BVCCT-305 Advance Computing Skills

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Word processing is an application program that allows you to create letters, reports, newsletters, tables, form letters,
brochures, and Web pages. Using this application program, you can add pictures, tables, and charts to your
documents. You can also check spelling and grammar. A word processor is an electronic device or computer
application software that performs word processing: the composition, editing, formatting and sometimes printing of
any sort of written material. Word processing can also refer to advanced shorthand techniques, sometimes used in
specialized contexts with a specially modified typewriter. The term was coined at IBM's Böblingen, West Germany
Laboratory in the
1960s. Typical features of a word processor include font application, spell checking, grammar checking, a built-in
thesaurus, automatic text correction, Web integration and HTML exporting, among others. The word processor
merged as a stand-alone office machine in the 1970s and 1980s, combining the keyboard text-entry and printing
functions of an electric typewriter with a dedicated computer processor for the editing of text.

Main features of word processing applications:

 Create professional documents fast, using built-in and custom templates
 Easily manage large documents using various features like the ability to create table of contents, index, and cross-
 Work on multiple documents simultaneously
 With the help of mail merge, you can quickly create merge documents like mass mailings or mailing labels
 AutoCorrect and AutoFormat features catch typographical errors automatically and allow you to use predefined
shortcuts and typing patterns to quickly format your documents.
 The print zoom facility scales a document on different paper sizes, and allows you to print out multiple pages on a
single sheet of paper.
 The nested tables feature supports putting one table inside another table.
 Export and save your word documents in PDF and XPS file format.
 Batch mailings using form letter template and an address database (also called mail merging);
 Indices of keywords and their page numbers;
 Tables of contents with section titles and their page numbers;
 Tables of figures with caption titles and their page numbers;
 Cross-referencing with section or page numbers;
 Footnote numbering;
 New versions of a document using variables (e.g. model numbers, product
names, etc.)
Other word processing functions include spell checking (actually checks against wordlists), "grammar checking"
(checks for what seem to be simple grammar errors), and a "thesaurus" function (finds words with similar or opposite
meanings). Other common features include collaborative editing, comments and annotations, support for
images and diagrams and internal cross-referencing.

Word processors can be distinguished from several other, related forms of software:
Text editors were the precursors of word processors. While offering facilities for composing and editing text, they do
not format documents. This can be done by batch document processing systems, starting with TJ-2 and RUNOFF and
still available in such systems as LaTeX (as well as programs that implement the paged-media extensions to HTML
and CSS). Text editors are now used mainly by programmers, website designers, computer system administrators, and,
in the case of LaTeX by mathematicians and scientists (for complex formulas and for citations in rare languages).
They are also useful when fast start-up times, small file sizes, editing speed and simplicity of operation are preferred
over formatting. Later desktop publishing programs were specifically designed to allow elaborate layout for
publication, but often offered only limited support for editing. Typically, desktop publishing programs allowed users
to import text that was written using a text editor or word processor. Almost all word processors enable users to
employ styles, which are used to automate consistent formatting of text body, titles, subtitles, highlighted text, and so
on. Styles greatly simplify managing the formatting of large documents, since changing a style automatically changes
all text that the style has been applied to. Even in shorter documents styles can save a lot of time while formatting.
However, most help files refer to styles as an 'advanced feature' of the word processor, which often discourages
users from using styles regularly.

Features of word 2007:

MS Word 2007 has useful features and tools introduced to produce professionally created documents. You can easily
create, format, edit professional-looking user document using comprehensive set of easy to use tools provided by MS
Word. It uses the MS Office Fluent user Interface concept. This interface uses a new component
called Ribbon to group the tools by task, within task by sub tasks and related commands that are used more frequently.
The new user result oriented interface presents the tools to you in a more organised and efficient manner, which are
easy to locate.
1. Tabs are more task oriented such as Home, Insert, Page Layout
2. Within each tab, the related sub-tasks are grouped together
3. Related command buttons are also grouped together to execute a command or to display a command menu
Microsoft Office Word 2007 helps you produce professional-looking documents by providing a comprehensive set of
tools for creating and formatting your document in a new interface. Rich review, commenting, and comparison
capabilities help you quickly gather and manage feedback from colleagues. Advanced data integration ensures that
documents stay connected to important sources of business information. The MS Word 2007 provides a lot of pre-
formatted template to produce documents, reports etc. While using the pre-formatted template, you can select already
available cover page, header and footer to give the documents a professional look without spending much time in
formatting a new one. MS Word 2007 also provides features for creating chart and diagram which include three-
dimensional shapes, transparency, drop shadows, and other effects. This helps create highly professional documents
with flexibility in representing data more efficiently and professionally. Before sharing a document which is in its
final form with others, you can use MS Word 2007 “Mark As Final” features to protect the document from any
changes. “Mark as Final” command makes the document “read-only” making the typing, editing and proofing
command disabled. MS Word 2007 also provides the feature and tools to export your document to either PDF
(Portable Document Format) or XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.


The advantages of Word processing are synonymous with the benefits provided by MS-Word. The most prominent
ones are enlisted below:
Create professional-looking documents
Office Word 2007 provides editing and reviewing tools for creating polished documents more easily than ever before.
Spend more time writing, less time formatting
A new, results-oriented interface presents tools to you when you need them, in a clear and organized fashion:
 Save time and get more out of the powerful Word capabilities by selecting from galleries of predefined styles, table
formats, list formats, graphical effects, and more.
 Word eliminates the guesswork when you apply formatting to your document. The galleries of formatting choices
give you a live visual preview of the formatting in your document before you commit to making a change.

Easily avoid spelling errors

The following are some new features of the spelling checker:
 The spelling checker has been made more consistent across the 2007 Microsoft Office system programs. Examples
of this change include:
 Several spelling checker options are now global. If you change one of these options in one Office program, that
option is also changed for all the other Office programs. For more information, see Change the way
spelling and grammar checking work.
 In addition to sharing the same custom dictionaries, all programs can manage them using the same dialog box. For
more information, see Use custom dictionaries to add words to the spelling checker.
 The 2007 Microsoft Office system spelling checker includes the post-reform French dictionary. In Microsoft Office
2003, this was an add-in that had to be separately installed. For more information, see Change the way spelling and
grammar checking work.
 An exclusion dictionary is automatically created for a language the first time that language is used. Exclusion
dictionaries let you force the spelling checker flag words you want to avoid using. They are handy for avoiding words
that are obscene or that don't match your style guide. For more information, see Use exclusion dictionaries to specify a
preferred spelling for a word.
 The spelling checker can find and flag some contextual spelling errors. Have you ever typed a mistake similar to the
following? I will see you their. In Office Word 2007, you can enable the Use contextual spelling option to get help
with finding and fixing this type of mistake. This option is available when checking the spelling of documents in
English, German or Spanish. For more information, see Choose how spelling and grammar checking work.
 You can disable spelling and grammar checking for a document or for all documents you create.


The Word screen (Window) contains a number of objects such as Tabs, Menus, Sub menus, short-cut commands etc.
We will describe the Word’s default screen layout

Menus: If you are familiar with previous versions of Word, when you begin to explore Word 2007, you will notice a
significant change in the menu structure, look and feel. The features in Word 2007 display as various tabs such as
Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review and View etc.

To view all sub tasks/options (expanded form) in each menu, you must click the required option. For example, the
images below show the Border menu in collapsed form and in expanded form as shown in the pictures below.
Shortcut Menus: These features allow you to access various Word commands faster than using the options on the
menu bar. When the menu is expanded, the shortcut \menu is displayed with short-cut command option for each of the
short-cut menu item. The options on this menu will vary depending on the sub-task that was clicked or selected. For
example, the shortcut menu on the side is produced by Word Processing Basics / 9 selecting or expanding the Border
option of the paragraph sub-task of the Home Tab from the Tab bar. The shortcut menus are helpful because they
display only those options that can be applied to the item that was selected and, therefore, prevent searching through
the many menu options.

Introduction to Mail Merge, Macros and Charts

Microsoft word 2007 offers the advanced word processing functions namely:
1. Mail Merge
2. Macros and
3. Graphs/ Charts
You use mail merge when you want to create a set of documents, such as a form letter that is sent to many customers
or a sheet of address labels. Each letter or label has the same kind of information, yet the content is unique. For
example, in letters to your customers, each letter can be personalized to address each customer by name. The
unique information in each letter or label comes from entries in a data source. The mail merge process entails the
following overall steps:
1. Set up the main document. The main document contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of
the merged document. For example, the return address or salutation in a form letter.
2. Connect the document to a data source. A data source is a file that contains the information to be merged into a
document. For example, the names and addresses of the recipients of a letter Refine the list of recipients or items.
Microsoft Office Word generates a copy of the main document for each item, or record, in your data file. If your data
file is a mailing list, these items are probably recipients of your mailing. If you want to generate copies for only
certain items in your data file, you can choose which items (records) to include.
4. Add placeholders, called mail merge fields, to the document. When you perform the mail merge, the mail merge
fields are filled with information from your data file.
5. Preview and complete the merge. You can preview each copy of the document before you print the whole set.
You use commands on the Mailings tab to perform a mail merge.
In Microsoft Office Word, you can automate frequently used tasks by creating macros. A macro is a series of
commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically.
Typical uses for macros are:
1. To speed up routine editing and formatting
2. To combine multiple commands — for example, to insert a table with a specific size and borders, and with a
specific number of rows and columns
3. To make an option in a dialog box more accessible
4. To automate a complex series of tasks
You can use the macro recorder to record a sequence of actions, or you can create a macro from scratch by entering
Visual Basic for Applications (Visual Basic for Applications (VBA): A macro-language version of Microsoft Visual
Basic that is used to program Microsoft Windows-based applications and is included with several Microsoft
programs.) code in the Visual Basic Editor (Visual Basic Editor: An environment in which you write new and edit
existing Visual Basic for Applications code and procedures. The Visual Basic Editor contains a complete debugging
toolset for finding syntax, run-time, and logic problems in your code.).

Office Word 2007 includes many different types of charts and graphs that you can use to inform your audience about
inventory levels, organizational changes, sales figures, and much more. Charts are fully integrated with Office Word
2007. When you have Excel installed, you can create Excel charts in Word by clicking the Chart button on the Ribbon
(Insert tab, Illustrations group), and then by using the chart tools to modify or format the chart. Charts that you create
will be embedded in Office Word 2007, and the chart data is stored in an Excel worksheet that is incorporated in the
Word file.
Note If you work in Compatibility Mode in Word, you can insert a chart by using Microsoft Graph instead of Excel.
You can also copy a chart from Excel to Office Word 2007. When you copy a chart, it can either be embedded as
static data or linked to the workbook. For a chart that is linked to a workbook that you have access to, you can specify
that it automatically check for changes in the linked workbook whenever the chart is opened. You can add a chart or
graph to your document in one of two ways:
 You can insert a chart in your document by embedding (embedded object: Information (object) contained in a
source file and inserted into a destination file. Once embedded, the object becomes part of the destination file.
Changes you make to the embedded object are reflected in the destination file.) it When you embed data from an
Excel chart in Word, you edit that data in Office Excel 2007, and the worksheet is saved with the Word document.
 You can paste an Excel chart into your presentation and link to data in Office Excel 2007 When you copy a
chart from Office Excel 2007 and paste it into your document, the data in the chart is linked to the Excel worksheet.
The Excel worksheet is a separate file and is not saved with the Word document. In this case, because the Excel
worksheet is not part of the Word document, if you want to change the data in the chart, you must make your changes
to the linked worksheet in Office Excel 2007.
Introduction to Mail Merge, Macros and Charts / 167 We will discuss all these functions in step by step manner in
the following sections of this chapter.
Mail merge techniques allow you to create a document which combines repetitive text elements with data drawn from
an external data document. To perform mail merge, you’ll need the following:
 A template (previously created, or generated during the merge)
 A recipient list or data source (created during the merge. or an existing file)
Word will then create a new document by inserting the data from your data source into the structure of your template
On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.

Select document type

1. In the Mail Merge task pane, click Letters. This will allow you to send letters to a group of people and personalize
the results of the letter that each person receives.
2. Click Next: Starting document.

