 2007 do not reflect the
were about twice as high in our case (0.69 vs 1.23 mg kg− 1). For Zn, both reported trends.
minimum and maximum values were lower in our case, but means were Apart from Al, Cr and Fe, Zn was also mentioned by Harmens et al.,
similar (122 ± 119 vs 22.49 mg kg− 1). 2015 as an element for which Romania is one of the countries with the
highest median values. Despite using the same maximum values as
4.2. Evidencing pollution hotspots and correlations between pollutants Harmens et al., 2015, there were significantly more sites marking high
pollution level is our case (57 vs 2). Thus the comparisons show an
Interestingly, for the sampling sites considered in both monitoring increasing trend, however a stronger one than the 9% mentioned in the
methodologies there was no overlap between the locations in which inventory report (European Environment Agency, 2019). One explana­
maximum metal contents were measured, but only within some of the tion for this sharper difference in our case might be the fact that the
sites included in the high pollution category (Fig. 3). This might be mosses sampled by Harmens et al., 2015 were from unpolluted or
caused both by the different sensitivity of the two methodologies, but slightly polluted natural sites, while in our case the moss bags were
also by the differences in emissions between the summer and the winter exposed mainly in urban/suburban areas and industrial areas.
period (Harrison and Williams, 1982; Sun et al., 2014). However, there
were sites in which maximum concentration levels were measured for 5. Conclusions
more than one metal. One such location is Tașca cement factory, in
north-eastern Romania, where maximum values per passive monitoring The novelty of the presented study lies both in its scale, being the first
site for Al (1201.04 mg kg− 1), Cr (21.79 mg kg− 1) and Fe (1613.68 mg one applying complementary active and passive biomonitoring at a
kg− 1) were measured, with Populus alba leaves, explaining partly the national level, representing a complementary tool for the instrumental
correlations found for these metals. Another such location is the city of monitoring network, and also partly in the applied methodology.
Oradea, where the highest mean values per site for Al (3412.31 mg kg− 1) The fact that there was a lack of reference values, due to which we
and Fe (3424.33 mg kg− 1) were measured in active monitoring. This had to establish pollution maximum values based on the procedure for
finding is unexpected, considering that the Al pollution source, the Pb and using several literature sources underscores the importance of
Alumina refinery was shut down in 2002, and that element accumula­ further experimentation with passive biomonitoring, and highlights one
tion measured through active biomonitoring is of atmospheric origin, of its main shortcomings, the lack of standardized procedures, which
unlike passive biomonitoring assessing both depositions and uptake via would enable more reliable results, safeguarding its large-scale use.
the root system. Besides being most probably a proof of pollution with Considering the difficulties encountered in conducting the passive
industrial dust from and abandoned industrial site, these results provide monitoring, in particular the high number of species which had to be
a clear example explaining the strong correlations exhibited by the sampled due to the differences in field conditions occurring at such a
Pearson coefficients (Table 4). Hunedoara, one of the largest and oldest large scale, the overall results and the findings of the statistical analyses,
industrial centres from Romania, known for its highly polluting steel we conclude that active monitoring with a single moss species repre­
mill (Lucaciu et al., 2004; Blum, 2007) proved to be the strongest source sented a more suitable assessment method in our case. Mosses have a
for Cr (21.79 mg kg− 1) and Mn (248.65 mg kg− 1) in active monitoring. higher efficiency in accumulating atmospheric deposition, moss-bag
This site was among the 10 strongest pollution sources also for Al, Fe and monitoring is a more standardized method, with the possibility to use
Zn, thus our results are consistent with the previous reports (Lucaciu the same biological material over large areas and deduct initial metal
et al., 2004; Blum, 2007) defining Hunedoara as an important pollution contents, thus more reliable for large-scale studies, where the diversity
hotspot. of environmental factors ads further bias to data interpretation.
The separation of Mn from the other elements in the PCA axes for Furthermore, active biomonitoring offers the possibility to deduct initial
both active and passive biomonitoring might indicate different sources concentrations, providing more realistic data.
or different environmental behaviour of Mn (Fig. 4). We presume that The advantage of passive biomonitoring is that it can be conducted
the reason is most probably the different environmental behaviour, as instantaneously, as it does not require the collection or laboratory work
Mn was found in high concentrations together with other metals in with biological material before the sampling campaign (e.g. as shown by
several samples, including those from Hunedoara, mentioned above. the long-term and large-scale example of the European Moss Survey).
Besides, unlike moss-bag monitoring, reflecting only atmospheric
4.3. Active biomonitoring data reflecting emissions inventory? pollution, the foliar contents provide information both on accumulation
via roots and atmospheric depositions, consequently providing a more
Out of the seven metals, only Cr, Cu and Zn are regularly monitored systemic view of pollution. Furthermore, the method can be used on the
within the European Union. According to the latest emissions inventory long term, and recorded concentration values can be considered as
report of the European Environment Agency, between 1990 and 2017, reference value to monitor pollution trends in the future, with the
Cr emissions dropped by 71% in the EU, in Romania with − 39%, Cu condition of using the same species and sampling period per site.
emissions in the EU increased by 10%, in Romania with over 100%, and Both foliar accumulation and moss bag data provide a general
Zn emissions in the EU dropped by 38%, and meanwhile increased by overview and up-to-date information on the pollution with metals which
9% in Romania (European Environment Agency, 2019). Such decreasing are not regularly monitored in Romania, and the findings contribute to
trends have been shown also by the findings of the European moss the identification of areas representing potential human and environ­
survey (Harmens et al., 2010, 2015). mental health risks. Furthermore, the established sampling network, the
In order to check whether our data fit these trends, we compared the created database and the related BioMonRo system, already approved by
active, moss bag monitoring data, with those of the moss surveys re­ the Romanian Ministry of Environment, represent the basis of a cost-
ported by Blum, 2007 for Romania and Harmens et al., 2015 for several effective tool for environmental assessment advancing mitigation
countries, including Romania, studies which assessed pollution levels efforts.
also by using Hylocomium splendens growing in natural conditions as a
biological material.
In case of Cr, there were fewer sites marking high pollution levels in

S. Ștefănuț et al. Ecological Indicators 126 (2021) 107357

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