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2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)

July 3-6, 2017. Valletta, Malta

Collaborative mapping and navigation for a mobile robot swarm

Ioannis Arvanitakis and Anthony Tzes

Abstract— The collaborative navigation of a team of ground Utilizing a team of mobile robots instead of a single
mobile robots in an unknown planar environment towards fixed robot, can greatly reduce the completion time of the task-at-
stationary targets is the subject of this paper. Each mobile robot hand [17]. In many cases in multi robot exploration schemes,
is equipped with a limited field of view limited-range finder and
a magnetometer to infer its orientation. Each target location is each member of the swarm is assigned with a specific
known, and a switching objective function initially guarantees area of responsibility via Voronoi - most commonly used
the individual robots exploration towards its target area and - tessellation of the environment [18, 19]. In other cases a
afterwards safely guides each robot towards its target. During centralized approach is used for the selection and assignment
the collective exploration, the robots exchange their maps in of frontiers to each robot, with the help of an appropriate cost
a collaborative manner. If a robot detects the target that is
assigned to another robot, it communicates this information to function [20, 21].
the corresponding robot and continues to explore its target. The subject of this article is the navigation of a mobile
The other robot rather than performing exploration towards robot swarm in an unknown environment to known target
its already discovered target, it attempts to join its map with locations that need to be discovered. This problem mimics
that of the reporting robot. Simulation results that prove the the foraging problem [22], as an extension of the previous
efficiency of the proposed scheme are presented.
work by the authors in [23]. A team of mobile robots is
I. I NTRODUCTION employed, with each robot equipped with a range sensor
Autonomous navigation of mobile robots gathers signifi- of limited field of view and range. The robots exchange
cant attention from researchers over the years due to ongoing information of the explored space creating a collective map.
technological advances [1]. Area coverage [2–4] and explo- The primary contribution lays within the use of a switching
ration, surveillance, search and rescue missions, are some of objective function, where its optimization aims initially the
the tasks-at-hand, where the robots should move efficiently exploration of the target positions from an equal number of
in the environment, avoiding obstacles during motion and robots from the swarm. Each member is initially assigned
keeping under consideration physical constraints. with a specific target. The selection of the frontier for
Motion planning for known environments has been exten- exploration for each robot is done independently through the
sively researched over the past few decades [5], producing minimization of a cost function. If a robot has discovered
solutions such as the Artificial Potential Fields [6], the its corresponding target position then the control law for the
vector field histogram [7], probabilistic roadmaps [8] and specific robot switches to a distance based objective function
Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) [9]. In uncertain to reach it.
or unknown environments [10, 11], where information about The paper is structured as follows: In Section II mathemat-
the environment is taken through on-board sensors, methods ical preliminaries and problem statement is given, followed
such as the Dynamic Window Approach [12] have been by Section III where the control law is calculated, the per-
utilised. These methods, that rely upon local real-time ob- formance and weighting functions are found and the frontier
stacle avoidance, while effective, prove to be inefficient [13] selection cost function is given. In Section IV simulation
in the aforementioned environments. studies that prove the efficiency of the proposed law are
In most cases, sensory information about the environment presented, while in Section refs5 conclusions are drawn.
is utilized for an on-line map building process; the problem II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
of navigating towards the unknown target area contains the
A. Mathematical Preliminaries
sub-problem of exploration. One of the first methods is the
frontier based exploration, where a frontier is defined as Consider a path-connected topological space A ⊂ Rn . The
the boundary between explored and unexplored space. The boundary of A is denoted as ∂A, while {Bi }, i = 1, ..., N
robot then attempts to move towards the closest frontier to denotes a collection of subsets. Spaces A, B are considered
its position [14]. The frontier concept has been widely used disjoint if A ∩ B = ∅.
to research new exploration methods [15, 16]. The Minkowski sum of two spaces A, B can be defined
as the space given by A ⊕ B = {a + b|a ∈ A, b ∈ B}.
Ioannis Arvanitakis is with the Department of Electrical & Computer Given the collection of all paths {γk } that connect two
Engineering, University of Patras, Rio 26500, Greece.
Anthony Tzes is with the New York University Abu Dhabi, Electrical and arbitrary points p1 , p2 ∈ A, the length of the shortest path
Computer Engineering, P.O.Box 129188, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. defines the geodesic metric dg (p1 , p2 ) and the resulting path
This work has received partial funding from the European Union Horizon is called the geodesic path.
2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No.
644128, AEROWORKS. Definition 1: Consider two subspaces B, C ⊆ A. The
Corresponding author’s e-mail: geodesic set distance is defined as the minimum geodesic

