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How to use the Learner’s Book

How to use the Learner’s Book

Structure of the Learner’s Book

The Learner’s Book has 18 units. Within each unit, the content is further divided into
sub-units. The features used in each of the sub-units are explained below.

This is an activity
box at the end
Maths words of every unit
This box contains for learners to
any new vocabulary consolidate skills
used on the page. and demonstrate
The words are the new concepts
also highlighted they have learnt.
in bold text and Learners can use
are defined in the this for self-assessment. Teachers can use
Mathematical dictionary at this as a summative assessment. Note that
the back of the Learner’s Book. although the questions do not cover every
learning objective in the unit, they do assist
teachers in probing further for evidence of
Remind learners to write any deep understanding.
answers in their notebook, not
in their Learner’s Book.
Mathematical dictionary
Located at the back of the Learner’s Book,
this dictionary provides simple definitions
for the words that learners encounter
during this stage.
Review The audio icon
There is a review indicates that
at the end of learners can also
each term of the listen to this
Learner’s Book. material via the
Teachers can use online resources
this to assess in Boost (boost-
learners’ mastery of
the content covered
in all the units in the term.

How to use the Learner’s Book

Features in each unit of the Learner’s Book

These are the features used in each unit:

Provides carefully
sequenced steps to
Explore Learn cover the central
Aims to present learners with a picture Presents new maths concepts and skills.
or problem to explore. Encourage skills to learners, The content is broken
learners to think about what they can with pictures and into logical and
see, what they can find and what they diagrams to help manageable steps
notice about the picture or problem. understanding. to facilitate teaching.

Try this Let’s talk

Allows for the application Encourages learners
of skills and concepts, and to talk about what
provides opportunities for they have learnt, share their
Thinking and Working Mathematically. ideas and listen to one another.

TWM icon Cross-curricular links icon Audio icon

Indicates activities that Highlights opportunities for cross-curricular Indicates that
address Thinking and activities. Suggested activities are provided audio material is
Working Mathematically in the Teacher’s Guide with an explanation available for the
(TWM) in the curriculum of the links to other subjects or Cambridge Mathematical
framework. Global Perspectives™. dictionary.

We … like … talking … directly … to … learners!

Maris Annay Zara David Viti Jack

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