Select the starting document

1. Click one of the following options:
o Use the current document: Use the currently open document as your main document.
o Start from a template: Select one of the ready-to-use mail merge templates.
o Start from existing document: Open an existing document to use as your mail merge main document.
2. In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Select recipients

Select recipients
When you open or create a data source by using the Mail Merge Wizard, you are telling Word to use a specific set of
variable information for your merge. Use one of the following methods to attach the main document to the data

Method 1: Use an existing data source

To use an existing data source, follow these steps:

1. In the Mail Merge task pane, click Use an existing list.
2. In the Use an existing list section, click Browse.
3. In the Select Data Source dialog box, select the file that contains the variable information that you want to use, and
then click Open.
Note: If the data source is not listed in the list of files, select the appropriate drive and
folder. If necessary, select the appropriate option in the All Data Sources list. Select
the file, and then click Open

Word displays the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. You can sort and edit your data if you want to.
4. Click OK to return to the main document.
5. Save the main document.
When you save the main document at this point, you are also saving the data source and attaching the data source to
the main document.
6. Type the name that you want to give to your main document, and then click Save.
Method 2: Use names from a Microsoft Outlook Contacts List
To use an Outlook Contact List, follow these steps:
1. In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Select recipients.
2. Click Select from Outlook contacts.
3. In the Select from Outlook contacts section, click Choose Contacts Folder.
4. In the Select Contact List Folder dialog box, select the Outlook contacts
folder that you want, and then click OK.
Word displays the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. You can sort and edit your data if you want.
5. Click OK to return to the main document.

Method 3: Create a database of names and addresses

To create a new database, follow these steps:
1. In the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Select Recipients.
2. Click Type a new list.
3. Click Create.
The New Address List dialog box appears. In this dialog box, enter the address information for each record. If there is
no information for a particular field, leave the box blank. By default, Word skips blank fields. Therefore, the merge is
not affected if blank entries are in the data form. The set of information in each form makes up one data record.

Office Automation
4. After you type the information for a record, click New Entry to move to the next record. To delete a record, click
Delete Entry. To search for a specific record, click Find Entry. To customize your list, click Customize. In the
Customize Address List dialog box, you can add, delete, rename, and reorder the merge fields.
5. In the New Address List dialog box, click OK. In the Save Address List dialog box, type the name that you want
to give to your data source in the File name box, and then click Save.
6. In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, make any changes that you want, and then click OK.
7. Click Next: Write your letter to finish setting up your letter.
8. Save the main document.
When you save the main document at this point, you are also saving the data source and attaching the data source to
the main document.
9. Type the name that you want to give to your main document, and then click Save. To proceed to the next step, click
Next: Write your letter.
Write your letter
In this step, you set up your main document.
 Type or add any text and graphics that you want to include in your letter.
 Add the field codes where you want the variable information to appear. In
the Mail Merge task pane, you have four options:
o Address block: Use this option to insert a formatted address.
o Greeting line: Use this option to insert a formatted salutation.
o Electronic postage: Use this option to insert electronic postage

Note: This option requires that you have a postage software program installed on your computer.
o More items: Use this option to insert individual merge fields. When you click More Items, the Insert Merge Field
dialog box appears.
Note: Make sure that your cursor is where you want to insert the information from your data source before you click
More Items.
o In the Insert Merge Field dialog box, click the merge field that you want to use, and then click Insert.
Note: You can insert all of your fields and then go back and add any spaces or punctuation. Alternatively, you can
insert one field at a time, close the Insert Merge Fields dialog box, add any spaces or punctuation that you want, and
then repeat this step for each additional merge field that you want to insert. You can also format (apply
bold or italic formatting to) the merge fields, just like regular text.
 When you finish editing the main document, click Save or Save As on the File menu.
Note: In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Save or Save As.
Name the file, and then click Save. To proceed to the next step, click Next: Preview your letters.
Preview your letters
This step allows you to preview your merged data, one letter at a time. You can also make changes to your recipient
list or personalize individual letters.
To proceed to the next step, click Next: Complete the merge. Complete the merge This step merges the variable
information with the form letter. You can output the merge result by using either of the following options:
 Print: Select this option to send the merged document directly to the printer. You will not be able to view the
document on your screen.
When you click Print, the Merge to Printer dialog box appears. In the Merge to Printer dialog box, you can choose
which records to merge. When you click OK, the Print dialog box appears. Click Print to print the merge document.
 Edit individual letters: Select this option to display the merged document on your screen. When you click Edit
individual letters, the Merge to New Document dialog box appears. In the Merge to New Document dialog box,
you can choose which records to merge. When you click OK, the documents are merged to a new Word document.
To print the file, on the File menu, click Print. Note In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click

A macro is typically a series of commands or instructions that are combined to form a single command. Macros can
save you time by letting you automate relatively simple tasks that you need to perform often, as well as complex
procedures that consist of many steps. Macros can be powerful tools that can greatly reduce the time that you
will need to finish your work and can eliminate the need to remember all the steps in a tedious procedure. Even if you
know nothing about writing macros, you can create macros by using the Macro Recorder, which records the steps that
you perform and translates them into macro code. Everyone can use macros. You do not need any programming
knowledge to use macros, and you can obtain macros without ever writing any code yourself. The macros that can
help you do your work faster and easier can be obtained and installed in several ways, including the following.
 Macros can be created by using the Macro Recorder, which records the steps that you perform and translates them
into macro code.
 If you can verbally describe what you want a macro to do, you can post a request to the Microsoft Office
Customization and Programming forum, and one or more of the experts who will read your request will be happy to
write the macro for you.
 The code of a macro can be copied as text from a reliable trustworthy source and added to the New Macros module
of a template, from which it will always be available.
 Macros that are stored in a template that you obtain from a reliable trustworthy source can be made available by
installing the template or by using the Organizer to copy the applicable module into an installed template.
Recording a Macro and Assigning a Keyboard Shortcut to It
To see how to record a macro and use it, consider the scenario in which you type two letters in the wrong order
without creating a spelling error, as in the case of typing the word fro instead of the wordfor. One way to fix this error
is to press Backspace twice and retype the correct letters. That solution requires four keystrokes, but the same
Office Automation / 174
correction can be done in one keystroke with a recorded macro assigned to a keyboard shortcut. Because a macro does
not automatically remember the characters that are deleted when you press Backspace twice, when we record the
macro, we will cut the second of the characters that were typed in the wrong order, place the cursor before the first of
the characters that were typed in the wrong order, and insert the character that we copied to the clipboard in that
position as described in the following procedure.
To record a macro and assign a shortcut key to it
 Type the word fro.
 Start the Macro Recorder.
 To do this in Word 2010 or Word 2007, on the View tab, click the lower part of
the Macrosbotton, and then click Record Macro.

recorder from theDeveloper tab. To start the macro recorder from the Developer tab, in the Code group, clickRecord
 If you are using Word 2010 and the Developer tab is not shown, on the File tab, click Options. Then in the Word
Options dialog box, click Customize Ribbon, under Customize the Ribbonselect the Developer check box, and
click OK.
 If you are using Word 2007 and the Developer tab is not shown, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Word
Options, click Popular, and under Top options for working with Word, select theShow Developer tab in the
Ribbon check box

To do this in Word 2003, on the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Record New Macro.
 In the Record Macro dialog box, in the Macro name box, replace the default
name of the macro by a meaningful name, such as Reverse Letters.

In the Commands box, verify that the name of the macro that you are creating is selected.  In the Press new
shortcut key box, press Shift+Backspace or a different key or press key sequence that you want to use, and then click
 In the Store macro in box, leave the default setting.
 Click Close to start recording the macro.
 Press Shift+Left.
 Press Ctrl+X.
 Press Left.
 Press Ctrl+V.
 Press Right.
Stop the recording of the macro.
 To do this in Word 2010 or Word 2007, on the View tab, click the lower part of the Macros bottom, and then click
Stop Recording

Alternatively, in Word 2010 or Word 2007, on the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Stop Recording.

To do this in Word 2003, on the Stop Recording toolbar, click the Stop Recording button ( ).

Your new macro is now ready to use at any time by pressing Shift+ Backspace. You can test it by reversing any two
letters as you type any word, stopping after the reversed letters, and pressing Shift+ Backspace. You can now press
Shift+ Backspace anywhere in a document to switch the order of the last two characters before the cursor. Note. If the
name that you assign to a macro is identical to the name of a built-in Word command, the actions defined in your
macro will replace the actions of the built-in Word command. To view a list of the names of the built-in Word
commands, press Alt+F8, and in the Macros in drop-down list, select Word Commands.

You can use the following procedure for modifying an existing macro that is stored in the default global template to
replace the recorded version of the Reverse Letters macro by the manually revised version.
To replace the code of an existing macro by a revised version
You can use the following procedure for modifying an existing macro that is stored in the default global template to
replace the recorded version of the Reverse Letters macro by the manually revised version.
To replace the code of an existing macro by a revised version
 In your browser, select the code of the revised version of the macro after the first line, which contains the word Sub
and the name of the macro, to end of the line containing End Sub, and then press Ctrl+C.
Note that the first line of the macro is not copied together with the rest of the macro because replacing this line in the
recorded macro would delete the keyboard shortcut that you defined.
 In any Word document, press Alt+F8.
 In the Macros dialog box, under Macro name, select the name of the macro that you want to modify and click
 In the Visual Basic Editor, select the code of the macro after the first line, which contains the wordSub and the
name of the macro, to end of the line containing End Sub.
 Press Ctrl+V.
 Press Ctrl+S to save your changes and close (or minimize) the Visual Basic Editor. It should be mentioned here
that a macro may contain code which instructs Word to repeat an action until a certain condition is met. Such code is
called a loop. If the circumstances are such that the condition is never fulfilled, Word will continue to
Introduction to Mail Merge, Macros and Charts / 177 execute the code within the loop indefinitely and will appear
to hang. If Word appears to hang while you are running a macro, you can stop the execution of the macro by
Pressing Ctrl+Break and then clicking
End. Renaming, Deleting, and Copying Macros
As you continue to use macros, you may want to rename a macro, delete a macro, or copy macros to a template. The
following procedures describe the steps needed to perform these tasks. To rename a macro
 In any Word document, press Alt+F8.
 In the Macros dialog box, in the Macros in drop-down list, select the applicable template or document.
 In the Macro name box, select the name of the macro that you want to change and click Edit.
 In the Visual Basic Editor, in the first line of the macro, which begins with the word Sub, change the existing name
to the new name, but do not remove the word Sub or the pair of parentheses at the end of the line.
 Press Ctrl+S to save your changes and close (or minimize) the Visual Basic Editor.
To delete a macro
 In any Word document, press Alt+F8.
 In the Macros dialog box, in the Macros in drop-down list, select the applicable template or document.
 In the Macro name box, select the name of the macro that you want to delete.
 Click Delete.
By default, the macros that you create in Word are stored in the New Macros module of the default global template,
which is Normal.dotm in Word 2007 or in earlier versions of Word. Macros can be stored in a
template or in a document. Macros stored in the default global template are always available and can be run from any
document. Macros stored in a document are available only when the document is active. To distribute macros to other
users, copy the module containing them to a template that you created, distribute the template file, and instruct them to
install the template in their templates folder. The macros will be available whenever a document based the template is
the active document. Alternatively, you can instruct them to install the template in the Word Start up folder. To
determine the location of these folders in Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Word Options, click
Advanced, scroll down to the General section, and click File Locations. In Word 2003, on the Tools menu, click
Options, and then in the Options dialog box, click the File Locations tab. A template that is stored in the Word
Start up folder is a global template or an add-in. The macros in templates that are in the Word Start up folder can be
called from any document.


Graphs and charts help readers understand complex figures by presenting those numbers in a concise, visual format.
Effective graphs work in conjunction with the narrative and can be dynamic presentation tools. If you want to learn
how to add a graph to Microsoft Word, follow these guidelines.
7.4.1 Steps
1. Determine where you want to insert a graph into your text. You want your graph adjacent to the section of the
corresponding narrative. This allows the reader to easily scan the graph and search the accompanying type for further
details. Ideally, the cogent text will wrap around the chart.

2. Insert a graph inside the Word document. Set your cursor inside the section of text that corresponds to the graph
you'll be adding.
At the top of the document, click the "Insert" menu.

Find the "Object" menu on the right side of the toolbar and click it.

A new Object window will open. Under the "Create New 􀀀" tab, scroll down to Microsoft Graph Chart. Make sure it
is highlighted, and click "OK."

Turn an Excel Spreadsheet into a Microsoft Graph Chart. If you want to turn a spreadsheet into a chart you can
use inside a Word document, the process is simple

Select the Excel Spreadsheet so that it is highlighted and copy it by clicking "Ctrl+C." Mac users click "Cmmd+C."
In the Word document, click where you want the chart to appear.