978-1-5090-4533-4/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 696

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distance of all points q1 ∈ B from all points q2 ∈ C , i.e.  
Hg (C, B) = min min dg (q2 , q1 ) . A= Si (t)
q2 ∈C q1 ∈B i∈IN t

Definition 2: Consider a point r ∈ A. The visibility Each robot is governed by the following kinodynamics
subspace of A from r is defined as a subset Av (r; R),
containing all points q, so that the geodesic path connecting    
ṙi ui
r and q is a straight line and has length less or equal to = (2)
R > 0, i.e. θ̇i ωi

Av (r; R) = {q ∈ A; dg (r, q) = r − q ≤ R, ∧ where ui ∈ R2 , ωi ∈ R.

r + λ(q − r) ∈ A ∀ λ ∈ [0, 1]} . (1) The objective is for each robot to:
1) maximize the following function

H(xi ; pit ) = f (p)φ(p)dp , if pit ∈
/ Ar i (3)

during exploration phase, and

2) maximize the function,
H(xi ; pit ) = , if pit ∈ Ari , (4)
dg (pit , ri )
during navigation to the goal position.
Functions f (p) : Si → R+ and φ(p) : Si → R+ are the
performance and weighting functions respectively [23].
Fig. 1: Visibility subspace from an arbitrary position
Consider a non path connected topological space W that A. Control Law Derivation
consists of a collection of disjoint subspaces, and a point
r ∈ W. Then let W r ⊂ W be the disjoint subspace such as Theorem 1: Consider a robot with a sensing pattern of a
r ∈ Wr. circular sector with field of view angle ψi and range Ri ,
In×m and On×m denote the n×m identity and zero matrix governed by kinodynamics (2). If pit ∈
/ Ari , the control law
respectively. Let IN denote the set of all natural numbers up that maximizes the objective function (3) is given by
to N , i.e. IN = {1, 2, . . . , N } while L[∂Ak ] denotes the   k

length of the boundary segment ∂Ak . u ∂p T
= f (p)φ(p) |p∈∂Sj,i
c ndp +
ω ∂xi
j=1 ∂S c
B. Problem Statement j,i

Let a path connected space, Ω ⊂ R be the unknown area m 1

∂p T
of interest. Let a swarm consisting of N mobile robots, where fij1 (υ)φ1ij (υ) |  υndυ +
∂ x̃ p∈∂Sj,i
xi = [ri , θi ]T , i ∈ IN be i-th robot’s state vector, where ri ∈ j=1 0
Ω and θi ∈ R be the position and orientation respectively. 2 1

∂p T
For each robot, a goal position pit ∈ Ω is assigned. The fij2 (υ)φ2ij (υ) |p∈∂Sj,i
v υndυ . (5)
robots are equipped with a range sensor of circular sector j=1 0
∂ x̃
pattern Cs (ri ; θi , ψi ), with a sensing limit Ri and a field of
view angle ψi , centered around its current heading, defined where fij1 = f (aij +υ(bij −aij )), φ1ij = φ(aij +υ(bij −aij )),
as j ∈ Im , i ∈ IN , fij2 = f (ri +υ(cij −ri )), φ2ij = φ(ri +υ(cij −
ri )), j ∈ I2 , i ∈ IN and
 − tan−1 (θi + ψ2i ) 1 0  
Cs (ri ; θi , ψi ) = ri + p≤ . ∂p 1 0 −Ri sin(ϕij + θi )
tan−1 (θi − ψ2i ) −1 0 |p∈∂Sj,i
c = , (6)
∂xi 0 1 Ri cos(ϕij + θi )
At any time instance, a sector visibility subspace ∂p  
b −a 
|  = − riji −aijij υI2×2 O2×1 , (7)
∂xi p∈∂Sj,i
Si (t) = Ω v (ri ; Ri ) ∩ Cs (ri ; θi , ψi )  
∂p 0 0 −υri − cj,i  sin(ϕij + θi )
v = .(8)
created by the range sensor of each robot is defined which ∂xi 0 0 υri − cj,i  cos(ϕij + θi )
describes the instantaneous sensed area of the robot at time
instant t. The robots are able to share their instantaneous
sensed area Si (t), creating the cumulative sensed area of the The full proof of the theorem is ommited and instead a
swarm A, which is defined as brief outline of the proof is given in the following section.


