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Identify figures of speech that
show emphasis (hyperbole
and litotes)
Hyperbole, derived from a Greek word meaning “over-casting,” is a figure of
speech that involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis. It is a
device that we employ in our day-to-day speech.Therefore, a hyperbole is an
unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation. is important not to
confuse hyperbole with simile and metaphor. It does make a comparison, like
simile and metaphor. Rather, hyperbole has a humorous effect created by an
My grandmother is as old as the hills.
Your suitcase weighs a ton!
She is as heavy as an elephant!
I am dying of shame.
I am trying to solve a million issues these
Litotes, derived from a Greek word meaning
“simple,” is a figure of speech that employs an
understatement by using double negatives or, in
other words, a positive statement expressed by
negating its opposite expressions. Litotes
therefore, is an intentional use of understatement
that renders an ironic effect.
• They do not seem the happiest couple around.
• The ice cream was not too bad.
• Pasay is not an ordinary city.
• Your comments on politics are not useless.
• You are not as young as you used to be
Encircle the sentence that uses hyperbole. Find and
underline the specific part of the sentence that makes it
an exaggeration.

1. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.

2. These are the worst pancakes I have ever eaten
3. I like my teacher a lot.
4. It’s taking you a million years to get ready.
5. This is the best pizza in the whole wide world.
6. This suitcase weighs a ton.
7. The baby’s smile was a mile wide.
Litotes is an understatement used to emphasize the effect of ideas expressed in a
phrase, sometimes by using the negative of a word to mean the opposite. Identify the
correct answer containing litotes

1. I suffered from insomnia the night before I was due to take a flight to Manila, but
eventually managed to get to sleep. When the alarm woke me up, I said…
A. I barely got no sleep last night.
B. I did not dream about Jeannie
C. I slept a snug as a bug in a rug
D. The alarm clock woke me up too early
2. After I got dressed, I looked out the window and saw that the sun was shining and the sky
blue. Then I say
A. Where did I put my umbrella?
B. Red sky at night, shepherds delight
C. The weather is not unpleasant at al
D. Another sunny day in paradise
3. Which of the following options is a litotes? –My response - as when I got to the airport, I found out that
my flight had been delayed.
A. Is there an alternative flight to Manila?
B. I am not a little upset C
. Where is the nearest bar?
D. I would like to make a compensation claim
4. Settled on the plane and well into my journey, the flight attendant asked whether I had enjoyed
breakfast. What was my response using litotes?
A. The food was very good
B. The food was cold
C. The food tasted like cardboard
D. The food was not bad
5. I was sitting next to a man with a large scar across his face.
What might have been my first impression, using litotes?
A. He’s no oil painting B. Is it painful?
C. I wonder how he got that?
D. I’m sure he could benefit from a plastic surgeon
6. Talking with my fellow passenger, we started discussing current affairs
when the man with the scar said “Global warming is not cool”. What was my
reply using litotes? A. My feet are cold
B. My log fire is very warming
C. I couldn’t disagree less
D. Save the whale! 7
. What litotes did I think when another passenger on the plane said he was on
the wrong flight?
A. He should have asked before he got on the plane
B. I wonder why he got on the wrong flight?
C. He’s not the brightest bulb in the class
D. Davao is in the opposite direction
8. Feeling sleepy, I put on my headphones and listened to Tom Jones singing.
Which of these lyrical litotes was I listening to?
A. There’s that old oak tree I used to play on
B. Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary
C. It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home
D. It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone
9. Suddenly, the pilot’s voice could be heard speaking. Because of the air turbulence, the
plane was being diverted to another city. Which sentence with litotes did I hear him say?
A. Please stay in your seats and relax.
B. I cannot find nowhere to land
C. This is your captain speaking '
D. Fasten your seatbelts

10. The plane eventually landed safely in Manila, and when I was collected by a yellow cab, I
said what to the driver using litotes in my sentence?
A. I don’t feel like going home anymore.
B. Are there no proper waiting areas out here?
C. This is no ordinary city.
D. Why don’t they sound okay?
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