Paste the spreadsheet into the document by holding down the Ctrl key and hitting "V."

With your cursor next to the data, click "Paste Options." To input the spreadsheet as a Word table, click "Keep Source
Formatting." The chart will look like it did in Excel. Click "Match Destination Table Style" if you want the new graph
to look like others you're using in the document.

4. Manipulate data inside the chart you created. The sample graph in most editions of Microsoft Word lists
quarterly figures for 3 different entities: East, North and West. Changing data inside a Microsoft Graph Chart can be
done easily.
Change figures: To change the numbers in a Microsoft Graph Chart, simply click inside the appropriate cell and
make sure it contains a bold border. Type in the new numbers and hit Enter. Both the figure and the bar on the graph
will change

Change keys: To change the information in the chart's key, click the cell you want to update and type in the new
information. The new name you typed in will have a corresponding color.

Add items: If you need to expand the number of entries in your chart, type a name into the next cell under the current
names and hit "Enter." The new entry automatically is added to the graph key and gets a color-coded bar. Add the
entry's figures in the appropriate cells to complete the graph.

Delete items: To delete an entire row in a Microsoft Graph Chart, click on the number at the left of the datasheet and
press "Delete" on your keyboard. To delete a column, click on the corresponding letter at the top of the chart and
click the "Delete" key.

Change bar colors: Place your cursor over the bar you want to change and double-click it. The Format Data Series
window will open with a complete color palette. Select the new color you want and click "OK." You also can change
the shape of the bars and the spacing between them from in this window
5. Adjust the chart position and dimensions: Word automatically changes the proportions of your graph based on
the changes you make. Moving a graph within text can be done 1 of 2 ways:

Moving a graph manually: Click on the graph. To change the height or width of the chart, move your cursor over 1
of its 8 sizing dots. When the cursor changes to a pointer, drag the cursor in the direction you want to resize the
chart. A marquee will appear. When you're satisfied with the new shape, release and the chart will be resized

Positioning a graph automatically: From the Page Layout menu, click the chart. Go to Position and select the option
you desire. As you roll your cursor over each presentation, the graph will change position inside the document to
give you a preview of how it will look. By clicking a particular option, you set the chart position inside the text.

Wrapping text around a graph: To wrap text around a chart, select the graph from the Page Layout menu. From the
Position dropdown, select More Layout Options. The Layout window will open. Choose the "Text Wrapping" tab and
input the values for the Distance around Text.
Create a chart from a Word table
Create a table in Word, with text labels in the top row and left column, and numbers in other cells.
2. Click in the table.
3. On the Table menu, point to Select, and then click Table.
4. On the Insert menu, click Object, and then click the Create New tab.
5. In the Object type box, double-click Microsoft Graph Chart.
Word displays a chart with the information from the table you created. The data associated with the chart is in a table
called a datasheet.
Office Automation / 188
You can edit the data in the chart by clicking a cell on the datasheet and revising the entry.
6. To return to Word, click the Word document.


Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a
document. You might use footnotes for detailed comments and endnotes for citation of sources. A footnote or an
endnote consists of two linked parts — the note reference mark and the corresponding note text.
NOTE: If you want to create a bibliography, you can find commands for creating and managing sources and citations
on the References tab in the Citations & Bibliography group
. 6.5.1 Insert a footnote or an endnote
Microsoft Word automatically numbers footnotes and endnotes for you. You can use a single numbering scheme
throughout a document, or you can use different numbering schemes within each section in a document. Commands
for inserting and editing footnotes and endnotes can be found on the References tab in the Footnotes group. When you
add, delete, or move notes that are automatically numbered, Word renumbers the footnote and endnote reference
NOTE If the footnotes in your document are numbered incorrectly, your document may contain tracked changes.
Accept the tracked changes so that Word will correctly number the footnotes and endnotes.
In Print Layout view click where you want to insert the note reference mark.
 On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote. Word inserts the note
reference mark and places the insertion point in the text area of the new footnote or endnote.
Office Automation / 150
Keyboard shortcut: To insert a footnote, press CTRL+ALT+F. To insert an endnote, press CTRL+ALT+D.
By default, Word places footnotes at the end of each page and endnotes at the end of the document.
 Type the note text.
 Double-click the footnote or endnote reference mark to return to the reference mark in the document.
To change the location or format of footnotes or endnotes, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher, and
do one of the following:
o To convert footnotes to endnotes or endnotes to footnotes, under Location choose either Footnotes or Endnotes
and then click Convert. In the Convert Notes dialog box, click OK.
o To change the numbering format, click the desired formatting in the Number format box and click Apply.
o To use a custom mark instead of a traditional number format, click Symbol next to Custom mark, and then choose a
mark from the available symbols. This will not change the existing note reference marks. It will only add new ones.
Change the number format of footnotes or endnotes
Place the insertion point in the section in which you want to change the footnote or endnote format. If the document is
not divided into sections, place the insertion point anywhere in the document.
 On the References tab, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher.
 Click Footnotes or Endnotes
 In the Number format box, click the option that you want.
 Click Apply

Change the starting value for footnotes or endnotes

Word will automatically number footnotes beginning with "1" and endnotes beginning with "i", or you can choose a
different starting value.
NOTE If the footnotes in your document are numbered incorrectly, your document may contain tracked changes.
Accept the tracked changes so that Word will correctly number the footnotes and endnotes.
 On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher
 In the Start at box, choose the desired starting value.
 Click Apply.
Create a footnote or endnote continuation notice
If a footnote or endnote is too long to fit on a page, you can create a continuation notice to let readers know that a
footnote or endnote is continued on the next page.
 Make sure that you are in Draft view by going to the View tab and clicking Draft.
 On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click Show Notes.
 If your document contains both footnotes and endnotes, a message appears. Click View footnote area or View
endnote area, and then click OK.
 In the note pane list, click Footnote Continuation Notice or Endnote Continuation Notice.
 In the note pane, type the text that you want to use for the continuation notice.

Change or remove a footnote or endnote separator

Word separates document text from footnotes and endnotes with a short horizontal line called a note separator. If a
note overflows onto the next page, Word prints a longer line called a note continuation separator. You can customize
separators by adding text or graphics.
 In the note pane list, click and choose the type of separator you want to change or remove.
 To change the separator that appears between the document text and notes, click Footnote Separator or Endnote
 To change the separator for notes that continue from the previous page, click Footnote Continuation Separator or
Endnote Continuation Separator.
 Select the separator and make changes:
 To remove the separator, press DELETE.
 To edit the separator, insert a Clip Art divider line or type text.
 To restore the default separator, click Reset.

When you want to delete a note, you work with the note reference mark in the document window, not the text in the
If you delete an automatically numbered note reference mark, Word renumbers the notes in the new order.
Delete a note
In the document, select the note reference mark of the footnote or endnote that you want to delete, and then press
Add Text or Pictures to AutoShapes in Word

You can use certain AutoShapes as frames to enclose a picture or even some text, which
can spruce up a boring Word 2007 document. When creating your AutoShape, choose a
shape that can be used as a frame, like a polygon. With that shape selected, add a picture
or text, depending on what you need.

Making an AutoShape picture

Stick a picture in your AutoShape by following these steps:

1. Select the AutoShape, and from the Format tab’s Shape Styles group, choose Shape
The Shape Fill option in the Shape Styles group is a little paint bucket. Click the arrow next
to it to open a menu; then choose Picture. A Select Picture dialog box appears. It works
just like any Open dialog box, but it’s geared toward finding pictures.

2. Use the Select Picture dialog box to hunt down and choose an image.
Navigate through your folders as needed.
3. Click the Insert button.
The picture is placed in the frame. If the picture is distorted, try resizing the AutoShape by
clicking and dragging one of the handles around it.
Making an AutoShape text box

Turn your AutoShape into a text box with these steps:

1. From the Format tab’s Insert Shapes group, click the Edit Text button.
The AutoShape is changed into a text box, and the Text Box Tools Format tab appears.
2. Type and format the text you want in the shape.
Be careful! You can keep typing long after the text doesn’t fit in the AutoShape any more.
Only the text you see appears in the shape. Any excess text doesn’t show up (unless you
resize the AutoShape to make it larger).


A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis and storage
of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets were developed as computerized analogs of paper
accounting worksheets.[4] The program operates on data entered in cells of a table. Each cell may contain
either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based
on the contents of other cells. A spreadsheet may also refer to one such electronic document.
Spreadsheet users can adjust any stored value and observe the effects on calculated values. This makes
the spreadsheet useful for "what-if" analysis since many cases can be rapidly investigated without manual
recalculation. Modern spreadsheet software can have multiple interacting sheets, and can display data
either as text and numerals, or in graphical form.
Basics of Spreadsheet:
A spreadsheet consists of rows and columns which combine to form cells. A cell is a box where you can
enter data. Columns form the vertical lines of cells while rows form the horizontal lines of cells. Cells is an
intersection of rows and columns. To describe the location or address of a cell, we have to write the names
of the column and row whose intersection has created this cell.
Labels, Values and Functions:
Labels are the headings that you enter in cells. Values are the numbers on which calculations are
performed. Formulas and Functions are elements that perform the desired calculations on the values.
Formulas which are present within the spreadsheet itself are called functions. You can also put up your
own formulas in any cell.

The main concepts are those of a grid of cells, called a sheet, with either raw data, called values, or
formulas in the cells. Formulas say how to mechanically compute new values from existing values. Values
are generally numbers, but can also be pure text, dates, months, etc. Extensions of these concepts include
logical spreadsheets. Various tools for programming sheets, visualizing data, remotely connecting sheets,
displaying cells' dependencies, etc. are commonly provided.
A "cell" can be thought of as a box for holding data. A single cell is usually referenced by its column and
row (C2 would represent the cell containing the value 30 in the example table below). Usually rows,
representing the dependent variables, are referenced in decimal notation starting from 1, while columns
representing the independent variables use 26-adic bijective numeration using the letters A-Z as numerals.
Its physical size can usually be tailored to its content by dragging its height or width at box intersections (or
for entire columns or rows by dragging the column- or row-headers).

My Spreadsheet


Sales 100000 30000 70000

Purchases 25490 30 200

An array of cells is called a sheet or worksheet. It is analogous to an array of variables in a

