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Desh Bhagat College Bardwal Dhuri

Middle Semester Test(MST)

Relational Database Management System with oracle

Class B.C.A IInd Year (4th or IV th Semester)

Note :Attempt any two questions from each section A and section B carrying 15 marks each and entire
section C consisting of 5 short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each.

Section A

1 What do you mean by dtbase system? How it is different from traditional system Explain advantage of
a database

2Define File What are various file organization .Discuss sequential file organization and its merits and

3What are the problems arising out of concurrency data access? How concurrency managed
(Concurrency Protocols)

4What do you mean y deadlock? What are various deadlock prevention techniques. Discuss in Detail

Section B

5What do you mean by Dtata Control Language(DCL), How DCL is different from Data Manipulation
Lnguage( DML)

6 Explain with example the syntax of SELECT statement with various clauses

7 What is a database trigger what are the functions are performed by a trigger. Explain Trigger with
suitable example

8 Define recovery. Why recovery is required . What are method of recovery

Section C

9 1Define any two Basic file operation

2What are the various state of transaction

3 What is Conflict Serializability

4 What is Serial Serializability

5 Define any two advantage of DBMS

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