CADEYN MITCHELL - Dynamic Stretching Lab

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Name: __________________________

Hour: _______________

Dynamic Stretching Lab

Dynamic stretching- controlled active stretches.

Dynamic Stretching Routine

Do each activity for 10-20 yards (baseline to free throw up to mid court)

1. Jog Forward
2. Jog Backwards
3. Straight leg kick (opposite arm to opposite leg)
4. Straight leg kick (same arm to same leg)
5. Knee to chest with calf raise
6. Bent knee walk with ankle grab
7. Quad stretch walk
8. Side shuffle
9. Forward walking lung with twist over bent knee
10. Forward lung- hands by front ankle then straighten front leg
11. Side lunge stretch, switch side
12. Carioca


1. What activity was the easiest?

a. __________________________________________________________________

2. What activity did you feel the biggest stretch?

a. __________________________________________________________________

3. Do you feel “warmed-up” and WHY?

a. __________________________________________________________________

4. Would you recommend this activity or modified version to a team or your coach and
a. __________________________________________________________________

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