GT-II Assinment NO 3

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MGM’s College of Engineering and Technology Kamothe,

Navi Mumbai


Class: T.E. Shift -II (Sem.VI) Subject: GT-II

Course Code: CEC603

Assignment No. 3

Q.1 What are the different types of slope failures? Explain briefly finite and infinite slope
Q.2 Derive an expression for factor of safety of infinite slow in a dry soil when there is a
steady seepage parallel to the slope.
Q.3. Explain Swedish circle method to finding factor of safety on finite slope in pure clay.
Q.4 Explain the friction circle method for finding factor of safety of slope.
Q.5 What is a Taylor's stability number? What is its utility in the analysis of stability of

1. An embankment inclined at an angle of 35° and its height is 15 m. The angle of shearing
resistance is 15°and C=200 kN/m and γ = 18 kN / m 3, if Sn= 0.06. Find the factor of safety
with respect to cohesion
2. A cut has to be made 14m deep, inclined at an angle 45 ° to the horizontal. The possible
slip surface has a radius equal to 22m, and passing through the toe of cut slope and trough the
point 3.6m away on the top ground from the edge of cut. The C.G of failure mass is 10.3m
from the centre of failure circle. The properties of soil are C = 50 kN / m2 ɸ = 15° has γ =18
kN/m3. Find the factor of safety that would be available in slip surface. Use Swedish Circle

3. A cut has to be made 12 m deep, inclined at an angle of 35° to the horizontal. The possible
circular failure surface has a radius equal to 20.2 m, and is passing through the toe of cut
slope and through the point 4m away on the top ground from the edge of cut. The C. G. of the
failure mass is at a distance of 9.4 m from the centre of the failure circle. The properties of
soil are C = 30kN / m 2 ɸ = 150 and y = 20 kN / m 3 Find the factor of safety that would be
available on failure surface by friction circle method

4. Calculate the factor of safety with respect to the cohesion of a clay slope laid at 1 in 2 to a
height of 10 m, if the angle of internal friction Φ = 10º, c= 25 KN/m3, and γ = 19 KN/m2.
What will be the critical height of the slope in this soil?

5. Find the factor of safety of a slope of infinite extent and made with clay having C = 30
kN/m2, Φ = 20º, e = 0.65, and G = 2.7 under the following conditions:1. when the slope is
dry 2. when the water seeps parallel to the surface of the slope.3. when the slope is

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