conventional computer program (although certain unchanging values, once entered, could be considered,
by the same analogy, constants). In most implementations, many worksheets may be located within a
single spreadsheet. A worksheet is simply a subset of the spreadsheet divided for the sake of clarity.
Functionally, the spreadsheet operates as a whole and all cells operate as global variables within the
spreadsheet (each variable having 'read' access only except its own containing cell).
A cell may contain a value or a formula, or it may simply be left empty. By convention, formulas usually
begin with = sign.
A value can be entered from the computer keyboard by directly typing into the cell itself. Alternatively, a
value can be based on a formula (see below), which might perform a calculation, display the current date or
time, or retrieve external data such as a stock quote or a database value.
The Spreadsheet Value Rule
Computer scientist Alan Kay used the term value rule to summarize a spreadsheet's operation: a cell's
value relies solely on the formula the user has typed into the cell. The formula may rely on the value of
other cells, but those cells are likewise restricted to user-entered data or formulas. There are no 'side
effects' to calculating a formula: the only output is to display the calculated result inside its occupying cell.
There is no natural mechanism for permanently modifying the contents of a cell unless the user manually
modifies the cell's contents. In the context of programming languages, this yields a limited form of first-
order functional programming.
Automatic recalculation
A standard of spreadsheets since the 1980s, this optional feature eliminates the need to manually request
the spreadsheet program to recalculate values (nowadays typically the default option unless specifically
'switched off' for large spreadsheets, usually to improve performance). Some earlier spreadsheets required
a manual request to recalculate, since recalculation of large or complex spreadsheets often reduced data
entry speed. Many modern spreadsheets still retain this option.
Recalculation generally requires that there are no circular dependencies in a spreadsheet. A dependency
graph is a graph that has a vertex for each object to be updated, and an edge connecting two objects
whenever one of them needs to be updated earlier than the other. Dependency graphs without circular
dependencies form directed acyclic graphs, representations of partial orderings (in this case, across a
spreadsheet) that can be relied upon to give a definite result.
Real-time update
This feature refers to updating a cell's contents periodically with a value from an external source—such as
a cell in a "remote" spreadsheet. For shared, Web-based spreadsheets, it applies to "immediately" updating
cells another user has updated. All dependent cells must be updated also.
Locked cell
Once entered, selected cells (or the entire spreadsheet) can optionally be "locked" to prevent accidental
overwriting. Typically this would apply to cells containing formulas but might be applicable to cells
containing "constants" such as a kilogram/pounds conversion factor (2.20462262 to eight decimal places).
Even though individual cells are marked as locked, the spreadsheet data are not protected until the feature
is activated in the file preferences.
Data format
A cell or range can optionally be defined to specify how the value is displayed. The default display format is
usually set by its initial content if not specifically previously set, so that for example "31/12/2007" or "31 Dec
2007" would default to the cell format of date. Similarly adding a % sign after a numeric value would tag the
cell as a percentage cell format. The cell contents are not changed by this format, only the displayed value.
Some cell formats such as "numeric" or "currency" can also specify the number of decimal places.
This can allow invalid operations (such as doing multiplication on a cell containing a date), resulting in
illogical results without an appropriate warning.
Cell formatting
Depending on the capability of the spreadsheet application, each cell (like its counterpart the "style" in
a word processor) can be separately formatted using the attributes of either the content (point size, color,
bold or italic) or the cell (border thickness, background shading, color). To aid the readability of a
spreadsheet, cell formatting may be conditionally applied to data; for example, a negative number may be
displayed in red.
A cell's formatting does not typically affect its content and depending on how cells are referenced or copied
to other worksheets or applications, the formatting may not be carried with the content.
Named cells
Use of named column variables x & y in Microsoft Excel. Formula for y=x2 resembles Fortran, and Name
Manager shows the definitions of x & y.
In most implementations, a cell, or group of cells in a column or row, can be "named" enabling the user to
refer to those cells by a name rather than by a grid reference. Names must be unique within the
spreadsheet, but when using multiple sheets in a spreadsheet file, an identically named cell range on each
sheet can be used if it is distinguished by adding the sheet name. One reason for this usage is for creating
or running macros that repeat a command across many sheets. Another reason is that formulas with
named variables are readily checked against the algebra they are intended to implement (they resemble
Fortran expressions). Use of named variables and named functions also makes the spreadsheet structure
more transparent.
Cell reference
In place of a named cell, an alternative approach is to use a cell (or grid) reference. Most cell references
indicate another cell in the same spreadsheet, but a cell reference can also refer to a cell in a different
sheet within the same spreadsheet, or (depending on the implementation) to a cell in another spreadsheet
entirely, or to a value from a remote application.
A typical cell reference in "A1" style consists of one or two case-insensitive letters to identify the column (if
there are up to 256 columns: A–Z and AA–IV) followed by a row number (e.g., in the range 1–65536).
Either part can be relative (it changes when the formula it is in is moved or copied), or absolute (indicated
with $ in front of the part concerned of the cell reference). The alternative "R1C1" reference style consists
of the letter R, the row number, the letter C, and the column number; relative row or column numbers are
indicated by enclosing the number in square brackets. Most current spreadsheets use the A1 style, some
providing the R1C1 style as a compatibility option.
When the computer calculates a formula in one cell to update the displayed value of that cell, cell
reference(s) in that cell, naming some other cell(s), cause the computer to fetch the value of the named
A cell on the same "sheet" is usually addressed as:


A cell on a different sheet of the same spreadsheet is usually addressed as:

=SHEET2!A1 (that is; the first cell in sheet 2 of same


Some spreadsheet implementations in Excel allow a cell references to another spreadsheet (not the current
open and active file) on the same computer or a local network. It may also refer to a cell in another open
and active spreadsheet on the same computer or network that is defined as shareable. These references
contain the complete filename, such as:

='C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My spreadsheets\[main sheet]Sheet1!A1

In a spreadsheet, references to cells automatically update when new rows or columns are inserted or
deleted. Care must be taken, however, when adding a row immediately before a set of column totals to
ensure that the totals reflect the additional rows values—which they often do not.
A circular reference occurs when the formula in one cell refers—directly, or indirectly through a chain of cell
references—to another cell that refers back to the first cell. Many common errors cause circular references.
However, some valid techniques use circular references. These techniques, after many spreadsheet
recalculations, (usually) converge on the correct values for those cells.
Cell ranges
Likewise, instead of using a named range of cells, a range reference can be used. Reference to a range of
cells is typically of the form (A1:A6), which specifies all the cells in the range A1 through to A6. A formula
such as "=SUM(A1:A6)" would add all the cells specified and put the result in the cell containing the formula

Opening a Spread Sheet

To open a spreadsheet, we have to click on "Start" button and go to "All Programs" and "Excel".

Opening an existing worksheet

To open an existing document, go to file menu, File → Open → Recent workbooks.


Renaming a work sheet

Every sheet is given a name by default as sheet 1, sheet 2, etc. It is necessary to customize the name
according to user reference. To change this name, right click on sheet tab that is to be renamed. Name in
the sheet tab gets highlighted and can be edited.
Organization of worksheet

Spreadsheet is made up of number of books. Each book contains number of columns and rows. Rows and
columns are made of many cells. The cell pointer in cell A1 is as shown the below −

Cell Address

Cell is a small unit in the worksheet which is used to store data. A cell is refered by its column and row


Cell B followed by row 6 is called as B6. Each cell in worksheet has a unique address. Using arrow keys in
the keyboard, we can move from one cell to another cell.

Title bar

Title bar displays the name of excel worksheet. It appears at the top of all window programs. By default,
excel opens with the name Book 1.
Menu bar

Menu bar is located directly below the title bar. It displays a list of menus that can be used to give
commands to excel. Clicking on a menu bar displays a drop down menu of icons. You can move across
the menu bar and scroll down menus with your mouse by highlighting one of the menu items and using
arrow keys on your keyboard.
 File − It has options such as: save, save as, open a new document, print, etc.
 Home − It has icons to change font size, style, alignment, borders, etc.
 Insert − It has icons to insert table, chart, pictures, screenshot, header, footer, etc.
 Page Layout − It has icons to set margins, orientation, size, breaks, indent, etc.
 Formulas − It has insert function, auto sum, date and time, lookup and reference, etc.
 Data − It has icons to import data from web, from access, refresh all, from other sources, etc.
 Review − It has icons for spelling and grammar check, thesaurus, word count, etc.
 View − It has icons to zoom, print layout, switch windows, split, etc.

Formula bar

Cell content can be edited directly in the cells or in formula bar. If cell contains a formula, it will be
displayed here. If there is no formula, then content of the cell is displayed. Formula bar allows you to view,
enter and delete data in a selected cell.

Mathematical formula appears in the formula bar when a cell that includes a formula is selected in the
worksheet. In the below example, formula to calculate average grades is in cell E5. When E5 is selected,
formula appears in the formula bar.
Printing a Spread Sheet

Printing is creating a hard copy of any content. A spreadsheet can be printed by selecting File →
Print option. Shortcut to print is "Ctrl + P".

Saving Workbooks

After typing our content in excel worksheet, we must save the worksheet for future use. Shortcut key to
save is "Ctrl + S". The process of saving consists of following steps −

 Click File menu.

 Click Save option from sub menu.

In the earliest spreadsheets, cells were a simple two-dimensional grid. Over time, the model has expanded
to include a third dimension, and in some cases a series of named grids, called sheets. The most advanced
examples allow inversion and rotation operations which can slice and project the data set in various ways.
Excel Data Manipulation Tips & Techniques

Database conversions are not a “flip of the switch” process and require some work to get the data from the
source database into the target database. 

This walkthrough will outline tips and techniques used in Microsoft Excel to prepare data for loading into a
target database or for performing offline data cleansing. 

General Rules

 Save your work in versions so you can revert back if necessary

 Any new data added to the system post-export may have to be re-cleansed so you might want to freeze
your database
 Work with the Excel file only in a secured and control environment
 Excel does have its limitations. 65536 rows to be exact
 Audit your work.   


1. Identify duplicate records

2. Remove duplicate records
3. Manipulate database columns to match a target format
4. Populate blank data quality codes
5. Split up one field into several fields
6. Check for a middle initial
7. Strip out undesirable characters
8. Combine data elements that are stored across multiple columns into one column
9. Translate values to be consistent with the target format
10. Identify and remove erroneous service records

Identify Duplicate Records

1. Copy the unique fields you wish to concatenate to blank columns at the beginning of the worksheet. 
These are considered your “key fields” and should be the key identifiers you use to find a record.  (HUD
recommends name, DOB, gender and social)
2. Insert another blank column to the left of these columns
3. Enter the concatenate function (i.e. =CONCATENATE(C2,D2,E2)) in the first row of the column you
just created.  Copy this formula down the column to the last record
4. Click on Data | Sort and select the column containing the newly created key
5. Insert another column.  Check for duplicates using the EXACT command.  If the new key field is in
column A and Column B is blank enter the formula in the first row of Column B as
follows =EXACT(A2,A3).  Copy the formula down to the remaining cells. The EXACT() function
returns TRUE if the values it is given are identical, and FALSE otherwise.  
6. Since it may be difficult to locate all of the cells that have a value of TRUE in them you may wish to
highlight the TRUE values using conditional formatting.  To do this select the test column and click
on Format | Conditional Formatting. Arrange the drop down boxes to read “Cell Value Is” “Equal
To” “TRUE”. Select the Format button, followed by the Patterns tab, then choose the color to highlight
the cell if the function value is true
Remove Duplicate Records
If you are working with one flat table and need to break it into separate tables you MUST copy the client ID
from the first record to the duplicated records so everything jives.  Once you have performed this step you can
copy the table over to the other worksheets where they can be manipulated further as needed

Scroll the worksheet for values of “True”.  Compare the matching records to determine how to handle the
record as follows:

  A).  If the data is purely redundant (elevator button syndrome) then delete any duplicate records from the
table with a value in Exact Match?=“True”. 

  B).  If there are potentially valid data in multiple records you may choose to merge the data into one record
and delete the other(s). 

Manipulate the database columns as needed to match the desired target format
Basic Manipulation

 Inserting/Adding Columns – Simply select the column to the right of the column you wish to add, right
click, and select “Insert”
 Deleting Columns - This process can be handled simply by selecting the column that is not needed, right
clicking and selecting “Delete”
 Moving Columns – Select the column you wish to move, right click, select “Cut”, select the column to the
right of where you want the column to go, right click, and select “Paste”

Advanced Manipulation

 Create a separate worksheet in the same workbook that has the source data. 
 Copy the target format field names into a header record (the first row) on the worksheet.   You may
have to use Copy | Paste Special and select Transpose in order to copy field names listed vertically
to be listed across the worksheet
 Enter the equals sign (=) in the first column and first row under the newly copied file header row.   Click
over to the source file, select the corresponding field in the first row under the source file’s header row
and hit Enter.  Repeat this process until you have mapped one field for all of the values in your target
 Copy the row containing these new formulas down your spreadsheet to at least as many rows as you
have records in your source file
 Create a blank worksheet.  Copy the entire worksheet using Select All (the box in top left corner of the
workbook) and use Paste Special.  Select the option to paste Values only
 Save the newly created target file

Populate blank data quality codes

Fields such as last permanent zip code and social security number require a data quality code.  If your staff has
not been answering this question you can derive whether or not the code is partial or full based on the length of
the data entered using the =LEN() function to count the number of characters

To use this technique perform the following:

1. Insert a column next to the field you want to create codes for
2. Enter =LEN(FieldYouWantToCheck) into Row 2 of a new column and copy the formula down the
3. Sort the database by this new length column
4. Use either Copy | Paste (CTRL C, CTRL V) or Find|Replace (CTRL F) to change values from
lengths to HUD data quality code values.  
Splitting up one field into several fields
To use this technique perform the following:

1. Right-click column heading for the full name field and select Insert.  If you are splitting the field
2. Select the name field column then click Data in the menu bar and select Text to Columns
3. Select the option for Delimited and click Next
4. In the Delimiters section click Space and/or Comma (depending on how your data is stored) and then
click Finish.  Note if the data is stored as Simmonds, Matthew D.  you will have to insert three columns
and use both comma and space as delimiters
5. When prompted, answer OK to replace the contents of the destination cells
6. Change the text in the column headers to now accurately reflect the change.  (i.e. Last Name, First
Name, Middle Name

Checking for a middle initial

If you are breaking up one field, such as Full Name, into several you may have to account for smaller fields such
as a middle initial field that will sometimes be incorrectly spliced into other fields. You can use the Len() formula
to check this as well

To use this technique perform the following:

1. Enter =Len(cell_you_want_to_check_for_the_middle_ initial) in a blank column

2. Copy this formula down to the last data row
3. Sort the data by this newly created length field using Data | Sort
4. Copy & Paste data values as necessary to separate middle initials from last name fields

Stripping out undesirable characters

For the sake of data consistency it is common to remove extra characters such as $,-/.   If you are trying to link
a social security number that has dashes with one that does not you will never get a match.  You can use
the Find|Replace (CTRL F) function to resolve this

To use this technique perform the following:

1. To ensure the Find | Replace works only over the column you wish to work with copy the data column
to a blank worksheet
2. Highlight the column you want to work with and hit CTRL+F. 
3. To remove dashes you would enter “–” in the field labeled Find what:, click the Replace tab and replace
the dash with blanks by hitting the space bar once in the Replace with: field and click Replace.  
4. After performing the Find|Replace copy the properly formatted data back into the original worksheet. 

