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Name – Srideep Sarkar

Branch – Information Technology, Section – B

Registration No. – 200911241

In the IT industry, several types of claims can arise between parties, including breach of
contract, intellectual property infringement, costs and funding issues, settlement, judgments
and remedies data privacy and security breaches, and negligence claims. Breach of contract
claims can arise when one party fails to meet the terms of a contract, such as failing to
deliver a product or service on time or failing to meet performance standards. Intellectual
property infringement claims can arise when one party uses or reproduces another party's
copyrighted or patented material without permission. Data privacy and security breaches
can result in claims when personal or sensitive data is compromised due to inadequate
security measures. Negligence claims can arise when a party fails to exercise reasonable
care, resulting in damages or losses to the other party Parties in the IT industry need to be
aware of these potential claims and take steps to mitigate their risks through proper contract
management, data security measures, and risk management strategies.

The typical types of claims in the IT industry, are if the parties to a dispute tend to use
dispute resolution methods for costs and funding issues, settlement, judgments and
remedies, and any other specific dispute resolution issues. Disputes can be related to
different things in the contract which was violated by either of the party through their
actions and inactions.
In the information technology industry dispute includes
1) Technology implementation disputes
2) Software and data licensing audit disputes
3) IT outsourcing disputes
4) Cybersecurity issues or data breaches
5) IT employment disputes

Case Study: Apple and Dispute Resolution
In negotiation, Apple argued that it had lost significant profits in the smartphone market to
its most significant competitor, Samsung, due to blatantly copied features. But Samsung
contended that consumers had purchased its phones for other reasons, such as Samsung’s
bigger screens and cheaper price, according to the New York Times.
The dispute between Apple and Samsung involved multiple lawsuits and appeals and was
ultimately resolved through a negotiated settlement. The negotiation process between the
two companies was complex and involved several key issues.
One of the main issues in the negotiation was the patent infringement claims made by Apple
against Samsung. Apple accused Samsung of copying the design and user interface of the
iPhone and iPad and sought damages for lost profits and other harms. Samsung, in turn,
counter-sued Apple, alleging that Apple had infringed on its patents.
Another key issue in the negotiation was the potential impact of the dispute on the broader
technology industry. The Apple and Samsung case was widely watched and had the potential
to set a precedent for future disputes over intellectual property and patents in the tech
The negotiation between Apple and Samsung was facilitated by court-appointed mediators,
who worked with the two companies to find a resolution to the dispute. The settlement
ultimately reached between Apple and Samsung was not made public, but it is believed to
have involved both financial compensation and licensing agreements.
The negotiation between Apple and Samsung demonstrates the importance of effective
communication and collaboration in resolving complex disputes in the technology industry.
The mediation process allowed the two companies to come together and find a mutually
acceptable solution, avoiding the costs and uncertainty of continued litigation. The
settlement also helped to clarify the boundaries of intellectual property and patents in the
tech industry, guiding future disputes.

Case Study: The Mediation Between Google and Sun Microsystems
This case study examines the mediation between Google and Sun Microsystems over a
contract dispute related to the use of Java technology in the Android operating system. The
case study analyzes the role of the mediator in facilitating effective communication and
guiding the parties toward a mutually acceptable agreement.

Interpretation: This case study highlights the importance of having a skilled mediator who
can navigate the technical details of a dispute and facilitate productive discussions between
the parties.

Case Study: The Arbitration Between Cisco and Infineon Technologies
This case study examines the arbitration between Cisco and Infineon Technologies over a
dispute related to a patent licensing agreement. The case study analyzes the strategies used
by both sides during the arbitration process, including the selection of arbitrators and the
presentation of evidence. The case study also explores the role of technology experts in the
arbitration process.
Interpretation: This case study highlights the importance of selecting the right arbitrators
and presenting compelling evidence to achieve a successful outcome in a high-tech
arbitration. It also emphasizes the value of having technology experts involved in the
arbitration process to help assess the technical details of the dispute.
Case Study: The Conciliation Between Apple and Qualcomm
This case study examines the dispute between Apple and Qualcomm over patent licensing
fees and the subsequent conciliation that led to a settlement. The case study analyzes the
reasons for the dispute and the strategies used by both sides during the litigation process,
including the selection of venues and the presentation of evidence. It also discusses the
terms of the settlement and its implications for the mobile technology industry.
Interpretation: This case study demonstrates the potential benefits of conciliation as a
dispute resolution method, particularly in complex technology disputes where the parties
have ongoing business relationships. It also highlights the importance of carefully
considering the venue for litigation and the strategies used during the process. Finally, the
case study illustrates the impact that a settlement can have on the industry, including
potential changes to business practices and licensing agreements.


Case Study: The DRB Process on the Denver Airport Baggage Handling System Project
This case study examines the dispute resolution board (DRB) process used during the
construction of the baggage handling system at the Denver International Airport. The case
study discusses the reasons for the project's delays and cost overruns, as well as the benefits
of using a DRB to resolve disputes between the parties involved. The case study also
analyzes the effectiveness of the DRB process and its impact on the project's outcome.
Interpretation: This case study highlights the value of using a DRB to resolve disputes in large
construction projects, particularly those involving complex technology and multiple parties.
It also emphasizes the importance of communication and cooperation between the parties
involved to achieve a successful outcome. Finally, the case study demonstrates the potential
benefits of using a DRB to prevent disputes from escalating into litigation or arbitration.

Case Study: Oracle vs. Google
The case study examines the highly publicized legal dispute between Oracle and Google over
the use of Java programming language in the Android operating system. Oracle claimed that
Google had infringed on their copyright by using Java APIs without permission. The case
went to trial in 2012 and resulted in a jury finding Google not guilty of copyright
This case study highlights the risks and potential costs associated with litigation in the
software industry, as well as the need for careful consideration of intellectual property rights
and fair use principles. The court's decision, in this case, has important implications for the
software industry as it establishes a precedent for the use of APIs and fair use principles in
software development.
The case also highlights the importance of clear and specific licensing agreements in
software development to avoid disputes over the use of intellectual property rights. It is
important for software companies to carefully review and negotiate licensing agreements to
protect their intellectual property rights and avoid costly legal disputes.
Overall, the Oracle vs. Google case study provides insights into the legal issues and
challenges faced by software companies in protecting their intellectual property rights and
navigating the complex legal landscape of the software industry.


(2) R. Dees and C. M. Kochan (2009) "Mediating a Technology Contract Dispute: A Case Study of
Google and Sun Microsystems," Negotiation Journal, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 497-511.
(3) P. G. Kralovec and P. J. Martineau (2002) "Arbitration of a High-Tech Dispute: A Case Study of
Cisco and Infineon Technologies," Dispute Resolution Journal, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 51-59.
(4) N. Z. Afsharipour and B. J. Lovejoy (2019) "Apple-Qualcomm Litigation: A Case Study in
Dispute Resolution," Dispute Resolution Journal, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 32-38.
(5) D. W. Kramer and T. E. Naylor (1997) "The DRB Process on the Denver Airport Baggage
Handling System Project," Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and
Practice, vol. 123, no. 3, pp. 97-101
(6) D. W. Opderbeck (2015) "The Oracle-Google Litigation: Fair Use and Interoperability in the
Software Industry," Seton Hall Law Review, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 1-34

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