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Lesson 17
Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism


At the end of the lesson, students must have:

• related the study of Art to the field of Psychology;

• identified artworks, styles and artists that abide with the psychological
• formulated a psychological approach to Art Appreciation;
• evaluated the merit or demerit of works of art based on psychological
• applied Psychoanalysis in understanding the personality of the artists
and the symbolic meanings of their artworks;
• made an artwork which applies the psychological theory of perception.


Pen, Paper, Module, Tablet with internet connection

Duration: 3 hours

Key concepts and ideas:

Psychology Perception Symbolism Psychoanalysis

Let’s ponder about these!

• The interceding relationship between psychology and art is in perception
and symbolism observed in the artworks. The works usually shows in the
artist’s personality.

• Perception is a set of processes that human use in order to make sense,

identify and interpret the stimuli upon presentation of it. How we interpret
those different sensations give basis on how our perception functions. The
process of perceptions starts upon receipt of stimuli from the environment
and completes when we interpret those stimuli. The process includes
unconscious and occurs multiple times a day.

• Symbolism is the method or practice of using symbols to signify and

represent certain qualities, values and ideas that are different from their
literal signification. It usually manifested by an object that represents
another ideas and qualities which have deeper meanings and significant.

• Psychoanalysis refers to the set of psychological theories and therapeutic

methods which is foregrounded on the study of Sigmund Freud. It
emphasizes its belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts,
feelings, desires, and memories, and most are unexpressed and

WVSU A.A. Module


unrepresented due to repression and suppression. The main objective of

Psychoanalysis is to release those repressed thoughts and emotions – or to
make the unconscious conscious.


Lumen. (n.d.) Introducing the Perception Process. Retrieved on August 23, 2020 at

Literary Devices. (n.d.) Symbolism. Retrieved on August 23, 2020 at

McLeod, S.(2007). Psychoanalysis. Retrieved on August 23, 2020 at

I. You can do this!

Read the following context/discussion below for you to answer the
subsequent questions comprehensively.


Gestalt is also known as the "Law of Simplicity" or the "Law of Pragnanz" (the entire
figure of configuration), which states that every stimulus is perceived in its most
simple form.

Read Gestalt Theory in Art (See Appendix 10.1) for your information and as
reference for the following questions and activities.

1. What is Gestalt Theory in Art? (3 points)


2. What are the different Principles of Gestalt System? Define each. (3 points)
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________

WVSU A.A. Module


A. Objectification or Categorical Aspection

“We see a representational painting as abstract configurations of forms, but we

also see through the forms to the reality which they represent.”
(Osborn, Art Appreciation, 1990)

“How to draw a cat?

A. B.

Figure 1


Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

3. Why do you think the pictures chosen best depicts a cat? (3 points)

4. What is the first thing you see below? (3 points)

Figure 2 Figure 3

A. B.

____________________________ ___________________________
Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate
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- The process of transporting the visual image of an object into the picture


- It is process by which humans become aware of the relative positions of

objects around them. It provides cues, such as distance and depth.

Figure 4

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism

by Dr. Allan Orate

Figure 5

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Figure 6 Figure 7

Figure 8

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

5. Describe Perspective Views based on Figure 5. (5 points)


6. Differentiate Projection and Perspective. (5 points)


7. What is the Principle of Perspectives? (3 points)


8. What is the use of Principle of Perspective in art? (5 points)


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A. Linear Perspective Drawing

Figure 9

Figure 10

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Figure 11

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by

Dr. Allan Orate

Figure 12 Figure 13

Figure 14 Figure 15

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Figure 16
Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

9. Replicate a perspective in the space provided below.

Figure 17



A. A Psychosexual Study of Infantile Reminiscence

Theory of the Subconscious Mind by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939, Father of Psychoanalysis)

WVSU A.A. Module


Here is the book written in 1910 by Freud about

his psychoanalysis of the sexual life of Leonardo da
Vinci based on his paintings, also entitled A
Psychosexual Study of Infantile Reminiscence.

According to Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci was a

repressed homosexual. Until now, the model for his
masterpiece, "The Monalisa" is still a mystery. Different
versions of the story came out as possible model, such
as the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, Madonna Lisa de
Gherardini, Duchess Isabelle de Aragon, and Leonardo
da Vinci himself. According to Lilian Schwartz, a
computer scientist, the digital analysis of the facial
features of Leonardo and Mona Lisa align perfectly.

The Monalisa is a self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

himself trying to realize subconsciously his desired
rom: personality as a woman. He was also believed to have
no children, never been married, and no female
cal/dp/0393001490 companion.