Combining Data Elements Across Multiple Columns to one Column

To use this technique perform the following:

1. Create a blank column and use the =Concatenate formula as shown above to merge the values
2. Copy this formula down to the last data row
3. Use Copy | Paste Special to copy the newly created values to another blank column
4. Use Find | Replace to change the merged values with valid values.  (ie replace
5. Repeat this process until all merged values are replaced with valid values

Translating Values to be consistent with a target format

1. Create an Excel workbook with three worksheets.  The first will contain the values from the source
table.  The second will be a Field Value Map table to match values used within the source and target
databases.  The third table will contain the formulas need to translate your table. 
2. Map the source values to the target values on the Field Value Map worksheet similar to the table shown.
NOTE: You MUST have your source values listed in ascending order (alphabetically or numerically) for
this to work properly. 
3. For any fields that need value translations use the =VLOOKUP function in Excel to translate the source
database values to the target values.  For values that are not to be translated you can simply use the =
technique described earlier
4. Open a blank workbook.  Use Copy | Paste Special and select to paste the Values on your target
worksheet to the new workbook.  
5. Save the newly translated file.  

Removing erroneous service records

Quite often it is difficult to figure out when a client has left (especially for programs such as street outreach) so
the data records for a recorded service end up having blanks for an exit date.  Blanks can be valid if you are still
servicing the client.  One way to check for erroneous blank conditions is to determine if you have provided the
same client with the same service since the record where the blank exit occurs.   You can do this using
the =AND function as shown


Use of user-defined function sq(x) in Microsoft Excel.

Spreadsheets usually contain a number of supplied functions, such as arithmetic operations (for example,
summations, averages and so forth), trigonometric functions, statistical functions, and so forth. In addition
there is often a provision for user-defined functions. In Microsoft Excel these functions are defined
using Visual Basic for Applications in the supplied Visual Basic editor, and such functions are automatically
accessible on the worksheet. In addition, programs can be written that pull information from the worksheet,
perform some calculations, and report the results back to the worksheet. In the figure, the name sq is user-
assigned, and function sq is introduced using the Visual Basic editor supplied with Excel. Name
Manager displays the spreadsheet definitions of named variables x & y.

Graph made using Microsoft Excel

Many spreadsheet applications permit charts, graphs or histograms to be generated from specified groups
of cells that are dynamically re-built as cell contents change. The generated graphic component can either
be embedded within the current sheet or added as a separate object. To create an Excel histogram, a
formula based on the REPT function can be used.

Animation of a simple spreadsheet that multiplies values in the left column by 2, then sums the calculated
values from the right column to the bottom-most cell. In this example, only the values in the  A  column are
entered (10, 20, 30), and the remainder of cells are formulas. Formulas in the  B  column multiply values
from the A column using relative references, and the formula in  B4  uses the  SUM()  function to find
the sum of values in the  B1:B3  range.

A formula identifies the calculation needed to place the result in the cell it is contained within. A cell
containing a formula therefore has two display components; the formula itself and the resulting value. The
formula is normally only shown when the cell is selected by "clicking" the mouse over a particular cell;
otherwise it contains the result of the calculation.
A formula assigns values to a cell or range of cells, and typically has the format:


where the expression consists of:

 values, such as  2 ,  9.14  or  6.67E-11 ;

 references to other cells, such as, e.g.,  A1  for a single cell or  B1:B3  for a range;
 arithmetic operators, such as  + ,  - ,  * ,  / , and others;
 relational operators, such as  >= ,  < , and others; and,
 functions, such as  SUM() ,  TAN() , and many others.
When a cell contains a formula, it often contains references to other cells. Such a cell reference is a type of
variable. Its value is the value of the referenced cell or some derivation of it. If that cell in turn references
other cells, the value depends on the values of those. References can be relative (e.g.,  A1 , or  B1:B3 ),
absolute (e.g.,  $A$1 , or  $B$1:$B$3 ) or mixed row– or column-wise absolute/relative (e.g.,  $A1  is
column-wise absolute and  A$1  is row-wise absolute).
The available options for valid formulas depends on the particular spreadsheet implementation but, in
general, most arithmetic operations and quite complex nested conditional operations can be performed by
most of today's commercial spreadsheets. Modern implementations also offer functions to access custom-
build functions, remote data, and applications.
A formula may contain a condition (or nested conditions)—with or without an actual calculation—and is
sometimes used purely to identify and highlight errors. In the example below, it is assumed the sum of a
column of percentages (A1 through A6) is tested for validity and an explicit message put into the adjacent
right-hand cell.
=IF(SUM(A1:A6) > 100, "More than 100%", SUM(A1:A6))
Further examples:
=IF(AND(A1<>"",B1<>""),A1/B1,"") means that if both cells A1 and B1 are not <> empty "", then
divide A1 by B1 and display, other do not display anything.
=IF(AND(A1<>"",B1<>""),IF(B1<>0,A1/B1,"Division by zero"),"") means that if cells A1 and B1 are
not empty, and B1 is not zero, then divide A1 by B1, if B1 is zero, then display "Division by zero",
and do not display anything if either A1 and B1 are empty.
=IF(OR(A1<>"",B1<>""),"Either A1 or B1 show text","") means to display the text if either cells A1 or
B1 are not empty.
The best way to build up conditional statements is step by step composing followed by trial and error
testing and refining code.
A spreadsheet does not, in fact, have to contain any formulas at all, in which case it could be considered
merely a collection of data arranged in rows and columns (a database) like a calendar, timetable or simple
list. Because of its ease of use, formatting and hyperlinking capabilities, many spreadsheets are used
solely for this purpose.


Advanced Spreadsheet
If you're a beginner-intermediate spreadsheet user it is important to learn the tricks of the trade. Once you
become a wizard you will never look back. Nothing makes you feel more organized than a perfectionist-pleasing
spreadsheet, am I right?

There are many skills when it comes to executing a good spreadsheet. Keep reading to learn a few advanced
spreadsheet skills that will have the whole office lining up to learn at your hand.

Data Entry, Sorting, and Filtering

Filtering Data
In addition to sorting, you may find that adding a filter allows you to better analyse your data. When data is
filtered, only rows that meet the filter criteria will display and other rows will be hidden. With filtered data,
you can then copy, format, print, etc., your data, without having to sort or move it first. To use a filter,

 Go to the Home ribbon, click the arrow below the Sort & Filtering icon in the Editing group and
choose Filter. 
 Go to the Data ribbon, and then click Filter in the Sort & Filter group.

You will notice that all of your column headings now have an arrow next to the heading name. Click on the
arrow next to the heading with which you want to filter, and you will see a list of all the unique values in that
column. Check the box next to the criteria you wish to match and click OK. Click on the arrow next to
another heading to further filter the data.

To clear the filter, choose one of these options:

 Click on the Filter icon next to the heading and choose Clear Filter from “Name of Heading”.
 Go to the Data ribbon and click the Clear icon in the Sort & Filter group.
 Go to the Home ribbon, click the arrow below the Sort & Filter icon in the Editing group and choose

Filtering Demo
Watch this video for a demonstration of the filtering techniques described above. 
Advanced Filter
In the Sort & Filter group of the Data ribbon, there is an Advanced icon, which evokes the Advanced Filter
dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set a particular criteria, copy results to another location (other
location must be in the same sheet), and capture unique values. 
Sorting Data
For a quick sort, click the arrow below the Sort & Filtering icon in the Editing group of the Home ribbon and
choose the Sort A to Z / Z to A icons in the Sort & Filter group of the Data ribbon. In Excel 2013, these are
labeled Sort Smallest to Largest and vice versa.

For a more complex sort, go to the Home ribbon, click the arrow below the Sort & Filter icon in the Editing
group and choose Custom Sort. This takes you to the same Sort dialog box you get with the Sort icon in the
Sort & Filter group of the Data ribbon.

1. Under Column, choose the first column that you would like to sort. If you want to sort multiple columns,
click the Add Level button.
2. Under Sort On, choose how you would like to sort. Note that Excel can sort by cell or font color in
addition to values.
3. Under Order, choose A to Z (ascending), Z to A (descending), or Custom List.
4. Click OK to perform the sort.

Applying Data Validation


Data validation is a feature in Excel used to control what a user can enter into a cell. For example, you could use data
validation to make sure a value is a number between 1 and 6, make sure a date occurs in the next 30 days, or make
sure a text entry is less than 25 characters.

Data validation can simply display a message to a user telling them what is allowed as shown below:

Data validation can also stop invalid user input. For example, if a product code fails validation, you can display a
message like this:

In addition, data validation can be used to present the user with a predefined choice in a dropdown menu:

This can be a convenient way to give a user exactly the values that meet requirements.

Data validation controls

Data validation is implemented via rules defined in Excel's user interface on the Data tab of the ribbon.

Important limitation

It is important to understand that data validation can be easily defeated. If a user copies data from a cell without
validation to a cell with data validation, the validation is destroyed (or replaced). Data validation is a good way to let
users know what is allowed or expected, but it is not a foolproof way to guarantee input.
Defining data validation rules
Data validation is defined in a window with 3 tabs: Settings, Input Message, and Error Alert:

The settings tab is where you enter validation criteria. There are a number of built-in validation rules with various
options, or you can select Custom, and use your own formula to validate input as seen below:

The Input Message tab defines a message to display when a cell with validation rules is selected. This Input Message
is completely optional. If no input message is set, no message appears when a user selects a cell with data validation
applied. The input message has no effect on what the user can enter — it simply displays a message to let the user
know what is allowed or expected. 

The Error Alert Tab controls how validation is enforced. For example, when style is set to "Stop", invalid data triggers
a window with a message, and the input is not allowed. 
The user sees a message like this:

When style is set to Information or Warning, a different icon is displayed with a custom message, but the user can
ignore the message and enter values that don't pass validation. The table below summarizes behavior for each error
alert option.

Alert Style Behavior

Stops users from entering invalid data in a cell. Users can retry, but must enter a value that passes
data validation. The Stop alert window has two options: Retry and Cancel.

Warns users that data is invalid. The warning does nothing to stop invalid data. The Warning alert
Warning window has three options: Yes (to accept invalid data), No (to edit invalid data) and Cancel (to
remove the invalid data).

Informs users that data is invalid. This message does nothing to stop invalid data. The Information
alert window has 2 options: OK to accept invalid data, and Cancel to remove it.