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By differentiating (3) with respect to xi = [ri , θi ]T and the navigation function is defined over a subspace of Ari ,
using the Leibniz integral rule [24] we obtain ArRi defined as

∂H ∂p T ArRi = Ari  R (12)
= fφ ndp , (9)
∂xi ∂xi R = {q ∈ R2 : q ≤ ρ} ,

where n is the outward unit normal vector to ∂Si . where ρ > 0 is a safety distance.
Boundary ∂Si can be decomposed into four individual B. Frontier Cost, Performance and Weighting Functions
disjoint collections of segments: a) a collection of l-segments Selection
that belong to visible area boundaries {∂Sl,i } ⊆ Ω , b) a
c With the calculation of the control law, functions f (p)
collection of k-circular arcs {∂Sk,i } created by the limited
 and φ(p) can be defined. The overall scheme is based on a
visibility range, c) a collection of m-line segments {∂Sm,i }
frontier based exploration process and for this reason initially
created by visibility constraints denoted as {aim , bim }, and
v the frontier cost function must be introduced.
d) two line segments {∂S2,i } created by the limited field of
Boundary ∂A is decomposed into the: a)part of the sensed
view of the sensor, denoted as {rI , ci2 }.
area boundaries, {∂Aol } ⊆ ∂Ω , and b) free boundaries
From the above, ∂Si can be written as
{∂Afk } that contain segments created by visibility constraints

o c  v
or field of view limits.
∂Si = ∂Sj,i + ∂Sj,i + ∂Sj,i + ∂Sj,i . (10) In the case of a single robot, the frontier selection scheme
j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1
would involve: a) the proximity of the frontier to the target, b)
Equation (9) is thus transformed to the proximity of the robot to the frontier, and c) the accessi-
  bility to new unexplored areas. In the collaborative mapping
∂p T  k
∂p T
= fφ ndp + fφ ndp + case however, it should be noted that during exploration,
∂xi j=1
∂xi j=1
∂xi the i-th robot’s target may be discovered at some point by
∂Sj,i c

m   another robot, and thus for the target will that pit ∈ A \ Ari .
 ∂p T 2
∂p T
fφ ndp + fφ ndp . (11) For this reason, two distinct cases are considered, and for
∂xi j=1
∂xi each case an appropriate frontier selection cost function is
constructed for frontier exploration selection.
Finally, calculating for each term of (11) the Jacobian The complimentary unexplored space W is defined as
matrix ∂p/∂xi = [∂p/∂ri ∂p/∂θi ], by considering that ⎛ ⎞
we are dealing with a static environment and calculating the 2  
W = R \A ⎝ ∂Afj ⎠ ,
relative movement of an arbitrary point in the remaining free
boundaries with respect to robot position and orientation,
results in that consists of a collection of simply connected disjoint
k subspaces.
u ∂p T Initially, the case where pit ∈ W is considered. In this case
= f (p)φ(p) |p∈∂Sj,i
c ndp +
ω ∂xi the frontier search is limited to the frontiers that are bound-
j=1 c
∂Sj,i i
aries of the disjoint subspace W pt . After the selection of

W , and limiting the search to that of {∂Arki ,f } ⊆ {∂Afk }
∂p T
fij1 (υ)φ1ij (υ) |  υndυ +
that belong both in Ari and W pt , the geodesic Hausdorff
∂xi p∈∂Sj,i r ,f
j=1 0 distance Hg (pit , ∂Aki ) of a frontier from the target can be

2 1 used, which relates with the distance a robot will need to
∂p T
fij2 (υ)φ2ij (υ) |p∈∂Sj,i
v υndυ . traverse in the unknown area to reach the corresponding
j=1 0
∂xi target. Furthermore in space Ari the geodesic Hausdorff
distance of the robot from a frontier Hg (ri , ∂Akri ,f ) is
where fij1 = f (aij +υ(bij −aij )), φ1ij = φ(aij +υ(bij −aij )), calculated, which estimates the cost of moving towards a
j ∈ Im , i ∈ IN , fij2 = f (ri +υ(cij −ri )), φ2ij = φ(ri +υ(cij − frontier. Lastly, frontier length is taken into account in the
ri )), j ∈ I2 , i ∈ IN and the respective Jacobians are given cost function, which takes in this case the following form
from (6), (7) and (8).
As mentioned in subsection II-B, this control input is   −1
applied to the i-th robot until the target area is within ∂Acri ,f = arg min wi1 L ∂Ajri ,f +
Ari , at which point the navigation function switches to j

that of equation (4) and a gradient descent method can wi2 Hg (pt , ∂Ajri ,f ) + wi3 Hg (ri , ∂Akri ,f ) (13)
construct the final path. It should be noted that while a
geodesic distance based navigation function such as that of where wij ∈ [0, 1], j = 1, 2, 3 are weights assigned to each
equation (4) effectively guides a robot in non-convex, path part of the cost function.
connected spaces, it could potentially lead the robot into In the case where pit ∈ A \ Ari , the robot will instead
collision with the area boundaries ∂Ω [13]. To avoid this, try and expand Ari in order to connect with Apt . For this