Leonardo Despised the Sex Act by Man and Woman for Reproduction

"The act of procreation and everything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that
human beings would soon die out if it were not a traditional custom and if there
were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions.“

In 1476, when Leonardo was 27 years old, he was accused of sodomy. He was
charged of having homosexual interaction with Jacopo Saltarelli, a model and a
notorious male prostitute.
Figure 19

Figure 20

Most paintings attributed to Leonardo are of women - twenty-four women-paintings

out of a total of forty-one.

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Figure 21
Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

10. What was the reason why most of Da Vinci’s painting were consists of
women? (3 points)

Virgin and the

Child with St.
Anne, 1510
by Leonardo Da

This painting was subjected to psychoanalysis by Freud: an image of a Vulture

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Figure 23 Figure 24

Vulture Mut

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

Egyptian Mythology Mother Goddess Mut, Queen of the Goddesses and the Lady of
Heaven Heiroglyphics. “MOTHER” Mut wears a vulture headdress whose extension
looks like the male phallus.

“It seems that I should occupy myself with the vulture. I remember, when I was still
in the cradle, a vulture came down to me. It opened my mouth with its tail and
struck me with the tail against my lips.”
The tail of a vulture forcing itself inside the mouth of the baby Leonardo,
represented in the painting as the baby Jesus, is equivalent to our idea of fellatio.
Therefore, Leonardo’s fantasy about vulture, and its occurence in his painting is an
indication of his “repressed homosexuality” manifested during infancy.

Thus, the perception of oneself is conditioned by the subconscious wish or desire to

be beautiful.

11. Based on the psychoanalysis of Freud to Figure 22, what is your

interpretation of the painting? (5 points)

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B. Psychoanalytic Theory of Beauty

PSYCHOANALYTIC Perception Beauty


Perception of ugliness can be caused by a traumatic experience.

Figure 25 Figure 26
Retrieved from:Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate
Retrieved from:

12. Define Psychoanalytic Theory of Beauty. (5 points)


Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali is a Spanish Surrealist artist renowned for his fearless inclination for
self-expression. He tried to access his subconscious to unlock his inner creativity and
imagination. By utilizing themes like ‘sexual symbolism, man’s universe and
perceptions, and ideographic imagery’, he interrupted the status quo with his art.

Figure 27 Figure 28
WVSU A.A. Module

Figure 29

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

13. What is the style or genre that Salvador Dali use in his paintings? Define it. (5

C. Subliminal Suggestion and Escapism in Art and Music

i. In Commercial Advertisements and in Slow Rock Music

Figure 30

Figure 31

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and

Psychology: Perception and Symbolism
by Dr. Allan Orate

WVSU A.A. Module


As explained by Arthur Schophenhauer in Escapist Theory of Music, Music is a

way of escape from the suffering of human life. Real life is full of suffering and pain.
With music, man creates an illusory life full of comfort and pleasure. Without music
life would be a mistake.

“Life is good, death is better, but the best is not to have been born at all.”

14. What you do think is the meaning behind the famous logo of McDonald? (5

15. Can Music be also a ground for Psychoanalysis? How? (5 points)


Figure 32

Retrieved from: Lecture 10 – Art and Psychology: Perception and Symbolism by Dr. Allan Orate

16. If you are to sell popcorns, how will you subliminally advertise it? (5 points)

WVSU A.A. Module


II. Analysis

1. How can we use psychological theories, such as Gestalt Psychology and

Psychoanalysis to explain art and beauty? (5 points)

2. Identify a popular artwork of its merit and demerit of this particular

artwork based on psychological principles. (10 points)

3. Using symbolic meanings found in the works of artists, how can we

understand their personality? (10 points)

WVSU A.A. Module


III. Highlights of the Lesson

• The study of art can be more meaningful if it is associated with

psychology, especially in representational paintings and music. We do not
just look at the abstract configurations of forms as they are, but we can
see through the forms in reality which they represent.

• In understanding perception of space, one must understand the terms

projection and perspective. Projection is the process of transporting the
visual image of an object into the picture plane while perspective
provides cues, such as distance and depth.

• Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are the proponents of Psychoanalysis and
Theory of Collective Consciousness, respectively. The psychoanalytic
theory explains that the subconscious of the psychological state of mind
affects the perception or conception of beauty. Moreover, the perception
of ugliness is caused by some traumatic personal experiences.

• Personality of renowned artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador

Dali, can be interpreted based on the reoccurrence of symbols and
subjects in their artworks. As an example of doing it is through Sigmund
Freud's A Psychosexual Study of Infantile Reminiscence, a psychoanalysis
of Leonardo's sexual life based on his paintings.