Data validation options

When a data validation rule is created, there are eight options available to validate user input:

Any Value - no validation is performed. Note: if data validation was previously applied with a set Input Message, the
message will still display when the cell is selected, even when Any Value is selected.
Whole Number - only whole numbers are allowed. Once the whole number option is selected, other options become
available to further limit input. For example, you can require a whole number between 1 and 10.
Decimal - works like the whole number option, but allows decimal values. For example, with the Decimal option
configured to allow values between 0 and 3, values like .5, 2.5, and 3.1 are all allowed.
List - only values from a predefined list are allowed. The values are presented to the user as a dropdown menu
control. Allowed values can be hardcoded directly into the Settings tab, or specified as a range on the worksheet.
Date - only dates are allowed. For example, you can require a date between January 1, 2018 and December 31 2021,
or a date after June 1, 2018.
Time - only times are allowed. For example, you can require a time between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, or only allow
times after 12:00 PM.
Text length - validates input based on number of characters or  digits. For example, you could require code that
contains 5 digits.
Custom - validates user input using a custom formula. In other words, you can write your own formula to validate
input. Custom formulas greatly extend the options for data validation. For example, you could use a formula to ensure
a value is uppercase, a value contains "xyz", or a date is a weekday in the next 45 days.
The settings tab also includes two checkboxes:

Ignore blank - tells Excel to not validate cells that contain no value. In practice, this setting seems to effect only the
command "circle invalid data". When enabled, blank cells are not circled even if they fail validation.
Apply these changes to other cells with the same settings - this setting will update validation applied to other cells
when it matches the (original) validation of the cell(s) being edited.
Note: You can also manually select all cells with data validation applied using Go To + Special, as explained below.
Simple drop down menu

You can provide a dropdown menu of options by hardcoding values into the settings box, or selecting a range on the
worksheet. For example, to restrict entries to the actions "BUY", "HOLD", or "SELL" you can enter these values
separated with commas as seen below:

When applied to a cell in the worksheet, the dropdown menu works like this:

Another way to supply values to a dropdown menu is to use a worksheet reference. For example, with sizes (i.e. small,
medium, etc.) in the range F3:F6, you can supply this range directly inside the data validation settings window:

Note the range is entered as an absolute address to prevent it from changing as the data validation is applied to other
Tip: Click the small arrow icon at the far right of the source field to make a selection directly on the worksheet so you
don't have to enter the range manually.
You can also use named ranges to specify values. For example, with the named range called "sizes" for F3:F7, you can
enter the name directly in the window, starting with an equal sign:
Named ranges are automatically absolute, so they won't change as the data validation is applied to different cells. If
named ranges are new to you, this page has a good overview and a number of related tips.
You can also create dependent dropdown lists with a custom formula.
Tip - if you use a table for dropdown values, Excel will keep expand or contract the table automatically when
dropdown values are added or removed. In other words, Excel will automatically keep the dropdown in sync with
values in the table as values are changed, added, or removed. If you're new to Excel Tables, you can see a demo in this
video on Table shortcuts.
Data validation with a custom formula

Data validation formulas must be logical formulas that return TRUE when input is valid and FALSE when input is
invalid. For example, to allow any number as input in cell A1, you could use the ISNUMBER function in a formula
like this:

If a user enters a value like 10 in A1, ISNUMBER returns TRUE and data validation succeeds. If they enters a value
like "apple" in A1, ISNUMBER returns FALSE and data validation fails.

To enable data validation with a formula, selected "Custom" in the settings tab, then enter a formula in the formula bar
beginning with an equal sign (=) as usual.

Troubleshooting formulas

Excel ignores data validation formulas that return errors. If a formula isn't working, and you can't figure out why, set
up dummy formulas to make sure the formula is performing as you expect. Dummy formulas are simply data
validation formulas entered directly on the worksheet so that you can see what they return easily. The screen below
shows an example:

Once you get the dummy formula working like you want, simply copy and paste it into the data validation formula

If this dummy formula idea is confusing to you, watch this video, which shows how to use dummy formulas to perfect
conditional formatting formulas. The concept is exactly the same.
Data validation formula examples

The possibilities for data validation custom formulas are virtually unlimited. Here are a few examples to give you
some inspiration:

To allow only 5 character values that begin with "z" you could use:

This formula returns TRUE only when a code is 5 digits long and starts with "z". The two circled values return
FALSE with this formula. 
To allow only a date within 30 days of today:

To allow only unique values:

To allow only an email address

Click for more formula examples and detailed explanations

Data validation to circle invalid entries

Once data validation is applied, you can ask Excel to circle previously entered invalid values. On the Data tab of the
ribbon, click Data Validation and select "Circle Invalid Data":

For example, the screen below shows values circled that fail validation with this custom formula:


Find cells with data validation

To find cells with data validation applied, you an use the Go To > Special dialog. Type the keyboard shortcut Control
+ G, then click the Special button. When the Dialog appears, select "Data Validation":
Copy data validation from one cell to another

To copy validation from one cell to other cells. Copy the cell(s) normally that contain the data validation you want,
then use Paste Special + Validation. Once the dialog appears, type "n" to select validation, or click validation with the

Note: you can use the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + V to invoke Paste Special without the mouse.
Clear all data validation

To clear all data validation from a range of cells, make the selection, then click the Data Validation button on the Data
tab of the ribbon. Then click the "Clear All" button:

To clear all data validation from a worksheet, select the entire worksheet, then, follow the same steps above.

Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are one of the most powerful and useful features in Excel. With very little effort, you can use a pivot table
to build good-looking reports for large data sets. This article is an introduction to Pivot Tables and their benefits, and a
step-by-step tutorial with sample data.
Grab the sample data and give it a try. Learning Pivot Tables is a skill that will pay you back again and again. Pivot
tables can dramatically increase your efficiency in Excel.
What is a pivot table?

You can think of a pivot table as a report. However, unlike a static report, a pivot table provides an interactive view of
your data. With very little effort (and no formulas) you can look at the same data from many different perspectives.
You can group data into categories, break down data into years and months, filter data to include or exclude
categories, and even build charts.
The beauty of pivot tables is they allow you to interactively explore your data in different ways.

 Sample data
 Insert Pivot table
 Add fields
 Sort by value
 Refresh data
 Second value field
 Apply number formatting
 Group by date
 Add percent of total
 Benefits summary
 More resources
Step by step tutorial

To understand pivot tables, you need to work with them yourself. In this section, we'll build several pivot tables step-
by-step from a set of sample data. With experience, the pivot tables below can be built in about 5 minutes.

Sample data

The sample data contains 452 records with 5 fields of information: Date, Color, Units, Sales, and Region. This data is
perfect for a pivot table.

Data in a proper Excel Table named "Table1". Excel Tables are a great way to build pivot tables, because they
automatically adjust as data is added or removed. 
Note: I know this data is very generic. But generic data is good for understanding pivot tables – you don't want to get
tripped up on on a detail when learning the fun parts.
Insert Pivot Table

1. To start off, select any cell in the data and click Pivot Table on the Insert tab of the ribbon:
Excel will display the Create Pivot Table window. Notice the data range is already filled in. The default location for a
new pivot table is New Worksheet.
2. Override the default location and enter H4 to place the pivot table on the current worksheet:

3. Click OK, and Excel builds an empty pivot table starting in cell H4.

Note: there are good reasons to place a pivot table on a different worksheet. However, when learning pivot tables, it's
helpful to see both the source data and the pivot table at the same time.
Excel also displays the PivotTable Fields pane, which is empty at this point. Note all five fields are listed, but unused:

To build a pivot table, drag fields into one the Columns, Rows, or Values area. The Filters area is used to apply global
filters to a pivot table.

Note: the pivot table fields pane shows how fields were used to create a pivot table. Learning to "read" the fields pane
takes a bit of practice. See below and also here for more examples.
Add fields

1. Drag the Sales field to the Values area.

Excel calculates a grand total, 26356. This is the sum of all sales values in the entire data set:
2. Drag the Color field to the Rows area.

Excel breaks out sales by Color. You can see Blue is the top seller, while Red comes in last:

Notice the Grand Total remains 26356. This makes sense, because we are still reporting on the full set of data.

Let's take a look at the fields pane at this point. You can see Color is a Row field, and Sales is a Value field:

Number formatting

Pivot Tables can apply and maintain number formatting automatically to numeric fields. This is a big time-saver when
data changes frequently.

1. Right-click any Sales number and choose Number Format:

2. Apply Currency formatting with zero decimal places, the click OK:

In the resulting pivot table, all sales values have Currency format applied:

Currency format will continue to be applied to Sales values, even when the pivot table is reconfigured, or new data is

Sorting by value

1. Right-click any Sales value and choose Sort > Largest to Smallest.
Excel now lists top-selling colors first. This sort order will be maintained when data changes, or when the pivot table
is reconfigured. 

Refresh data

Pivot table data needs to be "refreshed" in order to bring in updates. To reinforce how this works, we'll make a big
change to the source data and watch it flow into the pivot table.

1. Select cell F5 and change $11.00 to $2000.

2. Right-click anywhere in the pivot table and select "Refresh".

Notice "Red" is now the top selling color, and automatically moves to the top:
3. Change F5 back to $11.00 and refresh the pivot again.

Note: changing F5 to $2000 is not realistic, but it's a good way to force a change you can easily see in the pivot table.
Try changing an existing color to something new, like "Gold" or "Black". When you refresh, you'll see the new color
appear. You can use undo to go back to original data and pivot.
Second value field

You can add more than one field as a Value field.

1. Drag Units to the Value area to see Sales and Units together:

Percent of total

There are different ways to display values. One option is to show values as a percent of total. If you want to display
the same field in different ways, add the field twice.

1. Remove the Units from the Values area

2. Add the Sales field (again) to the Values area.

3. Right-click the second instance and choose "% of grand total":

The result is a breakdown by color along with a percent of total:

Note: the number format for percentage has also been adjusted to show 1 decimal.
Here is the Fields pane at this point:

Group by date

Pivot tables have a special feature to group dates into units like years, months, and quarters. This grouping can be

1. Remove the second Sales field (Sales2). 

2. Drag the Date field to the Columns area.

3. Right-click a date in the header area and choose "Group":

4. When the Group window appears, group by Years only (deselect Months and Quarters):

We now have a pivot table that groups sales by color and year:

Notice there are no sales of Silver in 2016 and 2017. We can guess that Silver was introduced as a new color in 2018.
Pivot tables often reveal patterns in data that are difficult to see otherwise.

Here is the Fields pane at this point:

Two-way Pivot

Pivot tables can plot data in various two-dimensional arrangements.

1. Drag the Date field out of the columns area

2. Drag Region into the Columns area.

Excel builds a two-way pivot table that breaks down sales by color and region:

3. Swap Region and Color (i.e. drag Region to the Rows area and Color to the Columns area). 

Excel builds another two-dimensional pivot table:

Again notice total sales ($26,356) is the same in all pivot tables above. Each table presents a different view of
the same data, so they all sum to the same total.
The above example shows how quickly you can build different pivot tables from the same data. You can create many
other kinds of pivot tables, using all kinds of data.
Key Pivot Table benefits

Simplicity. Basic pivot tables are very simple to set up and customize. There is no need to learn complicated
Speed. You can create a good-looking, useful report with a pivot table in minutes. Even if you are very good with
formulas, pivot tables are faster to set up and require much less effort.
Flexibility. Unlike formulas, pivot tables don't lock you into a particular view of your data. You can quickly rearrage
the pivot table to suit your needs. You can even clone a pivot table and build a separate view.
Accuracy. As long as a pivot table is set up correctly, you can rest assured results are accurate. In fact, a pivot table
will often highlight problems in the data faster than any other tool.
Formatting. A Pivot table can apply automatically apply consistent number and style formatting, even as data
Updates. Pivot tables are designed for on-going updates. If you base a pivot table on an Excel Table, the table resize
as needed with new data. All you need to do is click Refresh, and your pivot table will show you the latest.
Filtering. Pivot tables contain several tools for filtering data. Need to look at North America and Asia, but exclude
Europe? A pivot table makes it simple.
Charts. Once you have a pivot table, you can easily create a pivot chart.
Creating a Chart
To insert a chart, select the data you wish to appear in the chart, and then go to the Insert ribbon (if the
data is non-contiguous, you can select one set, and hold down the Control key on the keyboard to select
the second set). In the Charts group, choose the desired type of chart. Click on the arrow below the type
icon to see the sub-types. Excel 2013 also includes an option to browse Recommended Charts, which
shows you the chart types that best fit your data.
By default, the chart will appear directly on the spreadsheet where your data is; when the chart is selected,
you will see additional ribbons. In Excel 2010, you have the Design, Layout, and Format Ribbons. In Excel
2013, you have Design and Format. The 'Layout' options have been consolidated into the Design ribbon.

Modifying Charts
Once your chart appears in Excel, there are many ways to modify the way it looks and its location. A few
ways are described below, but explore to find more! In all cases, you have to select the chart first to access
Chart Tools.

 To add any labels (for example, the title or axes), under the Design ribbon, click Add Chart Element
in the Chart Layouts group and select the desired label.
 To change the chart type, data, or location, use the Chart Tools Design ribbon.

