Guia de Trabajo 7mos

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English Department

Teacher: Jessica Fernández

Assessed handout n°2
7th grade

Name: ________________________________ Grade: 7° _____ Score: ______/ 22 pts. MARK:

I Read Juan’s email to his friend Megan. Answer the questions. (6 pts)

a. What does Juan enjoy about school?


b. What are boring activities for Juan?


c. What are exciting activities for Juan?

II Listen to Megan and Juan’s audio messages. Circle the six free time activities they mention. (12 pts)

III Talk about your free time activities. Mention 2 activities and say why they are your favorite things
to do. (4 pts)

Follow the example:

I like to …. (go shopping and play soccer) because … (they are fun activities to do with friends)


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