• Escapism in Arts and Music is explained by Arthur Schopenhauer with his

Escapist Theory of Music. According to him Music is a way of escape from
suffering of human life. As a proponent of pessimism, Schopenhauer
believes that real life is full of suffering and pain. With music as an
escape, it could create illusory life which brings comfort and pleasure to

IV. Application/Follow-up Activity

Choose one activity from any of the following:

A. Art Appropriation- choose one painting or sculpture which is
appropriate with what you feel or view about yourself as an artist. Imitate
it applying little twist/transformation and take a photograph of it for
B. Drawing- choose three from the six laws of Prägnanz and draw based on the
laws you have chosen.

C. Write a two of three-paragraph essay on how music has made an impact to

your life.

Submit your works on __________________________

WVSU A.A. Module


Rubrics for Drawing/Appropriation

CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good

(5 - 4 points) (3-2 points) (1-0 point)

The application of
Application of The application of The law is
the law is
the Law the law is correctly applied
appropriate but
appropriate in the to the large part
only in the small
whole composition. of the
part of the

There are some

Aesthetic value The Many parts of the
of the drawing parts of the
drawing/appropriat drawing/
ion is very pleasing appropriations are
appropriations that
and unique to look not pleasing and
are not pleasing
at. unique.
and unique.

WVSU A.A. Module


Rubrics for essay writing

Content Understanding/ Original Structure Grammar Total

20 points Application Thinking 20 points and 100 points
20 points 20 points mechanics
20 points
Addresses Demonstrates Demonstrates Response Response is A - Excellent-
each deep original to each virtually free B - Very
question understanding thinking that question of Good
and all its of course adds insight is well mechanical, C - Good
parts theories and to analysis of organized grammatical D - Fair
thoroughly; ideas applied case; and writing E - Needs
incorporates to analysis of meaningful clearly errors" Improvement
relevant case elaboration written;
course situations" beyond text, there is
content into notes, class evidence
responses; discussion in of
uses specific strategy planning
information development before
from case in writing


Dubec, R. (2018) Rubric Essays. Retrieved on July 2020 at

Freud, Sigmund (2010). Leonardo da Vinci: A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile

Reminiscence. Project Gutenburg EBook.

Gestalt Theory in Art (2010). Retrieved on July 2020 at

Soto, M. (2017). Salvador Dali, The Life of the Iconic Surrealist. Retrieved on July
2020, from

Orate, A. (2020).Art and Psychology Perception and Symbolism. University of the

East, Manila. Retrieved from

WVSU A.A. Module



Gestalt Theory in Art

Gestalt theory, a theory about perception, holds that the whole is more than the sum
of its parts.

It describes our ability to: recognize patterns and make associations;

group objects that are close together into a larger unit; relate and group objects of
similar shape.

The study of gestalt (German: meaning shape, figure, form) originated in

Germany in the 1920s. It is a branch of psychology that is interested in higher order
cognitive processes relative to behaviorism.

The aspects of gestalt theory that interests designers are related to the
theory’s postulations of visual perception—principally the relationship between the
parts and the whole of visual experience.

The visual world is so complex that the mind has developed strategies for
coping with the confusion. The mind tries to find the simplest solution to a problem.
One of the ways it does this is to form groups of items that have certain
characteristics in common.

Most of what you will study about gestalt is concerned with how these
groups are formed and what effect they have on perception. The stronger the
grouping, the stronger the gestalt. It is this grouping that contributes to the unity in
a design. Gestalt is one of the most powerful tools available to a designer for
creating unity.

The same concepts that form groups can be reversed to ungroup items—to
make them look unique and stand alone. That is the basis for creating variety.
Variety is what adds interest to an image.

The trick is to strike a balance between unity and variety (emphasis). Too
much unity and the design can look boring and repetitive; too much variety and it
can look chaotic and disconnected. Understanding concepts of gestalt theory can
help a designer control unity and variety.


Gestalt theory allows communicators to predict how viewers will respond to

design elements. Based on theories of perception, the gestalt principles explain how
whole images are often perceived as more than the sum of their parts. Knowing and
using gestalt theory in technical communication can help ensure that our visual
messages will be understood and that our designs will be dynamic.

We have all heard the expression that a picture is worth a thousand words.
However, considering gestalt theory, some pictures say more than others. If we

WVSU A.A. Module


know how to construct our pictures and how our audiences will respond to them, our
visual communications will better complement our written ones.

The following pages provide examples of the principles included in this theory
of perception and what they mean.

Cna yup raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. Can you read this? Only 55 people
out of 100 can.
I couldn’t believe that I could actually
understand what I was reading. The
phenomenal power of the human mind,
according to a researcher at Cambridge
University, it doesn’t matter in what
order the letters in a word are, the only
important thing is that the first and last
letter be in the right place. The rest can
be a total mess and you can still read it
without a problem. This is because the
human mind does not read every letter
by itself, but the word as a whole.
Amazing huh? Yeah and I always
thought spelling was important!


The key principles of Gestalt systems are Emergence, Reification, Multistability,

Invariance and Prägnanz.


