Garbage Is Everywhere

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Garbage is everywhere, aside from the fact

that in our modern economy more

disposable materials are develop and
produce by different businesses. This is one
of the problems that facing by our country.
By this time we are all aware by the fact
that in our modern time where nothing is
free except from the pollute air that we
breath. It’s not just pollution that we gets
out of garbage but the diseases such as
asthma, birth defects, cancer, childhood
cancer, COPD (Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease COPD is the new name
for two major breathing disease that cause
airways to become “obstructed” or
blocked.), infectious diseases, low birth
weight, and preterm delivery that we can
get by the increasing waste of our nature.
As a citizen of our country we are
responsible for the development and
growth of economy including to keep our
environment clean and make it safe for us
and for the next generation. Air pollution,
climate change, soil and water
contaminations is going to be our problems
if we don’t take the responsibility of taking
care of our environment.

With this problem we are that one who can

blame because as a person our
responsibility is to taking good care of our
surroundings, but as we can see most of us
are knowledgeable on how to maintain
cleanliness and orderliness of our
community especially the segregation of
garbage and the proper disposal of it.

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