From the Chart Tools Format ribbon, you can select an element on the chart (for example, a series), then
choose the Format Selection icon in the Current Selection group. With the Formatting Task pane, you can
change the shape, style and color.
Excel Charts - Types

Excel provides you different types of charts that suit your purpose. Based on the type of data, you can
create a chart. You can also change the chart type later.
Excel offers the following major chart types −

 Column Chart
 Line Chart
 Pie Chart
 Doughnut Chart
 Bar Chart
 Area Chart
 XY (Scatter) Chart
 Bubble Chart
 Stock Chart
 Surface Chart
 Radar Chart
 Combo Chart
Each of these chart types have sub-types. In this chapter, you will have an overview of the different chart
types and get to know the sub-types for each chart type.
Column Chart
A Column Chart typically displays the categories along the horizontal (category) axis and values along the
vertical (value) axis. To create a column chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A column chart has the following sub-types −

 Clustered Column.
 Stacked Column.
 100% Stacked Column.
 3-D Clustered Column.
 3-D Stacked Column.
 3-D 100% Stacked Column.
 3-D Column.
Line Chart
Line charts can show continuous data over time on an evenly scaled Axis. Therefore, they are ideal for
showing trends in data at equal intervals, such as months, quarters or years.
In a Line chart −

 Category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis.

 Value data is distributed evenly along the vertical axis.
To create a Line chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Line chart has the following sub-types −

 Line
 Stacked Line
 100% Stacked Line
 Line with Markers
 Stacked Line with Markers
 100% Stacked Line with Markers
 3-D Line
Pie Chart
Pie charts show the size of items in one data series, proportional to the sum of the items. The data points
in a pie chart are shown as a percentage of the whole pie. To create a Pie Chart, arrange the data in one
column or row on the worksheet.
A Pie Chart has the following sub-types −

 Pie
 3-D Pie
 Pie of Pie
 Bar of Pie
Doughnut Chart
A Doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole. It is similar to a Pie Chart with the only
difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data series, whereas, a Pie Chart can contain
only one data series.
A Doughnut Chart contains rings and each ring representing one data series. To create a Doughnut Chart,
arrange the data in columns or rows on a worksheet.
Bar Chart
Bar Charts illustrate comparisons among individual items. In a Bar Chart, the categories are organized
along the vertical axis and the values are organized along the horizontal axis. To create a Bar Chart,
arrange the data in columns or rows on the Worksheet.
A Bar Chart has the following sub-types −

 Clustered Bar
 Stacked Bar
 100% Stacked Bar
 3-D Clustered Bar
 3-D Stacked Bar
 3-D 100% Stacked Bar
Area Chart
Area Charts can be used to plot the change over time and draw attention to the total value across a trend.
By showing the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also shows the relationship of parts to a whole. To
create an Area Chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
An Area Chart has the following sub-types −

 Area
 Stacked Area
 100% Stacked Area
 3-D Area
 3-D Stacked Area
 3-D 100% Stacked Area
XY (Scatter) Chart
XY (Scatter) charts are typically used for showing and comparing numeric values, like scientific, statistical,
and engineering data.
A Scatter chart has two Value Axes −
 Horizontal (x) Value Axis
 Vertical (y) Value Axis
It combines x and y values into single data points and displays them in irregular intervals, or clusters. To
create a Scatter chart, arrange the data in columns and rows on the worksheet.
Place the x values in one row or column, and then enter the corresponding y values in the adjacent rows
or columns.
Consider using a Scatter chart when −
 You want to change the scale of the horizontal axis.
 You want to make that axis a logarithmic scale.
 Values for horizontal axis are not evenly spaced.
 There are many data points on the horizontal axis.
 You want to adjust the independent axis scales of a scatter chart to reveal more information about
data that includes pairs or grouped sets of values.
 You want to show similarities between large sets of data instead of differences between data
 You want to compare many data points regardless of the time.
o The more data that you include in a scatter chart, the better the comparisons you can make.

A Scatter chart has the following sub-types −

 Scatter
 Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers
 Scatter with Smooth Lines
 Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers
 Scatter with Straight Lines
Bubble Chart
A Bubble chart is like a Scatter chart with an additional third column to specify the size of the bubbles it
shows to represent the data points in the data series.
A Bubble chart has the following sub-types −

 Bubble
 Bubble with 3-D effect
Stock Chart
As the name implies, Stock charts can show fluctuations in stock prices. However, a Stock chart can also
be used to show fluctuations in other data, such as daily rainfall or annual temperatures.
To create a Stock chart, arrange the data in columns or rows in a specific order on the worksheet. For
example, to create a simple high-low-close Stock chart, arrange your data with High, Low, and Close
entered as Column headings, in that order.
A Stock chart has the following sub-types −

 High-Low-Close
 Open-High-Low-Close
 Volume-High-Low-Close
 Volume-Open-High-Low-Close
Surface Chart
A Surface chart is useful when you want to find the optimum combinations between two sets of data. As in
a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values.
To create a Surface chart −

 Ensure that both the categories and the data series are numeric values.
 Arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Surface chart has the following sub-types −

 3-D Surface
 Wireframe 3-D Surface
 Contour
 Wireframe Contour
Radar Chart
Radar charts compare the aggregate values of several data series. To create a Radar chart, arrange the
data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
A Radar chart has the following sub-types −

 Radar
 Radar with Markers
 Filled Radar
Combo Chart
Combo charts combine two or more chart types to make the data easy to understand, especially when the
data is widely varied. It is shown with a secondary axis and is even easier to read. To create a Combo
chart, arrange the data in columns and rows on the worksheet.
A Combo chart has the following sub-types −

 Clustered Column – Line

 Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis
 Stacked Area – Clustered Column
 Custom Combination
Select a Worksheet
When you open an Excel workbook, Excel automatically selects Sheet1 for you. The name of the worksheet
appears on its sheet tab at the bottom of the document window.

Insert a Worksheet
You can insert as many worksheets as you want. To quickly insert a new worksheet, click the plus sign at
the bottom of the document window.


Rename a Worksheet
To give a worksheet a more specific name, execute the following steps.

1. Right click on the sheet tab of Sheet1.

2. Choose Rename.

3. For example, type Sales 2016.

Move a Worksheet
To move a worksheet, click on the sheet tab of the worksheet you want to move and drag it into the new

1. For example, click on the sheet tab of Sheet2 and drag it before Sales 2016.


Delete a Worksheet
To delete a worksheet, right click on a sheet tab and choose Delete.

1. For example, delete Sheet2.

Copy a Worksheet
Imagine, you have got the sales for 2016 ready and want to create the exact same sheet for 2017, but with
different data. You can recreate the worksheet, but this is time-consuming. It's a lot easier to copy the entire
worksheet and only change the numbers.

1. Right click on the sheet tab of Sales 2016.

2. Choose Move or Copy.

The 'Move or Copy' dialog box appears.

3. Select (move to end) and check Create a copy.

4. Click OK.


Note: you can even copy a worksheet to another Excel workbook by selecting the specific workbook from
the drop-down list (see the dialog box shown earlier).

Unit -4
Presentation software

A presentation program is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show. It
has three major functions: an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, a method for inserting and
manipulating graphic images, and a slide-show system to display the content. Presentation software can be
viewed as enabling a functionally-specific category of electronic media, with its own distinct culture and
practices as compared to traditional presentation media.

PowerPoint includes all of the features you need to produce professional-looking presentations. When you create
a PowerPoint presentation, it is made up of a series of slides. The slides contain the information you want to
communicate with your audience. This information can include text, pictures, charts, video, and sound.

Before you begin adding information to slides, you'll need to know the basics of working with slides. In this lesson,
you will learn how to insert new slides, modify a layout, and change your presentation view.
Slide basics

Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of slides. To begin creating a slide show, you'll need to
know the basics of working with slides. You'll need to feel comfortable with tasks such as inserting a new
slide, changing the layout of a slide, arranging existing slides, changing slide view, and adding notes to a slide.

Optional: You can download this example for extra practice.

About slides

Slides contain placeholders, which are areas on the slide that are enclosed by dotted borders. Placeholders can
contain many different items, including text, pictures, and charts. Some placeholders have placeholder text, or
text you can replace. They also have thumbnail-sized icons that represent specific commands such as Insert
Picture, Insert Chart, and Insert ClipArt. In PowerPoint, hover over each icon to see the type of content you can
insert in a placeholder.

About slide layouts

Placeholders are arranged in different layouts that can be applied to existing slides or chosen when you insert a
new slide. A slide layout arranges your content using different types of placeholders, depending on what
information you might want to include in your presentation.

In the example above, the layout is called Title and Content and includes title and content placeholders. While
each layout has a descriptive name, you can also tell from the image of the layout how the placeholders will be
Customizing slide layouts

To change the layout of an existing slide:

1. Select the slide you want to change.

2. Click the Layout command in the Slides group on the Home tab. A menu will appear with your


3. Choose a layout from the menu. The slide will change in the presentation.
To delete a placeholder:

You can easily customize your layout by deleting unwanted—or extra—placeholders from any slide.

1. Position your mouse on the dotted border of the placeholder so it changes to a cross

with arrows  .
2. Click the border to select it.

3. Press Backspace or Delete on your keyboard. The placeholder will be removed from the slide.

To add a text box:

Text boxes allow you to add to your current layout, so you can place text wherever you want on your slide.

1. From the Insert tab, click the Text Box command.

2. Your cursor will turn into an upside-down cross  .

3. Click, hold, and drag your mouse to draw a text box. A text box will appear.

Explore our Text Basics lesson to learn more about inserting and using text boxes in PowerPoint 2010.

Using PowerPoint Effectively

You can take many courses on how to use PowerPoint from a technical standpoint, but when it is used effectively, it
can add tremendously to our presentations. Here are ten secrets based on years of experience in developing and using
presentation slides that will help you move from being technically proficient to using PowerPoint effectively.
1. Start by creating an outline
The most important part of any presentation is the content, not the graphical appeal. That is why you should develop
your presentation with the content first, before deciding on the look (colours, graphics, etc.) Create a good structure
for your presentation by reflecting on the goal of the presentation (more details in this article), what your audience is
thinking right now, and what points you need to make in order to move the audience from where they are to where
you want them to be (like a GPS). Write an outline on paper or use sticky notes so you can move ideas around. By
creating an outline first, you ensure that the content of your presentation is solid before you concern yourself with the
visual elements. Here are links to some articles that deal with common types of presentations: Status
Update, Presenting a Recommendation, and a Sales presentation.
2. Use Contrasting Colours
If you want your audience to be able to see what you have on the slide, there needs to be a lot of contrast between the
text colour and the background colour. I suggest a dark background with light text – I usually use a medium to dark
blue background and white or yellow letters. Some prefer a light background and dark letters, which will also work
well - which you choose will depend on personal preference. Don’t think that just because the text looks fine on your
computer screen that it will look fine when projected. Most projectors make colours duller than they appear on a
screen, and you should check how your colours look when projected to make sure there is still enough contrast.  To
check that your colors have enough contrast, use the Color Contrast Calculator. Use the tool in this article to take into
account the challenges of those who have color deficiency.
3. Use a big enough font
When deciding what font size to use in your presentation, make sure it is big enough so that the audience can read it.  I
usually find that any font size less than 24 point is too small to be reasonably read in most presentation situations.  I
would prefer to see most text at a 28- or 32-point size, with titles being 36 to 44 point size.  The only reason I would
use a font less than 24 point is when adding explanatory text to a graph or diagram, where you could use a 20 point
font size.  If you are given a small screen in a big room, your font will look smaller because the image will not be as
big as it should be.  In this case, see if you can get a larger screen, use a wall instead of a screen to project on, move
the chairs closer to the screen or remove the last few rows of chairs.  I've put together a chart that lists how far away
the last row of your audience should be based on the size of screen, font size and visual acuity testing -use the Font
Size chart here. (If you are selecting colors and fonts to design a PowerPoint template, you will want to get the book
Building PowerPoint Templates Step by step with the experts. Read more and order here.)
4. Stop the moving text
When text comes on the screen, we want the audience to read the text, then focus back on the presenter to hear the
message. If the text moves onto the screen in any way – such as flying in, spiral or zooming – it makes it harder for
the audience members to read since they have to wait until the text has stopped before they can read it. This makes the
presenter wait longer between each point and makes the audience members focus more on the movement than on what
is being said. I suggest the use of the "Appear" effect, which just makes the text appear and is the easiest for the
audience to read. This article explains how proper use of builds helps focus the audience. So you don't have to stand
beside your computer to advance each build on the slide, use this remote, the one I have relied on for over a decade.
5. Turn the pointer off
During a presentation, it is very annoying to have the pointer (the little arrow) come on the screen while the presenter
is speaking. It causes movement on the screen and draws the audience attention from the presenter to the screen. The
pointer comes on when the mouse is moved during the presentation. To prevent this from happening, after the Slide
Show view has started, press the Ctrl-H key combination. This prevents mouse movement from showing the pointer.
If you need to bring the pointer on screen after this, press the A key. If the pointer does appear during your
presentation, resist the urge to press the Escape key – if you do, it will stop the presentation and drop you back into the
program. Press the A key or Ctrl-H to make the pointer disappear.
6. Use visuals instead of text slides
Every two years I ask audiences what annoys them about bad PowerPoint presentations.  The latest survey confirms
that audiences are more fed up than ever with the overload of text on slides (see the latest survey results here).  Instead
of using slides that only contain text, use visuals such as graphs, diagrams, photos and media clips to engage the
audience (see the SlideShare below for some ideas). I've developed a method for selecting visuals in my book Select
Effective Visuals. Do you use Excel data in PowerPoint? If so, read this page with advice on presenting financial
information effectively.
7. Have Slides at the End of Your Presentation
The last slide you speak to should not be the last slide in your presentation file. You should have three identical copies
of your last speaking slide so that if you accidentally advance one too many times at the end of your presentation, your
audience never knows because you don’t drop into the program, the slide looks like it has not changed. After these
slides, you should include some slides that answer questions that you expect to be asked. These slides will be useful
during Q&A sessions after the presentation. The final slide should be a blank slide so that if you go through all the
other slides, you have a final backup from dropping into the program.
8. Be able to Jump to Any Slide
PowerPoint has a feature that allows you to be able to move quickly and seamlessly to any slide in your presentation.
To do so, you need to know the slide numbers. The easiest way to print a list of the slide numbers and associated slide
titles is to go to the Outline View and collapse the details for each slide (there is a button on the left side of the screen
in this view that will do this). Then print the view. To jump to any slide, just enter the slide number on the keyboard
and press the Enter key. This will move you directly to that slide. This technique is very useful for moving to a
prepared Q&A slide or for skipping parts of your presentation if time becomes an issue.
9. Blank the screen
Sometimes we want the image on the screen to disappear so that the audience is focused solely on the presenter. There
are two ways to do this. The first is if you want to blank the screen with a black image, similar to shutting the
projector off (we used to do this all the time with overhead projectors by just shutting the projector off). Just press the
period key (.) on the keyboard and the image is replaced with a black image. Press the period key again and the image
is restored. This article explains three uses for a black slide that blanks the screen. Using a remote, such as the one I
rely on, allows you to blank the screen without having to be at your laptop.
10. Draw on the screen during a presentation
Sometimes it can be valuable to be able to draw on the screen during your presentation to illustrate a particular point
or item. This can be done in the following way. Press the Ctrl-P key combination to display a pen on the screen. Then,
using the left mouse button, draw on the slide as you wish. To erase what you have drawn, press the E key. To hide
the pen, press the A key or the Ctrl-H key combination.
When you employ these secrets to use PowerPoint effectively, you will greatly enhance your audience’s
understanding of your message and help to make your presentation the best it can be. 