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pi ,f i
reason, initially the frontier ∂Ac t of Apt that is closest to Two robots were utilised, with the initial positions and
the free frontiers of Ari is found by utilising the following targets depicted in Fig. 2 with green dot and cross for the
equation first robot, and maroon dot and cross for the second robot
respectively. The first robot has a range sensor of R = 1.8m
pi ,f
∂Afp = arg min Hg (∂Aj t , ∂Akri ,f ) , and ψ = 0.87rad, while the second has a range sensor of
j R = 1.6m and ψ = 1.4rad. At each time instant, each
robot moves according to control law (5) with a maximum
and term Hg (pit , ∂Akri ,f ) in equation (13) is substituted by
pi ,f
translational velocity of ν = 0.2m/sec and angular velocity
term Hg (∂Ac t , ∂Akri ,f ), and the respective cost function of ω = 0.2rad/sec. The weights of equations (13)-(14) are
changes to selected as w11 = 1, w12 = 0.8 and w13 = 0.4 for the first
  −1 and w21 = 0.8, w22 = 0.9 and w33 = 0.1 for the second
∂Arci ,f = arg min wi1 L ∂Ajri ,f +
j robot respectively. Boundaries of Ai at each step are archived
using an OctoMap [25] method with a grid resolution of
pi ,f
wi2 Hg (∂Ac t , ∂Arj i ,f ) + wi3 Hg (ri , ∂Arj i ,f ) (14)
Equations (13)-(14) comprise the switching frontier selection In Fig. 3, the evolution of the navigation towards the target
cost function. area is seen, where for illustration purposes the boundaries
Performance function f (p) implicates the exploration pro- of the area Ω, ∂Ω are visualised with dashed black lines.
cess into the objective given by (3) and weighting function The collective sensed area is depicted with ’light blue’,
φ(p) implicates the navigation towards the desired position boundaries of the area ∂Ao are depicted with black, while
as mentioned in [23]. The performance function remains with red the frontiers are depicted, and blue depicts the
unchanged from the definition given as selected frontier for each robot given from equations (13)-
(14). As may be seen in Figs. 3(a) - (b) despite the limited
1 field of view of the sensor and the orientation of the robots,
f (p) = . (15)
Hg (p, ∂Acri ,f ) + 1 they are able to move efficiently in exploring their selected
frontiers. As may be seen in Figs. 3(c),Robot 2 discovers
The weighting function φ(p) is modified to accomodate the
p1t and Robot 1 is adjusted to this event by switching to
respective switching strategy in the frontier selection as
equation (14). In Fig. 3(d) - (e) the switching to the shortest
1 path towards target takes effect as the two areas become
φ(p) = , (16)
dg (y,
i ) + 1 connected the target of Robot 1 is within its subspace,
y = arg min Hg (
i , ∂Acri ,f ) . (17) p1t ∈ Ar1 . As seen in Fig. 3(f) the resulting paths for each
r ,f robot are sufficiently far from the boundaries of the area ∂Ω
 to account for safe and fast navigation, without danger of
pit , if pit ∈ W

i = (18) collision, both during the exploration phase and during the
arg min pi
t ,f
dg (q, pit ) . geodesic based navigation function phase.

It must be noted that dg (y,

i ) refers to space W. This V. C ONCLUSIONS
selection gives greater importance in neighbourhoods of
∂Acri ,f that are closer to
i than neighbourhoods further In this paper a novel method of collaborative mapping
away from it. and navigation in unknown environments by a swarm of
mobile robots is presented. A swarm of mobile robots is
IV. S IMULATION STUDIES considered, with each robot equipped with a ranged sensor of
The efficiency of the proposed scheme is verified through limited field of view and range. A specific target is assigned
a simulation scenario. An area for navigation was created that for each robot that needs to be discovered in the unknown
is depicted in Fig. 2, in which the rectangle encapsulating area, while the sensorial information about the environment,
the convex hull of Ω is of 14 m × 12 m. collected from each robot is exchanged to create a collective
map of the explored space. By utilization of a switching
objective function that initially aims to discover each robot’s
target area, a frontier exploration method occurs. The frontier
is selected by utilising a switching cost function that takes
into consideration the possible discovery of the target area
of a robot by another member of the swarm. As soon as
the target area of a robot is inside its’ disjoint explored
subspace, the navigation function switches to a geodesic
based function that ensures navigation to the explored area.
Simulation results prove that the proposed control scheme
navigates efficiently the swarm towards the respective target
Fig. 2: Ω-sample area for navigation positions.


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(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 3: Evolution of the robot navigation towards the target location with respect to the actual area

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