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PowerSchool Basics

Quick Reference Card

PowerSchool Basics Use the main menu on the left to navigate and use PowerSchool’s
functions, reports, student information, and much more.
Learn the basics of PowerSchool, including signing in, basic
The main part of the Start Page, beneath the navigation toolbar
navigation, searching for student records, working with individual
and to the right of the main menu, contains the search field for
student records, and using group functions.
students, staff, and student contacts. Under What’s New, click
Read More to read the latest features added to PowerSchool.
Sign In and Basic Navigation
In the address bar of the browser, type the URL of the server, plus Searches
the extension that matches your level of access to PowerSchool:
On the Start Page, use the built-in shortcuts to browse for students
• Administrators: http://[yourserver]/admin by the first letter of their last names, their grade levels, or by their
genders. Enter a last name or student number to find a student's
• Teachers: http://[yourserver]/teachers
• Substitutes: http://[yourserver]/subs
• Parent/Student: http://[yourserver] Search Commands
Besides the built-in shortcuts to searching for students by grade
When you navigate to the parent/student URL, /public is
level, first letter of last name, or gender, search for student
added by default.
records using fields, comparator symbols, and text to locate the
student or students based on matching attributes.
Start Page When you create a search command, it consists of three parts:
Familiarize yourself with the Start Page as it's the launching point [Field name] [Comparator] [What you’re looking for]
whenever you log in to PowerSchool.
first_name = James
The header section includes the PowerSchool logo, the “Welcome,
[username]” greeting, and two links: one for the Help page and In the search area of the Start Page, click View Field List to see a
one for signing out. The PowerSchool logo appears at the top of list of student field names. Use comparator symbols in search
most pages in PowerSchool. Click the logo to return to the Start commands to compare a value to what you’re looking for.
Symbol Means Does Example
The navigation toolbar includes the School menu, the Term menu,
the breadcrumb navigation path, the Notifications icon, the Report = Equals Finds exact match First_name=cody
Queue icon, and the Printer icon.
< Less than Finds all matches Grade_level<11
less than the

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PowerSchool Basics
Symbol Means Does Example Symbol Means Does Example
number you enter # Does not When used as a Football#
equal search command,
> Greater Finds all matches Grade_level>3 Returns all
returns all
than greater than the students who
matching results have the Football
number you enter
check box
<= Less than Finds all matches Grade_level<=10 selected
or equal less than or equal
to to the number When used as a
you enter comparator, finds Returns all
everything that students who
>= Greater Finds all matches Grade_level>=4
don’t have the
doesn’t match
than or greater than or Football check
what you entered
equal to equal to the box selected
number you enter
Contains Value is Finds all matches Street contains
in One of Finds all matches Last_name in maple
contained where what
these that contain one smith,jones
in the you’re looking for
values is of the items you field is anywhere in the
present in entered field
the field
!contain Value is Excludes matches Street !contain
@ Wildcard Fills in unknown last_name=@ski
not to what you typed maple
information in the contained
Finds any student
search in the
whose last name
ends with “ski,” field
such as Kowalski

Other commands can be added to a search to look for student

status information.

Command Use
alert_medical# For students with medical alerts
/enroll_status=-1 For preregistered students
enroll_status=0 For active students only

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PowerSchool Basics
Command Use 4. Press Enter

/enroll_status#0 For any student who isn’t active You should have two different groups of students in the
results area.
/enroll_status=1 For inactive students only
5. Click Within to find the students who are listed in both the
/enroll_status=2 For transferred-out students current selection and the search results, and make those
students the current selection
/enroll_status=3 For graduated students
6. Click Add to add the football players to the current selection
/enroll_status=4 For historical grades imported for students of students
who were never active in the PowerSchool 7. Click Subtract to find the students who are listed in both
application areas, and remove them from the current selection
mother contains - For mothers who have hyphenated names 8. Click Set to make the football players the current selection
and replace the original current selection

Compound Searches Selections by Hand

Use a compound search to combine two or more searches into one
Once you’ve selected a group of students, select individual
and perform multiple searches simultaneously. Separate the search
students for a more defined sub-group.
commands with a semicolon (;), which means “and.”
1. Below the current selection, click Select By Hand
Example: grade_level=9;street contains Maple
2. Clear the Student column header check box

