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Celery Lab!

The stem of a plant has two main highways of transportation: xylem
and phloem. Xylem is the woody tissue that transports water and minerals
from the roots to the leaves. Xylem is made of vessels that are connected
end to end for the maximum speed to move water around. They also have
a secondary function of support. When someone cuts an old tree down,
they reveal a set of rings. Those rings are the remains of old xylem tissue;
one ring for every year the tree was alive.
Phloem cells transport food from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
The phloem is located around the larger xylem cells. When sugars are
made during photosynthesis in the leaves, they need to be given to every
cell in the plant for energy. Enter phloem. The phloem cells are laid out
end-to-end throughout the entire plant, transporting the sugars and other
molecules created by the plant. Phloem is always alive. Xylem tissue dies
after one year and then develops a new (rings in the tree trunk). What is
the best way to think about phloem? Think about sap coming out of a tree.
That dripping sap usually comes from the phloem.

Pre-lab Question:
1) What do you think will happen if we add food coloring to water and
celery is added?




Materials Needed:
-Plastic Knife (Supervised by an adult).
-Celery stalk.
-Clear plastic cups.
-Food Coloring

1. To begin, place a quarter cup of water into a clear plastic cup.
2. Add ten drops of food coloring into the water (Red and Blue).
3. Cut the celery about an inch.
4. Place the celery in the cup of water and food coloring.
5. After 20 minutes, take your first observations in the chart below.
6. (After 24 hours or next class) Make another observation. What did you


Time Observation

20 minutes (first day)

24 Hours (next day)

Post Lab Questions:

1) What happened to the food coloring?


2) If the food coloring was present in the celery, how did it make to the leaves at the
top? Explain what part of the plant helps water move through the plant.







3) Since the xylem is located in the stem of the plant, what part of the plant receives the
water and brings it to the xylem? Explain this process in detail (in order from starting
point to ending point).







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