This is demonstrated by the perception

of the Dog Picture, which depicts a
Dalmatian dog sniffing the ground in
the shade of overhanging trees. The
dog is not recognized by first
identifying its parts (feet, ears, nose,
tail, etc.) and then inferring that it is a
dog from those component parts.
Instead, the dog is perceived as a
whole, all at once. However, this is a
description of what occurs in vision and
not an explanation. Gestalt theory does
not explain how the percept of a dog

WVSU A.A. Module



This is the constructive or generative

aspect of perception, by which the
experienced percept contains more
explicit spatial information than the
sensory stimulus on which it is based.

For instance, a triangle will be

perceived in picture A, although no
triangle has actually been drawn.

In pictures B and D, the eye will

recognize disparate shapes as
“belonging” to a single shape.

In C, a complete three-dimensional shape is seen, where in actuality no such thing is


Reification can be explained by progress in the study of illusory contours, which are
treated by the visual system as “real” contours.


Multistable perception is the tendency of ambiguous perceptual

experiences to pop back and forth unstably between two or more alternative
interpretations. This is seen for example in the Necker cube, and in Rubin’s
Figure / Vase illusion, center.

Other examples include the three-pronged widget and artist M. C.

Escher’s artwork and the appearance of flashing marquee lights moving first
one direction and then suddenly the other. Again, Gestalt does not explain how
images appear multistable, only that they do.

WVSU A.A. Module



The property of perception whereby simple

geometrical objects are recognized independent
of rotation, translation and scale; as well as
several other variations such as elastic
deformations, different lighting, and different
component features.

For example, the objects in A in the figure

are all immediately recognized as the same
basic shape, which are immediately
distinguishable from the forms in B.

They are even recognized despite

perspective and elastic deformations as in C,
and when depicted using different graphic
elements as in D.

Computational theories of vision, such as

those by David Marr, have had more
success in explaining how objects are

Prägnanz - We like to create simplicity and order in what we see

The fundamental core of gestalt perception is the law of prägnanz (German

for pithiness) which says that we tend to order our experience in a manner that is
regular, orderly, symmetric and simple. In attempts to discover refinements of the
law of prägnanz, Gestalt psychologists have defined a few laws which hypothetically
allow us to predict the interpretation of sensation. These include:

Law of Closure — The mind may experience elements it does not perceive through
sensation in order to complete a regular figure (that is, to increase regularity).

WVSU A.A. Module


Law of Similarity — The mind groups similar elements

into collective entities or totalities. This similarity might
depend on relationships of form, color, size, or

Law of Proximity — Spatial or temporal

proximity of elements may induce the mind to
perceive a collective or totality.

Law of Symmetry— Symmetrical images are

perceived collectively even in spite of distance. The eye
prefers explanations with greater symmetry.

Law of Continuity — The mind continues

visual, auditory and kinetic patterns. Even if a
line stops, the viewer is able to follow it.

Law of Common Fate — Elements with the same

moving direction are perceived as a collective or unit.


WVSU A.A. Module




NAME:__________________________________ YEAR & SECTION:__________________

LESSON NO. & TITLE: _______________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________ SCORE:___________

1) What is Gestalt Theory in Art? (3 points)


2) What are the different Principles of Gestalt System? Define each. (3 points)
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________

3) Why do you think the pictures chosen best depicts a cat? (refer to Figure 1)
(3 points)

4) What is the first thing you see below? (refer to Figure 2 and 3) (3 points)
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________

5) Describe Perspective Views based on Figure 5. (5 points)


WVSU A.A. Module



6) Differentiate Projection and Perspective. (5 points)


7) What is the Principle of Perspectives? (3 points)


8) What is the use of Principle of Perspective in art? (5 points)


9) Replicate a perspective in the space provided below.

WVSU A.A. Module


10) What was the reason why most of Da Vinci’s painting were consists of
women? (3 points)

11) Based on the psychoanalysis of Freud to Figure 22, what is your

interpretation of the painting? (5 points)

12) Define Psychoanalytic Theory of Beauty. (5 points)


13) What is the style or genre that Salvador Dali use in his paintings? Define it. (5
points) (refer to Figures 27-28)

14) What you do think is the meaning behind the famous logo of McDonald?
(refer to Figure 30) (5 points)

15) Can Music be also a ground for Psychoanalysis? How? (5 points)


WVSU A.A. Module


16) If you are to sell popcorns, how will you subliminally advertise it? (5 points)

17) How can we use psychological theories, such as Gestalt Psychology and
Psychoanalysis to explain art and beauty? (5 points)

18) Identify a popular artwork of its merit and demerit of this particular artwork
based on psychological principles. (10 points)

19) Using symbolic meanings found in the works of artists, how can we
understand their personality? (10 points)

WVSU A.A. Module

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