To add a text box:

Text boxes allow you to add to your current layout, so you can place text wherever you want on your slide.

1. From the Insert tab, click the Text Box command.

2. Your cursor will turn into an upside-down cross  .

3. Click, hold, and drag your mouse to draw a text box. A text box will appear.

Explore our Text Basics lesson to learn more about inserting and using text boxes in PowerPoint 2010.
To save a presentation:
It's important to save your presentation whenever you start a new project or make changes to an existing one.
Saving early and often can prevent your work from being lost. You'll also need to pay close attention to where you
save the presentation so it will be easy to find later.
1. Locate and select the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar.

2. If you're saving the file for the first time, the Save As pane will appear in Backstage view.
3. You'll then need to choose where to save the file and give it a file name. Click Browse to select a
location on your computer. Alternatively, you can click OneDrive to save the file to your OneDrive.

4. The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location where you want to save the presentation.
5. Enter a file name for the presentation, then click Save.
6. The presentation will be saved. You can click the Save command again to save your changes as you
modify the presentation.
You can also access the Save command by pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard.
Working with images
Adding clip art and pictures to your presentation can be a great way to illustrate important information or add
decorative accents to existing text. You can insert images from your computer, search Microsoft's large selection
of clip art to find the image you need, or add a screenshot of your own. Once an image has been inserted, you can
resize and move it to the location you want.
Optional: You can download this example for extra practice.
To insert an image from a file:
1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click the Picture command in the Images group. The Insert Picture dialog box appears.

3. Select the desired image file, then click Insert.

4. The picture will appear in your slide.

You can also select the Insert Picture from File command in a placeholder to insert images.
To locate clip art:
1. Select the Insert tab.
2. Click the Clip Art command in the Images group.

3. The clip art options appear in the task pane to the right of the document.
4. Enter keywords in the Search for: field that are related to the image you want to insert.
5. Click the drop-down arrow in the Results should be: field.
6. Deselect any types of media you do not want to see.

7. If you want to also search for clip art on, place a check mark next to Include
content. Otherwise, it will just search for clip art on your computer.
8. Click Go.
To insert clip art:
1. Review the results from a clip art search in the Clip Art pane.
2. Select the desired image.

3. The clip art will appear in your slide.

You can also select the Insert Clip Art from File command in a placeholder to insert clip art.
Resizing and moving images
To resize an image:
1. Click the image.
2. Position your mouse over any one of the corner sizing handles. The cursor will become a pair of
directional arrows .
3. Click, hold, and drag your mouse until the image is the desired size.

4. Release the mouse. The image will be resized.

The side sizing handles change the image's size but do not keep the same proportions. If you want to keep the
image's proportions, always use the corner handles.
To move an image:

1. Click the image. The cursor will turn into a cross with arrows .
2. While holding down the mouse button, drag the image to the desired location.

3. Release the mouse button. The box will be moved.

To rotate the image, click and drag on the green circle located at the top of the image.
To add sound:
1. Select the slide that includes the transition you want to modify.
2. Click the Sound drop-down menu in the Timing group.
3. You will hear the sound and see a live preview of the transition as you hover over each sound.
4. Click a sound to apply it to the selected slide.
Working with slides
To insert a new slide:
1. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the New Slide command to open the menu of slide
layout options.

2. Select the slide you want to insert.

3. A new slide will be added your presentation.

To instantly add a slide that uses the same layout as the one you have selected, click the top half of the New
Slide command.
To copy and paste a slide:
1. On the Slides tab in the left pane, select the slide you want to copy.
2. Click the Copy command on the Home tab. You can also right-click your selection and choose Copy.
3. In the left pane, click just below a slide—or between two slides—to choose the location where you
want the copy to appear. A horizontal insertion point will mark the location.

4. Click the Paste command on the Home tab. You can also right-click and choose Paste. The copied
slide will appear.
To select multiple slides, press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and click the slides you want to select.
To duplicate a slide:
An alternative to copying and pasting, duplicating slides copies the selected slide and—in one step—pastes it
directly underneath. This feature does not allow you to choose the location of the copied slide, nor does it offer
Paste Options for advanced users, so it's more convenient for quickly inserting similar slides.
1. Select the slide you want to duplicate.
2. Click the New Slide command.
3. Choose Duplicate Selected Slides from the drop-down menu.

4. A copy of the selected slide appears underneath the original.

To delete a slide:
1. Select the slide you want to delete.
2. Press the Delete or Backspace key on your keyboard.
To move a slide:
1. Select the slide you want to move.
2. Click, hold, and drag your mouse to a new location. A horizontal insertion point will mark the
3. Release the mouse button. The slide will appear in the new location.
Managing slides and presentations
As you add slides to your presentation, PowerPoint offers a variety of views and tools to help you organize and
prepare your slide show.
About slide views
It's important to be able to access the different slide views and use them for various tasks. The slide view
commands are located on the bottom-right of the PowerPoint window in Normal view.

Normal view: This is the default view where you create and edit your slides. You can also move slides in the Slides
tab in the pane on the left.

Slide Sorter view: In this view, miniature slides are arranged on the screen. You can drag and drop slides to easily
reorder them and to see more slides at one time. This is a good view to use to confirm that you have all the needed
slides and that none have been deleted.
Reading view: This view fills most of the computer screen with a preview of your presentation. Unlike Slide Show
view, it includes easily accessible buttons for navigation, located at the bottom-right.

Slide Show view: This view completely fills the computer screen and is what the audience will see when they view
the presentation. Slide Show view has an additional menu that appears when you hover over it, allowing you to
navigate slides and access other features you can use during a presentation.

Use the keys on your keyboard—including the arrow keys, Page Up and Page Down keys, spacebar, and Enter key
—to move through the slides in Slide Show view. Press the Esc key to end the slide show.
Adding notes to slides
PowerPoint gives you the ability to add notes to your slides—often called speaker notes—to help you deliver or
prepare for your presentation. You can enter and view your speaker notes using the Notes pane or the Notes Page
To use the Notes pane:
1. Locate the Notes pane at the bottom of the screen, directly below the Slide pane.
2. Click and drag the edge of the pane to make it larger or smaller.
3. Type your notes in the Notes pane.

To use Notes Page view:

1. Go to the View tab.
2. Click the Notes Page command in the Presentation Views group.

3. Type your notes in the text box, or use the scroll bar to review your slides.

To create a simple chart from scratch in PowerPoint, click Insert > Chart and pick the chart you

1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Chart.
2. In the Insert Chart dialog box, click the arrows to scroll through the chart types. ...
3. Edit the data in Excel 2010. ...
4. Click the File tab and then click Close.

Add a Quick Style to a line

Quick Styles for lines include theme colors from the document theme, shadows, line styles, gradients, and
three-dimensional (3-D) perspectives. When you position your pointer over a Quick Style thumbnail, you
can see how the style affects your line. Try different Quick Styles until you find one that you like.
1. Select the line you want to change.
If you want to change multiple lines, select the first line, and then press and hold Ctrl while you select the
other lines.
2. On the Format tab, click the Quick Style you want.

To add header & footer information on your slides

You can add information like a presentation title or the words ‘Company Confidential’ to the bottom of your
slides. You can also add things like the date and time, and slide numbers.
1. Click INSERT > Header & Footer.
2. On the Slide tab, check Footer.
3. In the box below Footer, type the text that you want, such as the presentation title.
4. Check Date and time to add that to your slides.
5. Check Slide number to add that to your slides.
6. To stop the footer from appearing on the title slide, check Don't show on title slide.
7. Click Apply to All. Or, if you want the footer information only on the selected slide, click Apply instead
of Apply to All.

To make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging, you can spruce it up with multimedia.
Here are 7 easy ways you can enhance it with music, images, and videos.
1. Crop Pictures to Fit Shapes
Shapes are a great way to make a PowerPoint presentation as visual as possible, giving you clear
areas that draw the eye and make information easy to understand. To add even more visual flair, you
can also crop an image to make it automatically fit inside your shape.

2. Play Music in the Background During a Presentation

Here’s a fun tip: punch up your PowerPoint presentation with some tunes. While playing music in the
background certainly isn’t always appropriate, adding audio for the duration of your presentation is an
easy process that can make your slides a bit more interesting.

3. Combine Shapes to Create a Custom Shape

Sometimes, if you’re working on a presentation in PowerPoint, the standard shapes in the program
might not suit your needs. We’ll show you how to merge multiple shapes to create your own custom
4. Add Sound Effects to Animations
The more interesting your PowerPoint slides are, the more engaged your audience will be. A great way
to spice up your bullet points or images in a slide is to not only add animation, but to also  add audio to
the animation.
5. Remove the Background from a Picture
The Remove Background feature in PowerPoint 2016 helps you eliminate distracting backgrounds so
the important parts of your image are front and centre. In a few simple steps, you can create
praiseworthy presentations and nobody will ever know you did all that fancy image editing right within

6. Insert a Screenshot or Screen Clipping

A PowerPoint deck is a prime example of an Office document that brings together many types of rich
media. And when you have a presentation with more than 20 slides, importing files can be tedious and
take a lot of time. To help ease the time on image importing, the built-in screenshot button can speed
up your PowerPoint deck creation.

7. Embed YouTube Videos

Incorporating rich media in your PowerPoint presentation is a sure way to keep your audience more
interested. In PowerPoint 2013/2016, it’s as simple as a few clicks to embed a YouTube video into a
slide. Whether you’re embedding a specific video, or need a clip from a famous movie to use as an
analogy, find the right video and load it in your presentation in a matter of seconds.

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