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1. Define measurement. Explain the different types of measurement methods.

2. Explain generalized measurement system with block diagram.

3. Define instrument. Explain the classification of instruments.


4. Explain (a)Accuracy and precision (b) Range and span (c) Threshold and resolution.

5. Explain following dynamic performance characteristics.

(a) Speed of response and measuring lag (b) Fidelity and dynamic error (c) dead time and dead
zone (d) Over shoot

6.(a)What is a transducer ? Explain working of LVDT transducer with neat sketch .

(b) Explain the working principle of piezo electric transducer.


7. Explain the following with neat sketch (a) photo emissive cell (b) photo conductive cell (c)
photo voltaic cell transducers with neat sketch

8.(a)With a neat sketch explain capacitive transducer .

(b) Explain linear motion potentiometers.

9. (a)Define error .Explain the different types of errors .

(b)Write a short notes on calibration procedure.



1.(a) What is a temperature ? Explain the standard temperature scales used in measuring .

(b) Write a short notes on temperature measuring instruments.

2. Explain with neat sketch (a) Liquid in glass thermometer and (b)Filled system thermometer
and also mention the characteristics of liquid used in thermometers .

3.(a)What is a thermo couple .What are the laws of thermocouple ?

(b) Explain the working of resistance thermometers with neat sketch .


4. (a)Explain with neat sketch the working of total radiation pyrometers and optical pyrometers.

(b) Explain with neat sketch the working of optical pyrometers and mention its applications.

5. (a)Define pressure and explain different types of pressures.

(b)Explain the working of piezometer with neat sketch.

6.(a)Explain how ring balance manometers are used for pressure measurement.

(b)Explain the working of bell type pressure guage with neat sketch .


7.(a)Explain with neat sketch how bourdon gauges are used for measuring pressure.

(b) Explain bellow gauges working principle with neat sketch .

8.(a)What is meant by low pressure and what are the instruments needed for measuring low

(b) Explain the working of Mcloed gauge for measuring low pressures.

9.Explain the working of Bridgman gauge with neat sketch.

(b) Explain the working of dead weight piston gauge with neat sketch.



1.(a) What are direct and indirect methods for measuring level.

(b) Explain electric liquid lever sensors .

2.Explain the working of rotameter for flow measurement.

3.Explain the working of Laser Doppler anemometer.


4.(a) Define speed. List out the various types of instruments used for measuring speed.

(b)Explain the working principle of revolution counter and timer.

5.Explain (a) Tachoscope (b) Hand speed indicator (c) slipping clutch tachometers

6. (a)Explain with neat sketch capacitive type pickup tachometer .

(b) Explain with neat sketch photo electric tachometer .


7.(a)Explain drag cup tachometer with neat sketch.

(b) write a short notes on Doppler effect.

8.Explain (a) Piezo electric accelerometer (b) Seismic accelerometer.

9.What is vibration ? what are the characteristics of vibration?

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