Advanced Searches and Current Selection 3. Select the students you want in the group
4. Click Update Selection
Use the Advanced search options to refine, add, or subtract from
the search results. When you check Advanced on the Start Page,
you separate the search results from the current selection. You are The students you selected are now the current selection.
verifying that the search worked before making the students the
current selection. Stored Searches
1. On the Start Page, select a grade level Create a stored search when you know you’re going to run the
2. Check Advanced same set of search commands routinely.
3. In the search field, delete the search command and enter 1. On the Start Page, click Stored Searches
2. Click New
3. Give the search a descriptive name

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PowerSchool Basics
4. In the Search instructions box, enter the search commands Search Code Does Example
For compound searches, enter one command per line. *not_enrolled_in Finds students *not_enrolled_in
who are =SOC1200
5. Click Submit
currently not
6. Click Run Search to verify that you entered the search enrolled in the
correctly specified course
*has_completed_ Finds students *has_completed_
Search Codes course who have at course=SOC1200
least one
Use search codes in the first part of a search command. Place a historical grade
search code in the same position as a PowerSchool field. Also, on entry for the
the Start Page, click View Field List and scroll to the bottom of specified course
the field list to see a list of the available search codes. *has_not_ Finds students *has_not_completed=
who do not have
Search Code Does Example completed
any historical
*birthday Finds students *birthday=today grade entries for
whose birthdays *birthday=4/1 the specified
are today, on a course
*birthday>=4/1; *cumulative_credit_
certain date, or *birthday<=4/30 *cumulative_ Finds students
in a specific with the
credit_hours *cumulative_credit_
range specified number
*as_of Finds students *as_of=8/31/2017 of credit hours *cumulative_credit_
who were active hours>5
on the specified *number_of_ Finds students *number_of_classes=
date who are 5
*not_enrolled_in_ Finds students *not_enrolled_in_ classes
currently *number_of_classes<
period who are not enrolled in the 5
enrolled in a specified number *number_of_classes>
course for the of classes 5
specified period *number_of_classes#
*enrolled_in Finds students *enrolled_in= 6
who are *attendance_ Finds students *attendance_points>
currently *enrolled_in= who have the 9
enrolled in a SOC1200.4 points
specified number *attendance_points
specified course of attendance (S1)>9
and section points in any *attendance
course, during a _points(8/28/17,

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PowerSchool Basics
Search Code Does Example Enable Smart Search at the District Level

specified term, 12/20/17)>9 You must enable Smart Search at the district level first, before you
or between a can use the Smart Search feature.
specified range 1. On the Start Page, switch to the district office
of dates
2. Click District
*hours_requested Finds students *hours_requested<6
who have course *hours_requested>8 3. Click Miscellaneous
requests for the *hours_requested=10 4. Check Enable Smart Search
specified number
of credit hours 5. Click Submit
*special_program Finds students *special_program=
resource Enable Smart Search at the School Level
who are enrolled
in the specified
Once enabled at the district level, you must enable Smart Search
special program
for each user. The security settings may affect your ability to
*fee.fee_balance Finds students *fee.fee_balance>0 enable the feature or the entry choices for the field. Contact your
who owe money PowerSchool administrator for more information.
on their student
fee accounts 1. On the school Start Page, click Personalize
*secondarystudent Finds students *secondarystudents= 2. Click Interface
s who are all
3. Check Enable Smart Search
scheduled in
classes at your 4. Check Include Inactive Student/Staff Results (optional)
school but attend 5. Click Submit
another school in
the district
More Search Options
Smart Search The Start Page contains more options to find students and other
Smart Search is an auto-completion feature that works with the
search field. Once enabled, as you type in the search field, you will You’ve explored the links on the Students tab but use the Staff tab
see a suggestion menu below the field relating to possible student to find teachers and staff members at the school.
or staff names, fields, or stored searches. Use the cursor to select Use the Contacts tab to find contacts who are associated with
one of the suggestions or continue typing in the field. students, along with users who have PowerSchool Parent Portal

