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STUDENT: 3°ENG Segovia Castañeda Lupe Lucero

TEACHER: Mg. Jose Martin Gil Lopez

TOPIC: Personal Questionnaire

This project is a simulation of an interview with a
shipping company where I will go through an
interview with personal questions and at the same
time my letter of application to the company

1.- Tell me about yourself

I am the third year cadet Lupe Segovia, I am 22 years old and I live with my parents and my siblings
in the city of Chimbote; My mom's name is Jenny and she's a housewife, my dad's name is Ulises
and he's a mechatronics engineer, I have 4 siblings, my older brother is an electronic engineer, the
second is studying medicine and my younger brother is studying industrial automation. In my free
time I usually go running and play sports, and my goal in life is to finish my degree and be able to
2.- Tell me about your family. What do they think about your career?

Ok, I'm going to start with my parents, they have been married for 30 years, their names are Ulises
and Jenny; my father is 56 years old, he is a mechatronic engineer and works in mauritania africa;
and my mother is 50 years old and is a housewife, I have 4 brothers, my older brother is 29 years old
and is an electronic engineer, my sister is 26 years old and is studying medicine, then I am studying in
the merchant marine and finally my younger brother is 19 years old and studies industrial
automation. My family always supported me with this career because my dad was from the Peruvian
Air Force and he knew about the military training that I would take and he thought it was a very
interesting career.

3.- Why have you chosen this particular profession?

I chose this profession for my brother's friend, who is a merchant officer from promotion 41, he told
me about this profession and I found it very interesting. Before, I wanted to study industrial
engineering but I felt that this career was complete, in addition to the fact that my father trained me
physically since I was little and had uncles who were skippers and they spoke to me about how
4.- What advantages and disadvantages does this career have?

The advantages of this profession are that we are recognized internationally, it allows us to get to
know new cultures and teaches us to work under pressure; and one of the disadvantages that exist in
this career for me as a woman is that there are very few boardings for women, they give priority to
boarding men and many companies refuse to give women a chance.

5.- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths are: that I am disciplined, I know how to work under pressure, I like to work in a team, I am a
very punctual and honest person and my greatest weakness is that I trust people a lot without knowing them

6.- Are you good at working under pressure?

I consider that I am a person who knows how to work under pressure, since the merchant marine is a school
that has its cadets in a boarding school where we are constantly under the pressure of routine, studies, sports,
of the cadets, navy officers and merchant officers that above us giving us orders.
7.- What qualifications do you have to be hired by us?
The requirements that I have to be hired by you is that I am a very hard-working person, since I was little I
helped my father in his work as a mechanical engineer, regarding my training I have taken courses from the
IMO, I have taken workshop classes and received visits to the simulator of machines of the school, I am a very
applied and organized person and I believe I could contribute a lot to this shipping company.

8.- What are your expectations regarding promotion and salary increases?

The expectations I have regarding promotions and salary increases is that as a cadet I can only be recognized
for my work, effort and dedication in my duties as an engineering cadet, since these promotions are the result
of the effort and work done by me.

9 .- What goals have you set for yourself? How are you planning to achieve them

I have set as a short-term goal my graduation as a merchant officer and being hired by a shipping company and
be able to pursue my career, and as a medium term goal I have set myself to have job stability and be able to
complete my 12 months of shipping in this shipping company .

10.- What do you know about our company?

Well, I have been searching online for months about this company and I know that maersk was founded by
Arnold Peter Moller and has been the world's largest container shipping line and ship operator since 1996 and
that this company too is always looking to improve their capabilities and this is vital to continue to be true
pioneers in world trade by improving their capabilities.

11.- Would you like to ask me any question?

What perspectives do they have regarding their future employers? What do they look for from them?

12. How is the life at ENAMM? What have you learned there? What is your favorite subject? Are you good at English?

What is your score in English subject?

Life in the ENAMM is a very structured and at the same time organized life, since it has a routine to get up,
eat, study and sleep, which makes its cadets more disciplined people. My favorite course is Machine Simulator
since I feel that I learn a lot in that course by simulating the different systems as if we were in a real machine
room, I can understand English, but it is a bit difficult for me to express it, I have an average of 14, 15 or 16 in
the English course.

Letter of Application
Dear Manager’s Maersk,

I’m writing to you regarding your general advertisement for a fourth engineer which I could see in your
official page on internet. I would like to submit an application for the position. Please find my résumé

As an efficient cadet in my school, who has always complied with the orders stablish for my superiors
1. Internship: The position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes
without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.

2. Committed: Loyal and giving a lot of your time and energy to something.

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