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PowerSchool Basics
Find another helpful search tool on the Teacher Schedules page. To 2. Click the current grade to view scores and PowerTeacher
view individual teacher schedules and class rosters, click Teacher Pro assignments
Schedules in the main menu and select a teacher. View the
3. Click a recorded attendance number to open the Dates of
teacher’s class roster for a section by clicking the enrollment
Attendance page
You can make those students the current selection or add those
students to the current selection.
In the student pages menu, click Demographics to change
student information, such as home or mailing address, parents'
Individual Students employers or phone numbers, or to add an alias name for a
Select an individual student to access the student pages. The student.
pages you see will vary based on the security settings. The student
pages contain the student’s information, including attendance, Contacts
grades, demographic information, log entries, and class schedules.
To view all of the contacts listed for a student, click Contacts.
Change the order of the contacts by using the arrows in the Order
Arrows column to move a contact up or down the list. View the contact
At the top of the main menu, next to the breadcrumbs, use the type to help determine when to call a contact.
arrows to the right and left of List (#) to move between the next 1. To add a student contact, on the top-right side, click Add
and previous student records respectively. Using this feature, staff
members can find parent or guardian phone numbers for several 2. To edit the student contact's information, on the right side,
students with just a couple clicks. click the Edit icon (looks like a pencil)
3. To remove a student contact, on the right side, click the
Switch Student Delete icon (looks like a – sign)

To find an additional student’s contact information after setting

Access Accounts
your current selection, click Switch Student in the main menu to
search for an additional student by his/her name. Once located, On the Access Accounts page, give students and parents access to
that student’s record will open on the same student page. the student and parent portals and assign them usernames and
Quick Lookup 1. Check Enable Student Access
Use the Quick Lookup screen to see at a glance the student's 2. Check Enable Parent Access
name, grade level, school, class schedule, reported grades, and
3. To generate usernames and passwords for the student and
attendance data. parent, click Auto-assign IDs and Passwords for this
1. Click the teacher's name to send an email student
4. To add another student contact, click Add New Contact

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PowerSchool Basics
Family Emergency/Medical
In PowerSchool, students from the same family can be linked in Find a student's emergency contact information on the Emergency
order to share and update family information once. Contact/Medical page. The student's doctor, dentist, special
medical considerations, and allergies are all listed here.
1. From the main menu, click Family to open the "Students
with Shared Family Information" page Use the Emergency/Medical student screen to add an alert for
teachers and staff to view any urgent or important medical
2. If no family members appear, click Search for Additonal
Family Members
1. From the student pages menu, choose
3. Enter information to help narrow the search
4. Click Submit
2. In the Medical Alert Text box, write a short description of
5. In the list of possible family members, find the student's the medical condition or allergy
family member(s)
3. At the bottom of the page, click Submit
6. To copy the student's demographic information to the new
Learn more about this alert, which will appear at the top of any
family contact and to indicate they are related, click Copy
student page, and the five other student alerts used in
7. If you want to only establish the family relationship but not PowerSchool in the following table.
copy any information, click Related
Student Alerts
View, modify, or add one of PowerSchool’s six student alerts to
Student records require tracking of immunizations, provided track important student information. You'll find these alert icons at
screenings, administration of medication, and more. Since student top of the student pages.
health information is protected by laws and regulations, this
information is visible to only users with certain permissions. Alert Use Symbol

1. From the main menu, click Health Medical Alert View warnings about
2. On the Immunizations tab, view, add, or modify the a student’s health,
student's immunizations record such as dietary
3. On the Screenings tab, view, add, or modify the student's medication
screening records schedules, or allergy
4. On the Office Visits tab, view, add, or modify the student's information
office visits record to view the details of when medication Guardian Alert View information
was administered about the student’s
5. On the Grade Level Entry Certificates tab, view, add, or parents or
modify the student's grade level entry certifications guardians, such as

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PowerSchool Basics
Alert Use Symbol Enter a Log Entry
custody court orders Use log entries to create permanent records of student interactions
with staff, such as discipline incidents, visits to the nurse's office,
Discipline Alert View information or meetings with a counselor. The Log Entries student page
regarding behavior contains a list of all the logs related to a student.
at school, such as a
recent suspension 1. Search for and select a student
2. From the student pages menu, click Log Entries
Balance Alert View the amount of
student fees owed 3. Click New
and the balance of
the student’s lunch The Date, Time, and Author fields are filled in automatically.
4. From the menu, choose a log type
Birthday Alert View a reminder of a 5. Choose a subtype
student’s birthday
within one week of 6. If entering a discipline log, select a consequence from the
the date menu
7. Enter a title for the entry
8. In the Log Entry Text box, enter a description for the log
Other Alert View reminders entry
regarding the 9. If additional information is required by the policies of your
student’s status, state or region, enter it in the appropriate fields
such as times the
student needs to
attend study hall

Schedule Views
The information you need depends on the circumstances but
locating a student on campus is one of the most common requests.
Use the following pages to find current-year schedule information:
• Bell Schedule View
10. Click Submit
• List View
• Matrix View

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PowerSchool Basics
Incidents Group Functions
Under Administration on the student pages menu, click Incidents Once you select a group of students, you can perform a variety of
to view, edit, or create a new incident report. You can search tasks.
student incidents by date range, incident title, incident ID, or
incident type. When creating an incident report, you can include
reporters, victims, offenders, and witnesses with codes and Store a Selection
descriptions that can be used for reporting incidents. Create a stored selection of students when you will be working with
the same group of students routinely.
Activities 1. Search for a group of students
On the student Activities page, you can indicate the extracurricular 2. Click the Select Function arrow and choose Save Stored
activities a student is involved in by checking the box next to the Selection
activity in the list.
3. Give the selection of students a descriptive name, such as
Top Students or Discipline Watch
Print a Report for an Individual Student
4. From the list of options, select SAVE the current
Generate a report for a single student using built-in report selection with a new name
templates. 5. Click Submit
1. Search for and select a student
The new selection appears in the list below the options.
2. From the student pages menu, click Print A Report
3. From the “Which report to print” menu, select a report List Students
4. Determine the enrollment period if you are printing
schedules, or the time period if you are printing a fee list Use the List Students function to create a quick report of student
information by selecting certain fields.
5. Select a watermark (optional), and choose when to print
(default is ASAP) 1. Search for a group of students

6. Click Submit 2. Click the Select Function arrow and choose List Students

7. On the “Report Queue (System) - My Jobs” page, click 3. Enter a report title, such as Student Helpers
Refresh to update the status of the report 4. Type a field name, or click Fields and select a field from the
8. When the status says Completed, click View Fields list

9. Use your browser’s print function to print the report 5. Enter a name for the column title

For example, if you added lastfirst under Field Name for

column 1, then enter Name under Column Title for column 1.

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PowerSchool Basics
6. Specify what additional columns you want on the list by Perform a Quick Export
adding more field names and column titles
Export student information to work with data using an external
7. Select Gridlines if you want lines between rows and spreadsheet application.
1. Search for a group of students
8. Indicate which field you want to sort the list by
2. Click the Select Function arrow and choose Quick Export
9. Click Submit
3. In the text entry box, enter the field names for the
information that you want to export (one per line)
4. Click Fields to see a list of field names

Print Mailing Labels

Print mailing labels directly from PowerSchool for an efficient way
to send mass mail.
1. Search for a group of students 5. When you finish selecting fields to export, click Submit
2. Click the Select Function arrow and choose Print Mailing 6. Save and open the file using a spreadsheet application
3. From the menu, choose the mailing label layout to print View Student Screens
4. Select how many pages to print, the sort order, and when Use the Student Screens function to navigate to the same student
to print the report page for a selection of students.
5. Click Submit 1. Search for a group of students
6. Refresh the report queue 2. Click the Select Function arrow and choose Student
7. When the status says Completed, click View Screens

8. Use your browser’s print function to print the report 3. From the menu, choose the student page you wish to view
for the selection of students
4. Click Submit
5. Click a student’s name from the left-side menu
6. Click the name of each student whose student page you
want to view

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